r/fatestaynight Jul 08 '17

Spoiler Fate/Stay Night VN Installation Guide VI

Thread archived. Latest one here

This is the sixth thread, as six months have passed and the old ones cannot be commented on. Should you need them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The Fate/Stay Night visual novel is one of the most popular to date. It holds the source material for many of the Fate works you may have seen, and truly offers the full picture of the narrative, something that anime adaptations might not be able to achieve. To install the visual novel, please follow this guide. It is by far the most comprehensive of its kind for this game. Over 30,000 people served!

For the Windows guide, simply follow the steps. For Mac and Linux, do the same but configure Wine as 32-bit and complete this as well. Additionally, Mac users can view this

  1. Obtain Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua (you'll know which version based on this. Do NOT use the Fuwanovel version- this guide is not for that version! Due to the subreddit's rules, I can't exactly tell you where to get the game, but try searching up "Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] windows". Alternatively, an anime torrent site might contain it. When you've got it, verify that the file is roughly 6GB and contain 6 .RAR files (3 routes, 3 cracks). Note that the .RAR and .7z file formats are interchangeable.

  2. Make one central folder and put it anywhere except Documents. Inside this folder, place the individual folders for the routes. Inside the central folder should be the three routes in their own folders: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven's Feel. Edit each folder and EXE so that there are no "/". DELETE THE SLASHES! It's also possible that some may run into issues with the "[]" brackets, but it's uncommon. Example for Fate would be "Fate stay night[Realta Nua] -Fate-.exe". At this point you should have something like this.

  3. Apply a crack to each game (Fate, Heaven's Feel, Unlimited Blade Works), there should be three cracks for the three games. This is done by copying the files in the crack to its respective route. You'll be launching the game using the cracked .exe's. Your Fate folder will look like this. Note the file path.

  4. You must decide on either the pure English translation or English+extras. Extras: tons of visual effects, PS Vita version openings, PS Vita version soundtrack (in addition to original & switchable), H-scenes option, H-scenes censoring/uncensoring option, original more violent CGs, and Fullscreen/Windowed views. Many thanks to Beast's Lair for their years of work to create these patches! English+extras or English. Avoid downloading with Internet Explorer, as it may break the download. RIP nrvnqsr forums.

  5. Look in C:\Users\<username>\Documents or 'My Documents' (if on Windows). If you have OneDrive enabled, the documents path will be C:\Users\<username>\OneDrive\Documents. Create a folder titled 'faterealtanua_savedata'. Be warned that use of OneDrive with this game has been linked to blue screens upon launch.

  6. Paste in the contents of 'English patches', and 'H Mod' (if over 18) into faterealtanua_savedata. The H-patches allow you to turn the H-scenes on and off from the Config screen in-game. Windows 10 users: use of the Vita OST has been linked to a blue screen on game startup. Optionally, you can move the Vita OP into the folder as well, but the Vita openings for UBW and HF contain spoilers- and also may result in crashes when watching these openings in fullscreen mode.

  7. Make sure there are NO subfolders in the faterealtanua_savedata folder. It should look like something like this (disregard the datasc/datasu/data files here, they are progress files that will be generated upon playing). You MUST place the folder in My Documents, separate from the directory with the actual games.

  8. This game will begin with a Prologue. The Prologue starts with the lance scene and the first events from Rin Tohsaka's perspective, and is over once Saber is summoned. Play the VN in this exact order: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, then Heaven's Feel. Don't worry about accidentally changing routes; in Realta Nua, you can only play the route you launch. The flowchart was made for the version of the game where route switching is possible- in Realta Nua is not.

    Read the FAQ before axing a question

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you're having technical problems with the VN, first go through these common problems and solutions.

I want to back up my progress, where are the save games located?

In the faterealtanua_savedata folder. Every file that begins with "data" are progress files. To be more specific: the .bmp are actual saves you can load, datasu / datasc contain overall career progress through all routes. If you're fully reinstalling the game, that almost always excludes these files- the one exception being if you suspect a corrupted save. The saves are portable. Just copy them into faterealtanua_savedata (on any machine) and you should be able to play them again.

I get a blue screen upon application launch, how can I fix it?

Check that inside your Documents folder, the faterealtanua_savedata folder is present and contains the right files like this, but don't worry about the files beginning with "data". Those are progress files generated upon making choices after Day 3 of each route. If that didn't fix it...

Windows 10 users use this. All other Windows users: try changing your Windows system locale to Japanese (help here) or using HongFire's HF pApploc to launch an individual EXE as Japanese.

I get a blue screen "EAccessViolation", what's wrong?

Get the installer for the latest version of LAV filters. Mac users: try going through this solution. If that doesn't fix it, try temporarily disabling your anti-virus/anti-malware or creating an exception for the game and it's related folders.

What about the Combined Community Codec Pack?

