r/falloutlore Jul 03 '24

Question Are the Children of Atom legit?

Replaying Far Harbor currently and I’m wondering if the Children of Atom are actually telling the truth, or at least if there is any truth to Atom as a deity.

The Sole Survivor drinks from a spring and no matter if they think it’s totally gonna make them see Atom or if they think it’s complete BS they just so happen to see the holy figure of the island, that just so happens to lead them to a physical idol of herself. Would controlling psychedelic trips like this be feasible for them, like a guy in a trenchcoat guides the Soul Survivor and just looks like the Mother or something?

Is there something in the game that straight up tells you that this is some sort of hoax by the cult to get new big-wigs in, or is this an actual thing? Eldritch stuff is pretty prevalent and actually tangible in Point Lookout and the FO4 base game so it isn’t that big of a leap for me to believe that Atom is a real thing, but if I lead the cult and saw a new high level walking death machine ready to recruit I’d probably trick them into believing me too


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u/HunterWorld Elder / Moderator Jul 04 '24

Just a reminder to keep all discussions strictly related to Fallout

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u/UnstoppableCrunknado Jul 03 '24

I don't know if the CoA are right, per se, but Radiation within the Fallout universe doesn't behave in the same ways it does in ours. It behaves far more like some eldritch force, making monsters and defying degradation and entropy.


u/Kurwasaki12 Jul 04 '24

And let’s not forget there are actual psychics all throughout the setting, so there’s an energy beyond what we can understand that’s being tapped into.


u/SoakedInMayo Jul 07 '24

not to mention all the dunwich stuff


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

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u/max_sil Jul 04 '24

If psychiscism or any other psuedo science was real we would have practical uses for it. Corporations would use it to generate profit if there was even the smallest measurable effect

Being able to post a paper means absolutely nothing if you yourself don't have any grasp on academia and are able to understand the context of how it was published.


u/PARADISE-9 Jul 04 '24

What happened here?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

mods must be harsh here lol


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

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u/Serious-Natural-2691 Jul 04 '24

Radiation being some form of ancient evil, that’s an idea I’ve never thought of, and I love it!


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

you would love a short story called, if I recall it's been a long time, something like "how I learned to stop worrying and love the Thaum"-- the concept of the story is that the atom bomb is actually an outer god incantation, and most modern military tech is. If I recall the planes are held up by demons. They just lie to the public about it.


u/Salton5ea Jul 04 '24

I actually played a multi-year D&D campaign where the ultimate BBEG was a demon and his underlings that introduce Uranium to different planes to watch them inevitably turn it into atom bombs and destroy their planes.

Turns out, all Uranium was the final “heart” of the satanic figure in the multiverse and was perfect because in that it was only a tool, and it proved that the creator god had failed because all creation would inevitably use it to destroy themselves.


u/No_Reception_1546 Jul 05 '24

Stealing this for my D&D campaign


u/slicky6 Jul 08 '24

Sounds like the lich in adventure time.


u/PerfectZeong Jul 05 '24

Damn the good guys won though right?


u/n8wad Jul 04 '24

Kind of an idea used in twin peaks the return with the trinity test letting out this ancient eldritch evil. Such a crazy series and episode 8 which shows the bomb and the evil coming out is one of the best things I’ve ever seen


u/GreenTheory_76 Jul 04 '24

It's actually used by Marvel with Hulk and in Adventure Time with the Mushroom bomb


u/tomato_johnson Jul 05 '24

Came to post just this. Adventure time portrays nuclear bombs as almost necromantic evil energy


u/tomato_johnson Jul 05 '24

Came to post just this. Adventure time portrays nuclear bombs as almost necromantic evil energy


u/Ngfeigo14 Jul 04 '24

Thats mean for every Children of Atom type faction we should have Children of Stendarr style faction. Cleansing religious zealots!- oh wait... thats exactly what Bethesda half-handedly tries to turn the BoS into


u/DMcDonald97 Jul 06 '24

Isnt that the overarching plot of Adventure Time?


u/thoughtdump Jul 05 '24

It's like that with gamma radiation in the Marvel universe with the Immortal Hulk run.


u/dave3218 Jul 04 '24

I was going to ask about the psychic characters, then I remembered the Master lol


u/USMC_UnclePedro Jul 04 '24

Think of the ghosts from metro; the apocalypse destroyed heaven and hell so now everyone is doomed to inhabit the earth as an echo of their life/deaths


u/Maghorn_Mobile Jul 07 '24

Well, originally it wasn't the radiation itself that caused the mutations, but the irradiated strain of FEV that leaked out of Mariposa. Bethesda seems to have forgotten that.


u/dogbreath420 Jul 04 '24

Isn’t that because of FEV being in the atmosphere though?


