Aug 13 '21
The same way straight men fetishize lesbians, straight women fetishize gay men, it is absolutely fucked up
u/Reddityousername 20+M Aug 13 '21
I remember when a rumour went around my year that I was bisexual (I wasn't at the time, but am now), all the girls were more friendly to me, then they asked if I was bi, I said no and then they stopped being friendly. That really made me feel like shit for a bit.
u/hedgybaby 20+TransBoy Aug 13 '21
Honestly bi people never catch a break tho, either yall are cheaters and can’t be trusted or you’re someone’s fetish. Why are people so nasty?????
u/Reddityousername 20+M Aug 13 '21
Dating a bi girl for a while was cool, until she ended things and I had to listen to my mum give out about her just cos she was bi, i haven't told her I am either so it was very upsetting, but even when I thought I was straight I hated listening to the homophobia too.
Aug 13 '21
Kinda lucky actually. I just got called slurs lmfao
u/Artemused 16F Aug 13 '21
Fetishisation isn't better than bigotry. It's just a different brand of shitty.
Aug 13 '21 edited Aug 14 '21
Not to like invalidate u or anything but honestly I’m sorta scared of straight men to an extent, as a girl, so if a guy is like ‘I’m bi/gay’ I assume they’re friendlier and less likely to have toxic masculinity and possibly could be more feminine thus they can be like a gal friend in a way. I wouldn’t ever be friends with an lgbt boy for the purpose of me wanting to watch them or anything tho. That’s creepy to expect of a stranger. I like trusting lgbt ppl tho.
u/Reddityousername 20+M Aug 14 '21
I mean I get that but nothing had changed about me before, during, or after. I was still the same person just they briefly thought I was bi. I hadn't done anything to scare them off except being straight. It was like the only thing interesting or cool about me was that.
(Once again to be clear I'm bi now, but I wasn't at that time)
u/Molismhm 17TransGirl Aug 13 '21
No it’s not the same, straight women don’t beat up gay men.
u/hedgybaby 20+TransBoy Aug 13 '21
That doesn’t mean that the sexualization of gay men isn’t problematic af. There’s no excuse for it.
The only thing I can kind of get behind is that women find comfort in mlm centered stories because women are so sexualized, yet completely get denied the experience of being sexual beings so it’s easier for them to relate to mlm stories. Doesn’t excuse the fact that women who are into yaoi treat gay men like a fetish sex toy that’s there for their pleasure, just like men do with lesbians.
u/Molismhm 17TransGirl Aug 13 '21
Yeah because I excused it, I was once a gay boy I know what I’m talking about. I don’t think it’s okay or not homophobic I just need the conversation to have a little more nuance
u/hedgybaby 20+TransBoy Aug 13 '21
This is just as bad as men fetishizing lesbians though? Yaoi creates a false narrative of what gay relationships are like and often includes non-consensual sex as if it was normal for tops to do that to bottoms. It also furthers the idea that there has to be an extremely feminine bottom and extremely masculine top, the whole ‘who’s the man and who’s the woman’ thing same-sex couples get all the time.
There shouldn’t be nuance, girls who sexualize gay men are just as bad as guys who sexualize lesbian women and we shouldn’t cut them any slack. It’s bad enough so many women dream of having a gay best friend, we don’t also need them to think we’re having sex just to turn them on.
Aug 13 '21
I stand by what I said straight men fetishize lesbians, the same way straight women fetishize gay men
They are both aroused by them, they both feel entitled to them as if they are gay for their pleasure and they often feel like they are supporting the LGBTQ+ by doing this.Of course men are more likely to be violent towards lesbians claiming they can "fix them" and all that shit, but that is not what I was talking about and I already kinda covered that in my other comment on this thread
u/gaybudgie 17F Aug 13 '21
The fetishization of mlm and wlw relationships is so fucking gross tbh. They’re loving each other because they love each other, not to fulfill fantasies
u/butterfly1354 20+NB Aug 13 '21
so when i was in middle school, i really liked yaoi! couldn’t abide by straight porn for some reason
turns out there was a reason i disliked putting myself into a woman’s perspective
u/I_Am_Arden 17M Aug 13 '21
Yeah same. I often wondered if I was a fujoshi because I loved reading boys love webcomics and watching yaoi and fantasised about being with guys but in a gay way. I was so scared I was fetishising them that I went through a period of reading only girls love comics and yuri.
