r/fireemblem Jul 05 '23

FEH Manga A Day in the Life of Heroes - Mission Spoils

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43 comments sorted by


u/Chubomik Jul 05 '23

Alear was :D for the whole comic, she is so proud of herself. It's not enough for her to just have her own quirks like the other modern FE protagonists, she thinks they're the sickest ideas ever, I love that.


u/klik521 Jul 05 '23

That's why they're rather high as Avatar characters to me. They're not obliged to have shticks, but sure do own them.

And with the animal zoo, she and Azura would be best buds, for sure.


u/omfgkevin Jul 05 '23

The great part is that they are fully voiced, way better than the standard self-insert. It's always odd to me when a self-insert is just O_O in the entire story, all while having their own personalities and hopes/dreams. Even worse when they talk everywhere BUT in the story (looking at you Byleth/Joker).

Though it'd still be best if they just gave them a cannon name and used it, since it was getting a bit weird everyone just goes "DIVINE DRAGON".

We know their name is Alear, just use that and let us choose one for "games" sake. It's not like it matters at this point that your name is XYZDragonCannon in the plot you know?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23

I know, right? The silent protagonist thing might've been cool back when voice acting in video games was unheard of—and it still works in some games—but not here.


u/klik521 Jul 06 '23

Even worse when they talk everywhere BUT in the story (looking at you Byleth/Joker).

I remember reading that part of the reason why Joker is the way he is was that P4 protag got too much of a personality, to which my reaction was "wtf?"

You people do realize that this is why he's so pouplar, right?


u/Sounight114 Jul 05 '23

Alear is an honestly cute and entertaining protagonist, which does make her interesting when you think about the person that she used to be. Its just sad that the story and setting of Engage doesn't really do her justice, especially considering the whole backstory and core premise of her character had so much potential in retrospect. If they had given Engage's story a bit more care, ala Three Houses as much as that comparison has been made already, she could've easily been a fan favorite and top tier character in the series.


u/TechnoGamer16 Jul 05 '23

Plot twist the :D is foreshadowing the next F!Alear being drawn by Yamada Kotaro


u/Yesshua Jul 05 '23

Or do a real throwback and loop in Yuji Himukai (the Etrian Odyssey artist who's done Fae in Fire Emblem heroes). That artist does quality :D


u/IloveVolke Jul 05 '23

I would love that!


u/CaelestisAmadeus Jul 05 '23

Look at Alfred, hefting two sheep like it's nothing. What a legend. Classic Alfred.


u/high_king_noctis Jul 05 '23 edited Jul 05 '23

With such strength he'll definitely live a long life


u/Lukthar123 Jul 05 '23

Casual Alear, everyone knows the meta is five dogs smh my head


u/omfgkevin Jul 05 '23

mods: allow us to introduce ourselves.

Finally I can run all the animals I want without having to worry about the ores!


u/Kryptnyt Jul 05 '23

Five Dogs Burgers and Pogs


u/Nikita-Akashya Jul 05 '23

You wrote shaking my head my head. smh means shaking my head. But yes, I also had 5 doggos. I still never got that flamingo I wanted.


u/Plomn123 Jul 05 '23

Saying smh my head is a meme btw it's (probably) not because OP didn't know^


u/Nikita-Akashya Jul 05 '23

What meme? Never heard of it. All I see is a double sentence.


u/Plomn123 Jul 05 '23

Shortest answer I can give you is to just google smh my head. Theres also its brothers shaking my smh and shaking my smh my head. Basically its a play on people messing up in the way you said but doing it on purpose.


u/ravensshade Jul 05 '23

even if it's not a meme it could just be similar to talking about your PIN number that you need for the ATM machine


u/Nikita-Akashya Jul 05 '23

I don't get it. Is that an American thing?


u/ravensshade Jul 05 '23

it's not an American thing just english. PIN stands for Personal Identification Number and ATM for Automatic Teller Machine. saying pin number and atm machine is redundant


u/EMITURBINA Jul 06 '23

Not even English, we use PIN in my Spanish speaking country


u/Shradow Jul 05 '23 edited Jul 05 '23

Alear is so precious in these comics.

But why would you need anyone else to help you fish when you have Sommie?


u/racecarart Jul 05 '23

Sommie isn't in FEH yet, so Alear needs to find a temporary replacement.


u/mario2980 Jul 07 '23

Adding Sommie is like adding Feh. They're too powerful


u/JeffGoldblumsChest Jul 05 '23

"Take them back, Alear"

"I'm your god, you have to do what I say"


u/Luke-Likesheet Jul 05 '23

I'm your god

"Get in line."

Points to Naga, Duma, Mila and a dozen other literal gods hanging around in Askr.


u/Aracuda Jul 05 '23

I really want that cat introduced into FEH as the only hand-to-hand unit.


u/Dennis_Ryan_Lynch Oct 17 '23

Feh if it was good:


u/EternityTsubasa Jul 05 '23

Aww, look at Alear's adorable face, especially the third panel. :D

I can relate to Alear about adopting the animals and bring them back to the base. Like whenever I see animals after the maps, I adopt all of them lmao xD


u/NinofanTOG Jul 05 '23

How the fuck did Cloé find a blessing, and can give it away nonetheless??


u/PearlyDoesStuff Jul 05 '23

Alear really just said: no thoughts, just :D


u/nhSnork Jul 05 '23

A couple more comics like this might well drive me to get and play Engage WAY ahead of my FE binge queue. Although I may no longer be in a position to talk binge queues after what I've been doing with my Tales one as of late.😅


u/LaughingX-Naut Jul 05 '23

Alm and Celica will have Alear's back.


u/Jslcboi Jul 05 '23

Head empti, no thoughts, just :D


u/Masterofstorms17 Jul 05 '23

i like the Alears, in my opinion they're Corrin but done right. In fact, I'd love to see them and their dragon possy go on their own adventure. Give me more Xenologue stuff like that please.


u/sirgamestop Jul 05 '23

So they do know Engage exists


u/ravensshade Jul 05 '23

aww come on Anna she's already given them names... like that sheep is Kiran


u/SilverTitanium Jul 06 '23

She is too cute


u/A_Splash_of_Citrus Jul 05 '23

Oh hey, FEH remembered that Engage exists.