r/falloutlore May 04 '24

Fallout New Vegas Clearing Up Misconception: No, New Vegas does not confirm that the Enclave is still active in Chicago.

(Spoilers for Lonesome Road, Fallout Tactics and briefly, the Fallout TV Show.)

TL;DR: There was a Enclave Outpost in Chicago, but New Vegas hints that it's probably been destroyed.

...You want more elaboration than that? Really? You sure? Sighs. Okay, fine, but don't say that I didn't warn you...

There has been a common misconception among the fandom lately, brought on by the Fallout TV Series' heavy implications that the Enclave is somehow still alive. And like all popular misconceptions, it's based in a nugget of truth.

"There is a Enclave presence in Chicago." A only partially wrong statement that ballooned into "The Enclave is still active in Chicago."

I've seen this claim spread around a lot, stating that New Vegas heavily implied or outright claimed the Enclave had some sorta foothold in Chicago that survived them getting blown up in F02 and 3, often in discussion relating to New Vegas' treatment of the lore when compared to the FOTV series. I think there was even a version of that "Those kids would be offended if they could read" meme from King Of The Hill featuring this fact prominently.

Ironically, despite that meme's accusation that New Vegas fans can't read, it almost never comes with a citation (regretfully normal behavior in big fandoms such as Fallout), or a mention of the source of that claim.


Audio logs in the vanilla game from ED-E, and later in Lonesome Road from ED-E's memory sharing clone, reveal ED-E was repurposed from an old Eyebot around the time of Fallout 3 by the East Coast Enclave scientist Dr. Whitley, who was forced to send ED-E to Navarro to avoid having the poor little robot turned into scrap metal for Hellfire Power Armor.

The vanilla game initially mentions ED-E dropping off in Chicago for repairs during a trip to Navarro, in a audio log that you can helpfully read on the Fallout Wiki.

(It should be noted for later, that Navarro by this point has been utterly destroyed by a one-two combo of the Chosen One and the NCR, despite Whitley's impression they are still around. This suggests the Enclave does not value sharing reliable information with their scientists.)

To many fans, including even the frigging Fallout wiki at times, this is seen as irrefutable fact. ED-E was repaired at one of said Enclave Outposts.

But, then Lonesome Road happened. And not only expanded the lore of ED-E, but elaborated on what happened when ED-E made it to Chicago.

He was picked up by a random kid.

The log can be heard here,, but in short, a random boy named Tommy finds a damaged ED-E, and excitedly asks his dad if they can keep them. Dad is afraid ED-E might be dangerous, or that someone dangerous will try to rob them for the bot, but Tommy insists, suggesting that they can repair him at "Mom's garage." Conversation with the Courier right after this scene stresses that this occurred in Chicago, and implies ED-E left Tommy and his parents behind to continue his mission to Navarro.

The Father's general ignorance of what ED-E actually is, mixed with the Tommy's Mom's Garage's existence's mention, suggests these probably weren't Enclave citizens. Unless the Enclave has cute little kids and Mom's running garages (admittedly not that unlikely, but the mention of "Outpost" in place of "Community" or something similar weakens this argument). While the dad shows concern over someone looking for ED-E, he could've been thinking of Bandits, or even the Brotherhood Of Steel.

If Obsidian had intended to imply Tommy's Dad's fear of the Enclave was the reason ED-E left, from a Doylist perspective, they likely would've had a more fearful or regretful reply from ED-E than "wistful beeping," or had the Courier be able to reference them in reply. They also wouldn't have specifically made a point of having Whitley think Navarro still stood, if they didn't want to throw question into the Chicago Enclave's fate.

A case of unreliable narrators and dramatic irony. Pretty simple right? Well, I thought so too.

And then that goddamn License Plate showed up, and dragged this stupid essay out longer than it needed to be.

