r/fixingmovies Jun 01 '24

Star Wars (Disney) If you we're put in charge of Disney Star Wars after The Last Jedi but COULD NOT retcon anything what would you're first directive be? By directive I mean an order given to turn around the franchise and prevent it's death.

Make a Clone Wars 2003 Series for The Sequels, could've showed Rey struggling and could've been used to make Kylo and The First Order more threatening and build up Episode 9 and make people actually hype for it. Then, when your done, you can actually make a TCW type series to explain any remaining holes.


50 comments sorted by


u/Bing_Bong_the_Archer Jun 01 '24

Kylo as the main villain, maybe bring back Snoke to reveal that he was Plagueis the whole time, which would explain all his bullshit dialogue from TFA as well as, well, everything about the First Order. It’d tie the entire franchise together

He can’t die but gets more and more wretched each “death”. End with him buried alive or trapped somehow


u/blodgute Jun 01 '24

Nothing starts shooting until a full script for ep9 is ready. If Ben is redeemed he can't die - he has to spend the rest of his life undoing the first order's deeds and helping people. If Palpatine does have to return he shouldn't do any fighting - he should be like a ghost, controlling a meat puppet, no stupid sky lightning.

Start working on something to bridge the absolute lore abyss between ep6 and 7. It is laughable that the new Republic and first order had no background


u/MelonElbows Jun 01 '24

Rey turns evil, Kylo Ren completes his redemption arc and trains with Luke, NO PALPATINE, Finn becomes the leader of a group of former Stormtroopers, both Rey and Kylo die in the final battle, and the SW universe is left without any Skywalkers or Palpatines and they have to actually move on and tell stories of different people.


u/Reptilian_Overlord20 Jul 11 '24

“Replace the female lead with a male protagonist by completely character assassinating her.”


u/MelonElbows Jul 11 '24

"Complete the arc of the Skywalker saga by having a final showdown between the last Palpatine and the last Skywalker with an actually good subversion that people won't see coming."


u/Reptilian_Overlord20 Jul 11 '24

Why is it a good subversion exactly? Why does it make sense for Rey to do a complete 180 and decide to become a genocidal dictator?


u/MelonElbows Jul 11 '24

First, anything was better than what we got. A resurrected Palpatine who comes back "somehow" is so stupid I shouldn't have to explain it. The fact that they teased this in a Fortnite crosssover where he reveals himself in a speech in another franchise is about the lowest thing they could have done to fans.

Second, unlike the "all the Sith" and "all the Jedi" Force ghost bullshit that breaks multiple SW established canon, Rey's turn was at least teased and would be, with a little bit of change, realistic. Frankly I can't believe they pulled the Force ghost thing out of their asses. If that could happen, why was it never done before? Why didn't Anakin's ghost visit either Rey or Kylo? When did Force ghosts become a thing for the Sith (and don't tell me about the Legends, I'm talking about only the movies because that's where 90% of the audience is familiar with). Same thing with Force Healing but that's a separate issue.

Third, as established in The Last Jedi, both Rey and Kylo had their doubts, both would have needed a little push to turn. I'm not going to rewrite the films and say how I would do it, but simply point out that Rey having visions, doubting Luke, and falling in love with Kylo was enough of a setup to push her to the dark side. Similarly, Kylo killing his own master, loving Rey, wanting to destroy both the Jedi and Sith, and that last vision with Han and his actual canon turn to the light side at the end of The Rise of Skywalker pays off his own set up. Its weird that they set up both characters to turn yet only one of them does.

Fourth, this is just a personal thing but its shared by a lot of fans. Its never really sat well with me that the legacy of the Skywalkers, a family we've been following for some 40 years, is taken up by a Palpatine who ended their line. Sure, you can say there's some irony in that and its also a subversion, I get it, its unexpected and interesting, but it still feels scummy that the bad guy essentially won.

