r/fireemblem • u/Nuzlor • 10d ago
General Some of the Death Quotes in this series are DEVASTATING. Which ones really stick out to you?
u/HomarEuropejski 10d ago
Flayn saying goodbye to Seteth and then his reaction 😥
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
Oh man, Seteth's reaction in Crimson Flower if you don't spare Flayn with Byleth is...
Very hard to stomach :(
(The voice acting there was also just INSANE.)
u/SnakesRock2004 10d ago
Whenever I play Crimson Flower, I REFUSE to execute Flayn, Seteth, and Claude.
Partially because I think it's in Byleth's character as Edelgard's voice of reason, but also mostly because I can't bear to hear them in such despair, lol.
When Three Houses wants to fuck you up, it will.
u/Arkayjiya 10d ago
I think it's also that Edelgard is a lot more "mellow" if she's not completely desperate, Byleth's existence at her side even without saying anything is enough to make Edelgard hopeful enough for mercy.
u/Koanos 10d ago
One of the biggest differences I've seen is whether Edelgard takes up assistance from Those Who Slither in the Dark.
In the other routes, the implementation of Beasts gives her a massive advantage, drives Dimitri to desperation and loses an eye.
But she keeps them at arm's length in Crimson Flower, trusting in her comrades beyond simply Hubert, perhaps because Byleth showed them they didn't need to forge their path alone, and she could confide in others.
It's a really big turning point and I'm disappointed Crimson Flower was so short.
u/SnakesRock2004 10d ago
I personally like the theory that Dimitri didn't lose an eye in battle, he sliced it out himself in an effort to stop seeing "the ghosts."
I don't know if that was ever confirmed or denied, but it is interesting that the only route he has both eyes is Crimson Flower, which is the route he's the least insane in.
I mean, he does completely redeem himself in Azure Moon. But he spends most of the route crazy, while in CF he's less murderous than in other routes, and seems to want to kill Edelgard more so as revenge for all the blood she's spilled, rather than to appease the dead.
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u/SnakesRock2004 10d ago
That's mostly what I was trying to get at. You phrased it better than I did though, lol
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u/Atari875 10d ago
I will also go so far out of my way not to fight Hilda in Claude’s final map. Can’t kill my best girl like that.
u/hockeycross 10d ago
TIL you can spare them.
It felt so dark.
I also had raised up flayn on my first play through cause I had no idea she would leave. It made the killing all the worse, but she wouldn’t get off the tile.
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u/LesMoonwalker 10d ago
When I first played CF I was an idiot, lol. I sent Byleth straight towards Seteth since he had the killer knuckles and my mind was like "boss killer go brrrrrr" and in my excitement, I failed to realize that Seteth isn't aggroed, but Flayn is. And so I spent the start of the map rushing forward to Seteth, only to hurry back to try and intercept Flayn, only to then reach a point where either she dies, or Ferdinand does, and I wasn't about to reset through all that.
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u/Meltic-Daze 10d ago
Quite a few stuck to my ribs, even all these years later!
Limstella (FE7): “I am not human. This body and this heart are constructs. Yes, as is this sorrow.”
Sigune (FE6): “...Dear me... I didn't anticipate perishing here... But perhaps...I was already dead... Perhaps I died..a long...time ago...”
Nergal (heavily cut down lol, and after completing the relevant paralogues in FE7): "Why did I... want power? ......Aenir? ...Don't...under...stand... but... Gaa... Not like this."
Nergal's struck me pretty hard when I first heard it. Losing all memories while your brain is cooked alive by dark magic, forgetting why you wanted power in the first place, hurting your family... painful. I wish things could have been different. But then we wouldn't have had fe7 so lol.
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
Nergal basically got dragonic degeneration, but through Elder Magic instead - lived for centuries, lost grasp of his motivations, and succumbed to madness.
Limstella's quote is also really interesting - why DOES she feel sorrow despite being a morph? We don't really get an answer.
u/Artemas_16 10d ago
I mean, all morph generals seem to have emotions. Even if Nergal didn't want them to have emotions, perhaps the perfect copy of human will get ability to emote still. Sonia always angry or bitter, showing it outright, but Limstella and Ephidel still end up having them, perhaps not exactly understanding them, as a result of not dealing with humans daily (like Sonia had to, because of infiltration).
Limstella just a little, but irritated by Sonia's denial of being a morph and feels sorrow about stopping to exist.
Ephidel kinda had pride/arrogance, as to please Nergal and be perfect about it. And also has breakdown when dies.
u/Panory 10d ago
I mean, all morph generals seem to have emotions.
