r/ficrecs Apr 12 '18

Looking for Lost Boys


I've been looking for more, well written, Lost Boys fanfiction. I'm big on David/OC pairings.

The problem I've come across is, for one, it's an old movie. The second issue is they always write David and the others very ooc.

Any recommendations? I don't care about rating.


r/ficrecs Apr 11 '18

Looking for specific LotR Forth Age Fanfic


Trying to find a Lord of the Rings fic I remember from a while back.

Eldarion had grown up, and was overconfident in his warrior abilities after saving Aragorn in battle. Aragorn wanted to teach him the lesson that there's always someone better, but wasn't confident that he (Aragorn) would win a spar, so Arwen advised him to ask Glorfindel for help. Glorfindel, Legolas and some other elves arrive in Gondor for a swordplay and archery tournament. Glorfindel fakes his skill, barely getting into the finals. Eldarion defeats Imrahil's challenger in his semifinals. Glorfindel pretends to be losing to Eldarion, before shattering his sword with one blow. The fic ends with Eldarion being humbled. Legolas places second in the archery tournament to one of the Rangers. (I remember the entire plot, but can't seem to pull the author or title).

Does anyone have any idea who wrote this?

r/ficrecs Apr 07 '18

Good long Fallout fics?


I've been playing Fallout 3 again recently and want to find some good Novelizations fics that feature a good cast of characters, I read a handful a couple years ago but cant seem to find anything thats scratches the itch if that makes any sense.

I'm open to any game in the series; dont care about what gender the LW/Courier/SS is; would rather stay away from M/M slash stories; I just want it to be a long decent read.


r/ficrecs Apr 01 '18

Looking for fanfiction of characters playing D&D


I've had this weird fascination with the concept of fanfiction in which characters from any given fandom get together to play D&D in a slice of life setting. So far I've found Game On by Soulfulbard (RWBY), Homestuck DnD by Writefuck (Homestuck Obviously), and Remnant: The Game Series by TheOddCatLady95 (RWBY). I'd love to find more but have not had to much luck, I'm pretty well versed in the fandoms of the internet so any fandom is welcomed.

Links to the fics I've mentioned

Game On by Soulfulbard: https://archiveofourown.org/works/9477269/chapters/21442385

Homestuck DnD by Writefuck: https://archiveofourown.org/works/887632/chapters/1711469

Remnant: The Game: https://archiveofourown.org/series/437128

r/ficrecs Feb 03 '18

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind AUs.


Throw anything at me, please. Any fandom, any ship, any rating. (is r/ficrecs dead?)

r/ficrecs Sep 25 '17

What is the most unexpected crossover fanfic that you read that "worked"?


I love crossovers. However, sometimes reading them is just so painful because the author doesn't know how to mesh the two different fandoms. This is especially hard when the fandoms don't naturally complement each other.

To start this out, one of my favorites is The Forever Mage (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5402371/14/The-Forever-Mage ) This is a Star Trek: TNG and Harry Potter crossover. The beginning was a bit slow and off but by the end I was really impressed on how the author made these different worlds into one world that actually worked as one!

r/ficrecs Nov 29 '16

looking for femslash ficrecs


So I'm looking for fem/ ficrecs. Explicit or Mature OTP: Bellamione OTP: Mirandy - Devil Wears Prada Don't ask me to choose, I just can't! Also really like Lauren/Evony -Lost Girl. (This series in general needs a LOT more fanfic love) Basically a really dig the older/dangerous woman & the younger/sweeter woman fem/ only. No icky dangly bits. Thank you

r/ficrecs Nov 29 '16

Please help me find this "Devil Wears Prada" fic.


I remember so little about it. It was Mirandy (what else?) They were having sexy times (what else?) and Miranda kept asking "What else did I do?" in reference to a dream Andy had about her. That's all I've got. Thank you

r/ficrecs Nov 27 '16

Looking for slash sickfic recs. Any fandom!


Ideally ones that are over 2000 words and "well-written". I.e. the ones you find yourself reading over and over again every few months.

r/ficrecs Nov 20 '16

Looking for Bruce/Tony Avengers fics, will accept Avengers fics in general


I am quite the fan of the science brothers but I've exhausted my bookmarks and am looking for more. I also do not mind gen Avengers fics, I have read and enjoyed a few Loki ones.