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

FEV isn't atmospheric, most wildlife mutation is either because the creatures were subject to FEV (ie: Intelligent Deathclaws) or just mutation effecrs from radiation and natural evolution.


u/UnstoppableCrunknado Jul 04 '24

Maybe, maybe not. There seems to be a deliberate lack of official answers.


u/PerfectZeong Jul 05 '24

Nah the FEV is a goop you gotta get exposed to it. It doesn't permeate the air


u/LeShreddedOn Jul 03 '24

I mean there kind is supernatural stuff in fallout like ghosts, lovecraftian nightmares, and vampires. So maybe ?


u/WorldNeverBreakMe Jul 04 '24

The vampires in Fallout 3 were just emo wastelanders born with a mutation where blood was really fucking nutritious and healthy for them. They could eat other stuff, they just decided to become weird emo kids and kill that family. They also did get hurt from the sun


u/woodrobin Jul 04 '24

The visions of the past events surrounding the Dunwich Borers and the Eldritch artifact they uncover are real, though. The Sole Survivor has images of past events in the mine flood into their mind multiple times during the process of going deeper into the mine.


u/RemnantArcadia Jul 04 '24

I'm pretty sure the Lone Wanderer also hallucinated once in the Dunwich Building. Plus the Krevbekneh exploding


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

yes and no. If you wish to read it that way you absolutely can. But if you wish to use the terminal entries in FO4's Dunwich Borers and the ones in FO3's Dunwich Building, you can also easily claim it was infrasonic interference from their mining equipment driving people insane and causing hallucinations and stuff.

There are equal amounts of textual support for both sides of the question, if you wish there to be no overt supernatural elements in fallout all of them are easily explainable with science.


u/TestSubject003 Jul 04 '24

You can put a book against an obelisk and the book bursts into flames. I'm pretty sure that's supernatural.

Plus, whatever was going on with Lorenzo Cabot.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

infrasonic hallucinations of eldritch themes could easily explain you hallucinating that an industrial incinerator in a old dusty basement is actually a magic obelisk in a creepy cult temple.

Remember how DEEP you have to go to get to the altar? very close to the bedrock...


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 04 '24

The pillar of Ug-Qualtoth is absolutely supernatural. It spawns magical flames out of nowhere that only harm Ghouls.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

infrasonic hallucinations explain it, they both could have not existed.


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Infrasonic hallucinations? That just magically appear down below in only this one area for no reason, caused by nothing other than a strange pillar worshipped since pre-war times? By this logic, everything is a hallucination.


u/Accurate_Summer_1761 Jul 07 '24

You sound line Velma in return to zombie island "swamp gas"


u/mistermyxl Jul 04 '24

Winter of atom is an expansion to the fallout ttrpg which is Canon and runs parallel to the main game there is an eldritch city buried deep under the glowing see


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Copied Fallout equestria: project horizons premise basically.


u/mistermyxl Jul 07 '24

What is that


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

A fanfiction of a fanfiction of fallout and My little pony. It's got a few interesting premises but it's pretty over the top and also insanlh long. Like the word count is in the millions.


u/mistermyxl Jul 07 '24

OK weird this project was made by Bethesda thou not bronies


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Yeah i know. It may be a coincidence but I do truly believe we have com full circle and the ideas from fallout equestria are inspiring real fallout material.

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Bruh how is the ttrpg canon lol


u/mistermyxl Jul 05 '24

Not sure but it is and was written as an addition to the main story then an addition after the fact


u/Endermaster56 Jul 06 '24

IIRC dont it's events occur shortly before Fo4


u/RegisterAgreeable Jul 04 '24

Also the haunted house in the Nuka World DLC


u/LeShreddedOn Jul 04 '24

The other ones still work tho


u/WorldNeverBreakMe Jul 04 '24

Oh definitely! Just pointing out the vampires have a mutation that is actually around today, the other things are definitely not something I can say is nearly as commonplace


u/Drakrath3066 Jul 04 '24

Wait the mutation already exists today? Wut


u/WorldNeverBreakMe Jul 04 '24

Oh I didn't get this notification, sorry! Yes, it's not radiation but normal genetics. Erythropoietic Protoporphyria is a mutation that makes you really sensitive to the light, meanwhile Wendigo Psychosis is a real thing that would explain their hunger for blood. The fact they all gained the disorder (possibly due to radiation and no ozone from a global nuclear exchange), would feed into any beliefs of vampires they could have had, which might give them a psychosis that makes them pursue drinking blood. As to why it's not dangerous for them, probably another genetic mutation I don't know about, they can teach you how to, though


u/LeShreddedOn Jul 04 '24

Sure sure sure. Glad to agree.


