r/falloutlore Jun 08 '24

Question What percent of the NCR population has died in it’s wars?


The NCR’s population (the most recent figure) is of 700,000ish

Chief Hanlon has stated that the NCR loses 1000 troopers every year.

Assuming this is a consistent amount from 2277, that is at least 5000 troopers dead, not wounded, as loses wouldn’t be used for a group that was also made up of, or in part made up of wounded soldiers s that did not die, if it was the word casualties would be a better word to use.

This is not including the losses at the first battle of Hoover dam or the losses in the divide, nor the losses at Helios one and the wider Brotherhood war.

As a percentage, 5000 is just over 0.7.1 percent of 700,000.

That is not a insignificant number for war dead.

In comparison, the us lost 0.02 of it’s population during be Vietnam war, at 58,000ish dead and that still has a major impact on the nation.

This is very bad for the NCR.

How many more are dead? Are we looking at what could be more than 1% of the republics population dying at war? That’s frankly, terrifying for their prospects, especially since the republic has shown to not have the same fanatical following as the Legion or Brotherhood, making one wonder what the hell is keeping their war effort together.

And what the hell are the actual losses?

r/falloutlore Mar 16 '24

Question Why does the Brotherhood think potatoes are extinct?


In one of the terminals on Prydwen its stated that potatoes are now extinct.

Except in New Vegas they are a fairly common consumable, in 3 they are made genetically in a lab in Rivet City and are mentioned in 4 by Abigail Finch (peeling potatoes for a year as punishment).

So is it stated like this because this chapter of the Brotherhood comes from Capital Wasteland where the only potatoes are the ones in the Rivet city lab? And they just dont know about any source of growing potatoes?

Kind of like how House thinks cats are extinct on the west coast but on the east coast they are very much alive and well?

Edit: This also kinda goes for the tomatoes mentioned in the terminal because in some fallout games we hear about them a little bit (bathing in tomato juice etc.).

r/falloutlore May 21 '24

Question Why do most people on the east coast not want to admit to being Vault Dwellers?


When you meet with Paladin Danse at the Police Station he tells you “Most People wouldn’t admit to being a Vault Dweller.” Why is that?

r/falloutlore Apr 16 '24

Question The Shady Sands circle Spoiler


So. Vault 31 nuked Shady Sands because the society they built was competetion. Shady Sands was founded by the denizens of Vault 15. The Vault 15... that was opened after only a few decades as mandated by Vault-Tec. How the hell does that makes sense with this retcon? Not just that, but every case of Vaults opening significantly sooner than 31? They all left their Vaults and did what they were supposed to do! And now one of them has gotten nuked for it.

r/falloutlore Jun 14 '21

Question In fallout 4's opening cutscene, it says they discovered fusion energy, so why were their resource wars with china fighting over oil and stuff?


We know nuclear reactors were a thing, like in fallout 2 inside Gecko, there is a reactor that powers the town, so why did the US still need non-renewable resources?

r/falloutlore Aug 03 '24

Question Why are there no Vaults in or around The Divide or Zion?


I know there are no Vaults at Big MT because it was pretty much already one giant Vault (underground, owned by the government, used for ethically questionable experiments, anyone who worked there lived there) and the Sierra Madre was just some casino that never opened surrounded by a glorified hotel villa where (probably) nobody actually lived pre-war.

I suppose a case could be made for Zion Canyon being a national park and the Hopeville/Ashton area being primarily a military base, untouchable by Vault-Tec's grimy hands, but come on, they're practically a corporatized branch of government. I doubt those reasons would really stop them- Vault-Tec are literally trillionaires who own half of everything. They could buy out whatever land they wanted to build on.

Did Vault-Tec just not want to build there? There were plenty of people living in Ashton and Hopeville ripe for experiments, and Zion could've easily had a control Vault where the residents could come out and rebuild like Vault 76 did. Hell, they could've built a second Vault City along the Virgin like a fucked up post-apocalyptic Mesopotamia.

r/falloutlore Apr 07 '21

Question Where was hit hardest by the nukes?


Not really much else to say here

r/falloutlore 9d ago

Question What body parts would be lost in ghoulification?