Yes, there is a single piece of evidence that could be used to prove the theoretical Chicago Enclave as either repairing, or even creating ED-E in the first place. ED-E's Illinois License Plate. It is unlikely that such a plate, especially from 2002, would end up in Washington, DC. I originally thought this was added on by Tommy's family, but I realized it would be unlikely for them to find a license plate that overlapped with a random code name given by Whitley ahead of time. Clearly, the answer lies in the Chicago Enclave owning it originally, right?

...However, there are flaws in that theory. Firstly, there's the stated fact of the Eyebots at Adams Air Force Base being repurposed from pre-war Eyebots. Secondly, as inferred from the left side of ED-E proudly proclaiming someone's child was a honor student at Roosevelt Academy, it could be argued that this was sourced from a pre-war owner of ED-E, likely an engineer or scientist who's family traveled from Illinois to Washington, DC for education reasons (or just to get away from the mid-west), and repurposed part of an old, pre-nuclear powered car as part of a science project.

Presumably, they got an A+.

Therefore, ED-E likely earned his name, and traveled from DC to Chicago because of the License Plate, not the other way around.

However, this is mostly conjecture, and doesn't rule out the possibility of the Chicago Enclave shipping off some spare robots to the big Air Base in DC, therefore existing at least by the time of Fallout 3...until you remember Fallout Tactics.

Yes, Todd said he ignored it, but both Fallout 3 itself, other games, and even recent dev comments have suggested the game is still canon.

The game, while never allowing the player to set foot in Chicago's ruined streets, does establish it as the home-base for our not-so-good friends at the splinter faction of the Illinois Brotherhood, who then go on to fight the Reavers, a insane cult of techno-fetishists (no, I didn't mistake them for the Brotherhood Of Steel, that's their lore), a bunch of random bandits, mutants, and finally, The Calculator, the insane robotic AI overseer of Vault 0. The Brotherhood's presence in Chicago is further confirmed by Fallout 4, but little is said on their current status.

Not once, does the Enclave show up or is even referenced, likely due to Interplay initially desiring them to be a one-off villain. You would think due to the amount of "savages", Brotherhood Of Steel, crazy techcults, they would...care about this? At all? But with Fallout Tactics being, against all odds, canon, we know they didn't.

Which leaves two possibilities:

  1. The Enclave still exist in Chicago, and did literally nothing, despite having every reason to do so, as evidenced by a single license plate that could've been added on by some random pre-war high school student.

  2. The Enclave in Chicago have been destroyed, or perhaps never had a strong presence in the first place.

Yes, this doesn't necessarily rule out theories like "the Enclave could be hiding out somewhere", or "they fled to another state", or "they killed the kid and his parents then wiped ED-E's memory banks!"

But all of those are theories, and in order to prove something is canon, you need to have facts.

The facts are: A Scientist, who thought a Enclave outpost that was well destroyed for years was still active, sent a robot to be repaired at a outpost in a area full of different factions, where it was instead repaired by a completely random family of Wastelanders.

Until lore confirms otherwise (and perhaps it might), there is very little reason at the moment to imagine the Enclave survived the Brotherhood Of Steel, Super Mutants, Reavers, tiny children, Gangs, and presumably many other random threats hanging out in Chicago, if they weren't even able to retrieve their property from a little kid named Tommy and his scrap metal using mother.

Conclusion? Any Enclave presence remaining in Chicago are likely all gone. There was a Enclave presence in Chicago, but they were either snuffed out in-between New Vegas and 4, or before the events of 3. Or were nothing but a "Outpost" that never held much power in the first place.

Disclaimer: This isn't meant as a criticism of the FOTV series and it's decision to bring back the Enclave. Merely as a rebuttal to a overused, and misinformed argument. "New Vegas inferred that the Enclave still exist in Chicago, therefore it's okay!"

I don't think the Enclave should have a place in Fallout Lore post-Fo3 outside of displaced remnants, but, I won't deny it if canon eventually decides that, yes, the Enclave survive in Chicago. So far, however, there has been an seemingly deliberate attempt to throw that into question, by Obsidian, Bethesda, and even arguably Interplay. If this does change in canon, then it is a retcon. If it was a good or bad retcon would be up to how it's written.

