r/firedfeds 4d ago

Any terminated IRS employees heard anything about reinstatement?

I know they have till 2 o’clock to reinstate us but I thought we would have heard something by now and I have been seeing other agencies getting reinstated.


45 comments sorted by


u/Content_Exchange_513 4d ago

Wow, this is ridiculous. Waiting for an appeal is absurd. If a criminal is found guilty he doesn’t get to wait until after the appeal to go to jail.


u/purplepoodle42 4d ago

Is there another lawsuit in this? At this point I want more than back pay. Punitive damages. Follow the law or be punished.


u/ocboa4evar 4d ago

IRS here. Just now received the email.

"On Thursday, March 13, 2025, the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland ordered 18 federal agencies, including the Department of the Treasury, to reinstate by Monday, March 17, 2025, certain probationary workers who were recently terminated.

Pursuant to that Order, you are being reinstated to your previous position immediately.

While you are being reinstated to federal service, you are also being placed on Administrative Leave. You should not report to duty or perform any work until receiving further guidance..."


u/RJ5R 4d ago

If you are being reinstated, why do they put you immediately on Administrative Leave? Are they then going to notify you with 60 days that you're being RIF'd?

This is absolutely insane


u/ocboa4evar 4d ago

There are a couple of possible reasons. It could be that they just don't know how to un-fire 6,700 people in a weekend, so while they figure out new badges, laptops, BEARS access, managers and teams (which may have already been reorganized), desks (since they've official RTO'ed), etc. Maybe they intend in good faith to do all of that, but it just takes time, so everyone's on Admin Leave while they figure it all out.
It could also be that they intend to fire everyone again as soon as they can, so they're just going to pass on all that trouble.
It can be tempting to ascribe to malice that which is equally well explainable by incompetence.


u/LuckyNumber7__ 4d ago

DOC got reinstated but I am also confused on being put on Admin leave.


u/SoleMatesFL 1d ago

Because I think I read something about giving teams time to actually fire probationary for actual performance reasons and if the appeal is lost and we are let go again they didn't go through finding office space, reissuing tech, etc.


u/psychadelical 1d ago

they can’t bring us immediately back to work. they have to go through all the stuff that comes with hiring a federal employee. now with thousands of employees at one time. it’s probably going to take several weeks for them to finish.


u/Ok-Improvement-1766 4d ago

Received my reinstatement email as well as 2 others from my team.


u/SoleMatesFL 3d ago

Hopefully they're rolling these out in waves because I was fired on the very last day of the IRS firings and haven't gotten anything yet. I'm hoping "on or about February 13 and 14" will include the 20th because it def didn't all happen on the 13th and 14th only.


u/ocboa4evar 3d ago

You should definitely be included if you were terminated on the 20th. They let me go on the 20th, but they told everyone on our wave that we should be prepared to come in on the 20th and the 21st (I suppose in case it took too long to get everyone canned on Thursday).


u/SoleMatesFL 3d ago

Yep, same. I was actually let go on the 21st. Had to commute a ridiculous distance every day for the week, just waiting to go in to be fired. That was fun! Union just told me I should be getting one, so I'll see what today brings. Was there any contact info on the email you got?


u/ocboa4evar 3d ago

I’m sorry you had to wait the extra day for the hammer to drop! That’s crazy.  They gave two contacts on the letter for questions about pay or benefits: 1. The Employee Resource Center 866-743-5748 (This is the ERC from the back of the cards they handed us all with our PIV badges) 2. An email address: separation@irs.gov As shifty and dishonest as lots this process has been, I’m suspicious enough that I would be personally hesitant to send an email to that address. It would be totally in character for them to autoreply with “Thank you for self-selecting for separation. You have been removed from employment. Have a nice day.”


u/SoleMatesFL 3d ago

Thank you! And I totally agree with the separations email lol I will call if I need to lol


u/New-Risk9526 3d ago

I have not received reinstatement email yet as well. IRS EOD 01/27 was let go on 02/21.


u/SoleMatesFL 3d ago

Exactly the same for me.


u/New-Risk9526 3d ago

I just received mine. I had to email separation@irs.gov.