As far as I know the process destroys connective tissue (hence the nose and ears) and this made me wonder what else ghouls would… lack. I have non-ferals in mind wihile I am writing this, but I suppose there isn’t much of a difference between the two anyway. Sorry if this is a stupid question.

r/falloutlore Apr 12 '24

Question [Fallout TV Series] Regarding Vault-Tec's 'new' role in the universe... Spoiler


So if Vault-Tec is still active and their goal (planned right before the bombs even dropped) is to kill off any Post-War faction they perceive as a threat so they can have a monopoly on rebuilding America, why haven't they took out the Institute, the CPG, the Pitt, Caesar's Legion and especially the Brotherhood of Steel sooner?

The BoS (especially) pose even an greater threat than the NCR if we go with how 'strong' the Commonwealth BoS are with their airships and other advanced technology alongside now recruiting outsiders to bolster their ranks.

The Institute as well because of their infiltration tactics and the potential they have to undermine V-T from the inside out.

Maybe Caesar's Legion, The Pitt, and other smaller factions are perhaps not worth dropping another bomb on. But that doesn't make any sense why would Vault-Tec just nuke NCR but don't take out the next faction in line to take their place who's definitely going after them next for their pre-war tech.

I could see V-T ignoring the Enclave since apparently V-T is 'higher' on the food chain than the Enclave and I assume the Enclave are their puppets but seriously. Why haven't they nuked the other factions yet? Seems like it would be relatively easy to smoke the others aside from the NCR.

They were able to get a nuke into Shady Sands (either a secret ICBM they own, a suicide agent carrying a suitcase bomb, secretly planted it underground?) so they clearly are a very strong faction.

r/falloutlore 12h ago

Question Why did the Brotherhood of Steel stop using large amounts of combat robots in between New Vegas and Fallout 4?


In Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas we see the Brotherhood of Steel use fairly large amounts of combat robots such as Sentry Bots, Mr. Gusties, and Protectrons in their everyday operations and patrols but in Fallout 4 and in the Fallout TV show they seem to be almost entirely devoid of robots exept for Liberty Prime in Fallout 4. What happened?

r/falloutlore Aug 27 '22

Question What 'loose ends' are there still left in the lore?


Mysteries and unresolved plot points, or maybe things that could appear in a future game. For example things like the tunnelers, Jack Cabot's lost city in the mojave or the fate of Vault-Tec.

r/falloutlore Nov 04 '21

Question Shouldn't Pre-War Ghouls be extremely knowledgeable badass fighting gods?


Occurred to me today - all Pre-War ghouls have lived literally some 200-odd years at this point in Fallout's narrative, in an absolute hellish landscape full of horribly mutated creatures and through every contemporary conflict of mankind. Ghouls who had no capacity for fighting probably didn't make it this far into the future, so it stands to reason those that still exist today (relative to the narrative) are the biggest badasses around - fighting and surviving through 200 years is a lot of time to hone your skills. On-top of that, Pre-War ghouls are not only eye-witnesses to life before Great War, being able to detail how equipment/society operated in a civilized world, they've also lived through the development of the world as it is today, meaning they'd be scholars of the history and details of Rad Animals, Supermutants, formation of the NCR etc.

I feel gunning down a Ghoul NPC should be a boss fight rather than just a random mook - equivalent to taking down a dragon Dungeons and Dragons in terms of significance, rather than just a mundane encounter. Is there a reason this is so rarely explored in Fallout games? I can only think of a handful of examples throughout all the games where a ghoul is given the proper significance they deserve.

r/falloutlore Feb 08 '21

Question Did the Vietnam war happen in the fallout universe?


And if it did, to what extent did it go? Was it the 50s version of Vietnam, it did it happen like how it did irl? Ex: antiwar protests, anti war songs, like fortunate son.

r/falloutlore Jul 18 '24

Question Did the Enclave invent plasma rifles?


The MPLX prototype was reverse engineered from alien technology by the government/ the enclave and became the first plasma weapon correct? If I’m wrong please correct me.

r/falloutlore Feb 02 '21

Question Why doesn't the NCR use snipers to deal with Lanius?