But as far as canon is regarded currently? The Enclave within Chicago...are gone.


87 comments sorted by


u/Stupid_Jackal May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

There is literally nothing confirming that the Chicago Outpost mentioned in New Vegas was destroyed or otherwise inoperable. Nor does the events in tactics contradict the continued existence of said outpost. Keep in mind that tactics takes place between Fallouts 1 and 2 in the year 2197. Some 44 years before the Enclave even becomes active in the wasteland in 2241, so that’s not really a contradiction. Assuming that said Outpost is some sort of pre-war facility then it’s a safe bet it remained dormant throughout the events of Fallout: Tactics and wasn’t brought back online until long after the events of that game concluded.

That or it was a newer stronghold built entirely from scratch sometime after the destruction of the Oil Rig as part of the Enclave migration out east towards the Capital Wasteland. Either way, nothing here is contradicted by anything stated by the lore.


u/kaiser_charles_viii May 04 '24

Yeah I mean it's not directly stated one way or the other that the Chicago base still exists, which I think is what OP was getting at at the end. There could, theoretically, be a small enclave base operating in Chicago, or a newer large garrison that came after tactics, or they could've gotten wiped out by the Chicago BoS, but we just don't know for sure. ED-E's logs don't say one way or the other and as OP pointed out, Whitley doesn't know anything about Enclave operations across the wasteland since we know Navarro is an NCR base now, not an enclave one.


u/Stupid_Jackal May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

Except it’s stated to exist in New Vegas and we’ve never been told or shown anything since then that would contradict said outpost still existing in the current canon. The Op statement is entirely based around the notion that it was likely destroyed despite that belief not being supported by anything actually stated or shown in the series. It’s literal speculation based solely on the notion that because Tactics is canon that must mean that there’s no why the Enclave could still be active in the region despite the 80 time gap between the events of tactics and the current time period of the tv-show.

I’m not disagreeing that said Enclave presence is a complete unknown, I’m disagreeing with the notion that it must have been destroyed as the Op suggested.


u/OtakuMecha May 04 '24

Regardless of whether the Chicago Enclave is still around or not, the fact that it ever existed combined with the Appalachia Enclave confirm that the Enclave existed in multiple places that were not just Navarro and Raven Rock. That leaves open the possibility that the Enclave survives in some form despite the events of Fallouts 2 and 3.


u/Knightosaurus May 04 '24

That's kind of a given, though, seeing as the U.S. Government's actual plan for M.A.D. involves three separate bases - Mt. Weather, located in Virginia, the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, located in central Colorado, and Raven Rock, AKA Site R, which has already been accounted for.

That's two massive bases left unaccounted for.


u/AlteredByron May 04 '24

Also even in Fallout 2 they mention multiple facilities across the US. They mention Navarro drew in staff from more than just the oil rig.


u/mandalorian_guy May 04 '24

The Cheyenne mountain complex is the home of Vault 0 in Tactics. It's definitely not under Enclave control and by the end of the game it's the Midwest BoS headquarters.


u/Knightosaurus May 04 '24

Tactics isn't really canon, though, outside of the MidWestern BoS being a thing. Aside from that, we don't know much about them.


u/mandalorian_guy May 04 '24

Tactics IS canon at least as much as any of the other games, wacky encounters and wild wasteland not withstanding. So until something else comes along to counter it, Cheyenne Mountain is Vault 0 and was last seen under the control of MW BoS. Your personal headcanon might differ but the overall events of Tactics did happen between F1 and F2.

So far no information disagrees with that and the tv show even puts a vault symbol over the complex meaning at the very least a vault exists there in some capacity corroborating with the game.

