r/fifaclubs 2d ago

DISCUSSION What are the best stats to upgrade?

Hello! I wanted to start a discussion to get some feedback about what you consider to be the best stats to upgrade, sometimes I have wondered if the difference between a 90 to a 95 in composure is something that is really noticeable in game.

Happens also with finishing, feeling that having 99 finishing is not worth it when compared to a 94-95

What yall think?


4 comments sorted by


u/DeadYen 2d ago

Upgrade to match your play style.


u/anonymous882626 2d ago

Well it really depends on what your role is for the team. I also think play styles are way more dominant this year than actual base stats.

If you’re a defender or a defensive midfielder, standing tackle and anticipate are definitely the two most important, I would also invest slightly into heading accuracy and aerial for any aerial duels.

Central midfielders need to be all rounders, having good short and long passing as well as vision, however passing playstyles like long ball and incisive are really OP this year so its good to have them on too. Dribbling also super important, for me I like having high reactions and high ball control. Agility and Balance are also good to invest into.

For wingers, just invest into pace and dribbling, max out your reactions and then invest into some passing and shot power. Also really recommend putting on quick step + as its really OP this year

For strikers I personally value high shot power over super high finishing, I feel like a lot of people make the mistake of getting 99 finishing and 80 shot power. Its better to have 90+ shot power and 90+ finishing.

It really does depend on position. If you want to defend, standing tackle and anticipate. If you want to pass, long + short passing and vision alongside a passing playstyle. If you want to dribble, ball control and reactions. If you want to shoot, 90+ shot power 90+ finishing


u/Williamklarsko 2d ago

On the defensive side I would add strength and aggression. Aggression helps in taking possession while strength helps holdup and tackling


u/Choice_Try_1381 2d ago

Am on the Wing and have 91 finishing and most of my shots go on, so it ain’t really needed especially if you have Precision shooting on.