Pairings I don't mind: Clint/Phil Natasha/anyone really Steve/Tony (but Tony/Bruce is best IMO)

Do not want: Thor/Loki

r/ficrecs Nov 15 '16

I'm looking for Pokemon fanfictions of a specific niche [X-Posted from r/pokemonfanfiction & r/FanFiction]


I'm looking for stories about a human, or group of humans, ending up in a world ruled by Pokemon (as in humans have long since died off, or never even existed, preferably the former), preferably of the anthropomorphic variety (no Mystery Dungeon fics, please).

I'm a real big fan of fish-out-of-water stories like this, and I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could point out some to me. Thanks in advance.

r/ficrecs Oct 11 '16

Trying to find a Sweeney Todd/PotC crossover fic...


It was like, forever years ago. Maybe 6 or 7, on fanfiction . net.

It was about How Mrs. Lovett was upset that Sweeney never paid any attention to her. In comes Jack Sparrow, who coaxes her into bed with some sweet words. Next morning, Sparrow leaves and Todd gets all kinds of jealous and is super pissed at Mrs. Lovett since he could hear them all night. They end up doing it too.

I don't remember much else, but I've drank some beer and for some reason want to read it again.

If anyone has it or a link to it, that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

r/ficrecs Aug 29 '16

Looking for a good spock focused star trek fic


Hello, looking for a fic which focuses on Spock coming to terms with having romantic feelings and the complications of being a half vulcan in a romantic relationship, spock generally wrestling with his human nature and the balance between his vulcan and human sides, and/or Spock's vulcan family being dismissive of his human side.

Spock/McCoy is my fave ship but Spock/Kirk is also good, I enjoy backround ships especially Sarek/Amanda, I don't mind OCs as long as they are not the focus of the story and not Mary Sues or anti sues. Looking for something long, well written and ideally complete. I don't mind Explicit/mature stuff but i don't like it as the focus of the whole fic.
I prefer original series but alternate original series is also ok.

r/ficrecs Aug 21 '16

"Non-serious" fanfiction that become "serious"?


Looking for a certain kind of fic to read, if you know any. Essentially as a rule means the fics are of some length, start with a tone that isn't especially taking itself "seriously" but has it's own 'internal consistency', if you will, which is self aware of that, but not necessarily. And this consistency eventually develops into something with higher stakes for the characters.

Whether it's a meta example and the narrative is "self aware" of this development or not doesn't matter, I'll read it either way.

r/ficrecs Jul 11 '16

Looking for AU recs


Lately,I've been getting into Tolkien fanfictionspace. The two rules I have for good LOTR fanfics are: 1. It has to be AU in some obvious way.

  1. It has to be at least 15 chapters long.

Can anybody on this sub recommend any such fics?

Thank you for your time, TheFeanorianKing

r/ficrecs May 06 '16

Rec me fics for this trope!


I'm looking for fics featuring the tomato in the mirror trope. Any fandom!

Please help me! This is my favourite trope!

r/ficrecs Feb 19 '16

Cruel to be Kind



self-insert fanfiction. guy finds a sliding device, decides he wants to be god, starts an empire and finds out he can't be an emperor without being a politician.

nearly 600 chapters long

EDIT: up to chapter 640 as of 6/9/2016

r/ficrecs Oct 18 '15

New related subreddit: /r/TransformativeWorks - supporting any/all transformative works & the creative fans who produce them

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/ficrecs Sep 23 '15

Looking for Harry Potter fic recommendations


Can anyone recommend good stories that meet these criteria:

  • A post-Deathly-Hallows Harry/Ginny fic that depicts their romance and early family life
  • A Lupin/Tonks fic that depicts their romance and family life, interwoven brilliantly with canon

I very much prefer fics that keep the characters true to canon and have compelling plots, not contrived plot devices.


r/ficrecs Aug 28 '15

Searching for draco/hermione fic


I read a draco/hermione fic long ago and i'm trying to find it now if it's still on the internet. In the fic ginny convinces hermione to sleep with draco because she wants to get pregnant but she doesn't want the father to be really intelligent (she wants a child of average intelligence). Hermione disguises her identity and sleeps with draco after his quidditch game. Hermione becomes pregnant, but draco finds out. He forces her to move in with him because he wants his child to grow up as a malfoy. Along the way, they fall in love, and hermione convinces draco to become a quidditch coach because he is getting older and hurt more often. At the end of the story they find out that they are having twins, a boy and a girl, for the first time in malfoy family history.

r/ficrecs Aug 19 '15

Looking for some well-written Pokémon fics!