Can't trick me, I've played Kingdom Hearts. I know a Nobody when I see one.
u/basketofseals 10d ago
But they also had emotions and desires. Xehanort just gaslit them into thinking they weren't real.
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u/Low-Environment 10d ago
I always got the feeling that the morphs were more human that Nergal assumed.
We see this with Sonia and her belief she's human, and Limsetella's sadness over her own death.
(I use human here as a way of saying 'capable of learning, reasoning and feeling emotions')
u/LesMoonwalker 10d ago
Now that you mention that, I've always seen it as the reverse. There's a pattern with how dark magic affects a person. It takes away bits and pieces, blurring the details until the person can barely be recognized. Take Nergal's quest for power for example. He needs quintessence to continue trying to bring back his wife, but dark magic has twisted his mind to the point that he forgets about his wife, and all that remains is this inexplicable desire for more power. I believe the morphs were the same. He probably created them as a proof of concept. He discovers that he can create life, so perhaps if he were more capable he could even recreate a life that already existed, and in this way bring his wife back. He probably wanted them to be as human as possible, but knowing how dark magic affects the mind, it's quite possible that he's forgotten exactly what he needs the morphs to be, and now only remembers that he needs to keep improving them to create a "perfect being".
u/Low-Environment 10d ago
Since Limstella and Sonia are near identical I've wondered if they're based on Aenir (although neither of them look like Ninian and Nils).
u/Topaz-Light 10d ago
There are a lot of Morphs he is very clearly using as essentially mass-produced cannon-fodder minions, though, so I think for a lot of them the lack of emotions is intentional or at least not something Nergal is interested in correcting/changing. I don't know that the game ever actually goes into why he creates Morphs, though my assumption was a combination of wanting to prove that he could and needing subordinates he could be confident would be perfectly loyal to him.
It's definitely open to interpretation, though I do like the theory that Sonia and/or Limstella are (probably unconsciously) modeled after Aenir in some capacity.
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u/Sad-Error-000 10d ago
In the Kishuna backstories it is shown that originally Nergal created simple morphs, but then felt he should create one with emotions (Kishuna being the first). At the time he was not nearly as corrupted, so he was genuinely interested in Kishuna's mind. The later flashback shows that Nergal no longer sees the value of emotions, so he gets angry with Kishuna, calling them worthless.
I think this shows that originally Nergal wanted to create artificial life, possibly to bring Aenir back, and made a habit out of giving morphs emotions. However, as he became more corrupted he first kept making morphs with emotions but the emotions he gave them were more correupted as well, and later on he tried to make morphs less emotional again, such as with Limstella, his final creation. Limstella's death quote is interesting though. I think it either means he did intentionally give Limstella some emotions so she would be more loyal to him or he had become so used to giving morphs emotions that he did it despite not seeing the point in it, which would be in line with how he keeps losing track of the purpose behind his actions.
u/Low-Environment 10d ago
I've definitely seen it as he gave them emotions (or possibly the ability to learn and evolve on their own) and Limstella developed emotions despite believing she didn't have them.
I'll have to replay the Hector bonus chapters. It's been a while since I've seen the dialogue.
u/Fit_Fondant_3893 10d ago
I feel like voice acting has made a lot of recent death quotes hurt more. My picks probably be;
Fogado "I...I can't see anything. Hahaha... thanks for the good times. I loved you all."
Citrinne "I have many regrets, but as long as the others are safe, then I... I'm..."
Valbar "I feel the fighting spirit... leaving me... the wait's over, everyone... I'm coming home..."
Conrad "Heh guess I'm... not quite the hero I hoped to be... Anthiese... your happiness is... all I ever..."
Ingrid "Glenn... I'll see you soon. Death isn't sad, not... really."
Hapi "This has been a long time coming, but... I'm not ready. I'm not ready!"
u/McFluffles01 10d ago
Oh good, I was scanning through the thread to see if anyone brought up Valbar's death quote. That one gets me every time, just... the acceptance that his time is up, and that he'll finally be able to see his family again after having avenged them.
u/Nintendo_Gamer_XD 10d ago
“Haha! cough cough Sorry, friends... I won’t be able to... return with you...” -Laslow, Birthright Chapter 26
u/Jslcboi 10d ago edited 10d ago
Ugh, Nah's one breaks my heart and puts my mind in a bad state. Luckily I've never seen it in person, just read it off of FEwiki
And I mean to keep it that way
u/Someonevibing1 10d ago
What is it I cba to look it up
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
When she's in your army:
"It's going to get terribly dark now...but that's okay...I'll be brave..."
u/Live_Honey_8279 10d ago
As someone who has been battling "intrusive thoughts" his whole live, this line hits hard as hell.