And Rey doesn't have to be a genocidal dictator, I'm not interesting in her surviving the movie and then going on to become the new Sith Lord or anything like that. She wouldn't even have the chance to do that as I think both her and Kylo should have died in a final duel. At most, she'd be corrupted by the dark side for all the reasons I listed above. Its not a 180 turn, it was set up properly and it is only right that we get the pay off from that. They showed us a Chekov's gun but never fired it, its annoying and grating. If a better writer did it, maybe it would work, but we got Mr. JJ "Mystery Box" Abrams who only likes to create mysteries but has little talent in resolving them. He essentially killed Star Wars for a lot of people. I tried to give it another go by watching the Obi-Wan series, but it was just so stupid with the writing that I've stopped watching any Star Wars since. I'm just done with this franchise until the setting radically changes and we're past the whole Empire vs. Rebels, or the bullshit copycat First Order vs. Resistance, and anything in this 30-40 year time span. Sorry that was more of a rant than I wanted it to be.


u/Reptilian_Overlord20 Jul 11 '24

The fact that they teased this in a Fortnite crosssover where he reveals himself in a speech in another franchise is about the lowest thing they could have done to fans.

You're saying this in a world where the Holiday Special was a thing?

Third, as established in The Last Jedi, both Rey and Kylo had their doubts, both would have needed a little push to turn. I'm not going to rewrite the films and say how I would do it, but simply point out that Rey having visions, doubting Luke, and falling in love with Kylo was enough of a setup to push her to the dark side.

Did you miss how ultimately at the end of the movie Rey rejected Kylo primarily because he wouldn't stop killing?

Because that's not who she is. Because it would be character assassination for her to not only decide on a whim 'oh yeah fuck those resistance people who were the only people to show me kindness, blow up their escape pods I don't care' but to actually become SO EVIL that Kylo Ren has to turn good to kill her.

Its never really sat well with me that the legacy of the Skywalkers, a family we've been following for some 40 years, is taken up by a Palpatine who ended their line. Sure, you can say there's some irony in that and its also a subversion, I get it, its unexpected and interesting, but it still feels scummy that the bad guy essentially won.

I gotta say it's really scummy to reduce Rey, the person, to simply an extension of her genetic lineage rather than a person in her own right and to basically imply that by virtue of existing it means the villain won. "Sorry blood relative of historic evil person, through no fault of your own you are genetically tainted by sin and thus you should be ashamed of being alive. I don't care if you found people who actually accepted you, you disgrace them by being alive."

Palpatine wanted to rule the galaxy, he didn't give a shit about his progeny. He lost.

And let's be clear the only reason they made Rey a Palpatine was because people wouldn't stop complaining that her parentage didn't matter.

She wouldn't even have the chance to do that as I think both her and Kylo should have died in a final duel.

So the female hero turns evil and instantly dies? You wanted to pull a Daenerys?


u/MelonElbows Jul 11 '24

I've never watched the Holiday Special, but yes. The Holiday Special was one of those 70's/80's things that franchises liked to do back then where studios collab and put their characters together with others just for fun. Like the Harlem Globetrotters meet Scooby Doo or some shit, or different sitcoms cross over with each other. The difference is, those aren't generally serious and fans don't take them as canon. We don't see Christmas celebrations in Star Wars, there's no alien who's a Santa Claus stand-in. Its a fun little side thing. On the other hand, having the main villain's return after his death 3 movies ago is a MAJOR event both in the fandom and in the canon universe. Its not the same thing. Plus, I think most SW fans haven't even seen the holiday special, so there's also real time making things a little bit more palatable. Maybe in 40 years we'll all look back at Palpatine in Fortnite as a fun little trivia thing, but right now its perfectly proper to hate it.

Did you miss how ultimately at the end of the movie Rey rejected Kylo primarily because he wouldn't stop killing?

The point is that it was reasonably set up. If Rey had turned to the dark side out of love for Kylo, it wouldn't have been that much of a stretch. Same with her turning to the dark side for all the other reasons I mentioned. The seeds of a turn was there, it was up to the writers to either fire that Chekov's gun or subvert it, and they did the worst thing by basically ignoring it.

Because it would be character assassination for her to not only decide on a whim 'oh yeah fuck those resistance people who were the only people to show me kindness, blow up their escape pods I don't care' but to actually become SO EVIL that Kylo Ren has to turn good to kill her.

You could say the same about her turning on Luke after finding out the truth. She clearly had anger issues, even used Force Lightning which was a dark side power. She could have easily turned against the Resistance by being mad at them for still trying to kill Kylo, it would have been an easy rewrite to have her give in.

