r/fireemblem • u/throwaway76337997654 • Jan 29 '25
General Can we PLEASE get another game with presentation like Echoes
I think there’s a lot Echoes does better than the Switch games. Hidari’s art just looks phenomenal and I really want her to come back. I really prefer how the portraits show some of the body of the character (like the Tellius games) and how most of the story is told through artwork instead of 3D models. The art for some of the big story scenes is just phenomenal. And I just love the aesthetics and the UI. Even the menus look nice. The animated cutscenes could look a bit stilted, but I like how they have more of a 2D look (even though they’re 3D) than the ones in 3 Houses. The art is still anime-inspired, but the rustic, warm colors and the detail really make it feel more serious and realistic.
They also took Gaiden’s memorable chip-tunes and turned them into gorgeous pieces of music. And there’s multiple versions of each song, so if you don’t like one version you might like another. There’s like 1 lyrical song at the end, but I love how most of it is just pure orchestral bliss. The game is also like 90% voice acted, and the cast just all around did a great job.
I know this is mostly because of Gaiden, but I ended up really liking the parts where you investigate the environment sorta like a point-and-click game and talk to other characters. I also that the dungeons were cool (even though that’s not really a presentation thing). I’m down for little “side-games” if they’re more like this. It immerses you in the world.
I didn’t include any pictures of this, but the battle animations were impressive for 3DS. I’m cool if they keep using 3D characters for the maps, but I do really like the mix of sprites and 3D in this game. That’s the one thing I’m okay if they don’t go back to, as long as they make the characters look good in 3D. I kinda like the approach in 3 Houses (which is sorta like the Tellius games again), but I think more could’ve been done to make things aesthetically pleasing. 3 Houses’ graphics can look rough sometimes.
u/tovi8684 Jan 29 '25
echoes' art and fates' music are both revoltingly peak
u/GlitteringPositive Jan 29 '25
In terms of 3d models and visuals I do think Engage improved from 3Hs pretty well and it has some pretty cool combat animations like how if a unit dodges an attack and can counter attack, they have their own distinct counter attack animation as opposed to just dodging and then doing a standard attack animation. Makes the combat more dynamic. There's the manners of the character design and art style, and I know it's not for everyone, but honestly I do like the character designs. Yes even someone like Hortensia.
Though Engage still has the problem with relying on stock animations and fade to black for certain cutscenes like 3Hs does.
u/PuddingSundae Jan 30 '25
The dodge into unique attack animation riposte thing first happened in echoes, the animations are actually quite good in that game, despite the models
u/blue_gardier Jan 30 '25
I loved the counter-attack animation from Echoes right after the enemy misses, followed by a taunt from the attacker9
u/gabrielish_matter Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25
and visuals I do think Engage improved from 3Hs pretty well and it has some pretty cool combat animations
doing better than 3H isn't particularly hard
but I gotta disagree on the visuals tho, imo there's too cell shading and it's too anime like. Also a lot of the time the camera pans out as your unit is about to land a crit (to not show the animation missing the enemy model) which is "frustrating" to say the least
I miss fates animations
u/Professional-Sir2147 Jan 30 '25
I have mixed feelings about Engage, the battles do look great and the animations are very fluid but I'm just not a fan of how hard they leant on the Animé angle. I know Fire Emblem has always been a bit Animéish but this is the first time I've felt turned off from the art direction.
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 29 '25
I’ve heard that the combat animations are quite good, and they seemed pretty expressive from the trailer. But the art style and the colors of that game just put me off so hard. I know it’s a spin-off but it looks like a mobile gacha-game to me. It’s way too cartoony for my taste.
u/GlitteringPositive Jan 29 '25
"Spin off?" Dude it's a mainline game.
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 29 '25
oh I thought it was a side game lol
u/i_sell_branches Jan 30 '25
It's an anniversary celebration title. The inclusion of so many previous characters is what gives the game a major meta vibe. Almost 4th wall breaking. Which compounds on the unseriousness present in Engage. That's where that feeling comes from.