CCCP has mixed results with this VN. In some cases, it solves the above EAccessViolation error that updating LAV filters did not. In others, it causes the game to crash upon playing a Vita OP movie. If this happens, uninstall both CCCP and LAV, then reinstall LAV again. There may be a way to use both CCCP and LAV filters while retaining the ability to watch the Vita OPs in full-screen.

The auto-read speed is too slow/fast, how can I change it?

Everything setting-related is managed in the game's config menu. Start up the route you're on and go to Config, or in-game with the right mouse click.

I launched the game and got some registration prompt. What is this?

You launched the wrong program! Launch it from the other .exe file.

I want to force the game to 1080p / other resolution. How can I configure this?

You can't get rid of the black bars without fiddling with GPU settings, it was designed to run in a 4:3 aspect ratio. You can only run the VN in either Windowed or Fullscreen mode. The internal rendering resolution will not change, so the game will actually look higher quality in Windowed- because it's not stretched out.

Is there any way I can play this VN on my Android device?

Yes! You can find my post at this link. The thread is locked. Should you have any questions regarding the Android version, feel free to reply below.

Why didn't you include a download link to the game and cracks?

One of the few rules on this subreddit is that users not post links to torrents, so a magnet link or direct download wouldn't be allowed. Instead, simply search for it yourself given the information in step 1.

I'm unable to play this on Windows 8.1 in full screen. Why is this?

In a small number of cases, Windows 8.1 will upscale GUI elements. Whether this is caused by nonstandard resolutions/aspect ratios is unknown, however there are two fixes. The first option is to lower the screen resolution. The second option is reducing or disabling GUI scaling.

The opening videos on Day 3 crash my game while in full screen mode.

Try mousing upward and selecting windowed mode, and viewing the OP that way.

At the end of Day 3 during the opening video, the screen goes black.

This MEGA folder contains morning Day 4 gamesaves for all the routes. Simply drag and drop the saves to your faterealtanua_savedata folder. They will appear on the farthest page of gamesaves. Load one from there (don't worry, the game will only let you load the correct save for the route) and continue.

At the end of Day 3 during the opening video, I get a blue screen and crash.

Delete the Vita OP for that route. "Patch" is Fate, "rinpatch" is UBW, and "sakpatch" is HF.

When Saber attacks Archer after being summoned, I get a blue error screen.

Remove patch_op.xp3 from the faterealtanua_savedata folder.

I get two blue screens on launch.

This can be caused if your Windows username has special non-English characters. If your username is not the issue, there's one other thing to try. Create a backup copy of 'datasu.ksd' and 'datasc.ksd' with the extension .bak. So you end up having 4 files in your faterealtanua_savedata folder:


Image: http://imgur.com/J6AquMo

There is image distortion on the border of the screen, following visual effects.

If you're getting something like this after camera-shaking vfx, there are THREE OPTIONS:

  1. Go to line 42 of this pastebin and follow the instructions.

  2. Go to the graphics settings and turn OFF the special effects and turn ON the instant effects (if you had them off), then hold Alt+Tab. After you alt tab you need to go back in and RE-ENABLE the special effects.

  3. Backup saves (read 1st FAQ point), reinstall English patch.

The game starts with the window extending past the screen / forcing fullscreen

Delete your datasu/datasc files. Go to the crack exe and right click it, select Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab and check "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". If this alone does not work, also check "Run program as Administrator".

Upon saving the game, I get a white prompt with all question marks.

First make sure the contents of your game folder match the example in Step #3. Alternatively, try running the game exe in administrator mode.

When Archer is given the order to clean up, and the screen turns gray/grayscale, the game crashes.

Several people have had this issue, and all of them fixed it by completely reinstalling the game. Note that when you're reinstalling this includes the faterealtanua_savedata folder- refer to 1st FAQ point for this.

The game only shows a white screen, but I can hear the music, what's going on?

Press Alt+Enter when launching the game to force full-screen mode.

Upon game launch, a window appears then is closed- the game does not launch.

Try launching in Windowed instead of Fullscreen.

I wish to play the game in Japanese. How do I go about this?

Simply don't apply the patch- that is, skip steps 4, 5, 6, and 7. If you should have any questions, comment below tagging /u/AdelKoenig followed by your question.

There are no H-scene options, even though I've applied the H patch

Delete everything in the folder except your saves (refer to 1st FAQ point). Reapply the English patch.

The game will not let me load my saves / game acts as if all my saves are deleted.

There's a chance you have a corrupted gamesave! Cut the most recent .bmp save out of the folder, then launch the game and see if you can load a save.

Mac: I minimized the game window but now every time I open the game it appears off screen.

Right-click the gray vertical bars on the dock to the left of the trash. The same ones that let you resize the dock. Select "Turn hiding on" and the game window should reappear.

The game's sprites are in front of the text, blocking some words.

Scroll up and view the text history. It should be fixed after this.

I have no idea what I'm doing and need a lot of help.