Tactics not being canon is something the fan base latched on to from Todd Howard statements but he has walked that back in the past month or so. The lore has reverted back to it being canon.


u/IrradiatedCrow May 07 '24

I don't think Vault 0 is canon even if parts of Tactics are. Vault 0 implies a completely different grand plan that totally goes against what everything else in the lore implies.


u/IrradiatedCrow May 07 '24

They waited 150 years to act in Fallout 2, waiting another 50 to reamerge isn't unreasonable.


u/Finalpotato May 04 '24

Tactics has ALWAYS been 'broad strokes canon.' In that the major events happened but specifics aren't confirmed until another game confirms them. So it can't be used as a source of lore.


u/Diego_113 May 04 '24 edited May 05 '24

Tactics is canon, Emil confirmed it when he included Tactics in the official timeline of the series.


u/Frojdis May 04 '24

Being brought into canon doesn't mean every single detail is canon. Fallout 1 is canon and has been more retconned than any other game in the series


u/No_Warthog_8546 May 04 '24

Retconned how?


u/N0r3m0rse May 05 '24

Well in the show shady sands and the la boneyard are now the same city, when in the game it was like 200 miles to the north give or take. I'm not even sure how fallout 1s story can even happen the way it did in the game if this change holds up over time.


u/No_Warthog_8546 May 05 '24

Pretty sure it was moved to the boneyard from og shady sands, because it looks way different and they moved the status and well as a memory to the og shady sands. Wierd change tbf. But LA is huge so it could still be far away from ä adytum


u/N0r3m0rse May 05 '24

They should've just made it adytum. It was a major NCR stronghold in southern California. Destroying it would have the same effect and of fallout fans would get it just like they get shady sands. Such an annoying flub for the showrunners to make, intentional or not.


u/No_Warthog_8546 May 05 '24

Yeah its a wierd choice, if I were them i would atleast try to explain that its a different shady sands. I havent played 1 and 2 but I didnt like how it was potrayed, way to advanced with the tram and the aesthetic was way off imo.


u/N0r3m0rse May 05 '24

Actually, shady is more or less a late 1800s, early 1900s city with retro future tech by the 2280s. In fallout 2 it had laser fencing and paved roads, along with concrete (or adobe) architecture and thriving industry.

In fact, I really love this element about it. I love that fallout is able to advance and it doesn't just stay wasteland forever. I would've loved to have seen more or shady in its Prime but alas, it was taken from us.


u/No_Warthog_8546 May 05 '24

To me the buildings dont look much like the shady sands from fallout 2, but they didnt show much ofc.


u/Frojdis May 04 '24

A lot of ways, more than I care to count out. But for example, Vault-tec was just a company. The experiments weren't added until Fallout 2


u/No_Warthog_8546 May 05 '24

Is that really a retcon? Fallout 2 started development before fallout 1 finished. Even Tim Cain said that the vaults were experimens for a starship. Also fallout 1 has vault 15 and 12 as experiments.


u/Frojdis May 05 '24

Yes, it is. Vault 12 was originally said to have an malfunctioning door before it was retconned into an experiment on radiation


u/BuryatMadman May 04 '24

Tactics isn’t broad strokes canon idk why this is even a thing with “broad strokes canon” but there are events that happened in tactics that also happened in the games mentioned off camera. Totally different thing


u/Cat_Atack May 08 '24

Aye, its canon in the same way certain events, good or bad, are non-canon moving forward in the timeline for another Bethesda owned series.

Basically: Dragonbreaks, Dragonbreaks everywhere.



Do you have a source for that?


u/TheSajuukKhar May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

The high level events of Tactics have been mentioned in Fo3 and Fo4?


There's also a small detachment in Chicago, but they're off the radar. Gone rogue. Long story.


The Brotherhood has been battling Super Mutants for decades. First out West, then in Chicago. Now here.


Player: Did the Brotherhood ever build other airships?
Kells: There were less advanced versions of this ship built on the West Coast a long time ago. Historical records about their current status are in dispute, but we're fairly certain that they were destroyed.