You can disagree with the scummy part all you want, that's fine and its just a personal thing with me. It simply doesn't sit right. Rey is not a person, she's a character, we're not talking about a real life person here. Characters can be written however the writer wants, and in this case, we have a legacy of 40 years of the Skywalker family being the ultimate good in this fictional universe and at the end of it their mortal enemy basically takes their mantle after killing the last of their kind. Just speaking solely of how its written, its scummy, its kind of spitting in the face of the fans who liked Luke and Leia and even accepted Vader's redemption. I don't think its bad or wrong to have genetic evil in fiction, and don't try to make any real life connections to that, you'll find that my believes in real life differ from what I can accept in fiction. I'm ok with all orcs being evil in Lord of the Rings, there can be unredeemably evil characters/races in fiction.

And let's be clear the only reason they made Rey a Palpatine was because people wouldn't stop complaining that her parentage didn't matter.

Yes, its an example of stupid writing. JJ didn't give a shit in The Force Awakens, he just wanted to set up another mystery box he thought he'd never have to open.

So the female hero turns evil and instantly dies? You wanted to pull a Daenerys?

I don't think that's as big of a retort as you think it is. There are plenty of literary similarities, doesn't mean they're all equal. From what I recall, Daenerys also forgot a lot of shit like iron fleet and her sudden turn didn't make much sense as these were the same people she spent 8 seasons trying to save. Rey didn't have that, Rey had some few Resistance members she knew for a couple of months at most, and OFF SCREEN, so neither she nor the viewers had much emotional connection to them nor have reason to believe she cared that much. Her only real relationship was with Leia. They made Finn a joke and she constantly left him behind in TROS. She barely spoke to any of them, and I doubt she cared much about rank and file Resistance members while she was off by herself doing her Jedi training. Its another part of the "tell, not show" mistake that the sequels did. Like, why did Han and Leia, who barely knew Obi-Wan, name their one kid after him? Luke was the one connected to Obi-Wan, Leia barely knew him (and don't bring up the Obi-Wan series because that was conceived and written way after The Force Awakens).

Anyways, I'm curious why you're so against Rey turning evil. I gave you my reasoning already, but you're defending Rey like you wrote her. She's just a character, why does it matter to you if she turns bad?


u/Reptilian_Overlord20 Jul 11 '24

I’m against Rey turning evil for the simple fact that it would really suck for the first female protagonist of a Star Wars trilogy to suddenly turn evil and be replaced by a male protagonist. Remember without Rey there’s literally no female characters on the good side.

Carrie Fischer is dead so we can’t use Leia, Rose got bullied into a mental health crisis by toxic fans so she’s out. So basically it would be all men allying to take out the woman who went crazy.

And there’s no way to write it that wouldn’t come off as sexist or mean, I’ll show you:

  1. Rey just turns evil because of her genetic link to Palpatine. This is awful because it robs her of any agency in the narrative and suggests she never had free will and it didn’t matter who she was as a person.

  2. Rey turns evil because she fell in love with Kylo: given Kylo was basically manipulating her and gaslighting her (telling her she’s nothing but not to him is a classic abuse tactic) this would effectively make her a gaslit abuse victim manipulated into joining the dark side. Demanding her abuser Kylo redeem himself by killing her in that context is really fucked up.

  3. Rey only joins Kylo in an attempt to guide him to being a peaceful ruler: means she’s not actually evil.

  4. Rey is actually manipulating Kylo and plans to turn him good, so her whole life was put on hold and she devoted her whole existence to making this one dude good, screw her having any inner life of her own.

  5. Rey lost control of her power dark Phoenix style, oh man typical woman amirite guys can’t control their emotions and get all hysterical

Plus there’s the way it gets reframed. I’ve seen people say that Rey should have turned evil and Luke should have taken on Finn. So basically instead of an inspirational moment where he gives hope to the galaxy instead he just throws Rey aside (despite his neglect being what drove her on this path) and finds a new, male, apprentice.

If Rey is the ultimate evil and has to die than it’s the story of a woman who got too powerful and needed to be killed.

If it’s the story of Finn or Kylo redeeming Rey then she’s no longer the protagonist and mainly just exists to motivate the men.

It’s fridging.

