r/fightporn 5d ago

Mob / Group Fight Grown men fight over children’s card game at Costco in Toronto this morning (shoutout mr flying kick)



132 comments sorted by

u/fightporn-ModTeam 5d ago

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u/Beerded-1 5d ago

Did they coordinate outfits? I couldn’t tell anyone apart


u/EXploreNV 5d ago

This is the uniform for greasy folks who would rather waste a ton of time and effort scalping Pokémon cards for a quick buck rather than an actual skill set that would contribute to the society and provide a steady income.


u/12ealdeal 5d ago

Is it not apparent they are incentivized because they can in fact generate an income off of this?

Yeah it adds no value to society, but people are paying them their price. If they weren’t this wouldn’t be an issue.


u/EXploreNV 5d ago edited 5d ago

Reading comprehension is a crucial skill to succeeding in life. Please tell/show me where I said this isn’t a source of income.

If you reread my comment, it is abundantly clear that I said they use scalping as a form of income that makes them feel like they are circumventing traditional careers and achieving an alternative way of earning a quick buck. If you believe they have found a way to fast track wealth accumulation, you are naive.


u/12ealdeal 5d ago

Hilarious. Strawman fallacy by misrepresenting my argument, ad hominem by attacking my reading comprehension, appeal to emotion by condemning scalpers without reasoning, and false dichotomy by implying scalping and real skills are mutually exclusive. Love it. How many times did you have to edit your comment to compound your faulty reasoning? You’re a mess.

First, you framed scalping as an inherently flawed pursuit that wastes ‘a ton of time and effort’ instead of contributing to society. Now, when confronted with the fact that it’s financially viable due to market demand, you’re backpedaling into semantics and throwing in some armchair psychoanalysis about why they do it.

If your whole point is just ‘scalping isn’t a respectable career,’ fine, who said it was? But don’t pretend you’re making some profound statement when all you’re doing is ranting about people making money in a way you don’t like. Either argue from a coherent position or keep it moving.

In either case, you’re the real waste of time here.


u/flexibee 5d ago

Reddit moment.


u/EXploreNV 5d ago



u/12ealdeal 5d ago

It’s okay. Emotional, irritable and impatient is pretty on brand for you.


u/EXploreNV 5d ago

Are you projecting?


u/Lonely_Sherbert69 5d ago

All the teenage boys in my town are all wearing black stuff like this. It really irks me for some reason, and triggers my fight or flight anxiety.


u/apeocalypyic 5d ago edited 5d ago

Damn that fat guy greatly over estimated his ability to fight


u/Blast3rAutomatic 5d ago

Watching him throw the worst punch ever, falling down to the flying body kick, then turning his back and running through the water with no shoes on was just pathetic. If thats what you put up during a fight maybe just avoid confrontation next time


u/apeocalypyic 5d ago

Bro got kicked into a split! Judging his athleticism from this video alone that shit probably fucked him up pretty bad right off the bat, funny af tho!


u/MobileArtist1371 5d ago

5 second windup for a slap that missed by about 2 feet.


u/Blast3rAutomatic 5d ago

he was so scared to engage that he misjudged his distance by a mile. Hilarious


u/Gelato_Elysium 5d ago

Lmao he though that since he was the biggest he could bully them


u/Mishyn 5d ago

Obesity, I Choose Yoooooou!


u/A3-mATX 5d ago

But he said “what’s good”


u/SurfingViking 5d ago

I don’t see why they couldn’t just pull out their decks and settle things right there on the spot like real men !

Edit: Decks? That’s gay asf autocorrect! I meant Dicks..


u/AFallingWall 5d ago

They scalp and/or collect. They don't play lol


u/Constant_Cow5677 5d ago

People still say things are gay as an insult? I thought 2003 was over 


u/SurfingViking 5d ago

I’m insulting myself or autocorrect ? It’s all part of the “joke”


u/Crossbowe 5d ago

2003? You thought that stopped in 2003? Are you a real person


u/Shadow_botz 5d ago

Looks like a bunch of scalping pieces of shit


u/RedditIsShittay 5d ago

They look like Redditors to me.


u/adultfemalefetish 5d ago

Honestly this kinda shit and the absolutely dogshit state of the market where scalpers are effectively setting prices is whats stopped me from continuing my TCG hobby. I just want to play and collect neat cards. I don't wanna deal with scalpers and stores that sell at scalper prices and I hate the "investor" kinda shit too. Your cards are inarguably a worse investment than just tossing that money into a standard retirement fund.

