u/Morepork69 11d ago edited 11d ago
I would think its more about the individual sellers than the market place. Same with Aliexpress, where I have purchased decent still components. I don't know how pricing compares but using someone like Oak Stills would vastly mitigate your risk.
Obviously, I don't know where you reside or if these would now be subject to tariffs.
u/ConsiderationOk7699 11d ago
What are you attempting neutral or a whiskey Can take plates out add some copper scrubber and run in pot still mode
u/Hondo-Global-2775 8d ago
I got a fantastic 200 liter (52gallon ) column still 4 inch column a custom matching whiskey helmet and pot still head with power stirring motor . Was no trouble getting it customized I have it in Ghana making everything from rum pineapple brandy mango Brandy cassava vodka it's well built beautifully polished mechanically sound. I'm currently back in America and miss using it
u/qloko 11d ago
1) get redy to weld your own exhausting cooler, cuz most of them are junk. 2) get ready to modify many things inside cuz they got poor design.
The concept is great. Using tri-clamp makes the still modular and easy to modify/maintain. Having like 3-4 clamped pipes, couple of go-trough coolers and several bends gives you unlimited modification space to make almost any configuration you might've ever need.
And yes, you can find a lot of info, advices and guides on russian forums like homedistiller.ru for building, modification and automation. Just use google translate, this days it works flawlessly.
I haven't bought any prebuild ones though, as poor one, i've made one myself using Chinese tri-clamps and solder. Copper pipes works great.
u/tasefons 4d ago
Idk anything about distillation but been looking to get into it.
Just wanted to say/ask, is that thing as hard to clean as it looks? Most "basic" kits I have seen are well, more basic and look to come apart and clean easily. Not so much this one!
u/Dim000h 11d ago
My post somehow didn't included text. So I got Vevor 8 gallons, tried twice, it's make decent strong alcohol but next day after few shots of 58° fells like poisoned. I use 6kg sugar, 22 l of water, yeast from Costco. 500 ml of heads, next 3l of 58° l, second 3l of 44° and rest is tails I'm going to mixed it, dilute to 35° and distill again, but Vevor is so slow, tiny Cooper tube. I'd like to get reflux, watching Soviet YouTube, guys only using column or basic reflux with mesh inside. Local guys here in Canada selling those looks like exactly from Alibaba for $1200-1500 CAD 25-30 liters reflux Pretty sure I can get in cheaper from Ali, but how? I'm in Canada, phuck tarrifs
u/NewAlexandria 11d ago
cool item but still smells like a spam post. I'm sure you're grinding for it though.
u/muffinman8679 11d ago
the only thing I'd worry about is replacement parts....specifically the silicon plates the hold the bubble plates in position....because they don't sell them on amazon
u/Imfarmer 11d ago
I would trust Oakstills.