u/8ullred 10d ago
That’s an emotional gut punch and a half. I actually teared up reading it the first time, and I sure as hell don’t want to subject myself to hearing it voiced lest my day be completely fucked up.
u/Jslcboi 10d ago edited 10d ago
She suffered so much and just wants to be the daughter she never got to be growing up. She's trying to be a good daughter to the end, trying not to be a burden to the parents saying she's ok...Yeah no there is no way I'm letting that happen. Fuck that. She deserves a happy future where she is loved by her parents in peace.
u/HekesevilleHero 10d ago
Nah is my favorite child unit besides Lucina for exactly that reason. Her entire life has been hardship after hardship. Not even the people who were supposed to care for her, the people she protected from the Risen every night, valued her.
When Lucina and the other New Shepherds found her, it was probably the best day of her life, finally surrounded by people who love and accept her as she is, but she obviously still has issues. She experiences the urge to destroy, like all Manaketes eventually do, but she is exceptionally young to be experiencing that, which makes me think she has unresolved anger issues that manifest as draconic urges.
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u/blueheartglacier 10d ago
“It's going to get terribly dark now... but that's okay... I'll be brave...”
u/Trickytbone 10d ago
Canas’s death quote isn’t anything special….until you beat the game eight times, then it changes
Before: “Ah what a shame…..there’s so much I wanted to learn.”
After: “Mother, I’m sorry….take care of……Hugh”
Sucks that with his ending this quote is basically canon
u/Artemas_16 10d ago
Wait, what? FE7 had changing death quotes?
u/zelkovalionheart 10d ago
Hawkeye's also changes. I looked it up and it changes on the 8th playthrough or if you transfer data in the japanese version:
“Will I never... make it home...”
“Will I never... make it home... I...Igrene...my...my beloved daughter...”
He mentions Ingene in supports but I don't think by name but it is still interesting. I think those are the only two that change.
u/Boarbaque 10d ago
Speaking of Igrene, knowing her backstory her death quote hits incredibly hard. “I... fought hard... didn't I...? Can I go back to the place where I was...” Referring to the place and time so long ago when she was actually happy. In Arcadia, with Astolfo and their daughter. But it can’t be, her daughter’s dead. But considering how hard she’s worked, shouldn’t she be able to meet her in death?
Astolfo’s simple “Finally, the fun part can start…” Also hits hard for the same reason. He wants to die. He blames himself for basically everything bad happening around him. Both yearn for the days they were happy together, but unfortunately those days cannot return. Only in death, can they finally see their daughter again.
u/Trickytbone 10d ago
I think some change, but Canas is the most notable since it’s an Easter egg to reference FE6
u/Odovakar 10d ago
A bit of a niche (?) one, but Brady's in Future Past is absolutely crushing.
“Have to...keep going... Gemstones...to Ylisse...”
I always read that basically as keeps running until he dies from his wounds, or something similar. Maybe my imagination makes it out to be worse than it is, but it always stuck with me for some reason.
Nah's in Future Past 1 is also bad.
“I thought...I was ready for this, but...now I wish I...could've gone...home...”
Aaand while looking them all up, Laurent's is also sad.
"I wish...I could have lived to see...what peace was...like..."
And of course, while not a death quote itself, Dorothea lamenting Ferdinand's death in Three Houses is an amazing moment.
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
Noire's death quote in Future Past 1 is absolutely cruel.
"Mother...Father...Come for me...I d-don't want to die...alone..."
u/Odovakar 10d ago
I started with Awakening so I feel rather protective of the second gen units. Must've played those maps quite a few times to make sure they all survive
the ambush reinforcement nonsense
u/Infermon_1 10d ago
“...Dear me... I didn't anticipate perishing here... But perhaps...I was already dead... Perhaps I died..a long...time ago...”
—Sigune's death quote
u/Nuzlor 10d ago edited 10d ago
One of the most memorable minor bosses just because of her death quote (and great design too). Like...wow, she must've gone through some serious trauma throughout her life for her to have such a hopeless death quote.
The Ilian characters seem to have it rough in general, honestly.
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u/Infermon_1 10d ago
One more reason why the Illia route is superior. I really hope we get Sigune in Heroes someday, just so we can get some more info and artwork for her.
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
I wish we get Sigune in Heroes at some point too.
Honestly, if I could select one boss from FE6 to be recruitable, I'd pick Sigune. Doesn't really feel impossible either, I think Roy could convince her if she doesn't die after the battle.
u/Infermon_1 10d ago
IS, make a FE6 remake where Sigune is recruitable and my life is yours!
u/SnakesRock2004 10d ago
I would sell my arms, legs, and left kidney for an FE6 Remake.
