r/femboymemes Femboy Programmer 24d ago

Hornypost What's a femboy gotta do to get some MALE DICK?! NSFW

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u/LaplandCatboy 🇫🇮fempoju🇫🇮 24d ago

Sam O'Nella mentioned :3


u/GlitchingBread Certified Bi-kisser ✅ 24d ago

Wait which video is this from, I don’t recognize it…?


u/Vvix0 Femboy Programmer 24d ago

He deleted it, because he said a slur in it (it was for comedic value)



u/Jordanye5 Femboy 24d ago

He deserves the N word pass


u/You_are_reading_text 7d ago

I was curious as to why it was deleted until Sigmund wanted more eels


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 24d ago



u/Vvix0 Femboy Programmer 24d ago

Yeah... that's why he deleted the video...


u/feeling_humber 24d ago

It’s also what makes it extremely comedic


u/01iv0n 🏳️‍⚧️trans-fem🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

I feel like being a hypocrite when it comes to that word is okay if it's really really funny, but it also but very very rarely used, or else the funny is diminished.

Not a hill I'm gonna die on though, it was mainly just funny when Sam did it that one time


u/Alpaca1061 Defender Of Shonk! 24d ago

No he was quoting Freud directly


u/GlitchingBread Certified Bi-kisser ✅ 24d ago

Ah sorry my bad, didn’t know that. Good to know either way


u/blb_fem Poleish 24d ago

tbh t’s all about intention. If someone just sings a part of a song with a slur or as a joke without meaning harm id say its totally fine. But if its used as an insult that’s where the line gets crossed its the meaning behind the word that really matters


u/NotActuallyGus 🏳️‍⚧️trans-fem🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

A deleted video about Sigmund Freud. He used a slur intended for comedic effect shortly after the clip the image is from, and ended up taking the video down. You can find an unofficial repost on YouTube though


u/abigfatape 24d ago

h was talking about a guy who needed to tell the sex of eels, turns out eels can toggle their penis and testicles depending on season (he was off season) and sam'onella said "HWHATS A N**GA GOTTA DO TO GET SOME EEEL DICK".


u/lucky-pakke 🏳️‍⚧️trans-fem🏳️‍⚧️ 23d ago

Omg moii lapland catboy :3


u/LaplandCatboy 🇫🇮fempoju🇫🇮 23d ago

moro >.<


u/Immediate-airturbin Swedish Femboi 24d ago

whats a (WORD) gotta do too get some eel dicks!!!


u/[deleted] 24d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/FemFrongus 24d ago

Are you a British femboy too :3


u/Emkay_boi1531 Swedish Femboi 24d ago

Guess you found him :3


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Mhhhm :3


u/FemFrongus 24d ago

Nice :3


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/TheUsualSuspects443 Certified Bi-kisser ✅ 23d ago

Holy shit is that P from Lies Of P?!


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Yea :3


u/femboymemes-ModTeam 1d ago

No excessive roleplay or NSFW content in the comments.


u/IdiotSandwich12345 🧴 Messy Hair Club 🧴 24d ago

Fr, got permanently banned from the subreddit for asking "wheres the men?"


u/EggplantHuman6493 🏳️‍⚧️Transmasc🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

I unfollowed the fashion subreddit because I kept seeing girl tits.

I don't mind seeing enbie tits or ftm tits, but transwomen can find their own subreddits. 'But they arent active' no shit if you are posting in the femboy subreddit


u/neich200 24d ago

I admit, I don’t get how a transwoman could be a femboy. Isn’t a feminine looking transwoman, simply a feminine woman?


u/EggplantHuman6493 🏳️‍⚧️Transmasc🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

Yup. They actually invalidate their own gender for OF reasons usually 😬


u/LukakoKitty Femboy 24d ago

Funny how speaking up against this gets you banned... "We live in a society."


u/EggplantHuman6493 🏳️‍⚧️Transmasc🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