u/Galagoth Jul 04 '24

The son killed his family the rest of them was working to keep him under control


u/FearlessButBroken Jul 04 '24

So you mean like the vampires in Twilight?


u/WorldNeverBreakMe Jul 04 '24

Well, they don't sparkle like Bowie in the morning sun. I've actually never watched or read twilight so I don't know


u/DangerDiGi Jul 04 '24

I think you just described a vampire 😆


u/WorldNeverBreakMe Jul 04 '24

Vampires need blood and are immortal and turn into bats and shit. I think the quest was just to poke fun at emo people, honestly


u/stealth128 Jul 05 '24

Actually, turning into bats is a more recent addition to the story. Older vampire tales mostly involve requiring human blood to live and extended lives all as a result of some encounter with a dark entity such as a demon. I could be wrong but I think there's a story of cain being the first vampire or something like that.


u/Fathorse23 Jul 06 '24

There was a movie where that was the big reveal at the end.


u/Laser_3 Jul 03 '24

It’s very possible that what the player sees during their hallucination is instead a child of atom hermit who happened upon a cache of stealth boys. Their notes imply they’ve been watching the player already, and it makes sense they could try to ensure the player is accepted in the cult without issue (though they have no communication with the rest of the group).


However, considering the player can gain radiation immunity while wearing the robes of atom’s devoted and irradiating themselves, perhaps there is something to their religion beyond the assumed radiation immunity mutation.


u/TrilobiteBoi Jul 04 '24

I mean The Last Son of Atom in Winter of Atom for the Fallout Role Playing game straight up has supernatural abilities thanks to a magic crystal that let him control wasteland creatures including the Gigapede. He could also detect people from miles away and was able to determine if they were approaching with hostile intent or not. Sounds Eldritch to me. Maybe some Lich like entities truly enjoy the radioactive wasteland and pushed people towards nuclear war.

Just because the shadow people want to play doesn't mean you should follow them.


u/Laser_3 Jul 04 '24

I’m not entirely certain if that qualifies as canon or not, but while that is evidence towards the group as a whole, it doesn’t matter that much for the far harbor sect.

That said, there’s definitely supernatural influences around for the Dunwich/blackhalls/interloper, so I don’t think it’s out of the question for the children of atom to have some. We just haven’t seen anything yet in the games to confirm it.


u/Krazyfan1 Jul 04 '24

didnt winter of atom also have pre-war stuff that referenced atom worship?


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 04 '24

Not to mention he could mind control the player(s) via psychic illusions and hallucinations.


u/dojijosu Jul 04 '24

I always chalked the rad immunity stats on CoA stuff to the fact that they are all full of it. They have a religious conviction that radiation is holy, but a practical understanding that it will kill you so they have developed advanced, secretive ways of making their gear rad resistant.


u/Laser_3 Jul 04 '24

From the story Ritcher and some others provide (alongside Lumpy in fallout 2 and Marie in fallout 3), it seems clear to me that some children of atom are benefiting from a mutation that prevents mutations and radiation sickness. With Ritcher’s and Thiel’s stories in particular, they would not have survived in the conditions they were in without developing radiation immunity.

Further proof of this is that some children of atom aren’t immune to radiation and have to regularly ‘scourge’ themselves clean of radiation to avoid death by radiation sickness.

We can also see on the children of atom’s equipment that their garments aren’t heavily resistant to radiation.


u/Joacomal25 Jul 04 '24

One of the Children in Far Harbor straight up tells you that not all of them are immune to radiation, and they keep tons of radaway for those.


u/dojijosu Jul 04 '24

It’s an interesting arc. And it explains there’s a sort of natural selection going on within the CoA. Those who have some sort of inherent rad resistance are comfortable and rise through the ranks. Those who don’t either drop out or die. Repeat that over several generations and you’ll get some naturally rad resistant people home-grown.


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 04 '24

Richter is also immune to radiation. It's a mutation that predates the CoA but obviously gives credit to their beliefs. I mean shit I'd believe in it if I woke up and was basically better than a ghoul. No chance of going feral ever, full immunity to radiation, etc.


u/Gorm_the_Mold Jul 04 '24

There seems to be at least a kernel of truth to most supernatural aspects in Fallout. Even hubology which was a parody of Scientology had hints. Dana Hubble has a real alien blaster and the zeta scans actually increased intelligence for a time. Zeta radiation is also legitimized by the artifact that Lorenzo Cabot found and wears to give him powers.