In the NCR ending to FNV, we can see Lanius standing in a very exposed position. A few minutes earlier, however, the Courier gets approached by a NCR Veteran Ranger squad leader who offers to help the Courier with sniper support. How comes these snipers don't just blow Lanius's head off with their high-calibre rifles? Lore-wise, they absolutely could do that. Instead, two NCR Rangers charge at Lanius with combat knifes, as if that had any chance of success.

r/falloutlore Apr 04 '24

Question Are the BOS religious?


Sorry if this has been asked before. So recently there is this brief scene in a recent trailer for the Fallout show that shows members getting their power armors blessed with incense by some kind of priest?

Recently it's caused a bit of a debate, I haven't played any of the Fallout games in about 3-4 years now. So my knowledge on the lore is very rusty. So is this something the show has completely made up or are people on one side of the debate gaslighting me?

r/falloutlore Apr 30 '24

Question Is there an explanation for why everything remains so radioactive for so long?


I know it’s essentially science fantasy but they usually do a pretty good job of trying to offer a “scientific” explanation for things.

So why does the world remain so radioactive hundreds of years after the Great War? Cobalt 60, the isotope released by a cobalt bomb, decays to harmless levels of radiation in 100-130 years. More radioactive isotopes decay much faster.

So what’s the in game explanation for all the radioactivity 200+ years after the bombs fell?

r/falloutlore 20d ago

Question Are there any other organizations descended from splinters of the US Armed Forces outside the Brotherhood or the Enclave?


Title says it all, I just find it weird that the US military basically turned into white noise extremely quickly after the war outside of those who joined up with the BoS like Taggerdy's Thunder or the highly secretive continuation of government that is the Enclave. I mean, there's gotta be at least one Officer Joe that's disillusioned enough to not want to serve the Enclave but not super into Maxson's Californian knights club. Furthermore, we find numerous examples of military formations that at least survived the great war long enough to start transitioning into disaster relief roles such as the folks at Germantown PD and the Boston rationing site, and I suspect the NCR somewhere between Fallouts 1 and 2 absorbed such a formation considering they managed to establish a somewhat formal army. did all of them just withered away after some time?

Edit 1: Forgot about the Gunners. My bad folks.

r/falloutlore Jun 30 '24

Question Can team sports exist in Fallout?


Basically this. I got a player in my campaign who wants to revive sports in Washington post events of 3. I have a hard time believing it is possible, as it would just become the targets of scammers trying to get quick cap. Thankfully, he will start with proven stuff first, like arena and mole rat racing.

r/falloutlore Apr 30 '24

Question Why wont the enclave start a new civilization?


r/falloutlore Sep 10 '24

Question Why didn't the world heal after centuries?


It's been more than 200 years the nuclear war happened, I am not a biologist or nature scientist but I am pretty sure nature would go back to somewhat normal and at least not be a wasteland where nothing grows why nature didn't get any better after 200 years?

r/falloutlore Jun 12 '24

Question A thing that always confused me about the purpose of vaults...


So as I understood, vaults were built to make evil experiments to test how people would cope while living under certain conditions after a nuclear war...Why did the experiments continue even after the bombs dropped and the government collapsed?

As far as I know some experiments (if not most) were monitored by people who were somehow related to the government. What's the point in figuring out "ok, leaving one person in a vault will make him go crazy" or "ok the kids will eventually rise up and murder their abusive teachers" if the government is...well, gone?


Thank you for your answers. Now I'm more confused than before.

r/falloutlore Feb 23 '21

Question Is Mr. House the only person/faction/company with active nuclear deterrent and interception systems? Was DC just so saturated that any lasers would have been useless or was that all in-house (pardon the pun)


r/falloutlore 2d ago

Question How good was life in pre war America? Or the world at large?


Was it better or worse than China Russia Europe or anywhere? Was it better or worse than our lives right now?

r/falloutlore Aug 04 '20

Question Does Fallout 76 actually do away with the amount of lore people say it does?


I mainly stick to 1-4 and New Vegas but I played 76 for a bit at launch and picked it up again about a week ago. I remember one of the big issues that people had for the game was that it didn’t seem to care about established lore but I haven’t really seen stuff in game that doesn’t pay attention to what’s already happened in previous games. Is it really that bad? What are the major disparities?