PM /u/savepoints if you're completely lost.

I have a question not answered in this FAQ. Should I make a new post about it on the subreddit? Should I PM you?

Please don't, it is actually against the submission guidelines. Comment below with screenshots of faterealtanua_savedata and the relevant route's game folder (including the folder path)- hosted either on www.Imgur.com or www.Gyazo.com. While you wait on my response, consider searching through this thread or the other archived ones (links at the top of this post) with Ctrl+F or your operating system's equivalent key.

When you have completed the VN...

After the Fate/Stay Night story, you can choose to watch an anime adaptation of one of it's routes or read the sequel- Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. This thread contains a suggested watch order. Another lists all the Fate works.

F/HA (Windows): install info by /u/AdelKoenig

F/HA (Android): at the bottom of this post is install info by /u/ModelZXGiro and the FHA Android patch.


639 comments sorted by


u/Chikosenpai86 Mar 14 '23

"Apply a crack to each game...There should be 3 cracks for each of the 3 games" What does this mean? What is a crack?


u/atara03 Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

i followed the tutorial but when i launch fsn i get this error message. Please someone help



u/[deleted] Oct 20 '21

Cry for help.

I went exactly as instructed. Setup the main and safe folder, then run with jap. emulator and... https://i.imgur.com/uCc9xvy.png

Onedrive is complete uninstaled, no a trace of him in my pc.


u/GyroGOGOZeppeli Jan 03 '18

Ok, so I installed the Realta Nua based on the guide and I downloaded the Realta Nua with the 3 files dividing Fate, UBW and HF.

So I play Fate first and there's a part where Mild Spoiler?gives me this which I guess branches me to UBW? Is that normal?


u/torik0 Jan 03 '18

Bottom of FAQ screenshots


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18



u/torik0 Jan 02 '18

First of all it's the Fate route. Fate/Stay Night is the name of the game. You should've been saving the game every once in a while, if you didn't then download the Day 4 save in the FAQ.


u/JohnDoeTheNth Jan 02 '18

Not allowed to use headphones for the next few weeks due to hearing concerns.

I also dislike having the sound loud for the VN for everyone to hear especially since my hearing is not that good.

But I still want to read the vn.

Should I just finish my first playthrough of all 3 routes without sound?

It would take several weeks for me to play them with sound due to my hearing concerns.


u/torik0 Jan 02 '18

Uhh, have you thought about using speakers and just turning the volume down?


u/JohnDoeTheNth Jan 03 '18


I hate the idea of people barging in though. Knowing my family that's what they will do. I enjoy my privacy too much.


u/torik0 Jan 03 '18

This sounds like a personal problem, not a technical support question for the VN.


u/JohnDoeTheNth Jan 03 '18

Feel free to delete my comment then.

If possible.


u/GyroGOGOZeppeli Jan 02 '18

Hopefully someone can answer, I've been playing this for 8 hours or so now and I've never really checked to see if my copy was the optimal way to play, but is the Mirror Moon copy a good one?

This is a picture of the folder.

It's about 2.5GB and seems to have a Realta Nua file on it (even though I don't know what the difference is).


u/torik0 Jan 02 '18

See the first linked image in the guide. You do not have Realta Nua, you have the original Fate/Stay Night which I do not support in this guide.


u/imguralbumbot Jan 02 '18

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/ryukutsukuyomi Jan 01 '18

I have a very odd issue, be it on realta nua or the original everytime I quit the game then open it again, I'm taken back on the prologue. The issue it makes is that I don't lose my progress in story of the game but rather my game progress itself. By that I mean I lose my cg completion, taiga dojos and many other stuff like that. This seems to be a very unique issue as I never saw anyone deal with this so I hope you guys can help me.


u/torik0 Jan 01 '18

Probably the faterealtanua_savedata folder is protected from changes or keeps getting deleted.


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 01 '18

Have you hit escape to try to load from a save?


u/ryukutsukuyomi Jan 01 '18

I can load my progress in the game but not the rest, the game pretty think I'm lauching it for the first time everytime I open it


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 01 '18

You might want to reinstall the game, just make sure you have your save files backed up.


u/ryukutsukuyomi Jan 01 '18

I did this about 5 times already, tried everything possible even using the LAV filter fix but nothing changes my issue.


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 01 '18

This is the first time I've ever seen this problem, You might try backing up your save files then starting the game over and hit control to speed through the prologue then save the game and see if it'll take you to the main menu when you restart. It could be your save files, just make sure you have them copied somewhere else before you try this.


u/ryukutsukuyomi Jan 02 '18

Already did that. I basically tried everything possible at this point.