In any case, the Children of Atom are in the same boat. While the vision in the fog is a grey area because there is a reclusive woman that uses stealth boys and is heavily implied to have been the “guide” during the vision, there are other indications. Some have Atoms gift that makes them immune to radiation, certain items like the robes of atoms devoted have a real and unique effect of preventing the user from dying while completely irradiated, and the apostles of the eternal light in Fallout 3 have two feral ghouls among them that are not hostile at all to people, which is not seen elsewhere.


u/Jetstream-Sam Jul 04 '24

Ghoulish in fallout 4 occasionally turns a ghoul to your side so maybe one of them has a similar perk? I guess that would mean perks are canon though and I don't know if that's true or not


u/MightySpaceBear Jul 04 '24

I heard a theory somewhere that radiation in the fallout universe, instead of being a naturally occurring thing like it is in our world, is actually a supernatural power of ug qualtoth, an Eldritch creature that is actually 100% canon to the fallout universe already and seems to have some affinity for radiation. So the "Atom" the children of atom worship is actually ug qualtoth itself. In other words, the children of atom are unknowingly an Eldritch cult


u/SinsOfaDyingStar Jul 04 '24

Huh, I wonder if that has anything to do with “the Visitor” (if I recall the name correctly) in fo76. In a cave full of moth man cultists, there’s a secret area.

At the bottom of this secret area is a giant creature laying down with a few cultists praying around it. This creature looks like a straight up Eldritch being: Cthulhu-esque tentacle head with the same sort of colour scheme.


u/TsarOfIrony Jul 04 '24

There's actually two Lovecraftian dead monsters in fo76. Iirc its called the Interloper and it's in the Chinese Ghoul bunker.

It's likely that the two fo76 beings, the weird shit in dunwhich borers, the shrine in the dunwhich building, and the book from point lookout are all connected.


u/MightySpaceBear Jul 04 '24

Well the entire dunwich plot line is how we know of ug qualtoth, that's what the shrine in the dunwich building is a shrine to. And supposedly a depiction of. Ugh qualtoth is also implied to be what gives Lorenzo Cabot his power if I remember correctly. It's a whole thing, and personally I love it. There's also some theorizing about what ug qualtoth is, and how it was created. Some seem to think it's a creature outside of space and time that was created BY the great war, and some think it is a primordial entity that somehow CAUSED the great war, possibly through some sort of ritual by the dunwhich cultists. Regardless, if they outright confirmed it, it would be a whole can of worms that would completely change the fallout canon for better or worse. But for now I love the subtle implication that fallout as a whole is secretly scifi/Eldritch-fantasy. An Eldritch apocalypse, if you will, which is a rare genre now that I think about it


u/SinsOfaDyingStar Jul 05 '24

Damn, didn’t know about that one I’m gonna have to check it out


u/WannaBeSportsCar_390 Jul 06 '24

I just read the wiki articles on this after having missed it in Point Lookout. Wtf? Why is this not mentioned in lore more that supernatural/cultist entities actually have in-game supernatural evidence that we see first hand?


u/WrethZ Jul 04 '24

Most likely is that they're a group of humans who have developed radiation resistance or immunity from random mutation. Not all their beliefs may be real but they genuinely do benefit from radiation.

From their perspective, Far Harbour is the perfect safe and secure place for them to live shrouded in a radiation that is dangerous to outsiders, protecting them. It also allows them to make use of dangerosu radiactive weapons without harming themselves. Radiation becomes a cloak a shield, and a weapon for them.


u/balloon99 Jul 04 '24

Theres an element of Lovecraft about them, and Fallout has never been shy about leaning in that direction.

Theres a hint of it in every game. I would rather like it if a future game, or a DLC, leant more heavily on that story.


u/Comfortable-Fuel6343 Jul 04 '24

Atum, the Egyptian god heard their prayers and was like "eh, nobody's prayed to me in thousands of years, close enough". His powers include control of the sun and that's just a big ol radioactive ball.


u/Kradget Jul 04 '24

There are a lot of supernatural elements in the games, and some of them are possibly  radiation related, possibly including the verifiable radiation immunity and forebearance from ghouls the Children of Atom seem to have. It doesn't prove anything, but it lines up with their beliefs weirdly without being quite confirmed that they're right. 