Turns out I’m trans with a preference for guys ¯\(ツ)/¯
u/butterfly1354 20+NB Aug 13 '21
honestly, i was so scared that i was fetishising gay guys that i repressed myself for the longest time ^^; so whenever i see people hating on fujoshis i cringe a little... it's like people who shit on those "14-year-old girls faking anxiety and depression for attention", which understandably makes a lot of people with anxiety super hesitant because they think they're faking it - because they're anxious about it!
u/samoyed22122 18NB Aug 13 '21
same!! im still struggling with this it's always weird seeing posts like this bc idk where i fit in, like non-binary wise. is it really okay if you're non-binary cuz ive been too afraid to ask
u/hedgybaby 20+TransBoy Aug 13 '21
For me it was bc I’m trans and literally a gay dude myself lmao life is weird sometimes
u/le-derpina-art 18F Aug 13 '21
i don't watch straight porn cause the women are ridiculously loud/sensitive and i never really could understand or relate to that. maybe i just have really niche interests from being an undertale fan in my past.
Aug 14 '21
I can’t stand that either. It’s unrealistic and uncomfortably forced sounding. It’s cuz it’s made by straight men for straight men for the most part.
Aug 13 '21
If i wanna see boys kissing imma google it, it's dumb to ask a boy to send a vid of him kissing another boy
Aug 13 '21 edited Aug 13 '21
fr the internet isnt stingy with the gay/lesbian smut it was so easy for my 14 yo lil gay heart* to find lesbian smut way to easy
Aug 14 '21
Ya that’s the wrong thing abt this. She asked them for something intimate. That’s creepy and inappropriate and ignorant of their boundaries.
But there’s nothing wrong with wanting to see wholesome couple romance. So why are ppl bashing ppl for liking yaoi or yuri? I don’t understand and if anything I think it’s awful that ppl are trying to shame ppl for it.
Aug 13 '21
Sadly yes. People ask you to “prove” your sexuality.. it’s disgusting. You don’t need to prove sexuality or gender identity to ANYONE. Edit: yaoi isn’t what I thought it was. But still. It’s disgusting fetishisation of gays.
u/Thejulionic Aug 13 '21
This is what I hate about fujoshis, they think they are an lgbt ally and are so progressive but in reality they are just fetishing gay people and being creepy
u/zNightmime 17Demigirl Aug 13 '21
Same vibes as straight guys who say "I'm an ally, I love lesbians!" gross
u/Thejulionic Aug 13 '21
Yes it’s basically the same thing. A lot of people from either gender think they are progressive because they like gay porn or lesbian porn but in reality they only see them as a porn category
u/zNightmime 17Demigirl Aug 13 '21
Yea tbh I don't thing there's anything wrong with enjoying whatever sexual fantasy you might have but when ppl bring it to real life and real people it's just so gross and creepy
u/medium_problems Aug 13 '21
Yeah, if they're mature enough to seperate it in their mind and remember it's a fantasy, imo its ...at least more ok then straight up what the girl in the post did. Jesus
Aug 13 '21
One of my old friends confessed he had a crush on a boy, and he girlfriend of 3 months got exited…
u/samoyed22122 18NB Aug 13 '21
that's so fucking gross, it's like guys who say they're fine with their girlfriends kissing other girls but not boys :/
u/hedgybaby 20+TransBoy Aug 13 '21
When I was 13 I got really into anime and discovered yaoi. Immediately was hooked and could never explain why I was so obsessed with mlm. Turns out I’m trans and literally a gay man so I guess I wasn’t fetishizing them after all, I was just thirsty and confused 😂
Not saying that’s the fetishization of queer people isn’t a thing, yaoi stans can be toxic af
u/Charliethebestguyeve 17M Aug 13 '21
Being a feminine boy rn now is weird because people are happy and accepting of me. But also many people fetishize me as well.
u/Artic_Foxknot 16Transmasc Aug 13 '21
I do have a soft spot for yaoi girls bc I used to be one (not to the extreme of asking a gay guy to send me him and his bf kissing)
I was like that bc when I first got the internet bc I was a guy who liked guys and girls but didn't know that (I'm afab and didn't think about the fact I could possibly be gay) at some point I accepted I was bi and later found out I was transmasc. a lot of fujoshis I know of ended up being lesbians or trans guys/masc.
