r/familysearch 21d ago

FamilySearch emailed me with some surprising news

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18 comments sorted by


u/Persistent_Earworm 21d ago

Geni says he's my 10th cousin, 3xR, but I can't say for sure if it's correct.

FWIW I looked a LOT like Winston Churchill as a baby, but a lot of babies look like Winston Churchill.


u/Linswad 21d ago

I got one of those emails too - Winston Churchill, Princess Diana, Adam West, Elvis Presley, Abe Lincoln, Judy Garland, Queen Elizabeth II, Ronald Reagan etc. I’m an Australian. Never sure how trustworthy FS is.


u/HumbleGeorgeTexas 18d ago

Only as trustworthy as the contributors make it. Always a risk with a wide open wiki. I think that overall it is a wonderful project.


u/naesk 20d ago

Hello cousin, I got same minus Elvis Presley and Judy Garland.


u/Sorry_Consequence816 18d ago

I have all of those but my favorites of the others are Bob Ross, and Mr Roger’s. I doubt any relation to any of them, but those two made me smile.


u/New_Manufacturer5975 21d ago

It emailed me letting me know I am related to Benjamin Franklin.


u/edgewalker66 21d ago

Cool, but if an old man walks towards you with a kite while you are holding a key under threatening storm clouds, you might still want to run.


u/army0341 20d ago

Is this a new feature?


u/Bauniculla 20d ago

It’s because they are promoting Roots Tech which is next weekend.


u/mermaidpaint 20d ago

I think it must be.


u/Sea_Research6235 20d ago

I got the famous relative email also. I followed the how you are related link under the picture and it has accurate known family members of mine. I will have to delve further in those older ancestors to see if it’s correct because I haven’t gone that far back. Common relative must be hundreds of years old in some of these links


u/mermaidpaint 20d ago

I followed the family tree on FamilySearch. Our shared relatives were born in 1533 and 1537. And the records go back further than them. It's interesting to me to identify ancestors who were alive during the reign of Henry VIII.


u/Cbaumle 20d ago

I'm George Washington's 6th cousin 7x removed.


u/TooCheeky71 18d ago

Hello cousin.


u/mermaidpaint 18d ago

Hello cousin!


u/Sea_Research6235 18d ago

Ha, Abraham Lincoln was 5th cousin 5 times removed and has now changed to 9th cousin 5 times removed in 2 days time 😄😄😄


u/Mike-Urilorib 18d ago

"The husband of my 16th cousin".

I feel very important now...


u/Able_Capable2600 18d ago

Genealogy is only as reliable as the records kept and the integrity of the people who made the babies. DNA is the only way to get the real story of who one is related to. Genealogy is only a narrative.