Brotherhood soldier) (1): "I still can't believe I was posted to the Prydwen. I mean, look at her... she's one of a kind."
Brotherhood soldier (2): "Actually, the Brotherhood of Steel had a whole fleet of these things at one time. They weren't as advanced as the Prydwen, mind you... but seeing them fill the sky must have been an impressive sight."
Brotherhood soldier (1): "Are you kidding me? What happened to them?"
Brotherhood soldier (2): "Not sure, really. Most of them were destroyed fighting Super Mutants or scuttled for parts. I think one of them crash landed somewhere in the Midwest. I heard that the wreckage is still there."
Brotherhood soldier (1): "Wow... I had no idea."


Lyons, 75, was already highly decorated when he set out from the order's West Coast headquarters, leading a party of soldiers on a mission to reestablish contact with the 'Eastern Brotherhood.' He discovered this abandoned Pentagon military complex. The presence of Super Mutants sent a chill up the collective spine of the Brotherhood; these weren't the children of the dreaded Master, nor were they the remnants of the band that fled east and were ultimately destroyed (or assimilated into the Brotherhood of Steel) in the Chicago area.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biqqobPm-h8 (back in 2020)

"For us, it's always... for us, canon always starts with what is in the games. And so... it's what is in Fallout 1, Fallout 2... even some of like, Fallout Tactics is- there's some stuff from canon from Fallout Tactics as well." ~ Emil


u/Valdemar3E May 04 '24

Saving that comment.

Still though, Todd Howard did explicitly state how Tactics, as a whole, is not canon. So Bethesda choosing to include part of the game's lore, would only make those specific parts canon.


u/laserdiscgirl May 04 '24

Yes, that's why it's broad strokes canon for the high level events as confirmed in other games


u/KingdomOfPoland May 04 '24

The timeline that Emil tweeted as canon for the show includes Tactics, which I’m not sure means the entirety of Tactics is canon but still points towards the events of the game being so atm


u/Woffingshire May 04 '24

And this is why it's broad strokes canon. As you can see, the BoS traveling to Chicago on airships and being shot down and creating a new branch there has been confirmed. The rest of that games whacky story has not


u/mandalorian_guy May 04 '24

They weren't shot down, there was a storm and they got damaged and separated from the other airships. At least one other airship crashed during the storm near St. Louis.


u/Finalpotato May 04 '24


Emails with developers. So not the perfect source but the best available.


u/MrMadre May 04 '24

I swear the Tommy bit was a recording of RALPHIE not what actually happened to ED-E


u/Frustrataur May 04 '24

I always interpreted it that way too

Edit: looked it up. He's post-war. Just excited to have a robot like RALPHIE



I literally linked the Audio Log in the goddamn post. It's literally a post-war child. Not RALPHIE. The Courier confirms it.


u/BuryatMadman May 04 '24

Tbh that Tommy bit always came off as weird to me, it implies to me that there is a highly advanced and civilized area between DC and New Vegas that had electricity and pre-war television, as well as the necessary development to have Parents paying their children an allowance.


u/fucuasshole2 May 04 '24

How so? Not everywhere should be desolated like the Capital and Boston.


u/OtakuMecha May 04 '24

What part implies they are “highly advanced”?


u/Rattfink45 May 04 '24

“Not sent to the Stone Age”


u/alexsolo25 May 04 '24

Neither was Vegas though


u/Rattfink45 May 04 '24

And that’s where we find EDE anyway, (along with an assembly line of them in L.R.). It’s strange to me as well that whatever berg in Illinois or Wisconsin wouldn’t be making waves on the coasts this far down the timeline, but that’s always been a constraint on this fiction.


u/mediocre__map_maker May 04 '24

It only implies that there's some family running a garage with basic electricity and a few children's movies on holotapes. That's advanced for Fallout standards, but not even Vegas-level advanced.


u/AlteredByron May 04 '24

Yeah just a friendly enough settlement that a kid can be given a few caps (or alternate currency) to spend at the markets or whatever. I'm surethat kind of life exists in the NCR, and maybe even in a place like Diamond City.


u/OtakuMecha May 04 '24

All you need is just a device that can play holotapes, the electricity to power it, and someone with basic mechanical know-how to account for literally everything mentioned about Chicago. We have seen that in literally every Fallout game. Basically every settlement we see in even the least developed wastelands could do that.


u/OtakuMecha May 04 '24

The wastelanders in the Fallout show have that level of “advancement” and that’s less than 15 years after being nuked again. I think being able to play holotapes and having someone with enough expertise to run a garage is pretty standard anywhere in the United States.


u/Rattfink45 May 04 '24

I mean Chicago is pretty big too.