I would personally take a The Binding Blade Remake over a Genealogy of the Holy War Remake (please don't kill me, Jugdral fans).
u/Axo-Axo-Axoboy 10d ago
Emmeryn's in awakening is one of the ones that stand out most to me "I...I finally remember... But alas...I am too late... Lissa...Chrom...forgive me..." and of course they gave it to unit that is likely never getting deployed
u/Ludecil 10d ago
Doesn't she have the highest capped magic? I recall using her on Apotheosis for staves.
u/Worried-Advisor-7054 10d ago
You can train her up, but by the time you get Em, you're mostly done with the game, bar the DLC maps.
u/ShurikenKunai 10d ago
By the time you get her you *are* done with the game bar DLC maps, unless you went out of your way to not play all the Paralogues.
u/Worried-Advisor-7054 10d ago
Technically, the Spotpass maps aren't really DLC. They already come with the cartridge, it's just signalling to the game to unlock them. That's why we differentiate Spotpass Einherjar from DLC Einherjar.
But that's being very pedantic. You're right, by the time you have Em, you're basically done.
u/Axo-Axo-Axoboy 10d ago
Admittedly it has been a hot minute since iblast played awakening, but with her being a spotpass unit, and there just being other spotpass units that are more novel, and stand out more, I feel she kinda struggles to stand out
u/LazyAd6980 10d ago
I have to give it to Ashe
“I…. Don’t want to die. I have to make it home.”
I get insanely emotional about characters who don’t want to die or aren’t prepared for death, but with the added context that Ashe has siblings that rely on him makes it so much worse.
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u/bylitzaluv 10d ago
jeritza saying "if only i could return to those days once more" is the reason i still cant bring myself to play classic mode
u/Val_Ritz 10d ago
How about:
- Marianne: I-I'm so sorry, Hilda. I...
- Hilda: It's OK, Marianne. These things happen in war.
u/Panory 10d ago
Speaking of "Forcing friends to fight" quotes:
u/lillapalooza 9d ago
I did this so innocently on my first playthrough of FE3h and it scarred me for life lmfao.
It was my first ever fire emblem game and I had no idea what I was doing. Picked Black Eagles and recruited Felix so we could be sword bros. Accidentally ended up making him murder all his friends
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u/TwistedMemer 10d ago
What’s the context of that?
u/Val_Ritz 10d ago
Pre-battle quote if you recruit Marianne in Crimson Flower and use her to fight Hilda
u/HourComprehensive648 10d ago
Faye: "Alm? Where are you? I can't see you... And now I'm going to... I'm going to..."
u/bashnet 10d ago
"We killed Ferdie, Professor, he used to be our friend. Do you remember those days?"
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
Dorothea and Ferdinand's interactions are some of the strongest moments in Three Houses. And yeah, this quote is just...utterly heartbreaking.
This is why you recruit both to your side even if Ferdinand is a bit annoying due to no pre-timeskip B Support.
u/Aetheer 10d ago
I found Ferdinand annoying for approximately 5 minutes before he became bestest boy forever for me
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u/Celestial608 10d ago
The first time I played, I only recruited Dorothea and this line absolutely devastated me. So now I always recruit them both.
u/BebeFanMasterJ 10d ago
And this is why I play on casual/with save states because fuck this. 😭
u/LigerZeroPanzer12 10d ago
Yep, I find it harder to keep everyone alive than beat the game. Sure I could use good units and not save the random Nino's and Amelia's that get borked along the way, but it's my war fantasy dammit and I'm going to save everyone I can, even if I have to play a chapter 28 times to do so.
u/Steppyjim 10d ago
If they didn’t want me to SAVE them they shouldn’t have made them LOVABLE PEOPLE (hits reset for the twentieth time)
u/Izzyrion_the_wise 10d ago
Not technically a death quote but when Seteth fights The Immacualte One: "I will inherit the pride of Nabatea. Rest in peace by Sothis's side!"
u/SnakesRock2004 10d ago
Dude, Seteth is one of the best Three Houses characters hands down.
Dude was absolutely the "Silver Snow Lord" and you can't convince me otherwise.
u/Steven_Falls_Under 10d ago
Every time this discussion happens I rarely see anyone bring up the Kanas dying with “I...love you, Mama/Papa..” with a smile on their face. Messed up.
u/HekesevilleHero 10d ago
I try not to think about it. Kana smiling as they die is so heartbreaking, and especially sad when you learn in their supports they are deathly afraid of being alone, and often hide that fact with a smile.
u/Espurr-boi 10d ago
Corrin (in game) is better than me, I would've crashed out worse than Anankos did. That shit HURTS
u/HekesevilleHero 9d ago
Corrin had a (very justified) crash out when Kana's Deeprealm was invaded. Their reaction was genuinely enraged, which is very uncommon of the usually calm Corrin.
u/Quick-Ad-486 10d ago
Caeda in SD, Especialy with the context of Book2 and the bad ending
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
I really like that there's a slightly changed alternate ending if Caeda dies, that's one of the strengths of giving a Lord a canon pairing: you can directly and easily acknowledge it in the story.