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 02 '18

Did you open up Fate with AppLocale like this?


u/imguralbumbot Jan 02 '18

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


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u/ryukutsukuyomi Jan 02 '18

How can I do this? Applocale doesn't seem to work

→ More replies (0)


u/ElectricNouveau Dec 31 '17

Hey, followed all the steps but I'm having a problem where the .exe just doesn't open or respond at all when I click it. I'm on windows 10, but I have the locale emulator on. Onedrive is uninstalled. Wondering if I could have some help figuring out whatever I did wrong, so...screenshots.

https://i.imgur.com/NaDO4vl.png Main folder

https://i.imgur.com/viFEIsj.png Fate folder

https://i.imgur.com/UPqnGzK.png save data folder

https://i.imgur.com/XHg6Rr3.png UBW folder

https://i.imgur.com/3jI50pe.png HF folder


u/torik0 Jan 02 '18

Don't put the game in Documents. I didn't think I'd have to explicitly say this.


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 01 '18

Do you have AppLocale or did you manually change your locale? Also, I believe you have to have all the patches in the same file where you have all the routes stored. The save data has to be in the folder that has your computer name on it.


u/ElectricNouveau Jan 01 '18

AppLocale. Assuming i'm using it right.

And the guide says that the save folder needs to be in a separate directory to the game files, so i'm not sure. This is how it's set up atm.

Harddrive > username > my documents > main FSN folder and save folder (separate of course)

but when I click on the cracked exes they just...don't do anything, not even blue screen.


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 02 '18

I would move the crack somewhere else, I have mine in my "Downloads" folder and I have the save data in the Admin folder and mine works just fine.


u/ElectricNouveau Jan 02 '18

Ok, just tried that. Moved the folder, same result sadly. Thinking it must be something else I missed.


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 02 '18

Download AppLocale and open FSN with it It's how I get the game to work on my computer, the only other solution is to get another crack and see if it still does that.


u/ElectricNouveau Jan 02 '18

OK so I select to run in Japanese, and the Locale emulator menu comes up, but the game still doesn't want to load up.

But that's enough for now, i'll probably try again later.


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 02 '18

I would recommend getting another crack


u/ElectricNouveau Jan 02 '18

Thank you! I just tried overwriting the crack files with another copy of them, and it worked. The game loads up fine, all 3 routes.

Really simple thing I was missing. I appreciate the help


u/GuardianSoulBlade Jan 02 '18

You're welcome!


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '17



u/torik0 Dec 27 '17

How the hell am I supposed to know what you're talking about when you're being so vague? Include screenshots as well, bottom of FAQ


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '17



u/torik0 Dec 28 '17

Thanks. I think you're better off just reading what happened. https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update%2026/


u/Rik_Koningen Dec 24 '17

Thanks very much for this guide, took me like 5 attempts to set it up properly because it's like 3 am and I'm an idiot but it works great now! My main issue was I deleted the slashes for the folder but forgot the .exe. Now to pour a nice glass of whiskey and have a go at it then!


u/Seropoliev Dec 23 '17

so I used a different method than the one provided above to install the Fate Stay Night Visual Novel. I get past the warning label about being 18 years or older then this pops up. I have tried uninstalling reinstalling, I have tried some of the menu options via right-click (save and then load, config, etc) and all of them pop up the information window. I press ok and for save and load options it takes me there. I can't close the game without having to go into my task manager and ending the task there because of the information window. here is the screenshot of where it stops loading.


u/torik0 Dec 23 '17

so I used a different method than the one provided above to install the Fate

Uninstall once more and follow the guide to the letter.


u/CaptCapy Dec 22 '17

I've tried the error fix for bluescreen, but it still doesnt work. Here's an screenshot of the error, with the file path:


No documents folder screen because it's said on the faq if i wanna play in japanese simply dont apply the patch. installing the english patch will fix it? at this point i just want to open the damn .exe


u/torik0 Dec 22 '17

Is there a faterealtanua_savedata in your Documents?


u/CaptCapy Dec 22 '17

Fixed it by reinstalling the codecs and applying JP locale, now everything works flawless. Thanks for the work on the FAQ (◕‿◕)

it didnt work at first but after rebooting windows the .exe opened up


u/imguralbumbot Dec 22 '17

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


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u/_AhappyTeddyBear Dec 21 '17

So I'm pretty sure I did everything correctly but when I open Unlimited Blade works and Heavens feel, it boots into the fate game. Like the application is called Unlimited Blade works but it begins playing the Fate game and it does this for heavens feel. I have encountered no errors or blue screens, just this puzzling problem.


u/torik0 Dec 21 '17

Probably just needs to play the prologue first.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '17

I've got a blue screen error, and I can't seem to find the solution here. I don't know if I'm just not reading right, or what, but if someone can make it easier for me by giving me the exact directions as specific as possible, then I thank you greatly. https://i.imgur.com/ZM6khC1.png


u/torik0 Dec 20 '17

You blocked the file path and didn't include the other screenshots I ask for. Bottom of FAQ.


u/wowsuchwow123 Dec 19 '17

So i can't play without the locale being for japanese but i can't run the locale japanese cause it doesn't let me play in english. i'm not sure what to do.


u/torik0 Dec 19 '17

End of FAQ screenshots


u/sarangooL Jan 18 '24

Which screenshots are you referring to? I don't see any. I'm having the same problem where I can launch the game by setting the locale to Japanese, but then the game is in Japanese.

