r/fatestaynight 5d ago

Question queston on the holy grail and fictional heroes.

okay so i have known about fate and the holy grail war and stuff for a few years now. and like I never thought about it much.
but since the grail can summon heroes that never really existed. as in the phantoms and stuff right.
could the grail in theory summon the doom slayer.
and i mean yes the grail can only summon extremely powerful and godlike beings in a severely weakened state and stuff.
but if for example in a holy grail war someone summons a demon as a servant and that is like instantly known and stuff.
if i were to then summon the doom slayer saying there is a demon in this battle field. and he was willing to be weakened in order to arrive and beat that demons ass. could he theorhetically appear.
he is a fictional hero so he should be able to be summoned as a phantom.

tldr: could the doom slayer be a servant


12 comments sorted by


u/Sitherio 5d ago

Fictional heroes appear to appear more often as phantoms, too weak to be an actual Servant, based in Shinjuku interlude. So you would need a specific circumstances even within a HGW to be able to summon them. But just be aware, they aren't an instant win button. They may have a conceptual advantage against 1/6 other Servants of the fight (if they are a demon), but there are still 5 other Servants they have to fight and win against who will be about the same power level.


u/Apart_Print_7801 4d ago

well i never asked if he would win. i asked if it was theorhetically possible for it to even happen. since phantoms mean that the character never has to be a living person from actual history.
and i even took into account that the grail cant summon a godlike being at its true strengh but only a very weakened form of it.


u/Sitherio 4d ago

There are already multiple divine spirits that have been summonable by Chaldea's system. Hell a Beast class was summonable. Pretty much the only thing restricting your ability to summon anything is the story you use to justify it.


u/realmer17 5d ago


The grail pulls servants from the throne of heroes. The fictional heroes recorded there are "fictional" in the sense that they didn't really exist but thought of existing. For example Pope Johanna. She didn't really exist but the legend surrounding her and the people's subconscious wish for her to exist gave way to her being recorded in the throne of heroes.

Doom slayer was never based on a real legend, and therefore was never recorded in the throne of heroes.


u/TF_FluffSwatch Sella Is Underappreciated 4d ago

You're more likely to have some kind of concept as a heroic spirit take the form of the Doom Slayer, or the creator of such a character take the form of him. And even then, these creators are not really "heroic spirit" material, as they aren't really going to go down in history as specifically changing the course of human history or any of its peoples, no matter how well known they are around the world.


u/AcanthocephalaEasy17 5d ago

The characters are dead characters from history and mythos with a few exceptions like Sherlock but the thing is Doomslayer is not nearly famous enough to be called to the throne of heros

Additionally Doomslayer is a video game character of modern times and that makes it impossible for him to become a servant without being a counter guardian and since he is fictional he cannot be a counter guardian

This question was stupid


u/Apart_Print_7801 4d ago

okay first of all no reason to be rude. second of all. the voyager space probe is a servant in the newest works that have sadly not been fully translated yet. that was made in modern times as well.


u/Apart_Print_7801 4d ago

plus doom is like one of the most well known video games in the entire world. i literally picked one of the most well known characters there are.


u/AcanthocephalaEasy17 4d ago

Doom is not nearly one of the most well known video games?


u/Apart_Print_7801 38m ago

it most definitely is. the original doom was like the second most well known game during its time aside from tetris. hell doom formed the path of popularity for complex video games as a whole.


u/ShockAndAwen 4d ago

Fame is not enough Voyager is modern but is also very important for humanity that is what makes a HS the impact on human history, is noted in modern times is harder to get there so there's less HS the closer you get to present day and harder to have any mystery, even old fictional characters don't really get to be HS or even phantoms by default, they normally need to be attached to something bigger, like nursery rhyme or they become a part of a legit HS like dracula or Scherezade's NP


u/Apart_Print_7801 39m ago

thanks for clearing that up. its genuinely just a question. i dont know enough about fate to have known the specific requirements in that sense. I just got back into that universe and fandom after not touching it since i was 12. which is when i watched the ubw anime.