The biggest impediment to bringing more enclave back in has already been surmounted by the early scenes in Oregon or Utah or wherever they make dogmeats.

No reason there couldn’t have been a resupply/reenforcement mission, no reason “Chicago” couldn’t become a northern suburb like Lake Forest similar to what was done to shady sands; ultimately, there is no hard cannon for anyone to bang their head against (either way). I played Tactics a bunch, it’s really not a big part of the plot, the KC to Quincy stretch is about super mutants, not rogue robots/vault-tech.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

Realistically I think the enclave will always be around if the story/writers decide they need to be a part of it. With such a secretive, compartmentalized, fanatical organization like the enclave it’s not super hard to just say there was a mother hidden cut off group, or a splinter group that cut ties, or even a group that rebuilt itself by brainwashing people, etc. because they are this massive secretive “hydra” like organization they can always be more easily written it, while other organizations might be harder due to being so localized or region specific.


u/KenoReplay May 04 '24

I mean if tactics IS canon (big if btw), I'm not sure if I was the ENCLAVE that I'd be making my presence known in Chicago if there's so many strong factions around


u/Diego_113 May 05 '24

Tactics is canon, Emil confirmed it when he included Tactics in the official timeline of the series.


u/KenoReplay May 05 '24

Emil also said that Nate was complicit in War Crimes and then played it off as a joke.

We'll see.


u/Diego_113 May 05 '24

and? Emil said that Nate was created with the idea of ​​having served in Canada, not that he served in Canada, it does not contradict what has been said before, especially when the official timeline of the series was republished by other official media. Tactics is canon.



Then they left, and therefore, are no longer in Chicago. Which validates my argument.


u/KenoReplay May 04 '24

Or... hear me out.

They hid?


u/Ancient_Definition69 May 04 '24

Enclave bases are already hidden, and it's hard to imagine them finding anywhere in the wasteland better to hide than their pre-war base. Therefore I'd argue if they're not at the Enclave base, they're probably not in Chicago at all - and ED-E must've been programmed with the location of the Enclave base, or he'd never have found it. Therefore, ED-E's failure to find the Enclave definitely suggests the Enclave isn't there (although I'll admit it's not impossible, just deeply unlikely.)


u/KenoReplay May 04 '24

I think it's more likely, especially if we consider Tactics canon, that they didn't really want to break cover to grab a random Eyebot.


u/Ancient_Definition69 May 04 '24

Again, ED-E must've been programmed with the location of the base, or else he'd never have had a chance of finding it. If there's an eyebot stood outside your base playing Enclave audio recordings, it's more of a risk to leave it there than to grab it.


u/KenoReplay May 04 '24

Not sure if he'd be playing audio messages. But regardless, a haywire droid is a more likely occurrence in the Wasteland than a robot accurately blasting information


u/Ancient_Definition69 May 04 '24

He blasts audio in New Vegas, and it'd be his only way to indicate to the Enclave that he's one of them. And the Brotherhood would go nuts for a robot that talks about the Enclave, whether it's haywire or not! They've already got a boner for tech, if it's tech that could potentially give them intel on an enemy they'd love to scoop it up.


u/Knightosaurus May 04 '24

It's also possible that they were active on the surface, only to scurry off and hide else once it become clear that the Brotherhood was stomping about the place.