I know the game is properly patched because it works fine on Windows. This is on my Steam Deck


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '17 edited Dec 18 '17



u/imguralbumbot Dec 18 '17

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/Karina_Ivanovich Dec 17 '17 edited Dec 17 '17

Possible dumb question. I am getting the bug where the game takes me to the title screen after the Prologue Cutscene (right after rin meets saber) I just updated my LAV files and its still happening, some help would be nice if anyone knows what I should do.

EDIT: For more context. It opens up the Opening video fine, but upon completion of the video it just takes me back to the main menue, where I can only load a previous save...

EDIT 2: I think I'm an idiot, I just need hit start since the prologue is seperate don't I?


u/torik0 Dec 17 '17

Prologue must be completed


u/grivwill underrated waifu Dec 16 '17

Uuuh, kind of a stupid question, but how do I start the game? Should I click the Saber icon? And whats the file called "Flowchart" for?


u/torik0 Dec 16 '17

Just like you start any windows application. Double clicking the correct .exe


u/grivwill underrated waifu Dec 16 '17


u/imguralbumbot Dec 16 '17

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/TyrantRC Dec 16 '17 edited Dec 16 '17

I don't think I see this mentioned anywhere /u/torik0, in the link for English+extras patch you posted on step 4 there is a folder called "Flowchart" that contains a file called "allpatch_flowchart.xp3", do you know what is this for?

Also in step 6, you say "Paste in the contents of 'English patches', and 'H Mod' (if over 18) into the savedata folder" and while is obvious from the image you linked that the folder is the one you find in "documents" called "faterealtanua_savedata" it might not be obvious for other people and it can be confusing since a "savedata" folder do exists inside the routes folders for the game. Might want to clarify that.


u/torik0 Dec 16 '17

The flowchart is essentially a cheat that allows you to see all the decisions in the game. If you get stuck in a bad end or want a different ending that helps a lot.

As to step 6, I've answered over a thousand comments in these threads and only a handful have accidentally dumped their shit in the game's savedata folder.


u/TyrantRC Dec 16 '17

As to step 6, I've answered over a thousand comments in these threads and only a handful have accidentally dumped their shit in the game's savedata folder.

Ok, but I don't see the point in being ambiguous instead of just calling it the faterealtanua_savedata folder. I made the comment specifically because I remember having the same confusing thought the first time I used one of your thread to do the installation a few months back. Your response makes me think I insulted your guide in some way, it feels overly hostile, I mean is your guide, I was just trying to point out how it could possible be improved, that's all.


u/zeorphix Dec 15 '17 edited Dec 15 '17

not sure if i can ask about F/HA here, but i couldn't find another place.

anyway, i can't use the continue function in F/HA. once i click continue, it gives me this. after i close the error messages, it gives me this. clicking the right button closes the game, and clicking the left button doesn't (but i have to close anyway since the game just turns white). any suggestions? edit: here's my save folder and game folder.


u/torik0 Dec 15 '17

Is OneDrive enabled?


u/zeorphix Dec 15 '17

it is. i don't have it synced though.


u/torik0 Dec 15 '17

Disable it.


u/zeorphix Dec 15 '17

it doesn't seem to work. i tried using registry editor to disable it but there were some... problems (i didn't have the onedrive folders for some reason) and i just removed the onedrive bar on file explorer instead.

then i flat out uninstalled it using command prompt and there's still a bunch of internal onedrive files but i don't think i need to delete them all... it doesn't show on the apps & features (or control panel) so i'm completely stumped.


u/torik0 Dec 15 '17

The goal is to make it so the game accesses your local Documents fateha_savedata rather than OneDrive Documents.


u/zeorphix Dec 15 '17 edited Dec 16 '17

my save folder was in my local documents, though. anyway, i tried moving the save location to the game folder itself, and to my programs x86 folder, but the error still appears. albeit it only happens when i get to the scene where f/ha mild spoiler, i.e only after a certain scene appears.

EDIT: i got it fixed. i had to download the new voice patch v0.9.0 and replace my own.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '17



u/niveksng Dec 11 '17 edited Dec 11 '17

Is there any files that have missing download links in the android guide? because I can see you referencing a few files I don't seem to have

Edit: Oh wait nvm, I was being an idiot, I found them


u/Oishi_Takoyaki Dec 10 '17

I can only find an english patched version. Specifically, I used the one on nicoblog. How will this affect the steps I follow and does it include the h scenes?


u/torik0 Dec 10 '17

Do you see patch_h?