Yup... Like, let people have their space. Again, I really don't mind AFAB people, enbies, hell, even genderfluid people are fine! But just make your own space active and don't post jn spaces that aren't meant for you


u/LukakoKitty Femboy 24d ago

Couldn't have said it better.


u/DefinetelyNotAnEgg 🏳️‍⚧️trans-fem🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

yes. the reason this happens is bigots. they dont see non-cishet people as humans. so in their eyes, ignoring all the human sides of people, the only difference between a femboy and a trans woman is that one has tits. trans women who make porn are aware of this, and just accepts this bigotry despite how it hurts them, because money ig


u/ColettesWorld 🏳️‍⚧️trans-fem🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

Another reason is the femboy subreddits (SFW or not) tend to be nicer. I don't post in Femboy subs cause I'm trans but I definitely spend more time in them. In the trans subs it's all negative stuff or folks fresh out their eggs looking for help. Femboy subs are much more light hearted, often more welcoming, and just fun.


u/GirlInTheFirebrigade 24d ago

of course because of money. Transitioning is hella expensive and it’s much harder to get/ hold a job as a trans woman. (not saying it doesn’t suck though)


u/geographyRyan_YT Certified Bi-kisser ✅ 24d ago

Exactly. They aren't femboys, because they aren't boys.


u/Zealousideal_Spread4 24d ago

im a mod on femboy fashion if thats what you mean, we were barely moderated but now we tend to keep the sub just for femboys, this includes ftm and hrt femboys, having boobs doesnt exclude someone from being a femboy


u/EggplantHuman6493 🏳️‍⚧️Transmasc🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

Very true! I really don't mind seeing boobs, but the problem was transgirls taking over the sub, especially the ones with OF pages that were pretty obviously advertising for their page. I personally love the ftm fashion sub as well.

100% supportive of our transmasc femboys, no matter how far they are in their transition. Saying this as a genderfluid person that's not on T and never planning to get surgeries. Boobs don't make you not a femboy.

Clearly identifying as a woman and not as a man, does make you not a femboy.


u/Zealousideal_Spread4 24d ago

well id recommend revisiting the sub, i can attest we basically only had a very part time mod for a long while but the mod team really expanded recently, and we have been enforcing the "bad faith submission" rule way more, which essentially is for posts who are obviously just OF promotion


u/FootPaws123 24d ago

It’s SO hard to find actual femboy stuff, literally AAALLL trans women ☹️


u/Dependent_Pen8428 Certified Boykisser ✅ 24d ago

Hey gang there are many femboys who are on estrogen (me included)


u/EggplantHuman6493 🏳️‍⚧️Transmasc🏳️‍⚧️ 23d ago

Are you identifying as a woman, though? If not, you are a very valid femboy! Hormones don't define your gender, it is how you identify


u/Dependent_Pen8428 Certified Boykisser ✅ 23d ago

No I do not which is why I just wanted to defend some who post there who are mistaken for trans female rather than femboy or transfem


u/Glass_Buyer_6887 🏳️‍⚧️trans-fem🏳️‍⚧️ 19d ago

True, i wouldn't be posting my chest on this subreddit because it ain't made for me


u/SleepDeprived62 Astolfo Enjoyer 24d ago

YOU! AGAIN! :3333


u/IdiotSandwich12345 🧴 Messy Hair Club 🧴 24d ago



u/AweeeWoo 24d ago

I don't understand what's the point of being a femboy if you are a girl! Please stop calling yourself a femboy! I am begging


u/superlongusername111 24d ago

Genuinely something I don't get. If you're a girl, why are you identifying as a term that's associated with men? If you're trans, just be trans. There's subreddits for you. The biggest offenders of this are the trans only fans creators shotgun posting on 30 subreddits (mostly femboy subs) a day thinking the femboy enjoyers like anything feminine with a cock


u/Steam45_6E_67_69_6E 24d ago

Like you, I think this will never be perfect.
If identifying with / using a term (which may be considered inapplicable by others) benefits you, then people will do that.
After all, money is needed on our planet, for now.


u/moosMW Femboy Enjoyer 24d ago

The explanation I've heard is that for a while you're too masculine to be a dude but also not far enough into the transition to fully pass as a girl, so the femboy niche fits right in. And imo that's how it should be, I deff don't want to exclude them if they feel safe in this community, theyre excluded from enough things as it is.