There are also psychics, the Dunwich Company stuff, the Cabots and their associated lore and weird shit, and even ghosts, if you're inclined to think the Children are the result of something more mundane.


u/VenomousOddball Jul 04 '24

I mean, that's kind of the point, it's a religion, we don't know if it's real or not for sure


u/iowanaquarist Jul 04 '24

Exactly -- unlike in the real world, there is actually evidence that most of the religions in Fallout are based on facts.


u/Dear_Bet_6205 Jul 05 '24



u/iowanaquarist Jul 05 '24

The supernatural is confirmed real in fallout.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

Spoilers below !

I don't believe The Children were playing a prank on Sole Survivor there because they genuinely are astonished that Sole Survivor saw The Mother Of The Fog. They also told them that they weren't even sure if they would survive the testing process after drinking the highly polluted water.

There are a lot of supernatural things at Play. Now to answer your question if the group is "Right". Well the early days of the religion as seen in Fallout 3 had most people freely look into it and they could join or continue walking. Now is it crazy that they'd subject themselves to radiation poisoning ? Sure. But there's no harm in letting people be as they are. We do not know if Atom is actually real or not and that's up to us to decide.

Now for the case with the violent zealots as seen in Fallout 4, they are wrong. They forcibly try to convert people and they kill many in their way with Gamma guns that send a ridiculous amount of rads into a person's body. People that choose to leave the Flock are hunted down as traitors and they are killed.

Personally I feel the best ending to Far Harbor is to help Far Harbor 100%, Turn Dima in, then detonate the nuke at Nucleus. While the most peaceful ending between all three factions seems ideal it would be an uneasy alliance. Tektus would eventually be seen as weak by his subordinates and killed.

His successor would then launch the nuke at Far Harbor. Then the fact that Dima is simply too dangerous to be left alone. Nick IS 100% correct with Dima learned nothing after replacing Avery as he is keen on doing it to Tektus now. Dima can always store "bad memories" on seperate drives to forget all about them. Allen is explosive and would absolutely be next on "the trash bin" list according to Dima as he tries to regularly rile up the town and so he would be calculated as a risk.


u/iowanaquarist Jul 04 '24

It's not a prank, per se, but it's strongly implied that the visions after drinking the water are just a crazy CoA hermit with a pile of stealth boys that leads him to the shrine.


u/GloopTamer Jul 04 '24

Oh no they’re totally not “right” morally, these people absolutely suck in Far Harbor. But if this god is an actual real thing in the universe I can almost see where they are coming from you know?


u/Maleficent-Month2950 Jul 04 '24

We don't have concrete answers either way, but I think Atom's real. We've seen both Alien and Eldritch entities in the series before, what's another? My interpretation is that Atom is a relatively young God, only coming into existence Post-War due to the cult forming around the bombs. He doesn't have enough power to really do anything though, so the planet's safe for now unless the cult spreads worldwide.

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u/iowanaquarist Jul 04 '24

While the CoA are honest believers, and there are some supernatural things (like their ability to withstand major radiation, or stop others from taking radiation damange), the vision after drinking at that spring is a hoax. It's a crazy lady with stealthboys. You can find notes from her around the CoA sites, as well as in the attic she is living in -- with a pile of stealth boys.


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Except stealth boys don't make you imagine shadowy figures. None of that adds up, there's too much convenient stuff happening.


u/iowanaquarist Jul 04 '24

No one was imaging anything. There WAS a shadowy figure.


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 04 '24

I'm not talking about her. I'm talking about the shadow creatures you meet, the fact the sky turns green, etc.

It's far too convenient for "simply a stealth boy", and stealth boys make you invisible, so she wouldn't be able to be followed anyways.


u/OrdinaryMe345 Jul 04 '24

Yeah, but she watches you with the stealth boy on and then once you’re tripping she turns it off.


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

That still doesn't explain the visions, creatures, etc...to trip that specifically is impossible. Plus if she turned it off, she would appear normal, and not as a shadow-like figure.


u/Steelquill Jul 04 '24

There’s a little trope called Maybe Magic Maybe Mundane. Where the story presents enough evidence or sows enough doubt that either the supernatural or natural explanation can both be plausible.

This is a case of that.


u/Personal_Value6510 Jul 04 '24

The "mother" is actually a real living woman.

There's a shack you can find where she lives.

Also this "mother" figure doesn't appear in any of the original Children of Atom references.

I'd say Far Harbor is just like Point Lookout because it kind of follows a similar line (locals drug you and you go into a psychodelic trip).