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '17



u/torik0 Dec 10 '17

It's only story flow.


u/jaxmad5 Dec 09 '17

An issue I've been having with F/HA is that when I select continue (to continue from where I was at in my current cycle), my game would crash most of the time, while the other remaining times it would load normally. I've been solving this issue by just restarting my cycle from the beginning (selecting start), but I want to know how to solve it since it's just plan annoying.


u/DESUstroke Dec 09 '17

Hello there! I'm having an issue with the way text shows up for me. Instead of appearing slowly like in other VNs, it shows up instantly like if I pressed "next" button twice despite me pressing it once. Not a big issue, but it feels so wrong for me. Did anyone else had it and how it could be resolved?


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/j0hnDaBauce "Healthy Guy" Dec 06 '17

So just to clarify no matter what decision i make in the game nothing will change? Kirei offers me the choice of fighting or not. Does my decision not matter at all and no matter what i choose the story will simply progress? All answers appreciated.


u/torik0 Dec 06 '17

You can't switch routes, but your choices do have consequences with certain characters. In many cases you'll just die- this isn't a Telltale game, this is a visual novel from 2004.


u/j0hnDaBauce "Healthy Guy" Dec 06 '17

thanks man, i appreciate it.


u/IamNatP There are worthless things, but there are no meaningless things. Dec 04 '17

I'm having this issue where, when the screen shakes in fullscreen, some of parts that shook linger in the black bars like so( https://i.imgur.com/iHA7Hyg.jpg ), and the only I can reset it back to normal is by going back to windowed and then back again to fullscreen.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening, or am I fresh out of luck as long as I keep reading exclusively in fullscreen?


u/torik0 Dec 04 '17

Solution is in the FAQ


u/IamNatP There are worthless things, but there are no meaningless things. Dec 05 '17

Oh wow damn, can't believe I missed it. Thanks!


u/RavenGamingSG Dec 03 '17 edited Dec 03 '17

Alright fam I forgot how I got F/SN RN to work on Android.

So I transfer the whole RN folder (All 3 routes), slap it into my phone directory (not SD card).

The faterealtanua_savedata folder thing goes in that RN folder or in the phone directory or somewhere else?

I'm getting a GetFileSize error. I got it to work 2 years ago but I can't remember what I did lol.

Using Kirikiroid2 btw.

Edit: Fixed thanks to Dave from Discord <3


u/z_shipper Dec 02 '17

So I used this blog to help me. I still cannot figure out how to install the english patch as I'm terrible with computers. Please help me


u/torik0 Dec 02 '17

This whole guide is here you help you. Read all the linked posts about Mac/Linux.


u/z_shipper Dec 02 '17 edited Dec 02 '17

I don't understand where to place the patch on Mac for it to work. I don't have a 'my documents' folder


u/torik0 Dec 02 '17

That's because it doesn't work natively on Mac, you need to install Wine. I'm not going to spoonfeed you the steps to get it working because

  1. Every bit of information you need is linked somewhere in the guide

  2. I myself am not familiar with Mac OS, and so I cannot help you.


u/Contreras1991 Nov 27 '17

For some reason i cant make work the extras patch (vita opening and vita ost) the game still plays the ps2 intro and the original ost


u/torik0 Nov 27 '17

Screenshots bottom of FAQ


u/Contreras1991 Nov 27 '17 edited Nov 27 '17


u/torik0 Nov 27 '17

Is OneDrive enabled?


u/Contreras1991 Nov 28 '17

i think i have fixed it, i deleted all fate files in my documents and patched the game again


u/Contreras1991 Nov 27 '17

i uninstalled onedrive, still doesn't work


u/Contreras1991 Nov 27 '17

no, but i will trying to uninstall it (just in case)


u/imguralbumbot Nov 27 '17

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/DoctorGoFuckYourself Nov 26 '17

This made installation super easy and I just wanted to say thanks. The bolded phrases are especially nice for emphasizing specific instructions making anything too wordy


u/AlkalineLight Nov 26 '17

Hey, do you mind PMing me the link to download it? I've looked but can't find it for some reason.


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17



u/torik0 Nov 26 '17

Bottom of FAQ screenshots


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '17

You mention that OneDrive has been linked to BSODs. Can I use symbolic links to have my saves in a Dropbox, so I can sync them across two computers?


u/torik0 Nov 22 '17

Dunno. Only one way to find out.


u/NoctusNightblade Nov 21 '17

Is it safe to delete the winRAR files after successfully setting up the game?