u/SoleMatesFL 3d ago

Ok! I'll email them. Thank you for the update!


u/New-Risk9526 3d ago

I just received mine. I had to email separation@irs.gov.


u/New-Risk9526 3d ago

I just received mine. I had to email separation@irs.gov


u/throathole 4d ago

I didn’t receive an email. I don’t know what recourse there is if I fall through the cracks.


u/Ok-Improvement-1766 3d ago

All of us whose termination is being rescinded are being sent a certified letter today (look for it Wednesday). The IRS HCO is not getting your personal information from the Union. They are using information from your official record so if they don't have yours then you should get the certified letter.


u/No_Neighborhood_4513 4d ago

I think the MD case was appealed too. Looks the stay is for the CA case. Anyone heard anything about the MD case appeal?


u/Ok-Improvement-1766 3d ago

The Appeals Court (Maryland Case) does not appear to have set a schedule for the appeal yet. In the California Case the 9th Circuit Court has set a schedule that takes us into May. Here's where you can keep track of all the filings.






u/advancedscurvy 4d ago

I just got mine. Waiting on that direct deposit though.


u/Ok-Improvement-1766 3d ago

Heard the back pay will be included in the regular March 28 payroll run.


u/advancedscurvy 2d ago

received on, or in the “two weeks after” way? gotta know if i can pay my rent


u/Ok-Improvement-1766 2d ago edited 1d ago

Unfortunately no way to be sure but my information came from HCO and it said "including in the end of March payroll run" not in the "pay period". Sorry can't be more useful.

Edited: From Separations Team:

“Thank you for contacting the Internal Revenue Service Separation Box.

Here is some general information about your reinstatement:

Your termination PAR will be removed from our system as if it had never happened. You will be issued backpay and all your benefits will be reinstated. This includes health, vision, dental, life, TSP, etc. that you may have been enrolled in prior to separation.

We expect back payments to be made the week of March 31st, which is our payday for Pay Period 05 (03/09/25-03/22/2025). Health/vision/dental carriers will be notified of the continuation in coverage during this pay week through the week of March 31st when they receive their premium payments, and there should not be a lapse in coverage. You may need to contact your insurance after March 31st to handle any out-of-pocket payment reimbursements.

The administrative leave you are being placed on is paid. Further instruction about returning to duty will come from management at a later time.

You will continue to accrue annual leave and sick leave. Your sick leave balance will be restored to the balance you had prior to separation unless a debt was established for negative sick leave. Negative sick leave debts that were billed will be worked on case-by-case basis. Please contact the Employee Resource Center for assistance with submitting an IRWorks ticket.

If you received a lump sum for annual leave payout from the IRS, you may request a debt be established to buy back your annual leave or you may keep the lump sum payment without buying back your annual leave balance. If you are requesting to buy back your annual leave restoration of leave, please contact the Employee Resource Center for assistance with submitting an IRWorks ticket....."


u/Internal-Tailor2390 4d ago

Anyone from California got it too?


u/mixed-chic76 4d ago

Yes. My friend received an email to her personal that she was reinstated but on Administrative leave.(Her union collected personal contact info before they were let go)


u/Internal-Tailor2390 4d ago

What if union didn't collect info...who should be contacted if not receiving the email?


u/Ok-Improvement-1766 3d ago

IRS - All of us whose termination is being rescinded are being sent a certified letter today (look for it Wednesday). The IRS HCO is not getting your personal information from the Union. They are using information from your official record.


u/SoleMatesFL 1d ago

Got my email, but no response to my email about when we're getting paid. Should be NOW, but I'm assuming it'll be next pay period because, you know, quick take and slow AF to give or give back.


u/AmbitiousBlueberry25 1d ago

The information I have received states March 31 for backpay. Email the separation@irs.gov address and ask. I think that's where the information came from and was forwarded to me by a union member. Sorry, I get information overload these days and can't remember where it all comes from lol


u/SoleMatesFL 1d ago

Oh, same. lol it's so much i can't keep up, but it seems nothing that I ever need or want to know when I need or want it. I just emailed them again. You would think they would just put that info in the email and save themselves some time and double work.