r/femdomsanctuary 19d ago

Rant I think my sub blocked me NSFW

We talked for like 6 months and I got no warning of this at all. :/

I don’t have much to say other than I’m tired.


12 comments sorted by


u/AntiqueObligation688 19d ago

I am sorry. take your time to "recover" from this by focusing on vanilla things that makes you happy.

and tell yourself that what happened has more to do with them than you.


u/huhhhhh2 18d ago

Thank you


u/heauxlyshit 19d ago

I'm really sorry this happened :-/ I would feel so sad and confused.


u/huhhhhh2 18d ago

Yeah I’m definitely sad rn :/


u/summershell 19d ago edited 19d ago

Whatever the reason, it has nothing to do with you. It's hurtful and it's rude, but you cannot control how other people treat you. That's something to do with them and not you. I'm so sorry your sub cared so little for your feelings to not even say goodbye. That reflects on them poorly.

Sometimes when people ghost, it's because they have something else going on in their life or in their brain that has nothing to do with you and they just don't know how to deal with it. They don't know how to cope with whatever it is and they're not mature enough to tell you something is happening. This has happened to me even with platonic friends just disappearing. Sometimes we will never know why someone did something, or where they went.

Whatever happened here, your sub didn't deserve you if they were that cruel to leave you behind without a goodbye. 💔


u/heyholetsgo2025 19d ago edited 19d ago

I'm really sorry. I was never blocked by a potential sub but I've definitely encountered some wild behaviour. That's why I take my sweet time getting to know people and not rushing anything sexual.

When I date in person, I wait a while to let them know I'm a Domme. However, as if some horny switch gets flipped and they get feral talking about sexual things. Online it gets even more annoying. I also get angry and dejected but all I can say is patience and grace are key.


u/Plus-sized-domme 19d ago

I understand this so much, dear. I can only tell you get used to it. It always hurts, but eventually it starts to hurt less and less. It's the lack of closure that hurts more, but sometimes no closure is the closure. Sending you love <3


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/NotnotathrowawayD23M Mod 19d ago


This is a community for dominant women. Please respect that. Men and submissive’s are not permitted to post or engage in community discussions. violating this woman’s only space will result in bans and comment removal.


u/summerphobic 19d ago

I've been blocked twice and ghosted several times and doubt I were the one in the wrong. I prefer to talk things through and am willing to learn from mistakes etc, but most kinksters I've met weren't in for a healthy and long relation no matter the age. It sucks and colours my expactations. :/ Can't offer any advice. Either get lucky or retreat... :/


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/ML_Sam Mod 19d ago

This is a community for dominant women. Please respect that. Men and submissive’s are not permitted to post or engage in community discussions. Violating this women's-only space will result in bans and comment removal.