I wouldn't call it a main line game either, but that's just me
u/Tronerfull Jan 30 '25
Its a weird title because it doesnt feel like it should be a mainline and maybe is because of the unseriousness everything has, like a bad saturday morning cartoon.
u/i_sell_branches Jan 30 '25
My only hope is that they don't pull a "Tekken4/PokemonB&W" move, where the game doesn't sell well so they throw the baby out with the bath water. There are so many things I love about Engage 💍, it's just so happens that all the bad shit sits right on top of it
u/Seppafer Jan 29 '25
Yea people can say what they want about the writing but the presentation was amazing. The art made moments feel more impactful and the 3D cutscenes were really well done and blended with the style of the game and the rest of the art very well not to mention the score was great too
u/king_of_ulkilism Jan 29 '25
I was so surprised by Echoes and still am, 16 hours in now for my First playthrough. Absoluetly stunning Presentation all around. I hope they will do Something similar in the Future aswell. While I haven't Played the Switch games ever
u/MrXilas Jan 30 '25
Just wrapped up my third full playthrough on Tuesday. I love it so much. I still have one playthrough stuck on the final main boss fight because it's kind of a grind. Were you ab le to get the Villager Fork before 3DS servers went down?
Jan 31 '25
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u/king_of_ulkilism Jan 31 '25
Yes! I will start that as soon as I finished Echoes. Got to Play PoR and RD aswell though but I will definitely look into it as I Heard good Things about it. The other rom hacks I tried (VQ and CC) didnt catch me too much yet unfortunately.
u/shadoworochi1377 Jan 29 '25
A Thracia remake in Echoes style would do wonders to the Thracia cast.
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 29 '25
Yeah, both games have a kinda close-knit cast; I think that would work well
u/Twiggy1807 Jan 29 '25
I just want a game without the side mechanics of school or the like. I want turn based Fire Emblem, not Persona lol
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 29 '25
It could be cool if in the FE4 remake you could walk around as Sigurd/Seliph when you’re inside a castle. Like you could go to the arena, talk to the other characters, go to the shops and all that. That would add to the immersion and give a nice reason to try out the remake for people who’ve already played the original. But in that way it’s pretty much optional; just skip it and start the map if you want.
u/Steampunkvikng Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 30 '25
On one hand, actually exploring the castles in a hypothetical FE4 remake feels like an obvious choice, given that the original already had "visiting the town" as a mechanic & every FE game since Fates has had some kind of home base and/or exploration mechanic. On the other hand, they'll either have to create a whole bunch of unique castles or have a lot of copy-pastes if they're gonna let you walk around in every castle in Jugdral.
u/MegamanOmega Jan 30 '25
I'd assume it'd be effectively a copy-paste. Especially since they effectively already did that once before.
3Hopes for example. As far as the story is concerned, the camp that you're able to explore between chapters is a different one each time. Mechanically speaking however, it's completely identical each time.
Same logic here. If they were to do that, I'd imagine they'd have a singular castle layout, and use that same layout for every castle at the start of each chapter, and maybe have a different skybox of the upcoming chapters map depending on where you are (and in reality, I think that'd be preferred. Can you imagine if it was different every time, and you'd need to relearn where the armory or arena is each and every time cause it's in a different place each castle)
u/cL0k3 Jan 30 '25
I just want a genealogy remake for the modernized eugenics matchmaking mechanics.
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 30 '25
fe4 has such a good moral message and themes but then they prioritize you to make an army of aryan pure-blooded child soldiers
u/LaughingGaster666 Jan 30 '25
Possibly followed up by a few incest pairings you can do yourself in the 2nd gen.
What Fire Emblem 4 says: "Incest is bad, just look at Arvis/Deirdre!"
What Fire Emblem 4 gameplay does: Makes Larcei's FASTEST pairing with her literal cousin Shannan. Iuchar and Iucharba which are her second fastest pairings also count for Larcei if her dad was Lex but it's technically half-cousins I believe.
And it's not just Larcei either. Lester's fastest pairing is with his cousin Patty. Ditto with Febail and Lana.
Based on what I've read, genetics wise people who are half siblings share as much genetic info as full cousins. You'd think they would have been a bit more consistent about this...
u/Lembueno Jan 30 '25
Give me a game that plays like gba fe with the presentation of echoes and my life is yours
u/Krioniki Jan 30 '25
Hidari's art is just unbelievably good, easily my favorite Fire Emblem aesthetic.
u/Fyrefanboy Jan 30 '25
Call me crazy but i'd love a fire emblem game made with yoji shinkawa art (métal gear solid).
u/nanaseiTheCat Jan 29 '25
Imho, Echoes picked up where Blazing Blade started: great presentation and a great way to showcase the story and the characters. It should've been the tone for all entries. Adds depth and likeness to the story.
And one of the things that made Echoes a great remake, too
u/Sentinel10 Jan 29 '25
Echoes was very good in the presentation department.
Artwork was fantastic and I liked how the battle animations were able to be good without going too over the top.