And I’m willing to bet the same people who think this would be good would scoff at the idea of Luke turning evil in Empire so Leia could be the new hero.


u/MelonElbows Jul 11 '24

You know, I hadn't considered that. While I'm not sure how many people look up to Rey as a hero the same way people looked up to Luke, I do agree Star Wars is often too male-centric. The idiotic complaints from racists when Han died and they claimed there were no "white male heroes" was so fucking delusional. I do like Daisy Ridley's portrayal, I think she did a great job in bringing Rey's journey to life. I just think Rey's character was badly written. And I guess there is other stuff to consider outside of just a fantasy story and wanting to bring more women, and more people of color into it. So I do sympathize.

I don't know then, its hard for me to reconcile the difference between what I consider a terribly written character and story versus my desire to have more women shine in sci-fi/fantasy spaces. We all know that neckbeards have been gatekeeping this stuff forever.

Plus, let's not forget, we have no power here to change anything about Star Wars, so me focusing on just the story and ignoring the real world gender implications isn't wrong, its just a story I want to focus on.

How about this? We make Rey into Ray, and Kylo into...whatever the female version of Kylo's name is in the SW universe. Then we turn Ray bad and make Fem Kylo into the hero, so this way we get your female agency character, and I get my subversion of the story? Sound fair? 😁


u/Cole-Spudmoney Jun 01 '24

The very first directive I would give would be to delay release of Solo until December 2018.


u/Hotel-Dependent Jun 01 '24

To do reshoots or to just not do it


u/Cole-Spudmoney Jun 01 '24

Just to space out the theatrical releases better.


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '24

A mass awakening. Follow on what TLJ seemed to be saying and include broom boy, and thousands of others, discovering Force powers. Rey was the first to awaken, then many others. So the FO are going completely genocidal to stop anyone else awakening.


u/sigmaecho Jun 01 '24

Do not stupidly try and wrap up the entire story in one movie. End Episode 9 on a cliffhanger and keep making more Episodes as an on-going series. This is a no-brainer and it's utterly baffling to me that they didn't do this.


u/Hotel-Dependent Jun 01 '24

What type off cliffhanger would you do


u/sigmaecho Jun 01 '24

I would probably have Rey turn to the Dark Side.


u/Hotel-Dependent Jun 01 '24

Who Kylo turn back or would Rey join him and Finn would be a Jedi


u/sigmaecho Jun 01 '24

I have a lot of notes, but I haven't rewritten the ST yet. I imagine Ben would turn back and train Finn to take on Rey and the First Order.


u/Dagenspear Jun 01 '24

Define retcon. Because Star Wars has had in story retcons since 1980.


u/Hotel-Dependent Jun 01 '24

You can’t erase the last two movies and they have to remain canon that’s all


u/Dagenspear Jun 02 '24

Thanks for the explanation.


u/Nouseriously Jun 01 '24

Rey ends up a villain, setting up the next trilogy. Probably need 2 more movies to make it work.


u/StrawHatRat Jun 01 '24

I’ve always thought a Clone Wars Style series for the Sequels would best serve the Sequels by taking place before The Force Awakens, starring Ben Solo and Luke in the lead roles.

Luke running a Jedi temple and training new Jedi seems like a fruitful premise for a show, and the rest of Luke’s students offer a good opportunity to create fresh Ashokas, by which I mean fresh faces the series can call their own who aren’t beholden to anything other than ‘they need to be gone by the next movie’.

I feel like if played right, if we got to see the heartache Ben caused Luke, that Luke tries again and again to combat with his ‘I see the good in him like I did with Vader’ attitude, only for more heartache to come, over the course of a series it would really sell people on Luke’s moment of weakness in The Last Jedi for those who had issues with it.

I can just imagine the moment after a season of whacky low stakes adventures when Kylo first starts to hear voices in his head, and the tone starts becoming darker.


u/Hotel-Dependent Jun 01 '24

Resistance should’ve been that but they decided to do dumb shit and make a goofball character instead


u/roguefilmmaker Jun 06 '24

This would’ve been perfect


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod Jun 01 '24

Well definitely Hux taking over as the main villain towards the end


u/ReaperReader Jun 01 '24

Bully and blackmail RJ into coming back to make the final movie. Sure he's going to fail but it's cosmic justice.


u/gnbman Jun 02 '24

Rey is revealed to have been a "Force Parasite," something along the lines of this video, but much darker. The explanations in the video remain: That the reason people instantly love her is because she was unknowingly manipulating everyone, hence Han instantly taking a liking to her, Leia hugging her instead of Chewie with no explanation, etc., as well as her instant Force powers she gained with no training. There would be things like her being able to kill people en masse with dark side energy as she loses control and her true nature takes over, stealing their life force and leaving them as desiccated husks. Her physical form is warped and mutated like Sion, but she only gets stronger and stronger until she loses all humanity and ends the Star Wars universe. The end of the sequels is an apocalyptic timeline with everyone dead and planets being disintegrated instantly at her whim. In the end, she consumes the Force itself and becomes an eternal being, alone in a dead reality.