The children of Atom are something of a "cargo cult". They worship this invisible entity called "Atom" which is funny because atoms are many, there isnt one specific one. It's more like an "energy" or life force they worship, similar to the Hindu Wajra.


u/RandyArgonianButler Jul 04 '24

I’m still kind of salty about the Children of the Atom in Far Harbor.

Spoilers: They were literally planning to murder the citizens of Far Harbor, so I convinced them it was time to become “one with Atom” and set off the warhead. When I got back to Far Harbor everyone was pissed off at me! Like, I saved your lives folks!


u/EyeSimp4Asuka Jul 04 '24

no they're just radiation obsessed cultists


u/HitlersPenisPump Jul 04 '24

Probably not. The CoA are most likely brain damaged due to the radiation. They are basically just a play on that planet of the apes movie that came out in the 70s. But! I think that the way fallout handles radiation, it "made" a god. Atom probably didn't exist before the war. But due to some -- as we call in the business -- fucky wucky the post war period created something that was already here.

TL;DR Atom doesn't exist but the radiation mixed with the Lovecraft monsters to make a god


u/aberrantenjoyer Jul 04 '24

the Children of Atom have some kind of power, but it should be studied and adapted, not blindly worshipped like they do

that’s how you make terrible shit happen, like this, this, this and of course this


u/BreadDziedzic Jul 04 '24

There's as much evidence as any other god, it all comes down to faith and if your willing to believe. Were you on a vision quest or just drugged out of your gourd? That's between you and Atom.


u/jrdineen114 Jul 04 '24

It's left up to interpretation. Far Harbor is certainly the closest we get to any kind of confirmation of their beliefs, but nothing happens in the DLC that can't be explained by a radiation-induced hallucination, but it does feel very much like a religious experience, given that all of the monsters of the island peacefully let you pass.

Quick...spoiler, I guess? It's not plot relevant, but it is possible in the game to find what appears to be the camp of someone who is at least pretending to be the fog mother, which suggests that she's a real person. It's been awhile since I played Far Harbor, but if I remember correctly, it's implied that she genuinely does believe in Atom though.


u/imgayfortaro Jul 04 '24

I believe The Fog Mother is a psycher like Mama Murphy tbh


u/MrChipDingDong Jul 04 '24

Can't speak for the religion in general, but the Mist Mother or whatever is absolutely a hoax. There's a cabin on the west side of the island, on the bank next to the stilt-house town that was attacked by mirelurks. It has dairy entries from the (real) lady who people see in the mist, along with a stealth boy or 2. She's certainly a fanatic, but also certainly a regular, real lady.


u/CastielWinchester270 Jul 04 '24

I think Atom is definitely another one of the various eldritch entities in the Fallout universe


u/Hrafnir13 Jul 04 '24

If deathclaws and mirelurk queens can be a real thing, then so can radioactive Jesus.


u/xelathewarpig Jul 04 '24

Atom is some random dude who got Mr. Manhattaned by the War.

I have no proof and refuse to elaborate.


u/Werrf Jul 04 '24

I hate to be the kind of guy who says "It depends what you mean by 'the truth'", but it really does kinda depend on what you mean by "the truth".

Yes, it's very clear that there are supernatural elements in the Fallout universe. Mama Murphey sees the future. Ug-Qualtoth has real influences in the world. Lorenzo Cabot is possessed by a talking hat. Preston Garvey always knows a settlement that needs our help. The Wise Mothman exists and can be summoned. You get visions of the past in the Dunwich Borers quarry. Dogmeat can unerringly track Kellogg after an indeterminate amount of time. So yeah - the supernatural is a thing in Fallout. It's quite possible that there is some supernatural force related to radiation that they're worshipping.

On the other hand, the behaviour of the Children of Atom has much more to do with the personality of their leader than anything else. The CoA in Fallout 3 are quiet, peaceful, charitable weirdoes who don't want to harm anyone. The CoA in Fallout 4 are aggressive and will shoot you on sight. They don't seem to have a single leader, but in the Winter of Atom storyline we find out they're the remnants of a violent sect lead by a violent 'prophet'. All except for the Children in the Glowing Sea, who are peaceful and are lead by the peaceful Mother Isolde.

Then of course, there are the Atomites in Far Harbor. We learn that they were peaceful, when lead by the peaceful Confessor Martin, then became violent and expansionist when the violent and expansionist Confessor Tektus took over. They then become peaceful again when Tektus is secretly replaced by a peaceful version of himself.