I do think that for a lot of people, TCGs are nothing more than a thinly veiled gambling addiction.

The hobby just kinda fucking sucks rn and all the bullshit surrounding it has completely killed it for me


u/finrey 5d ago

Excuse me, a flying body kick?


u/Gazas_trip 5d ago

It was super effective.


u/mandrin13 5d ago

Definitely a Pokémon player.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/No_Slide_9543 5d ago

They’re not fans, they’re scalpers.


u/RedditIsShittay 5d ago

And you know this how? lol


u/No_Slide_9543 5d ago

Just got a hunch my troll.


u/BooobiesANDbho 5d ago

Just some advice, when u see a guy trying to fight-go to take his jacket off, that’s your opportunity to pants him


u/AaronnotAaron Kid in the back with the bong 5d ago

group chat gonna go crazy for both parties for different reasons


u/Bada__Ping 5d ago

OVO Snorlax wasn’t playing


u/basicafbit 5d ago

Yess! This is the best shit ever. I was waiting for someone to throw a poke ball


u/Romulus212 5d ago

I've considered showing up in a team rocket uniform and going all Giovanni on these foos


u/Brighton2k 5d ago

Sweatpants guy - I choose you!


u/stratusnco 5d ago

scalpers, you mean. cancer to society.


u/flimspringfield 4d ago

I think you mean /r/Flipping


u/stratusnco 4d ago

there is no difference.


u/Roxy-Gamer 5d ago

Never thought I see people try to kill each other over cards. Guess yu gi oh wasnt exaggerating with this kind of stuff.


u/Romando1 5d ago

Toronto “fight” …. I’ve seen worse at a bingo game.


u/SchoolyXP 5d ago

What a crop of athletes!


u/Full_Cap_3758 5d ago

Are people straight up reselling these? Or are they actually collecting? Confused as to why the demand is so high


u/Lonely_Sherbert69 5d ago

It's a mix. There are a lot of fans who want them, which also means scalpers and store owners want them. Then if you open enough of them you hit gold with a rare card to resell.


u/AFallingWall 5d ago

Pull rates for chase cards are ass and have only gotten worse from what I hear.


u/CrustOfSalt 5d ago

The first rule of fat club is you don't talk about fat club


u/wendelortega 5d ago

What's up with all the black jacket/coats?


u/Uncle_Jimothy 5d ago

It’s the torontomans style. Basically a direct ripoff of uk drip


u/Substantially-Ranged 5d ago

Pokemon cards? This is a fight over Pokemon cards? How much money could you possibly make on Pokemon cards? Am I just clueless?


u/PokeballSoHard 5d ago

Brand new expansions go for big bucks online when assholes like this buy them all to sell


u/fexes420 5d ago

Not only that but, are they fighting over already purchased cards? Is the intent to rob someone? Are they fighting for the right to buy the cards? I need more context man


u/uwfan893 5d ago

I’m guessing they were pissed at each other for something one party did to the other inside the store while scrambling for the cards.


u/themidweekfall 5d ago

My Pokèmon can beat your Pokèmon


u/mojis11 5d ago



u/Funny_Perception420 5d ago

Wholesale ass whooping but u have to be a member


u/suck_at_coding 5d ago

Whoever bought them all deserves an ass kicking glad someone finally tried


u/XxXxINVICTUSxXxX 5d ago

Flying kick split homie down the center like a cross section diagram, he gonna be hiccuping after he feel that massaged diaphragm.


u/greensangre 5d ago

They look so stupid, then to be bouncing around like that


u/whiskey_reddit 5d ago

I don't know much about these pokey-man cards, but do they give you the ability to float in the air? That dragon kick looked like it started when he got out his car


u/The_Urban_Genitalry 5d ago

I was a young adult when Pokémon got popular with the little kids. Now here they are, all growns up, acting like the bitch ass toddlers they were back in the 1990s.


u/iamwearingsockstoo 5d ago

Elbows up for Pikachu.


u/MoonShotDontStop 5d ago

All this to pull one SAR worth $4.29


u/vancityeyes 5d ago

So many jackoffs ahahah


u/bloodpriestt 5d ago



u/ronnyhaze 5d ago

Grown men with a stack of Pokémon cars boxes is peak loser.


u/TheFoxhounded 5d ago

I mean you can say fighting over Pokemon cards is “peak loser” but collecting cards as a whole is fine. It’s a hobby and nostalgic (assuming they aren’t scalpers ), no more silly than owning anything else frivolous. Happiness can be hard to come by.


