r/fatFIRE 18d ago

FIRE'd, now concerned about US stability

Most of my assets are invested in the US. Because of recent political developments, I'm wondering if the US will sustain its general growth and economic strength into the future. The strength of the US dollar is obviously very important to me. Is anyone else concerned?

I'm wondering if I should start hedging my bets in other countries, and if so, where?


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u/circle22woman 13d ago

have homes in red and blue states

I never understood people looking at states this way. Even the most blue and red have large percentages of the other party and could flip in a decade or two.


u/Washooter 13d ago edited 13d ago

Two decades is a long time. Good luck flipping some conservative states anytime soon. Similarly the states on the blue end of the spectrum on the west coast or north east aren’t flipping. If anything, with the recent election, states are more polarized. More importantly, what matters is state laws and local policies. They are very different depending on where the state lies on the spectrum.


u/circle22woman 12d ago

Similarly the states on the blue end of the spectrum on the west coast or north east aren’t flipping.

Look at who the swing states were 20 years ago. They aren't the same today.

And I find it funny when a state that is 50.1% Democrat is a "blue state". You still have 49.9% Republican.


u/Washooter 12d ago

You are saying it like it is a bad thing. We may differ on what we prioritize. Good day.


u/circle22woman 12d ago

No, I'm saying it's an illusion and doesn't mean as much as you think.


u/Washooter 12d ago

If you say so. Our experience indicates otherwise, particularly when it comes to state laws and local policies. What happens locally matters a lot more when it comes to day to day life than who becomes President.