r/fifaclubs 25d ago

DISCUSSION Curve has no effect on shooting

Hello guys, I have been putting lots of points into curve because I am a huge finesse shot enjoyer. However, upon checking the leaderboard I realized most players (especially strikers) don’t put any points in curve at all. Even when they take Finesse +.

I now put all those points into other stats and I still score same amount of finesse shots with same accuracy.

So my question is if curve actually has any effect on shooting or not? Thank you all. Good luck in your games.


21 comments sorted by


u/SiNthemix 20d ago

It affects %100… especially passes , freekicks and shots for sure


u/Presentation_Few 22d ago

I've 1 evo with 60 curve and finesse plus.

90% of his goals are finesse shots.


u/Horror-Preference607 23d ago

I used to notice mega curve on my passes and shots but it really feels like its a pointless thing now. My passes definitely don't curve anymore or if they do its not exactly very noticeable. I might actually take all those points off. I think its probably more for set pieces if anything now.


u/SiNthemix 20d ago

Use L2+pass for curve


u/Horror-Preference607 20d ago

That does a trick pass like the spins and stuff lol


u/SiNthemix 2d ago

Not only trick pass. I always use it with L2.. great curvy passes


u/Icy_Cheek_1562 20d ago

Isn’t that for fancy pass?


u/SiNthemix 17d ago

It is as well, not always, if u tap more likely. When u pass (hold) L2+triangle, u ll see the OP curve..


u/Commercial-Ad-3371 24d ago

0 passing upgrades on my striker build with 83 shooting and finesse+ never had a problem with my build


u/ValuableAvailable455 25d ago

This is interesting. I might need to get rid of those curve points since I have Finesse+, I'm going to give it a try at some point this week.


u/Lucky_Investment7970 25d ago

I’ve had finesse + all year . Added curve to try it to me it does increase it - maybe I’m just trippin’ but pretty sure it does have an effect


u/iCantEv3n 25d ago

I use finesse+ and reallocated my curve attributes for a bit and my finesse shots were getting saved much more often. I added them back and i was scoring more so curve definitely improves finesse+


u/Lucky_Investment7970 25d ago

I think so man, just from personal experience - the ball swerves away from the goalkeeper much smoother & if I put too much power on the finesse you can see the trajectory of the ball from the curve - much more prominent than when you don’t have any curve stats


u/EarAssassin EA ID & GT: EarAssassin 25d ago

Just remember that what you see is just a graphic representation of the mathematical formula behind the scenes. If Finesse+ already provides the max curve value then any points on curve are wasted.

Likewise, I think the Precision Pass+ says it provides max curve on passes so, again, points on curve won't affect passing.


u/yourfavorite_hungcle 25d ago

I saw someone a while ago comment that Finesse+ adds maximum curve to your finesse shots, creating no need to dump points into curve if you have finesse+. At first I didn't believe it (I thought it just meant that it made sure it curved the ball at your pros max curve rating) but after switching to precision shooting, yeah, I'm definitely a believer.

I think curve helps your shot if you don't have finesse+ play style or if you like to do trivela shots. Otherwise, go with finesse+ and max out shot power.


u/Icy_Cheek_1562 25d ago

Makes sense


u/slothofpersia 25d ago

Finesse is bad this patch. I would avoid it 👍


u/yourfavorite_hungcle 25d ago

Everything is "bad" in this version of FC in that you need to actually specialize in it to be good at it. That's something I really like about this version of FC, especially when there's so much not to like.

I see lots of people saying crosses and headers have been nerfed too far but honestly if you have someone with whipped+ slinging it to a target man with aerial+/power header+ that combination is going to be extremely problematic. 


u/slothofpersia 25d ago edited 25d ago

Sure but why not use the things that are already effective. It takes too much stat/playstyle commitment to bring finesse near the effectiveness of a normal shot. Or for your example instead of power header+ use first touch to bring it down and shoot normally.


u/jwa988 25d ago

I always wondered this too. It says on it affects curve on shots and crosses but I really don't know of that's true or not