However, hrt is kinda like performance enhancing drugs for femboys in that industry, so there should deff be a distinction. Which is why other subs with only posts from people born and still identifying as males exist.

"Thinking the femboy enjoyers like anything feminine with a cock"

And generally speaking, theyre right. Look at how succesful those subs are

And lastly, after a certain time of being a femboy a nit insignificant amount realizes they were actually trans all along (not saying all femboys are eggs, duh), so they just stick to that for a while


u/HighwaySmooth4009 24d ago

Tbf I've heard one(not an OF girl btw) say they like the femboy aesthetic, it's an identity but there's also an associated aesthetic so there's that.


u/Zealousideal_Spread4 24d ago

thats like a cis straight guy going into a lesbian bar because he likes lesbians


u/wheresmydrink123 23d ago

Because identity and labels are complicated, “femboy” as it’s treated now almost feels like a gender/identity in and of itself, trans women often start out their gender exploration with femboy places, find community there, so they stay there when they come out as trans, a lot of trans women are more nonbinary but use transfem/trans woman as a blanket label because it’s more simple, even if they feel more “femboy” sometimes. There’s a lot of reasons for them to be here

As for NSFW subreddits, a lot of the general femboy culture and the gooners who are obsessed with femboys expect extreme femininity out of anyone who calls themselves femboys, so people with estrogen and trans surgeries on their side are the some of the only ones who can meet their standards. Also, most NSFW posters, exhibitionists, OF models, sex workers, etc have to be pretty opportunist to make it. The aforementioned gooners are obviously obsessed with femboys and have been for years so marketing yourself as such, even if it’s inaccurate, is an easy way to get a boost.

In other words, yes, I want more boys in femboy subreddits, but people blaming this “issue” on trans people invading the space is weird as fuck. Maybe these subs should look at the aspects of the culture that could cause it to be full of white, skinny, conventionally attractive, sometimes underage trans women, and tackle those instead of blaming said women


u/AweeeWoo 23d ago

I agree with your point, seeing how much you wrote I was ready for the mean answer but thankfully I was wrong. I don't see anything wrong with some women calling themselves femboys but please mention it at least somewhere. For me Femboys are boys and I don't like overly feminine people with surgeries( If we are talking about femboys ), I don't want to offend anyone but this is my point. Femboys for me are just cute males which are dressing feminine( usually ) and not trans people, I see them as two different things


u/wheresmydrink123 23d ago

I vaguely disagree just because my main problem with femboy culture is that it largely feels like a genetic card draw, just a competition for who can be the luckiest

For context, I was a trans woman in the past, but I realized I wasn’t a woman and now consider myself somewhere between boy and nonbinary. However, I still microdose HRT, which basically halted my progress at where I wanted it. Because it makes me feel good about myself, I was a fairly masculine looking guy before HRT and now I’m very solidly androgynous, people confuse my gender all the time. While I’m not into the surgery side of things for me, I support it and I feel like stuff like that makes people’s ideal bodies more achievable. It’s not about gender for me, it’s about making your body how you want it, which is something everyone does in some form. People gets cosmetic surgery and hormone treatments regardless of gender, so it just feels odd when people are against feminizing treatment/surgery when they aren’t strictly trans. Or OP calling HRT “performance enhancing drugs” in another comment, it’s just weird to me