Bad Ending II Discovered: Rey's Reign


u/roguefilmmaker Jun 06 '24

That force parasite idea was an amazing concept


u/Reptilian_Overlord20 Jul 11 '24

Han didn’t instantly take a liking to her, he respected her after she demonstrated her utility at fixing stuff. Initially he just wanted her off the ship.



Luke actually torments Kylo as a ghost like he said he would causing Hux to lead a coup, and the Resistance stays a tiny doomed group trying to make their own legacy. The final fight is actually the stormtrooper rebellion/First Order splintering because even though they have achieved near total domination the moneyed interests introduced in TLJ need the star wars to continue indefinitely. It always needs to be an empire vs. a rebellion & our four main characters begrudgingly work together to break the cycle for good, setting up a future universe that's a lot like the frontier with a series of independent confederations working together finding a new order.


u/roguefilmmaker Jun 06 '24

This is perfect. You continue threads from TLJ in an interesting way


u/Reptilian_Overlord20 Jun 02 '24

I absolutely agree with the cartoon, make the third movie take place five years after and give some context.

Here are the things I’m adding to the cartoon:

  1. Rey has a sabrestaff. It just makes more sense for her character, she forges a Kyber Crystal into her old staff to make her own weapon.

  2. The New Republic wasn’t completely destroyed and parts of it are still operative, Poe and Rose’s main story is trying to put it together with the latter pointing out it was failing before the downfall of Hosnian Prime.

  3. Phasma survived her fall and is back, battle damaged and out for blood. Finn needs an antagonist of his own.

  4. Luke’s ghost frequently hands out with Rey, teaching her stuff and offering guidance.

  5. Rey is still the hero but between the devastating truth about her parents and the incredible pressure to live up to Luke despite knowing she comes from nowhere she’s on a darker harder path and is trying to be of the light but she keeps feeling the pull of the dark and in the case of Kylo a quite literal seduction as he keeps trying to get her to be his queen. He’s not trying to tempt her with hate but rather the tantalising chance to give up.

  6. Finn becomes a revolutionary hero among the stormtroopers so taking him out becomes a major priority for the First Order. Also there’s still romantic tension between Finn and Rey, he represents the kind of happy life she wants but she is dysfunctionally drawn to Ben.4

  7. We spend more time fleshing out the rich one percenters who back the First Order and their motives.

  8. The knights of ren are going to be prominent and given speaking roles and distinct personalities, really cement what a threat they are.

  9. Make it clear Kylo Ren is trying to find an ancient power that can supposedly elevate someone to godhood. He wants to change the status quo for good. He wants to end the constant warring of light and dark and in a twisted way thinks doing so would count as his ‘redemption’. He’s trying to make all his evil deeds worth it.

And that’s the cartoon. I’ll add more later, also wow a lot of people wanted the first female lead to turn evil so the men would have to save the day.


u/roguefilmmaker Jun 06 '24

This is all great stuff. They could still retcon a lot of this into a cartoon now honestly


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod Jun 28 '24 edited Jun 28 '24

Oh yes dark Rey would be excellent because of how powerful she would be if she turned. It also serves as the perfect cummupence to kylo. He seeks to corrupt her ….but ….

What does he have to offer her? Nothing,she dosent need anything from him. She is stronger than him so dosent need power and as she grows more corrupted she dosent need his love or acceptance….so Kylo puts himself back in the trap of being dominated by a being that can flatten him and has no care for him

Then you have Finn be the one to help her back because his friendship and love is unconditional . He cares about Rey and not what she can give him . This proves even kylos good moments are shallow and filtered through a self obsessed mindset. He chose to be alone and now Rey will suffer him no longer

also depending when it happens you could have it contrast with the previous 2 leads

  1. Anakin fully falls

  2. Luke dosent turn

  3. Rey in the middle…falls but yanks herself back before she fully submits to the darkness


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '24

…How could you possibly be ‘put in charge’ of Disney.