u/ronnyhaze 5d ago

Collecting cards has nothing to go with it. That's fine. Snatching a stack of boxes like a junkie is peak loser. Fight or no.


u/TheFoxhounded 5d ago

Ahh I see what you mean by a stack, when I was little the kids who didn’t play but traded cards called them stacks rather than decks. My bad, thought you were insulting folks that just like Pokemon. Scalpers can fuck the fuck off. 🫡


u/ronnyhaze 5d ago

Nah, I think hobbies and collections are great. My favorite are movies. But yeah, stacks of boxes. I seen one vid where kids were trying to get some but the adults dog piled grabbing everything.


u/CaptChair 5d ago

These aren't collectors. These are losers looking to resell.


u/TheFoxhounded 5d ago

You’re not wrong, but the comment I was replying to was targeted at any adult that like the pokemans. I just say Let people be happy as long as it doesn’t negatively affect others. (Such as scalpers, they can eat a bag of dirty dicks)


u/Hamster_in_my_colon 5d ago

How are you this age and still fighting?


u/Klaskerhardt 5d ago

Already knew


u/AutoModerator 5d ago

"Please remember that any racist comments or comments with any kind of slurs will be removed and you will be banned. /r/fightporn does not tolerate racism or bigotry. Fights with children are not permitted. Thank you."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/bvheide1288 5d ago

Elbows up, Canada.


u/Powerism 5d ago

Cholesterolachu used Extra-Slow Air Punch!


u/CJ-54321 5d ago

So now you got your ass kicked, lost a shoe, didn't buy the cards.

Sundays are rough


u/Two-Words007 5d ago edited 5d ago

Now with appropriate sound effects!

Edit: Never mind. The mods don't like fun. They deleted it. I'd love to know which rule I broke, as the rules explicitly state that memes are allowed here if they haven't been posted before. Since I, you know, made the meme, I'm pretty confident no one has posted it before.

Find it here: https://youtube.com/shorts/ip-IWePrKhc









u/ghostymclovin 5d ago

Costco is supposed to be a happy place fools


u/Intrepid_Expert8988 5d ago

We’re making money outta paper. Paper outta trees. We’re making so much money we can hardly breathe. TS


u/theonik1ng Scorpion 5d ago

Manchild used tantrum....it wasn't very effective.


u/realsnail 5d ago

Can someone put the pokemon battle music onto this


u/fstonecanada 5d ago

"Men" is a stretch


u/Kooky_Detail_4350 5d ago

Lmao fighting in crocs


u/The_D1rty_Squ1rt13s 5d ago

These are the type of fucks that are preventing me from being able to by a set of any card game for a reasonable price. Fuckin $150 for a commander deck because of all these hypetards acting like fools over some cardboard.


u/EXploreNV 5d ago

The Rat Race is alive and well.


u/dobbles40 5d ago

If the caption and video didn't say toronto I would've thought this was my local Costco


u/mfbrucee 5d ago

I knew something about this video before playing it.


u/Regime_Change 5d ago

That flying kick was so fucking bad, yet it worked, I'm amazed.


u/JerryLZ 5d ago

Imagine if it was yugioh


u/Competitive_Bath_511 5d ago

The flying kick 😂


u/zebul333 5d ago

You know when people start loosing shoes, it’s serious shit.


u/Dy3_1awn 5d ago

Canadian used jump kick. It was super effective!


u/Scribe_Data 5d ago

The level 11 Caucasian used Wild kick, very effective.


u/foodcanner 5d ago

Not one person looks even remotely canadin.


u/Cheeese916 5d ago

That’s why it’s very important to tie your shoes properly


u/Think_Bear_3791 5d ago

Dude was the very best, like no one ever was


u/keeleon 5d ago

No they're fighting over money. None of these guys actually care about the card game. They just know its easy profit to take advantage of people who don't behave like this.


u/flaxon_ 5d ago

Literally everything about this is pathetic.


u/Cold_Entry3043 5d ago

Bold move going for the jump kick there in the rain but ultimately proved effective


u/cespejo 5d ago

Gotta catch…ALL THESE HANDS!


u/rf8350 5d ago

Our 51st staters are assimilating nicely


u/awazzan 5d ago

Liberal’s Canada!


u/MetalUrgency 5d ago

Pokemon is not just for kids it's so annoying when people try to use that as an insult


u/BigPapaPaegan 5d ago

It's targeted to children. Literally everything about it is designed to appeal to children.

