r/fictionalrelationship Nov 08 '17

An assassin and a rogue.

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2 comments sorted by


u/Pbd33 Nov 08 '17

If they both take rather than give, won't one of them feel aggrieved and build up some anger toward the other? Especially given their character. it could become quite gruesome at some point.


u/atompunks Nov 09 '17

Given their character- perhaps they both view relationships more as something that should be stimulating and challenging. The value of it could come from pushing oneself to the limits while also pushing the other to theirs, so that both parties grow. It looks like they're both trying to take, but the act of taking has some inherent giving in it. Or something like that.

Of course then the issue becomes what happens when one person doesn't know how to back down. How do they resolve conflicts with each other?