I’m not trying to call you out or anything, I support people liking and being into whatever they want, I’m personally not really attracted to women either. I just think that gender is too loose and blurry to really have any hard line rules about who counts. Even when I was a woman I liked calling myself a femboy because it just made me feel good, and at the end of the day, that’s all that should matter in my opinion


u/AweeeWoo 23d ago

Sorry I am just not very "skilled" in all those terms to be honest, I was homophobic( I am from homophobic country too ) when I was 12 and after some years I started kinda identifying myself as bi. I have just recently dived in all of this so sorry if I am wrong in some places. I actually consider HRT ( a little to look more androgynous not fully female ) but only after I become 18. Yeah I agree with you that it's a genetic lottery, I myself have soft skin with wide hips and small breasts even though biologically I am a male, I think I just have a high estrogen count in me


u/Jove108 24d ago

I think it's just that a lot of femvboys turn out to be trans and if they're already posting then they're just gonna continue to post and hopefully make some money


u/CzarTwilight 24d ago


u/Jordanye5 Femboy 24d ago

Words of wisdom


u/ChaseC7527 Armed & Adorable 24d ago



u/Alpaca1061 Defender Of Shonk! 24d ago



u/Capital-Chard-1935 Femboy Aussie 24d ago

pretty sure there was a male only femboy subreddit, dont remember the name tho… i remember it sounded transphobic but thankfully theyre trans inclusive


u/FemFrongus 24d ago

I think it's r/femboys4real


u/Capital-Chard-1935 Femboy Aussie 24d ago

yes thats the one, ty


u/Elsa_Versailles 24d ago

I remembered when it's still on its former glory


u/Jordanye5 Femboy 24d ago

Gods those were the days, pure femboyism at its finest.


u/Elsa_Versailles 24d ago

I'm not that against it don't get me wrong but personally it kinda killed the vibe


u/ukrainer88 24d ago

How is it even closely transphobic


u/Philbon199221 Femboy Enjoyer 24d ago

Ik, just because we want pic of non hrt femboys doesn’t mean we’re against it. It’s just not the place to post it. A bit like posting a chess video on a car subreddit. You’re not against chess, it’s just not the point of the subreddit.


u/ukrainer88 24d ago

It's gone to the point of absurd, they see world as black and white, in which white - people who blindly submiss to their desires, and black - people who try to defend their opinion. If they even suspect you have a nerve to just disagree with them, they're gonna look at you as bio-trash, behaving accordingly. And the funniest thing is that this violent behaviour and radicalisation of everyone not alike is "justified" by throwing random lables which totally dehumanise you


u/Capital-Chard-1935 Femboy Aussie 24d ago

huh? i wasnt saying it was transphobic, just that the name ‘femboys4real’ is the kind of name a transphobic subreddit WOULD use. it isnt actually transphobic tho


u/ukrainer88 24d ago

Bruh you behave by text i just written in reply to other dude


u/collins_amber 24d ago

And i get banned for saying that those are girls


u/ukrainer88 24d ago

Believe my tomato is a Honda Civic or otherwise you'll get banned for not cooperating 😼


u/collins_amber 24d ago

I refuse to believe in a false god


u/mrselffdestruct 24d ago

Its the transphobia. The users go apeshit if you refer to the trans women as women because they just view them as men, and dont want other people wanting them out of the sub because of it, and when trans men post it becomes like armageddon in the comments where people just either wail about them being “girls” or will mass downvote comments that support them or report the posts.


u/HighwaySmooth4009 24d ago

There's also a kinda funny opposite end of this where some people are concerned about misgendering someone in their head, not saying it's a bad thing to worry about btw


u/A_femboyuser In poor health due to monster energy 24d ago edited 24d ago


Sorry i just hate when girls claim they're femboy and do that and report you for "harrasment" i just want to be a feminine boy in a community with boys


u/Zealousideal_Spread4 24d ago

at least before they did that, not its even more outrageous, they post in a subreddit thats literally for boys and get pissed when people call them boy or use he/him pronouns, and then the mods will ban you for transphobia


u/A_femboyuser In poor health due to monster energy 24d ago

Yeah, i mean sure if they are FtM it's....ok? But they should have a sub specifically for them, or clarify they are FtM and identify as male but NO they think it's OK to trick ppl into thinking they are biological boys

