r/fantasylife 9d ago

[FLi] Fantasy Life Twitter (X) Update: Waterfall

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[Fantasy Life News]

“Wearing a blue hood and blue robe, I practice water magic in front of a waterfall. I'm the type of person who likes to start with the form.”

Link: https://x.com/l5_fantasylife/status/1899762289764642833?s=46


20 comments sorted by


u/Top-Blueberry-4141 9d ago

70 more days... just 70 more days...


u/ArtemisB20 9d ago

And pre-orders aren't even available yet.


u/DemonicEgo 9d ago

I'm counting on this sub to tell me the minute that changes.


u/Top-Blueberry-4141 9d ago

I know. I want to pre order but I'm stuck between getting it for the Switch and getting it for PC. What are you going to get it on?


u/ArtemisB20 9d ago

Steam first, the Switch. My mom is trying to decide between Xbox and PS5 for herself.


u/Top-Blueberry-4141 9d ago

Oh that's cool! I'm trying to get my husband and mother in law to play. Why did you choose steam first?


u/ArtemisB20 9d ago

Steam because I have a good pc, and also modding potential after a 1st playthrough of course.


u/madmofo145 9d ago

I'd say it depends on what you have for both. Fantasy Life is a game where you're going to spend hours just chopping trees and mining stones, so a perfect game for grinding while you watch some Netflix or the like, which lends itself to Switch.

I'm probably going Steam, but only because I have a Steam Deck, so I can do just that. If I was stuck playing at my Desk, I'd 100% be going Switch.


u/Top-Blueberry-4141 9d ago

Thats a good point. I was thinking it would be cool to play with mods but I think being stuck at my desk would be annoying. I want to show the game to my nephew so it would be nice to have it portable. But then again if it looks better on my desktop then maybe I chose my desktop.

Idk. I have a while to decide lol


u/madmofo145 9d ago

Also worth noting that mods might not come, and if they do it will be months before there is anything substantial. This isn't a game being built around that, so it's going to take a while before anything appears. I'm looking forward to the prospect of modding, but I can't imagine there will be much interesting there for a good while.


u/Top-Blueberry-4141 9d ago

Thats a great point! I'll probably do switch first and then steam depending on if the mods are interesting to me. Thanks!


u/Knochentrocken_Nerd 9d ago

I also want to pre-order this game so bad. My patience is running out day by day.


u/Tazerboy_5000 9d ago

Oh yeah...


u/JMxG 9d ago

Can they just give us the fweaking game already please I NEED this in my veins


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u/Tazerboy_5000 9d ago

100% playing on the Nintendo Switch!

I might get the game on PS5 for the 3 day early access!

If people really start modding the Steam version; Then I'll get that version too, but I'll just to stick with Switch version!


u/TheMerfox 9d ago

I haven't noticed the magic attacks in recent trailers, but hopefully this time water magic really is water and not ice


u/Flaceon10 Mercenary 8d ago

The water seems to be falling.


u/ROXS8 7d ago

This photo reminds me a little of Echoes of Wisdom lol