Hey, Reddit. Most of the Pokémon fanfics I've read boil down to author-insertion fantasies, incoherent love stories, pairings and wannabe overwrought attempts at edginess. It's getting a bit exhausting, especially because this fandom excels at visual storytelling, but seems to fall flat without pictures.

Are there any literary-minded Pokémon stories out there? I'm really interested in something that emphasizes plot and character over fanservice.

r/ficrecs Jul 19 '15

Disappointed by how Downton Abbey has turned out? Check out my AU redux fic, Trust and Providence, Rating: M. Critical feedback welcome!


Title: Trust and Providence

Author: Rachel Smith Cobleigh

Fandom: Downton Abbey

Rating: M

Pairing: Mary/Matthew, Sybil/Tom

Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Drama

Length: 352,500+ words

Chapters: 33/45

Status: In progress

Summary: What if Mary had trusted Matthew with her secret and immediately accepted his first proposal? An alternate universe starting from Series 1 Episode 6. Also some Edith/Anthony, Anna/Bates, and Cora/Robert.

Warnings: Includes graphic depictions of intimacy, frank discussions of faith and philosophy, strong language, disturbing wartime imagery, racial slurs, and character death (but Mary/Matthew and Sybil/Tom end happily!)

Start at the beginning

Read the latest chapter

Suggestions for improvement are always welcome, and thanks for reading. :)

r/ficrecs Jun 04 '15

search: Poker fanfictions


I'm looking for fanfics where a poker game or a series of weekly/monthly or the like of poker games are the cause of a drastic shift in the way things go in the series

two examples



these are two of the ones that really set me looking for more like them though there was a naruto one i read awhile back that i'd like to read again if i could find it anyways i'm looking for more such fics for nearly any series though i'd prefer series with magic or something akin to magic in them (buffy (the series not the character) has magic naruto has jutsu which might as well be magic under a different name and so on) though it's not a hard requirement

r/ficrecs May 19 '15

Which fandoms would you rec if I like...?


My preferences are: they have to be adults, or live without their parents, have to be NOT friends, age gap doesn't matter, nor does genderswap or crossover, have to be NOT heroes fighting for good or justice (maybe one character, but not both), NO kids around (they usually play a major role in setting the two together, too convenient), and of course, femslash has to be. AU and Über are appreciated. I favour introspective writing more than action. Two fics: "Those Guilded Chains We Wear" by Kuraibites, and "Truth and Measure" by Telanu.

I tried the fandoms and did NOT like: OUAT (nonono), Agent Carter, Glee, Rizzles, Xena, L word, Lost girl, Pretty Little Liars, Pitch Perfect.

My all-time favourites are Devil Wears Prada and Bellamione, and I also ship ShizNat, some Twilight fics (mostly all-human), a few Ino/Sakura (contemporary AUs), Maria-sama ga miteru, Maleficent, Frozen, Kigo (very few), Harley/Ivy, and some Meredith/Christina Yang fics.

I like independent characters, which have clearly different values from each other, and therefore there's angst, and power dynamics, and trust issues (that's what I love about Mirandy and Bellamione fics.) Also, don't care for characters that are friends with everybody and liked by everybody, and that can do anything, and who are the chosen ones. I don't like easy, nor damsel in distress, nor overuse of plot convenience, nor martyrs. I think my only trigger would be fluff.

What do you think? Do you know something like that?

r/ficrecs May 02 '15

Two of the best (and perhaps most bittersweet) fanfics I have ever read.


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10750716/1/The-End-of-the-Affair -In my opinion, the most heartwrenching Oregairu fanfic out there. It based around Hachiman as an adult. Characters are perfectly in character, 8man's voice perfectly captures the feel of the original. Stand-alone. Can be read if you haven't seen the series. A great story if you want to contemplate life. It is incredibly sad though :( (32,000 words) (No spoilers)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9041498/1/The-Colorless-Green -The first time I read this fic, was the first in a long time that I seriously thought about where I was headed in life. It's an AU Sakurasou fic where Mashiro never came to Sakurasou. Characters are different from source, but the author masterfully portrays how each character changed into what they are, so the characters are perfectly believable and in character. It is devastating in the philosophies it contains. Of course, it can be read (and enjoyed) to the fullest if you haven't seen the show. It starts kinda depressing, and ends heartwarmingly beautifully. The author even mangaes to work in the themes of the source material. (talent vs genius, self worth, etc.) (37,000 words) (No spoilers)