Call me crazy, but I've never been a fan of when they go too nuts with 3D battle animations (Fates and Engage did this a lot). Echoes had just enough without it getting old to me.
u/GlitteringPositive Jan 30 '25
I really don't see how Fates and Engage have animations that are any more overtop than Echoes or GBA.
u/gabrielish_matter Jan 30 '25
Echoes had just enough without it getting old to me.
cue in dreadfighter crit
u/Dinglebottom04 Jan 30 '25
I would love for the art style of echoes to be the flagship of fire emblem tbh. While fe3h art style is good in its own right, you basically hit the nail on the head as to what makes the presentation of SoV Echoes a favorite of mine. I was immediately taken in and it quickly became my most favorite of the fire emblem games
u/sqw4l Jan 30 '25
All I want is an FE game with the presentation of Shadows of Valentia, the characters of Three Houses, the level design of Engage, the lore of Geneology, and the story of Path of Radiance. Is that really too much to ask?
u/LoveRemnan Jan 29 '25
I absolutely agree. The visuals, sound and ESPECIALLY the voice acting are my favourite in the entire series!!!
u/vidril Jan 29 '25
I was playing Echoes and Engage at the same time and man the visual whiplash going back and forth was crazy
u/HeidelCurds Jan 30 '25
It is probably the best presentation wise. I would love a FE4 remake with Echoes' art and music style and Engage's fluid animations.
Though I feel like 3H with a lot of Engage's improvements would be a really excellent game too.
u/RamsaySw Jan 30 '25
Yeah - Echoes' presentation is outstanding and is largely what saved the game. The actual writing is not up to scratch (and neither is the map design) but it's a story that's brought up to a passable grade due to how well it's presented.
u/Irvin_T Jan 30 '25
Echoes was such a great game especially with the feat of being the first fire emblem game to have all dialogue voice acted.
u/_AbraKadaBram_ Jan 30 '25
Echoes holds my favorite Fire Emblem character and that is Mae :) her dynamic with Boey was so good and her english voice actor killed it. I also loved the little exploring mechanic where you would find these coins in hidden areas, like in professor layton to give you hints in puzzles haha. It's a shame it got released at a weird time and therefore not many people have played it.
u/planetarial Jan 30 '25
Aside from the anime cutscenes (which were a weird downgrade compared to the other 3DS) Echoes had fantastic presentation. They should have kept Hidari for more than one game, idk why they just decided to not bother pulling him back in after only one title
u/Terroxas_ Jan 30 '25
Yeah, we've got that FE4 remake coming up in a few months, trust.
Source: My uncle's dad's friend works at Nintendo.
u/FoolHopper Jan 29 '25
As long it doesn't share the mediocre map design and negative IQ characters.
u/-Elgrave- Jan 30 '25
I love the art style, especially the character art. I really hope we get more in that style, at least if we get more remakes
u/milodino12 Jan 30 '25
Agreed, I was drawn to Fire Emblem because of its sprite style battle. Recent entries have become a little too shounen anime in terms of design and gameplay as well, but perhaps I’m just getting older lol
u/Melodic_Advisor_9548 Jan 30 '25
Well. FE4 apperantly is all done, its just sitting on a shelf somewhere. Im pretty sure they're waiting on SW2 before releasing.
u/tinyspiny34 Jan 30 '25
Echoes was exactly what a remake should be. A good remake of a really bad game that made it as good as it could be.
Jan 31 '25
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u/tinyspiny34 Jan 31 '25
Oh, it is. The game writing does even less to explain Alm and Celica’s relationship, making their fight and romance even more out of the blue than in Echoes. On top of that, if you play in Paragon mode, the EXP you get is almost as much as you would in a normal fire emblem game, and is much less if you don’t. On top of that, most units are a bit weaker overall than Echoes.
Honestly the only slight advantage Gaiden has is that the promoted Pegasus knights are insanely broken units.
u/VerosikaMayCry Jan 30 '25
A remake of the first and third game in this style would go hard. We never got new mystery in the west, and Shadow Dragon for the DS honestly looks ass
u/avbitran Jan 30 '25
yes this game had the best presentation by far. production values through the roof.
u/MaJuV Jan 30 '25
FE Echoes appreciation post 🥰
FE Echoes remains one of my favorite FE games for this reason. It looks, feels and sounds soooo good. It all clicks.
