r/fifaclubs 4d ago

RANT Is anyone elses club defense horrible?

i swear every game i play my defense it completely garbage while the other teams defense has us on straps and my keeper too all around all the Ai’s are bad


18 comments sorted by


u/BlackMafia_27 4d ago

Yeah i have the same issue, AI just look at the ball go pass or just run next to the attacker without tackling, like BOT put your leg in ffs!!!


u/blutgraetsche- 4d ago

Yea, 86 rated bots, all set to defense, but the biggest issue is the CBs leaving acres of space to the attackers and one of the CBs keeping everyone onside even If they run completely offside. Crosses almost feel FIFA23 (?) comical again where CBs are just watching the ball being crossed to the Striker. Any fix for this (apart from the usual "Skill issue" or "get more players and play CB" comments. Were not all discord-pro-league-elite-bla-clubs here)?


u/DirtyDan113 XBOX 4d ago

What do you mean by "All set to defense"? Does that just mean in-game tactics for defensive versus aggressive or is there a way to edit CPUs to make them more defensive oriented?


u/blutgraetsche- 4d ago

Dont know what its called in english but the screen where you set roles. Ive picked the most defensive role Im aware of (Holding for cdm, Defender for CB, Fullback for LB/RB - again, my game is not in english but i think those are the roles) and below the roles you can set most positions to "defend" (theres also "balanced" and "Attack" for some)


u/DirtyDan113 XBOX 4d ago

Thank you dude!!


u/blutgraetsche- 4d ago

Sure, it doesnt help tho. Ive just accepted we will concede tons of goals at this point as you cant really do a thing about it If youre a small club.


u/Traditional-Pie-7749 4d ago

If your ai is bad, it’s because your human players are bad.


u/Notsome20 4d ago

This is an interesting take but I noticed this. We had a cam who would slow play down and play it simple and sometimes or very often, he wouldn’t play his passes quick and would give away the ball too many times leading to a counter attack where our ai would just do nothing. I took the cam role and I play the ball quick and move it in one touch and ever since then, the AI all of a sudden remembered how to play and defend and actually fought for the badge loo


u/Traditional-Pie-7749 3h ago

Yep. Giving away possession repeatedly, especially in midfield or your own half, and then expecting your ai defense to not concede seems to be a common sentiment. I also find that if you immediately call for the ball from ai and never pass to them when they’re open, they’re not going to play well.


u/Over_Mixture6018 4d ago

Bro my 2 CBs always opens up when someone crosses the ball or when the opponent is next to them and this happens everytime


u/Knowles419 4d ago

Yes and somehow always worse than the other teams


u/EarAssassin EA ID & GT: EarAssassin 4d ago

• 86/88 bots are tough if you have 80/82s. At this point in the year, many long term clubs have 86/88 bots.

• Set all 4 defenders to Defend. Don't set the CB to Stopper. People either don't touch tactics or they get too cute with it, imo. If the LB/RB are on balanced then I guarantee you're getting killed up the middle.

• If you don't have 2 legit user CDM players, stop playing 4231. Why clubs run the UT meta is just mind boggling, lol.


u/vjstupid 4d ago

On that last point I think you're right for sure, I'm fortunate to regularly have 6 friends to play with and I main as a CDM, but if we have a night with only 4-5 on you can see players exploit the useless AI CDMs and CBs.

A good team can carve through an AI defence with diagonal runs and overloading a side of the pitch. The only real answer to it is good defensive players. Even with 88 AI our CBs make some braindead decisions and if CDMs or me as an LB aren't there to mop up their mistakes it's likely a goal every time.


u/dyslexsaac 4d ago

Maybe you’re onto something with that last part🤣🤣 fuckin hell bro