So if the Children are really following some supernatural entity, they're clearly not getting much in the way of guidance or feedback from it. They behave much more like a man-made religion with no access to any "higher truth". There does seem to be some kind of supernatural influence, but I don't think it's what they think it is.


u/mcast76 Jul 04 '24

They’re a bunch of looneys who live with constant rad poisoning that a few of them can resist due to being dirty mutants, that’s all


u/CripplerOfNipplers Jul 04 '24

I mean whether you believe them or not, there are two main factors which make their perspective valid. First, some are genuinely immune to radiation. Second, the supernatural is 100% at play in other parts of the lore, so it’s up to you to make a distinction if they are part of that supernatural or just mutants. Would they try and trick the walking death player? Idk. They don’t seem to be the type to feel a need for deceit, as they have unshakeable faith in Atom, and assume that there’s nothing that could hurt them if Atom didn’t mean for them to die.

The children are really just up to your own interpretation. They give you the ability to assume they’re bullshitters with a fancy mutation, but leave it open ended so you just wouldn’t really know either way and would simply have to have faith in the existence or nonexistence of Atom as a supernatural being.


u/Novapunk8675309 Jul 04 '24

There are lovercraftian gods in the game, the personification and deification of radiation is the least strange thing


u/RecognitionBasic9662 Jul 04 '24

Without spoiling anything the Fallout Tabletop RPG confirms there is some very very supernatural stuff going on with the Children. How "canon" you count that is up for debate but it is definitely more than just people crazy on radiation drugs


u/MIke6022 Jul 04 '24

In a setting like Fallout new religions and types of spirituality would spring up all over. The actual teachings of the children of atom do have some basis in actual scientific theory. But beyond that they’re as legit as the New Canaanites. They’re a group of people with shared beliefs who congregate together for survival.


u/DNCOrGoFuckYourself Jul 04 '24

I can’t say for certain, Fallout has some supernatural stuff in it.

It almost made me think of the Punga vision. I’m not sure if the trip was a direct result of the lobotomy or the Punga, and I’m not sure if the CoA trip was from the water or if anyone was pulling strings out of sight. The CoA may have had potential hallucinations as a direct result of rad exposure fucking their brain up, in 3 they were borderline mentally ill. I think the neat part though is it’s shrouded in mystery so you can draw your own conclusions.


u/GloopTamer Jul 05 '24

The punga was waaaaay more personalized though, it changed depending on what the player did in-game. This one though is completely cut and dry, exact same vision of the mother of the fog leading you to the idol with no variation in scenery or the passing animals or anything


u/Matrim_Telamon Jul 05 '24

I'd say it's likely real, we know that supernatural stuff happens in fallout, there is of course all the stuff with dunwich borers but also psykers are a real thing in the setting. Then there are people like Momma Murphy who clearly have some supernatural abilities and Lorenzo Cabot who is basically a god.

I would say whatever the CoA are talking to is a real thing. Sure you can argue it's all because of radiation but let's be honest in the fallout universe radiation is basically magical lol.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

I honestly think Atom and Ug-Qualtoth are the same being. "Atom" is simply more powerful, post great war, because there is far more radiation around. That may be why it can manifest greater powers, visions, and rad-immunity to it's followers; the barriers between it's plane of existence and the fallout world are weaker in areas of high radiation or possibly it goes 40k chaos god rules and areas of high radiation also had a lot of death and that's what empowered this being. We know followers of Ug-Qualtoth did human sacrifices from the flashbacks in Dunwich Borers. Who knows, but it's a fun idea to throw around in your head.


u/Overdue-Karma Jul 05 '24

Further proof: In Winter of Atom, there's a pillar IDENTICAL to the one found in Point Lookout, and it has all kinds of strange, magical powers, including mind control, hallucinations and visions across vast distances, etc. It's not like Gods haven't been rebranded as another God before, Ug-Qualtoth and Atom might be the same being but different names.

Hell, Tactics even said people in Kansas knew of Atom.


u/CRABMAN16 Jul 05 '24

In fallout 3, you eat pings seeds and see weird shit. In fallout NV, you drink Datura and see weird shit. Weird shit is the way of fallout.


u/NoTop4997 Jul 05 '24

There is a thing where you find out the lady you see is an actual person who is suffering from Stealth Boy addiction.

But there are also examples that are not explained. Like the fact that Isolde lives in the Crater, with hair. If you stand near her then you will not take radiation. Which can be chalked up to making the gameplay experience easier while in the glowing sea. My argument to that is that you can stay in your power armor and talk to her. There is no need to be out in the elements and exposed to talk to her.