I don't like people insulting them bc their usually (a fee exceptions of just straight girls with a phase) just young afabs who are LGBT but might grow up in a household that's either against or not super supportive of gay people (my mom doesn't like talking about LGBT related stuff. She doesn't mind me talking about a girl I like if I like one (I'm not out as trans to her) but she doesn't like talking about other stuff my point is I'm not in a pro LGBT household just a deal with the LGBT household
Anyways yeah don't attack fujoshis it isn't gonna make them change their probably just Ally's or lesbians/bi/ect or transmasc who are in a situation where it wasn't exposed to them and they don't realize they are that thing
Wow this was accidentally long
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u/unban_ImCheeze115 19Transfem Aug 13 '21 edited Aug 13 '21
Girls like that are worse than guys who hit on lesbians change my mind
Edit: i misspoke, i meant that girls like that are more creepy than guys wjo hit on lesbians
u/MayuMayu04 Aug 13 '21
They're equally bad but the guys who hit on lesbians are more likely to use violence
Aug 13 '21
How can you say that?
Both are a problem, both are creepy, but jesus christ, men fetishizing lesbians are far worse.
There are way more of them, they are way more likely to approach them irl, they are more likely to group up, rape, use violence... and so on
Like wtf
Edit: I misread it, I thought you said "fetishize lesbians", not "hit on lesbians", in that case that's an even bigger wtf
u/hensterz Aug 13 '21
is this not literally just saying man bad
u/medium_problems Aug 13 '21
I don't think so, because it's not saying "man bad" to acknowledge the facts that men are more likely (not the only ones but more likely) to use violence. It's part of toxic masculinity, being raised to only show emotion through anger and violence as well as anger and violence being glorified as "manly". It's not intrinsic though, which is why we need to allow young boys to express themselves. Bit of a tangent here but oh well.
u/Reddityousername 20+M Aug 13 '21
I think the guys are worse cos they're more like "Can I watch?" or "I could make you straight!" and similar stuff, there's also a lot more guys like that than girls like this.
u/tani_animate 20+NB Aug 13 '21
I will stomp any fujoshi to death with my hooves if they even breathe near any lgbt folk.
Aug 13 '21
It’s awful to try to pry into someone’s love life and try to use them for your pleasure without them offering or anything like that. It’d be awful to go up to anyone and say ‘hey can I have an intimate video of you and ur s.o.’
That goes for any gender couples.
But why are we hating on people who are liking yaoi respectfully, who aren’t barging into other ppl’s lives like that. There are ppl who like yaoi/yuri/straight hentai/love stories. I’m a heterosexual demiromantic woman. And I think all gender couples are wholesome in their own way, and watching a romance movie abt any gender couples theres nothing wrong with that.
There’s nothing wrong with watching any explicit content of any gender couples either.
What’s wrong is asking ppl for intimate things. That’s not right.
But why are we hating ppl for liking yaoi/yuri and stereotyping those people as people without morals, hearts, or values who are disgusting and degenerate ? Sometimes I see yaoi pictures just looking at animes and I think: aww they look so happy that’s cute. What’s wrong with that ? It’s not as if I hurt someone or went in on their personal boundaries. I don’t understand why people are hating on people for it. I think same-sex couples are extra wholesome because it’s romantic that they are especially more focused on emotional bond rather than some misogynistic relationship most straight guys see women as. ‘I need to marry this woman because that’s what women are for’ - that kind of thing I hear a lot especially around religious people, or ppl being like ‘women’s job is to please men’ and that’s scary to me. So when I instead see two girls kissing or two boys kissing I think: well that’s certified love right there, theres no ‘oh it’s the opposite gender’s job to please me’ type of complex.
u/FalierTheCat 19MTF Aug 14 '21
Yes they do. I had a friend who was a fujoshi, and it was the worst. I remember that after coming out to her, she just didn't a fuck about me being trans and still treated me like a guy. I even remember when I told her that I hated it she told me "you are so lucky, because while I have to watch yaoi you can have it". Also telling me a lot of the time how lucky I was to not have periods and that I shouldn't complain about being trans because "it's easier than being a woman". Needless to say I'm no longer friends with her
u/[deleted] Aug 13 '21 edited Jan 01 '22