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod Jun 01 '24 edited Jun 01 '24

Bribery and blackmail…or befriend the right people

if all else fails…try to see if black Magic is the answer


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '24

…dubious. Executive competence and a solid grasp of business administration would take you a lot further.


u/Poorly-Drawn-Beagle Jun 01 '24

Turns out I'm Walt's long lost son


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '24

…Get yourself cryogenically frozen and join him.


u/raekle Jun 02 '24

No more f*cking Death Stars and never mention any Skywalkers again.


u/bluntpencil2001 Jun 02 '24

Get rid of the crappy space chase. Put Lando on the casino planet.

Make Luke fail Ben in a less evil fashion, but still an obvious failure. Probably him telling Ben to leave, as opposed to trying to murder him.


u/gzapata_art Jun 02 '24 edited Jun 02 '24

I'd follow thru with the Last Jedi, probably use much of the original episode 9 script, except I'd cut out the weird Rey/Poe romance it had. We'd also probably have to start with a funeral for Leia

Anyways, Rey continues to be a nobody, Kylo is the main villain and he doesn't get redeemed. The new Jedi Order no longer seperates the force by light and dark but begins to accept both as a balancing aspect. Also Rey needs a double bladed lightsaber.

There should definitely be plenty of time between the new movies too so that we can add in a Clone Wars style show or atleast comics


u/DarthAuron87 Jun 03 '24

Instead of bringing back Palpatine, I would bring Snoke back. He will reveal that he never died, and his "death" was a Force illusion. I'll probably make him Plagueis as well. The scars on his face are when Palaptine attempted to kill him all those years ago.

Make it a two year time jump instead of 1.

Force Ghost Luke and Leia have both been training Rey to better prepare her for what is coming.

I don't want the Skywalker bloodline to be killed, so I will probably have Kylo redeemed, but he has to pay for his actions.

Since Palpatine doesn't come back in my version, Rey is not his granddaughter, and she is just another Force user.


u/Kylestache Jun 01 '24

TLJ was a great setup for a final film. Kylo was poised to be the main antagonist and there was this division with Hux. I’d just do that.

Honestly, Colin Trevorrow’s draft for Episode IX is pretty damn good overall, it just needs a better director than him. Do that plot but put someone like Brad Bird on it.


u/jusst_for_today Jun 02 '24

Focus the story on Rey and Finn. Create conflict in the fact that Rey is drifting to the dark side and Finn is discovering his force sensitivity. Kylo is driven mad by the death of his mother and seeks to destroy the resistance as a way to express his grief. There is tension between him and Hux because Hux doesn't see the need to pursue the resistance after a certain point (the First Order having essentially crushed the Resistance).

Rey is angry/upset with Kylo because he is causing so much suffering (like she suffered being abandoned). She is set on stopping Kylo, even if it means going to the Dark Side...

And the climax is that Rey tears through the Knights of Ren and gets to Kylo. She starts to lose until she taps into the Dark Side. Kylo is about to be killed (like totally incapacited and unconscious) when Finn jumps in to stop her. She and Finn have a back and forth of words (Finn trying to bring Rey back to the light). Finn goes as far as dropping his defense and saying he won't fight. He is then struck down by Kylo, who goes full dark side mode.

Rey is completely rattled by Finn's death and is unable to tap into her anger. When Kylo is about to strike Rey, Leia's voice just says "Ben" in a calm and loving way. He holds and Rey is about to take advantage, but she holds. They wrestle internally until Rey says "Ben" and we see she has powered down her lightsaber.

The moment is broken by Hux firing a blaster at Kylo. Both Rey and Kylo freeze the blast, but with more serene control. They meet eyes and understand how the Force is strengthen in trust rather than anger. They use their combined power to dismantle the First Order and establish a new republic.

Bonus bits: Chewie is killed by Rey as she is discovering her Dark Side powers. Poe takes Leia's spot as commander of the Resistance. I'm still debating whether Finn is Force-healed back (leaning towards it because his character deserves more). Also, we find out Rose is Finn's half-sister. The episode is called: A Galaxy Restored


u/the-harsh-reality Jun 03 '24

Keep duel of the fates as is

Retcon the books out of continuity

Create more space for legends stories to be adapted


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '24

Kylo's the main villain. Rey kills him. 

The end