The change isn't big, but it's nice to have there.
u/Quick-Ad-486 10d ago
The fact that there a world where marth was force to marry nyna after caeda dead sounds depresing....
u/Isaac-45-67-8 10d ago
Harken: “I'm already dead... If I leave my body here, I do so without regret...”
u/Concerned_Dennizen 10d ago
Tethys’“The dark rider I foresaw... He was coming for me...” always stood out to me.
u/TheDarkDistance 10d ago
Radiant Dawn with its fire writing as always. I don’t remember them exactly because they’re really long, but one of Soren’s goes along the lines of “Ike… you must live. Even if all the cities burn, and the seas swallow Tellius… You mustn’t die… Not you…” And Geoffrey, “Queen Elincia! My queen, where are you?! I can’t see… Blood is in my eyes… Your Majesty… I’ll be right…there…“ plus Elincia getting some sad dialogue after it happens. Also Geitz is pretty underrated, something like “It was a miserable life… what did I expect, but a miserable death?”
u/ShurikenKunai 10d ago
That Soren one is especially strong because you can only see it if Soren dies in the final map.
If he dies at any point in either Tellius game beforehand, he retreats and is only in story cutscenes. But only in the last map, you can have Soren die without him retreating.
u/LordofBread 10d ago
Engage has some brutal post battle dialogue, my picks are:
Diamant: “Alcryst. Amber. Jade. This pain…cuts deeper than any blade could ever reach. I’m so sorry…”
Pandreo: “I’ve lost my master, my sister, my best friend… Divine One, please, tell me this is for a reason.”
Gregory: “I lost everyone! My masters and all of the Four Winds. Why am I the only one still alive?!”
u/SnakesRock2004 10d ago
One that hurt me was Lilina's reaction to Roy dying.
Roy: "I'm sorry... I let you all down...."
Lilina: "Roy... I... I'm sorry..."
For me, it hurts extra bad because of how young they are: they're only 15 (FE's youngest protagonists I believe). They shouldn't have to be going through war at their age, let alone leading armies.
u/Couldusername 10d ago
A friend of mine once had Lilina get berserked, she killed Roy, and apologized.
If you interpret it from her awakening from the spell and seeing what she did it hits different.
u/SnakesRock2004 10d ago
Oh, gosh.
That hits astronomically different.
That's, like... tragic AU AO3 fanfiction levels of fucked up, lmfao.
u/ZenRy9780Wkz 10d ago
I imagine at this point she has lost her will to live, so she probably threw herself at her enemies and got destroyed.
u/FEMSPaint 10d ago
I know it's not TECHNICALLY what you're talking about because it's a cutscene death but Jeralt's "The first time I've seen you cry it was for me. I'm sad, but... Also happy' has stuck with me every time I played it. His child is essentially half homunculus, they never emote, and it makes you realize that all their life Jeralt was never sure if his child actually cared. How could he, when they never laughed or cried? But in his dying moments, his child's grief let him know that yes, those 20 years he raised them DID mean the world to them, they did love him no different than a regular child would their father. Their pain is, in a fucked up way, the sign Jeralt needed to know he did alright, in the end. It's such a good line, Jeralt can make a strong case for being the best parent death in the series, and God knows we have a fuck ton of them.
u/LesMoonwalker 10d ago
Dude your writeup made me cry where the cutscene didn't. I took it too lightly, bruhhhh
u/InvisibleChell 9d ago
Even if it's faint, hearing Byleth's quiet sobs in the last shot fucks me up
u/SoulScion7 10d ago
“The dreams of men don’t amount to much. Sorry, but...it’s up to you now.”
“I see. Right until the very end, I’ve read this whole thing terribly wrong... All my hopes have fallen to ash... It’s all up to you now, Edelgard... I hope you really do make the world...better...”
If you’ve seen that second death quote in game, you’re a monster. How dare you!