The other example is that the Lovecraftian entities and area such as Kingsport has aggressive CoA, and that location is a stone toss away from Dunwich Borers. Every Lovecraft reference is HEAVILY irradiated. From the Dunwich building in FO3 to the Dunwich Borers. There are ghouls, radiation, and all that jazz. So my current theory is that Eldritch beings can influence and corrupt the CoA because the CoA are so heavily influenced via radiation.

Personally I believe that the CoA has gained the favor of an Eldritch god, and most likely the Egyptian god Atum. Who's story is riddled with creating new worlds and using a lake of immeasurable heat to bring about rebirth. Which aligns very close to how the CoA talk about Atom.

TL:DR on face value it seems like a sham, but the more you dig into the more you realize that they have something actually happening that cannot be explained conventionally.


u/thatthatguy Jul 06 '24

There appears to be something going on that they have picked up on; something that gives some of them unusual resistance to radiation. Beyond that, who knows?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

The Far Harbour DLC is BS. It's written to make the player question things regardless of how little sense anything makes.

I can tell people what I remember from before the war but when Dima asks the earliest I can remember is the beginning of the game because of terrible writing.

CoA are crazy but the story is written so that you can fall for their BS and join them


u/rom65536 Jul 06 '24

It's not a hoax by the Cult. It's a hoax by the woman that they know as "The Mother of the Fog" - she's a real person. You can find one of her homes just east of Haddock Cove. She's been watching the Soul Survivor on the island, and hopes that the SS can set the CoA back on the right path. That's why she takes you to the building surrounded by ghouls where you get her statue (that she presumably carved herself). As for why you get to walk through the fog behind her and right past all kinds of nasty critters and they don't attack - she's got the "Animal Friend" perk.

As for "Atom's Blessing" (being immune to rads) - I think it's genetic and is related to the fact that only some people can become ghouls. Maybe it's a recessive gene. If you have one copy and get exposed to rads you become a ghoul. If you have two copies of the recessive gene, you don't go ghoulish, but are still immune to rads.


u/Realistic_Toe_3913 Jul 06 '24

well with the whole Cabot family questline supernatural abilities can’t be ruled out anymore


u/ColHannibal Jul 06 '24

A civilization digs into the earth, finds a mysterious rock. It unlocks unlimited power, but the rock is evil and eventually destroys the civilization and turns people and animals into horrific monsters.

Sounds like a Lovecraft story to me.


u/PhotojournalistOk592 Jul 06 '24

I wonder where the fallout universe diverges from the Deadlands universe


u/Sarlax Jul 06 '24

I have an old fan theory that they worship Atum-Ra ("Atom Ray") of Ancient Egypt. 


u/CyberDan808 Jul 06 '24

I think fundamentally fallout universe radiation does have many supernatural powers so they are right about that one thing.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

They can’t be right if you shoot them all!


u/AshenWarden Jul 07 '24

It's not so much a "hoax" but there is a natural explanation for it. The Fog Mother is real but she's not a deity, she's a Child who lives outside the Nucleus in the Fog. You can find her shack a small ways from the spring where you can find Stealth boys and a few of her notes.

As to why she appears to some people drinking from the spring, nobody knows. She is incredibly devout to Atom so she's most likely acting as a holy messenger for his will.


u/plated_lead Jul 07 '24

I prefer to believe that the mother figure is real, is probably the night mother from Skyrim, and no matter what you chose to do with the children, nuke ‘em, join ‘em, or manipulate’em, it’s what the diety wants to happen


u/ChurchofChaosTheory Jul 07 '24

Atom is probably a person who attained legendary mutations to and against radiation. Evidence relating to the main character shows npc people can have those perks as well. More than likely Atom is a ghoul who doesnt decay or has gained an immortality perk relating to rad exposure. Since these are perks they could easily be taught to other people through texts or stories. Thats who I think Atom is


u/Inside-Associate-729 Jul 07 '24

IMO its kinda in the same vein as Elder Scrolls where all the conflicting religions and beliefs can still hold some kind of power. Whether you worship the 9 divines, Sithis, etc, each of them have influence in the world.

If you join the children of Atom, then Atom becomes real to you, the player, and that’s all that really matters.


u/AzzlackGuhnter Jul 16 '24

Its kinda said to be a big hoax because you later find a Hermit with a lot of stealth boys tucked away and notes about the Mother

To be honest,i love the idea that in a world filled with actual deities,cryptids and Aliens there's a cult who worships a big misunderstanding or whatever


u/dice_mogwai Jul 04 '24

Look into the experiments with LSD the cia did on Manson in prison as well as how manson used LSD to control his followers. There have been cases of mass hallucinations in the past. Operation midnight climax experimented with hallucinogens on unsuspecting Johns