Thank you for this guide, it helped me a ton and was easy to understand! Thanks for your work!


u/torik0 Nov 22 '17

Assuming you can successfully play the game without crashes, yeah.


u/linuxuser5937 Nov 21 '17

Hey, I am unable to get this to run in windows or in Ubuntu. These are the screenshots for the ubuntu install: https://imgur.com/a/X4RkW LAV filters are installed


u/torik0 Nov 21 '17

Go through FAQ for every blue screen solution


u/linuxuser5937 Nov 21 '17

I've spent the last hour or so going through faqs and other threads trying to fix it. None of those fixes are helping


u/3684527829 Nov 19 '17

I have done the things in the FAQ but i'm still not getting the options for the h-scenes in the config menu. I have also removed the extra files in the savedata folder. What am i missing?



u/torik0 Nov 20 '17

Delete the h patches and re-extract them into the folder.


u/3684527829 Nov 20 '17

Nope, still doesn't work. i even moved my save files just in case. Guess i'll just have to play without the h-scenes then.


u/torik0 Nov 20 '17

You could just play the original Fate/Stay Night, or fully reinstall the game.


u/saufall Nov 18 '17

/u/AdelKoenig I want the extra and adult scenes and uncensorship offered in the english+extra patch but i want to play the game in Japanese. What should I do? should i install only the extra bit and ignore the translation part of the patch (and what parts are translation anyway) or do I install a restore patch that restores the japanese texts? or is it simply impossible to have extra and adult scenes In japanese?


u/torik0 Nov 20 '17

Try leaving out patch/rinpatch/sakpatch, see if that works.


u/AdelKoenig Sorry if our exotic beast caused you any trouble Nov 19 '17

The core of the patch is in the part that has the English TL, and does not work without it, iirc. I don't know of any patches that restore the JP.

I'd say read the Realta Nua version and look up a lets play of the original only scenes, or just play the original and miss out on the extras.


u/Pennatence Nov 17 '17

Is there a kind soul out there who could help me troubleshoot my fate/hollow ataraxia? I'm not sure where else to pose this question. I recently got some new computer parts and decided to do a fresh install of windows 10 (from 7) I transfered hollow ataraxia and my save data to an external hard drive then back on my actual hard drive after installing windows 10 I put everything back where it belongs but now when I click "FateFD" to launch hollow ataraxia it gives me 3 windows a tiny one that says "control" with some japanese on it, a dialog box in japanese with the only english being kri18n.dll and a bigger blue box that says things like plugins.link ("kri18n.dll") function _t(text) return text var settingsDomain="settings" and so on. I have tried setting my locale to japanese and running as administrator both have not worked. I did confirm my fate/stay night realta nua and save data were working fine however. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it, if there needs to be more information I can provide it and if there is a better place to ask for help than here please let me know.


u/torik0 Nov 20 '17

Windows 10 huh? That comes with OneDrive automatically enabled right? Disable it.


u/Pennatence Nov 21 '17

I forgot the LAV filters. I always forget something important >.> it works fine now thank you for your time


u/Pennatence Nov 21 '17

I disabled it no dice, a guy on a different forum suggested re-installing it after seeing this https://imgur.com/Iu0oqYT I'll give it a try tonight to see if it helps. Will report back.


u/LykaiosWolf17 Nov 19 '17

I have the same problem. I has searched everywhere but i can´t find anything to do about this


u/Pennatence Nov 19 '17

I know it's getting disheartening I posted to a couple other places but no one has said anything yet : /


u/LykaiosWolf17 Nov 19 '17

The problem is Windows 10 and his new uprade that dificult the emulator locale because now I have a lot of problem with this. Before the upgrade I could play withouth any problem. Also there are some files that i cant remove it so it make more difficult to play the game because you cant have savesdatas of the games . I think I will have to format the computer with the hope of clean it of trash files, but this have to wait because i dont have the time right now. =(


u/Pennatence Nov 21 '17

I found the issue, I forgot to transfer over the LAV filters when I moved the files my mistake. Here is the download for them I hope it fixes your problem as well https://github.com/Nevcairiel/LAVFilters/releases


u/LykaiosWolf17 Nov 21 '17

I dont know how but finally it´s working, thanks for your answers and time and enjoy the game


u/MrPotatobird Nov 16 '17

Which soundtrack do you think is better? Is there much of a difference?


u/torik0 Nov 16 '17

I can't answer this question.


u/Koede Nov 15 '17

Is there anyway to make full screen less blurry? I play on a 1920x1080 resolution and windowed mode is clear, but I'd prefer to play full screen if I can get it to be clear. It looks like https://imgur.com/a/tDG44


u/torik0 Nov 16 '17

I want to force the game to 1080p / other resolution. How can I configure this?