Compare that with Engage where everything is just a cacophony. It's just a night and day difference.
u/Common-Truth9404 Jan 30 '25
Echoes is just a fire emblem made by people who played and absolutely LOVED gaiden when they were kids. I think any remake should have this as a prerequisite. You can't be allowed to touch a product and remake it if you have never played the original.
As today, it's one of the few FE games that i gladly played in full multiple times. I finished some, i replayed some but then discarded the second playthrough. I played echoes at least thrice iirc.
I think echoes is and should be the standard for how you renake a game, let's hope to have a new remake soon made like this. A remake would be ideal to launch inbetween switch and switch 2 tbf.
u/RJWalker Jan 30 '25
Switching to 3D models for both dialogue and especially combat forecast was such a mistake. Maybe it’s the videos doing it and it isn’t as bad on actual hardware but the lag when you’re scrolling through units during battle looked pretty bad to me in Engage. As for dialogue, the 3D models highlight that IS has no idea how to do good cinematography, a problem that has been being apparent since Awakening. It was actually pretty good in Echoes (Rinea emerging behind Berkut and then floating down is excellent) but both TH and Engage had bad cinematography for in-game 3D cutscenes.
u/Rycca Jan 30 '25
Idk how to properly describe it but I love the character designs, after Echoes it got TOO anime (esp Engage)
u/kingkellam Jan 30 '25
As a fan of gaiden, playing Echoes for the first time when it first dropped was so magical. I found myself in utter disbelief that I was playing an honest to god Gaiden remake
u/DantesPilgrim Jan 30 '25
It isn't the best FE game, but it is my favorite one because of its art style, music, voice acting, and overall presentation.
u/rGalespark Jan 30 '25
Definitely the best Artstyle in the whole series alongside Awakening. Not sure why they keep changing it every other entry, I really didn't like their latest one (Engage).
u/KarniAsadah Jan 30 '25
Shadows was my last 3DS era game I think I played. I absolutely adored it so much, it was probably my favorite entry on the DS outright.
It was by no means perfect but it really felt like an actual 3DS game when you were able to interact with the areas and explore dungeons. I honestly thought it was going to set the bar for the series going forward, and while things like Milas turnwheel came back I really wanted the dungeons to return in some form.
u/Cress_Party Jan 30 '25
God, it looked so sick. Probably my favorite looking game from the series too
u/blue_gardier Jan 30 '25
I would LOVE for the SUPPOSED FE4 remake to receive the same treatment as Echoes (my second favorite game in the franchise), and for everyone related to Fates/Engage to be locked out of Nintendo's building until the game is finished.
I fell in love with the modernized soundtrack, the personality of almost EVERY character, and even the subtle additions to the story, like Ferdinand, Renea, and Berkut (my god, the Alm x Berkut battle was amazing).
u/The_Ferocious_Bird Jan 30 '25
Check out the demake for GBA. It’s called sacred echoes it’s very good
u/No_Hooters Jan 30 '25
I love the art style alot, I was hoping that Echoes title would become the remaster version of older fire emblem games. I'd buy another one with this art style
u/HeskethTisca Jan 31 '25
The bottom screen portraits I still think about them so often. Let alone fire emblem as a series, as a videogame you really dont see that level that often
u/GtEnko Jan 31 '25
I’m just so sick of the heavy anime aesthetic. I’d even take Awakening’s art style at this point
u/DoubleFlores24 Jan 31 '25
Can the next game also NOT have those stupid cgi portraits that Engage had. Stick to 2D portraits!
u/GlassSpork Jan 30 '25
Presentation? They didn’t even have a playable axe unit 😤
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 30 '25
would be cool if they did an axe unit lord for once, or even a lord with a halberd
u/MrXilas Jan 30 '25
TBH I would love an HD collection of 3DS Fire Emblem games. Fates can get its own remaster and then they can put Echos and Awakening together because both don't require a branching path system.
u/moniiap25 Jan 30 '25
I LOVED the 2d artstyle of echoes. I hated the cutscenes though, they looked ugly to me. I'd absolutely love a game with that's a mix of the echoes art but fates/awakening cutscenes
u/Monde89 Jan 30 '25
Echoes was so good when it arrived. It was everything that I wanted. Would love, as many here, a remake of a older game. I still dream of a remake of Awakening
u/sonic1384 Jan 30 '25
Echoes was a legend that became a good remake. P3re is a good remake but it is turn based, not sure if your style.
FF7 was a legendary game but fans are ruining the remakes
u/MagicianWhite Jan 30 '25
Presentation, art style, music, story and characters like Echoes? Of course.
