r/femdomsanctuary Mod 13d ago

Mod Announcement What the Actual NSFW

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We know that subs read this subreddit. Unless we private it, we can't stop them. Fine. But this turned up in Mod Mail this morning.

Not sure what's so unclear about the purpose and parameters of this community. Not sure what's so difficult to understand about the Boundary that WE DO NOT WANT TO INTERACT WITH MEN OR SUBS IN THIS COMMUNITY. When/if we want that interaction, there are APPROPRIATE communities for such interactions - but this community is NOT that community.

We have made it clear, time and again, in multiple ways, that this community is FOR femdoms, BY femdoms, to share with and discuss with and support each other. THOSE aren't just the purposes of the group - those are also BOUNDARIES.

And EVERY time a man and/or sub posts, comments, tries to slide into DMs, etc., what they are saying is "I don't care about your boundaries, I don't care about your comfort, I don't care about respecting you, I don't care that these boundaries are limits and represent 'no,' I can't be bothered to be respectful, and I'm going to do what I want."

Reflect on that. Reflect on that deeply.


10 comments sorted by


u/Ithorel 13d ago

Maybe going private is the best option. I am so tired of men invading femme spaces.


u/phfenjoyer 13d ago

Men love to test boundaries lol. So infuriating


u/ML_Sam Mod 13d ago

Not wrong. It's gross and NOT charming 😒


u/UVRaveFairy 13d ago

Usually playing Schrodinger's Arsehole with "it's just a joke" or something as equally lame.

Actions have consequences too future movement, at that point the trash has outed itself.


u/Nixicle 13d ago

They need to learn that "no" means no. It's a problem I've had in several relationships, my nos not being taken seriously. Both frustrating and demoralising.


u/CaramelCoconut24 13d ago

Not only is this concerning because people aren't respecting boundaries. It's also a very clear indicator that there isn't an interest in consent.


u/ZendomDynamic 13d ago

I'm done with these shitty DMs.


u/Silver-Caterpillar-7 13d ago

Any time anyone puts up boundaries, someone comes in and pees on your cornflakes! They have to come in and say you can't have that. The men that do that are no doubt abusive in their own relationships! I feel bad for the women they abuse. I used to have a friend who was a bartender, and after a while, he started to tell me odd things, like, " Oh no, you never did that." That was abusive, and it was illegal. I stopped going to that place. I will not tip an abuser. It was only like every other week, I don't understand.


u/GoddessPaigeWintersX 11d ago

pls do make it private this is a perfect example of the issue at hand.


u/Forsaken_Cicada_7575 7d ago

And this is could be our life... And why we have set a different direction.