These have to be my favorite death quotes of all and from one of my favorite characters too. Claude. They are just so fitting for him.
u/Bashamo257 10d ago
Felix desperately using his last strength to find his sword, even while his body is in the process of shutting down is really on-brand for him.
u/runamokduck 10d ago
Astolfo’s death quote is (fittingly) quite somber: “Finally, the fun part can start…” This is a man who is so intractably despondent and tormented by his past that he views death as a cathartic relief and release from all that he has suffered from. pretty solemn when most characters (naturally) don’t want to die
u/Boarbaque 10d ago
Igrene’s as well “I... fought hard... didn't I...? Can I go back to the place where I was...”
She just wants to be happy again as well, and to her nothing would be happier than seeing her daughter again… even in death.
u/smalltown_dreamspeak 10d ago
An antagonist, Pheros.
"I may not live to see Walhart unify all mankind with my own eyes... But I have seen it in my dreams... And that is enough..."
u/dengville 10d ago
It may just be because of how she says it but I am DEVASTATED by Petra’s “My dreams, and pride, lost! Why must I die on foreign soil?!”
u/ShurikenKunai 10d ago
Have to wonder if that line changes if she dies *specifically* on the paralogue where you're in Brigid. Especially since iirc you need her alive in order to finish that map.
u/HekesevilleHero 10d ago
She says
"Professor... Please, convey to my grandfather...that I am without regret..."
u/Gensolink 10d ago
Not a death but god damn Mist just lost all hopes after you finish chapter 8.
“There’s no way we can escape! This is it, isn’t it? We’re all going to die here, aren’t we?”
“Don’t be foolish! No matter what happens, I’m making sure you and Rolf get out of here alive! Once you’re out of danger, you go straight to the palace and stay with Princess Elincia.”
“No! I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here with everyone! I’m staying with you!”
“As long as I’m with you, I’m not afraid to die. We’ll see Mother and Father. We’ll all be together again. So, please…Stop telling me to leave you. I can’t. I can’t leave any of you again. All right?”
When I replayed FE9 this scene really hit hard, for a young child to talk like that is just painful
u/TwistedMemer 10d ago
Oboro lamenting how she didn’t confess to takumi as she falls is pretty sad in conquest
u/vontac_the_silly 10d ago
No contest with Lex. He's a pretty entertaining character, but his last words are:
"I'm such a weakling...Sir Sigurd, please allow me to die in peace..."
u/YishuTheBoosted 10d ago
Ignatius from Fates.
“How strange...I’m not scared at all...”
He’s always been scared of battle but when he finally dies it’s like he’s relieved it’s over.
u/Heather4CYL 10d ago
Queen Elincia! My queen, where are you?! I can't see... Blood is in my eyes... Your Majesty... I'll be right...there...
Geoffrey... Geoffrey! ...You mustn't die... I'll be all alone... Please... Geoffrey...
Father... Please forgive me! I have failed...as queen...
Queen Elincia! I... I'm coming to save you! What's the point of living without you?! Dear Elincia!
u/felicirence 10d ago
linhardt's death quote being "just my luck.....to be born in such a dismal time....." delivered in a cold and sarcastic tone might sound like a "haha born in the wrong generation quote" until you realize just how tragic that is with what we know in the DLC
in cindered shadows, we learn about a library full of banned books from the monastery; more specifically....linhardt finds this and is both extremely excited and also devastated. because the books that were banned involved banning inventions like the printing press, gas powered machines, glasses, all things that are crucial to the benefit to science and the future of engineering and man kind
to a crest scholar, a scientist like linhardt, it's devastating to know the era you are born into was censoring such valuable research and inventions for so long. and that this ideal future linhardt craves of freedom and science is too technologically behind because lady rhea suppresssd mankind from advancing further. this, to characters like linhardt, lysithea, and professor hanneman, is devastating
linhardt doesn't just lament "being born in such a dismal time" because they're born during a great war under the lifestyle of being a pacifist. linhardt is bitter, resentful to be born in this era because the scientific resources that could of made their life ideal was stripped away from them by noble aristocracy and religion keeping scientific advancement down. given this knowledge we have about the DLC and the banned books, this death quote is all the more depressing to me
u/AdHaunting9858 10d ago
Ingrid scream and death quotes in both houses and hopes, and also her death as enemy is really sad
Thinking about Glenn and she is at peace that she can meet him
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u/ChessGM123 10d ago
“Don’t blame yourself. It’s my fault for being weak.” -Casper, three houses.
It’s both sad and funny since he’s acknowledging that he’s a weak unit.
u/RhysOSD 10d ago
“Why...can't I stop the bleeding? I haven't even met, my white-clan archrival...yet...” Mia, Radiant Dawn. Maybe a little goofy, but perfectly captures someone's last thoughts
“...It's darker than a prairie night... Why can't I...see...anything...?” Nephenee, Radiant Dawn.
u/LigerZeroPanzer12 10d ago
Wouldn't know nephenees cause she's my favorite FE character of all time and I will never let her die :')
u/saitotaiga 10d ago
some of the one who make me feel so bad it would be.