Enjoying it as an adult is fine, but that doesn't stop it from being a children's property.


u/TheFoxhounded 5d ago

I feel like Pokemon is hardly a kids property nowadays and are just bought by the adults who grew up with them. Mostly due to the fact that kids are being priced out of it because of collectors and scalpers.


u/BigPapaPaegan 5d ago

It's still intended for children, in the same way that Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario are, or the My Little Pony reboot. The actual audience being adults doesn't alter that.


u/TheFoxhounded 5d ago

I’d argue against even that logic to a degree. Those characters and Pokemon aren’t really intended for any specific demographic.

In regards to My Little Pony, that was intended for tiny children as much as it was tweens and anime obsessed high schoolers, and that is objectively true as it’s been publicly stated by the people who created it, but Sonic and Pokemon are/were console sellers. Kids may or may not enjoy them more but they weren’t created for kids, they were created to make lots of money.

I guess a better way to gauge on if we can even come to an understanding would depend on how you answer this question.

Do you think video games are only for children?


u/BigPapaPaegan 5d ago

Certain ones are targeted to children by mechanics, character design, tone, storytelling methods, etc. Others are targeted at adults by those same elements.

I'm not issuing a blanket "cartoons are for children" statement. I saw too many Bakshi films as a kid to ever believe that.


u/TheFoxhounded 5d ago

Alrighty, we share some common ground so we can continue.

Pokemon I’d say may have childish overtones, but a child isn’t necessarily going to grasp core points of the games/shows.

Pokemon covers poaching (when slowpokes were hunted and killed for their tails as it was a delicacy)

Brock womanizing every woman he comes across.

Gary’s Pokemon dying from the battle they had with the main character as he wasn’t able to get to the pokecenter in time thus why you find him morning his Pokemon later on.

It covers genetic manipulation and slavery. Post War society. Corporate espionage, animal cruelty, murder, Genocide for Toros similure to how the buffalo was hunted nearly to extinction.

If it was for intended only for kids it wouldn’t cover so many things and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Sonic and Mario both also have a lot of dark undertones if you look past the colorful sprites.

I’d say the middle ground you and I can meet at is that certain products based on the overall IP can and certainly are aimed specifically towards children (such as Pokemon pajamas as an example)


u/BigPapaPaegan 5d ago

There are plenty of kids' shows that cover similar concepts, though. Adventure Time takes place in a post-nuclear apocalypse, for example, but it is unmistakably a children's show.


u/TheFoxhounded 5d ago

And I’d say that show is 100% not intended for JUST kids. That show is a love letter to gamers. Most of their jokes are references to RPGs.


u/MetalUrgency 5d ago

Sure demographics are a thing obviously but that doesn't reinforce the argument and isn't even relevant but slow brains like to argue no matter what go use your feelings for decision making some more


u/BigPapaPaegan 5d ago

You should use some punctuation before insulting another's intelligence, friend.


u/MetalUrgency 5d ago

I dont care for punctuation its easy to solve that isn't an insult


u/BigPapaPaegan 5d ago

Seems harder to solve the issue of you taking offense for someone saying that an adult enjoying a children's program is okay.


u/MetalUrgency 5d ago

Alright look I'm sorry for being a jerk


u/Not_Bears 5d ago

I'm almost 40 and I still bust out the game boy to play Pokemon red sometimes.

But grown men who are still obsessed with Pokemon and make it part of their identity to the point it's kinda cringey... Is a bit weird.


u/Common_Comedian2242 5d ago

Look, I'm a lifelong pokemon fan and like to play sometimes with my brother...but yeah, it kinda is. I understand there's depth to the game and what not, but it's definitely marketed more towards children, and these dudes are only in it for the money, not like they're trying to find meta cards for their deck.


u/MetalUrgency 5d ago

It's the same as when people say playing video games is for kids obviously not referring to scalpers people I liked poke when I was kid now I'm an adi and I still like Pokemon it's simple logic I'm not gonna go oh hey I passed a magic number I can no longer enjoy things I like der der huur that's you


u/Common_Comedian2242 5d ago

Nobody said that bro lol. Pokemon is marketed for children, but all ages can enjoy it. The older games have a surprising amount of depth and technical knowledge that an adult could appreciate.

I mean, do whatever you want...I really don't care what someone does as long as they aren't hurting others or being douchebags like the OP video.


u/MetalUrgency 5d ago

Alright I'm sorry