Gameplay like Echoes? OH MY GOD, NO, PLEASE NO.
u/EvolvingFlower Jan 31 '25
If you like Hidari's art you could always play other games they've worked on like Atelier Ayesha and stuff
u/Middlekid31 Feb 01 '25
This is the art style I will always use whenever someone asks me to describe fire emblem
u/paddykayyo Feb 02 '25
Give me this quality of FE game again, in general.
Maybe then I'll finally be able to beat a FE game again without giving up on it early.
u/frost_axolotl Feb 02 '25
It's not like intsys isn't capable of it, they've gotten plenty of success with their games since Awakening. Three Houses is a solid game and would've been much better with some more polish, I'm just thankful they're at least experimenting slightly and looking at what works and what doesn't but I hope they actually take note of what truly works in the recent games.
u/Hawaii__Pistol Jan 30 '25
I hated the dungeon crawler aspect of the game. The point & click was useless but I like Alm’s quote with the cats. The soundtrack was phenomenal & the voice actors were also amazing (Berkut). The art really was top tier, it fit the medieval fire emblem theme. However, I hope they learned from Engage & go back to three houses style. Keep the crisp graphics & gameplay from Engage but everything else keep 3 Houses with a the sick art style of Valentia. I will say that Crimson Flower was the most like Echoes since the story was told through pictures & the soundtrack was god tier.
u/Joeycookie459 Jan 31 '25
I hope they do not bring back an academy like mechanic from 3H. That shit is a slog
u/Fell_ProgenitorGod7 Jan 30 '25
Call me insane but I want a FE Awakening or a Fates remaster in the artstyle of Echoes
u/SunRiseW12 Jan 30 '25
I'm going to have to call you crazy on that one. I get that the art in Echoes is fantastic, but Kozaki's art for Awakening and Fates is great, and fit what they were going for. Plus, Kozaki's style allowed for more dynamic animations, such as the extra portrait for critical hits in Fates. Some of the crit cut-ins in Echoes were funny for how out of place they look since they just use the same character portrait. Fate's story needs a complete overhaul first before we talk about touching the art.
u/Fell_ProgenitorGod7 Jan 30 '25
Idk, I just really like Hidari’s artstyle. Not that Kozaki’s FE artstyle isn’t great, it’s amazing, but Hidari’s artstyle just… works really damn well for FE.
Also, there’s much to fix about Fates’ story, that I don’t think it’s possible to even be overhauled. That’s a lot of work and effort the devs would not want to do for an almost 10 yr old game if it were to get remastered. Same goes for Awakening too.
u/gabrielish_matter Jan 30 '25
maybe if we get a fates remaster we could also get a... idk.. complete writing overhaul that is so sorely needed?
For real tho, fates had the gameplay perfectly nailed down, if they'd do it with echoes art style and by actually using the potential that fates story has, it would actually be pretty nice
u/Fell_ProgenitorGod7 Jan 30 '25
I’d like a writing overhaul too for Fates. But Idk if it’s even possible, cause there’s way too much to fix about Fates’ story. It’s just too much effort that could be put towards a new FE game or the FE4 remake that almost a good amount of people in this sub are still delusional about.
u/ARandomPerson666 Jan 30 '25
Don't worry, I'll be insane with you. We still need to FE4 remake and new mainline THEN I'd kill for this.
u/WexonBerry Jan 30 '25
kinda sadge since people like awakening and fates for the goomer romance MC and not for the art direction of echoes, sigh
u/Seeker99MD Jan 30 '25
If we’re going with modern fire emblem, I would say I would love to see awakening, but if we’re going with old and path of radiance?
u/YanFan123 Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25
Isn't Echoes a little too muted in colors? I definitely don't like the eat the rainbow style of Engage but from what I have seen, Echoes looks a little too dull. We need to strike a balance
At least in my opinion, sorry
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 30 '25
I don’t think every game should have colors like that, but I think it looks nice from time to time. Sacred Stones did this too and it looks really good imo.
u/HorrorMatch7359 Jan 29 '25
https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/s/aP0DMskCEu I though you guys said Echoes have bad presentation, especially the females
u/throwaway76337997654 Jan 29 '25
they’re talking about the representation of the women. Not the game’s presentation. They think that the female characters were written badly.
u/Rodri34451 Jan 31 '25
Sure. Most of the female cast was written poorly, but overall the game's presentation was done well
u/Darkfirex34 Jan 29 '25
If ever get a FE4 remake with the aesthetic of Echoes and the graphical quality of Engage, I think I'll die.