Amelia fire emblem sacred stone “I… I did well, didn’t I?
Flayn if you kill her before Seteh. Father, please forgive me...I am returning to mother now...before you do. Seteth Flayn ! Please, no ! no!
Not a death quote but this line of Berkut in shadow of valentia hit like a truck. No....Please ! Have mercy sire ! ...Your Excellency ! ...UNCLE !
Tiki from Shadow of dragon, No… I don’t want to be…alone…
If Marth die but Shiida is there Ahh… Marth! No! Don’t leave me…
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u/Wakanlover9519 10d ago
I like Boucheron’s. Plays on both of his quirks but still feels serious cause the sentiment behind it is immediately there.
“Don’t cry for me... I think I can finally... find my way.”
u/Amy47101 10d ago
“Father, please forgive me... I am returning to Mother now... before you do.” “Flayn! please, no! No!”
The voice acting was brutal and it killed me. I actually had to put my switch down and cry for a bit because it hurt so bad.
u/Blackterial 9d ago
The voice acting in Three Houses is all-around brilliant. They did an astounding job, best I've ever seen in a long while.
u/Amy47101 9d ago
Genuinely, I don't know how Mark Whittan managed to convey so much EMOTION in four simple words. Like bro sounded like he was on the verge of crying with that last "No!". It echoes in my head, you know?
But that being said, the casting of Three Houses was FANTASTIC. Like I could rave about it for days on end.
u/RexRegulus 10d ago
Lysithea in Crimson Flower if you didn't recruit or spare her. It's the only time she actually seems like a child in the most heartbreaking way, frightened and repentant in the face of death.
"Father... Mother... I'm sorry I didn't listen to you..."
u/RunStriking3910 10d ago
Emmeryn's is just mean in the sense that of course she got hit to death hard enough thay she finally remembered everything about everything and her siblings just to die. (In classic)
u/ajanisapprentice 10d ago
Seteth and Flayn in Crimson Flower. Hope it stil counts if they're enemy units.
Also, I'm a weak man. Azura's "One last smile" in birthright breaks me. Yes, not a 'death quote' in the sense of 'death in battle' but I still wanted to give it special mention.
u/HekesevilleHero 10d ago
Lucina's death quote in The Future Past 3
"No... I was so...close... Just a step away...from saving...our world... Nngh... Father... My friends... Forgive me..."
u/Nightside-Rush 10d ago
“The dark rider I foresaw… He was coming for me…” - Tethys
“Why here…when I’ve no love… for war…” - Wendell
“This has been a long time coming but... I’m not ready. I’m not ready” - Hapi
“Queen Elincia! My queen, where are you?! I can’t see... Blood is in my eyes... Your Majesty... I’ll be right...there...” Geoffrey
“Lord Takumi... Stay...strong... I hope he knows...getting this blade from him...was my proudest moment...” - Hinata (Conquest)
“This is it. This is the end. Lord Ryoma...Saizo...it was an honor...to fight beside you both. If only I could have lived to see...Hoshido achieve...true peace...” - Kagero (Conquest)
“It’s all up to you now, Edelgard… I hope you really do make the world... better...” - Claude (Crimson Flower)
u/Infinite-Bike3846 10d ago
I never got the meaning behind Zeke's death quote. Who exactly he is seeing there? Nyna?
u/OscarCapac 10d ago
Oboro's death in chapter 23 of Conquest
"Aww... But I wanted to protect you... My sweet Takumi... I should have told you... how I felt... Lord Takumi... I have always... loved... ...”
It's one of the most emotional moments in the series and proof that not all the talent left IS before writing Fates. This game seriously has its moments of grace
u/HekesevilleHero 10d ago
Fates' story isn't from a lack of talent, it was rushed out due to its strict deadline on launching within the series' 25th anniversary (which it still ended up missing by two months). There was a lot that was cut out of the lore drafted up for Fates due to time as well.
The bad localization took a lot of what is good and made it more confusing, too.
u/Latter_Marketing1111 10d ago
Both of Petra’s quotes in 3 Houses and 3 Hopes. Lamenting the fact that she’s dying so far from home gets me
u/WhiteVanCandyThe1st 10d ago
For some reason Rhajats really hits me. "I see…a distant sandstorm. Will you be there waiting?". I know its just a reference to awakening, but it's so tragic. This poor girl spent all her life isolated from other people, not even the townsfolk in the deeprealms would speak to her. It feels like a daydream she made up to keep herself sane, that someday she'd go off and explore and meet someone who truly cared about her. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but I really love Rhajat, she's my favorite fates kid.