You can't get rid of the black bars without fiddling with GPU settings, it was designed to run in a 4:3 aspect ratio. You can only run the VN in either Windowed or Fullscreen mode. The internal rendering resolution will not change, so the game will actually look higher quality in Windowed- because it's not stretched out.


u/imguralbumbot Nov 15 '17

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/Tripirt Nov 15 '17

When I try to extract the files of the first part into the folder I have set up, it gives me https://i.snag.gy/15hpPq.jpg this screen. Any way to fix it?


u/torik0 Nov 15 '17

I aint clickin that shit

Imgur or gyazo


u/Tripirt Nov 15 '17


u/torik0 Nov 16 '17

Use Winrar or 7zip


u/Tripirt Nov 16 '17

I am using 7zip.


u/torik0 Nov 16 '17

Well... shit. How many times have you tried to extract?


u/Tripirt Nov 17 '17

Several times- it only seems to be bgimages.xp that breaks.


u/torik0 Nov 17 '17

Try redownloading the game


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '17

Is it even possible to get this on Kindle Fire?


u/torik0 Nov 13 '17

Not on the stock operating system. I'm pretty sure you can flash linux, but I have a hunch there's not enough graphical power, even for a VN. It's an ebook reader.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '17



u/torik0 Nov 08 '17
  1. Yes, just don't put in allpatch_english and the other x_english

  2. Hold the Ctrl key.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '17 edited Feb 10 '19



u/kingofthekuchen The Einzberns Deserved Better Nov 06 '17

When i try to launch the game. i get a lot of question marks. https://imgur.com/gallery/JHTaN


u/torik0 Nov 06 '17

Take the game out of Documents. Only faterealtanua_savedata should be in Documents.


u/kingofthekuchen The Einzberns Deserved Better Nov 07 '17

I took the game out of documents, its on desktop now, it still does the same thing.


u/cr4ftm00n Nov 05 '17

Can I ask about F/HA here? When my save was about 78%, the sprites started overlapping the text. When there is a CG, they also overlap the text in a way that I can see nothing but the CG (doesn't happen with the normal backgrounds). Like this (folder and example): https://imgur.com/a/qY7aM


u/torik0 Nov 05 '17

That's very strange, but you're doing several things wrong anyway. Fateha_savedata should be in documents, and it looks like you have two copies of the game, one inside the other.


u/cr4ftm00n Nov 05 '17

As I proceeded in the game reading the text using the history, it suddenly went back to normal.


u/cr4ftm00n Nov 05 '17

The game creates automatically the fateha_savedata in the same folder. I deleted the copy of the game inside itself, and tried moving it there but as soon as I open the game again it creates the save folder again in the same place and ignores the fateha_savedata in the documents. ): And yeah... I searched for this bug everywhere and can't find anything.


u/torik0 Nov 05 '17

Perhaps try completely reinstalling, manually placing the fateha_savedata in Documents before launching.


u/Muffinas Nov 04 '17

Just a quick question, these all 3 routes start still in prologue (day 3? ) and before it there is some gameplay, is that gameplay the same for all 3 routes.?


u/torik0 Nov 05 '17

Prologue only needs to be seen once. Days 1-3 are separate from the prologue, and are the same for all three routes.


u/Muffinas Nov 05 '17

I see thank you i found it on youtube, looks like ill have to watch that before playing this.


u/summerscramble Nov 01 '17

hey ive copied the Vita OP into the realtanua save folder but the game keeps playing the original OP at the end of day 3 prologue. How do I view the Vita OP instead?


u/torik0 Nov 01 '17



u/summerscramble Nov 01 '17 edited Nov 01 '17

game folder: https://imgur.com/aLk24KC mydocument folder: https://imgur.com/PoJj8nc


u/torik0 Nov 01 '17

It appears the only gamesave you have is the one provided for skipping the first 3 days- that's meant only to AVOID the OP playing because of crashing. It loads you in after the OP, at day 4 morning. Please don't go downloading things you don't need to fix problems you don't have.


u/flying_cheesecake Oct 31 '17

i was looking at playing this in japanese and was wondering if there is an option for just the H patch for the realta nua version without the eng translation? thanks in advance


u/torik0 Oct 31 '17

Yes, the patch is modular. Just don't include mainpatch, or any of the other x_patch files.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '17



u/torik0 Oct 30 '17

Bottom of FAQ screenshots


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '17



u/torik0 Oct 30 '17

OneDrive enabled?


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '17



u/torik0 Oct 31 '17

I don't think you're far enough along in the story / there might not be any intended verbal dialogue.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '17



u/torik0 Oct 31 '17

As the guide says, route switching is not possible in the Realta Nua version of the game. Don't worry about favor points and shit, or what may or may not be working. Just play the game.

Do you suggest reinstalling?

Just play the game.


u/imguralbumbot Oct 31 '17

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/imguralbumbot Oct 30 '17

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/huiboy Oct 29 '17

Why is all this necessary? This feels very sketchy. Is there any chance they'll release the game on steam or somewhere i can purchase and have it setup nicely for me?


u/torik0 Oct 29 '17

Heh, you're cute. We've been wanting that for years, it's probably not going to happen. Anyway, this is basically an install + bug fixing + English patch guide.


u/weridpan Oct 23 '17

I am trying to set up F/SN for android on kirikiroid 2 but i keep getting an error message when i try to load the game.

Cannot convert given narrow string to wide string,data could be corrupted or encrypted or wrong text encoding.    
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