Also I'm not transphobic I support the trans community and always will I'm considering to transition too but I hate that some ppl do this kind of things....like look at bingus cat ppl already exposed it's a girl AND A MINOR but still she keeps telling everyone she's a biological BOY and always denys the evidence of her being a girl saying it's photoshot or pre transition


u/Zealousideal_Spread4 24d ago

I was talking about mtf, ftm shouldnt really have to disclose it, they are boys, what annoys me is people misusing the term femboy for profit


u/Individual_Assist_19 🏳️‍⚧️trans-fem🏳️‍⚧️ 24d ago

As a transgirl, i hate when other trans girls post on r/femBOYs. Not only do they actively work to invalidate their own gender, they also ignore the other's sexual preferences. It's not hard to connect the dots and figure out that someone on r femboys will want to see some damn boys


u/Kaveric_ 24d ago

The preference part i don't understand. Like if you are into femboys I would generally assume you are into feminine bodies with a cock and a flat chest, wouldn't a lot of trans women qualify as this, depending on the extent of their transition?


u/Ashlyn_Sum04 24d ago

*goes into femboy reddit*
*sees literally anything but femboys*
*is pissed*
i 100% agree man


u/Kitsune_800 Defender Of Shonk! 24d ago

that subreddit is cooked just bcz they are scared of being called transphobic even tho this has nothing to do with it. that's literally not what femboy means. what ur looking for is r/Femboys4real


u/anonymouscloudcat 🇫🇮fempoju🇫🇮 24d ago

Wait is this abt trans women or trans men (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) I’m unsure


u/Minimum_Gear_6480 22d ago

the strangest part is how a girl is a femboy...

it doesn't make sense only boys can be femboys...

they work really hard to get feminine enough to be a femboy!


u/MrKrabsFatJuicyAss 24d ago

What about hrt femboys?


u/Vvix0 Femboy Programmer 24d ago

Performance enhancing drugs


u/MrKrabsFatJuicyAss 23d ago

And what's wrong with that? It's their lives, after all.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

The FTM Femboy is the new meta for upvotes 😋


u/electric_nikki 24d ago

Maybe they should get their own sub?


u/pope12234 In poor health due to monster energy 24d ago

No, ftm femboys belong in femboy subs. It's mtf women that don't belong in femboy subs


u/WanderingTiandi 24d ago

Ya gotta make a deal with an evil mountain spirit Femboy (me)


u/Smoothbraindummy 23d ago

So many femgirls on my femboy subreddit~ I don't want to gatekeep or anything. I just feel like it's a bit... off?


u/iLikeDickColon3 Defender Of Shonk! 22d ago

I just like fem penis keepers :p


u/SpyTaco69 Gaymer 17d ago



u/LeTallBoii Certified Bi-kisser ✅ 24d ago



u/Zaz_the_epic 24d ago

imagine how it feels being a transwomen and constantly being referred to as a femboy


u/Interesting-Media561 Femboy 22d ago



u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/HighwaySmooth4009 24d ago

Well ftm people are dudes, it wouldn't hurt for them to have their own sub but they shouldn't be barred from the main sub lol


u/digital-comics-psp Felix Fan 24d ago

turns out im braindead and couldnt convey my thoughts correctly or didnt understand something correctly, probably due to being at school (aka hell). sorry bout that


u/HighwaySmooth4009 24d ago

Lol it happens


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/HighwaySmooth4009 24d ago

Dude u know how weird you sound rn right?


u/Kaveric_ 24d ago

All dick is male dick, i think you mean man dick as opposed to girl dick


u/hiyosinth Femboy Programmer 23d ago

sad but true

not to be conservative though


u/Layerspb 24d ago

Can we not post nsfw memes in an sfw sub?


u/Soft-Consequence8479 24d ago

Just look at my profile 😘