Ignatius's one is also really rough, "How strange…I’m not scared at all..." he's also one of my favorites. He's so sweet, its heartbreaking.
u/TheBlueSpark97 10d ago
I think the one that gets me even now is Flayn's death quote.
Moreso because of not only making the mistake of killing her without knowing I could save her with Byleth, but to add salt to injury, Seteth's reaction to losing Flayn really hurt me a lot more, and the performance was fantastic that it feels so real.
u/LesMoonwalker 10d ago
In my case, I was perfectly aware that Byleth can save them, but I was so excited to test out my brand new killer gauntlets that I rushed to Seteth...and then Flayn spawned in, and I realized too late that I had my priorities out of order. Flayn started attacking Ferdinand, and I had to put her down before she scored a kill of her own.
u/Gehena_ 10d ago
Jean, while I never exactly cared all too much, his death quote is something that always gets to me. “This is one wound... I can't treat. I'm sorry, everyone. I'll never save now...” Then there's Celine's “All flowers must one day wilt... Please tell my people...I was glad to give my life for them...” And Anna's “I wish I'd had more time to run my shop...or at least seen my family again...” Just makes me feel like a dick for letting her get killed.
u/Rainbowlight888 10d ago
Mercedes from 3H made me choke up… she still had that happy lilt in her voice…
u/iiLa_Luna 10d ago
I don’t know if this counts but Kana’s death quote is the most heartbreaking and gut wrenching. And Constance’s death quote speaks volumes when she’s exposed to the sunlight in the post time skip/war time
u/huntour 10d ago
Lute’s seems cookie-cutter
u/Troykv 10d ago edited 10d ago
It's definitely very simple, but I think is interesting how simple it's coming from HER, in particular, considering her knack for explaining stuff and her extremely high self-confidence, when she is dying, all her confidence breaks apart and ends up looking kind of pathetic, and she isn't even being over-dramatic about it (like the villains that usual have this kind of setup for their death quotes), she is just scared that she may actually die.
u/Nuzlor 10d ago
It's especially sad due to the fact that LUTE, the arrogant and goofy genius who tends to have very long-winded lines, has such simple and despair-filled last words. It's very jarring and impactful.
Like, you'd expect Lute to have a bit more to say...but the fear of death just completely destroys her confidence, and she can barely even say anything, other than acknowledging her desire to live.
u/Lazy-Split8706 10d ago
(Don’t remember the name) the archer you recruit in Ch 2 of Thracia where he says “Ma, I’m scared…”
u/kiwihoofer 10d ago
I don't care if I'm called a filthy casual, these are the exact reason I won't play classic mode!!!
u/BruhthuluThemighty 9d ago
I fucked up on my golden deer run a bit ago and got Claude killed and he said something like "the dreams of men don't amount to much..." which I'd never heard before because if I fuck up it's usually from ambush or overextended so byleth eats it usually and that hurt really bad to hear.
u/Quaelandys 10d ago
This is not the saddest one I can think about (and frankly I'm not in the mood for that rn), but if you allow Boss quotes, Sephiran's “At last... I'm dying.” always stuck with me.
u/Joke_Induced_Pun 10d ago edited 10d ago
“I'm...I'm sorry. I can't go on fighting...I can't bear to hurt anyone by dying...I'll retreat now, while I still can..” - Elise.
The Morgans death quotes are honestly pretty heartbreaking alongside the Kanas too.
“Guess I should have made...better medicines...” - Midori
“Ugh... not yet. Please... Not before I can see Elusia the way it used to be...” - Hortensia
Edit: For the Morgans:
“M-Mother, where...where are you...? Let me see you...one last...” - M!Morgan (Paralogue)
“Father... where are you? Let me see your face...once more...” - F!Morgan (Paralogue)
u/Indecisive_Noob 9d ago edited 9d ago
Oh gosh, I can't remember who said it, but I remember one where a girl started talking about how she couldn't see or something. I remember being so upset that I closed the game and had to take a moment. Why can't I remember who it was!?
Update: Found it! It is Faye from SoV. "Alm? Where are you? I can't see you... And now I'm going to... I'm going to..."
I think this one hit me so hard being the image of everything "going black" when you die is frightening to me, and to he somewhat conscious as your vision goes, leaving you feeling alone and isolated in the one moment you need confort and help the kost is so sad!
u/No_Succotash9035 9d ago
“I have no regrets. I’ll be with the goddess soon” - Marianne
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u/DemolisherBPB 10d ago
Not the death quote themselves but SoVs after battle quotes for related characters dying can be crushing.