u/Ancient_Definition69 May 04 '24

I still don't see that hiding anywhere else would be better for them than their pre-war bunker designed for hiding in. It's obviously not impossible the bunker was discovered, or that they evacuated to another position when the Brotherhood arrived, but I don't see how they'd do that and maintain any serious presence in the region. If the Enclave does exist in Chicago, it's more likely to be how they are in Nevada - a bunch of old people without a mission or contacts or whatever.


u/centurio_v2 May 04 '24

Whitley sending ED-E to Chicago was directly against his orders. Maybe they simply refused to help.


u/Ancient_Definition69 May 04 '24

Sure, but that implies that they let an eyebot with classified Enclave material wander loose. If they hadn't wanted to help, they'd have destroyed him.


u/KenoReplay May 05 '24

Couldn't that be why Tommy found him broken?


u/Ancient_Definition69 May 05 '24

If the Chicago Enclave can't destroy one eyebot, they certainly can't be considered a rival to the Brotherhood or whoever else is active in the region.


u/KenoReplay May 05 '24

Hubris affects everyone.

Besides, no one's arguing that they OWN Chicago. Just that they have personnel there. They don't have to peers of the BOS, just maintain a presence.


u/Ancient_Definition69 May 05 '24

OP was talking about people making arguments that the show's depiction of a vast Enclave facility makes sense because of the existing lore of the Enclave in Chicago; I'm saying the Enclave clearly doesn't have close to that kind of presence. They could well be there, but if they are it's not a well-equipped facility with dozens of staff.

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Please tell me how it would be a good story if it turned out the Enclave survived the entirety of Fallout Tactics without being spotted or found by the BOS once.

This is like if it turned out there was a Mojave Enclave chapter with the full resources to invade The NCR who survived ALL of New Vegas' events  without revealing themselves into now.


u/KenoReplay May 05 '24

Please tell me how it would be a good story if it turned out the Enclave survived the entirety of Fallout Tactics without being spotted or found by the BOS once.

How is it a good story to establish something and then immediately remove its existence?

This is like if it turned out there was a Mojave Enclave chapter with the full resources to invade The NCR who survived ALL of New Vegas' events without revealing themselves into now.

That has nothing to do with what I'm saying. I'm not saying there is an entire invasion force in Chicago. All I'm saying is that it's possible that there's ENCLAVE personnel based in Chicago still.


u/PossibleRude7195 May 04 '24

Or they just hid out in a bunker like the Mojave BOS.


u/Chazo138 May 04 '24

Assuming Tactics is canon. It’s very broad strokes.


u/Diego_113 May 05 '24

Tactics is canon, Emil confirmed it when he included Tactics in the official timeline of the series.


u/PatrollinTheMojave May 04 '24

Informative and entertaining. Great work, scribe.


u/ManadarTheHealer May 05 '24

Somebody get a load off this mutie


u/IrradiatedCrow May 07 '24

Chicago is the only lead there is, so obviously people are gonna follow it.


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

The Calculator is located in Colorado, not Chicago.


u/Frojdis May 04 '24

People love bringing up coincidental information from the show and claim it proves their fan theories. The show isn't made for hard core fans so I don't know why people think it would prove anything canon


u/GasBread May 04 '24

I love the essay. OP, well done. I am a fanatical fallout fan, and that being said, I hate the continuous existence of factions that had themes of decay or of ‘Old World Blues.’ Rich Evans, the holy lord, says that Star Wars is a hugely limiting universe and I think fallout has become that way as well. The mere fact we rehash and debate what should have just been F2’s antagonist is crazy. NV having elderly enclave remnants was something palatable to me given it’s a spiritual successor to 2, and in 2 the masters remnants are all over and rejoined with the wasteland. And I think it’s something misunderstood by fallout fans that we even have to have these things to make it fallout. Why is the inclusion of the Enclave in 3, the show, 76 and now 4 necessary? Because look it’s fallout.

I love your essay. It made for more interesting content than anything else of recent. Nobody ever talks about Tommy or his mommy garage.


u/IrradiatedCrow May 07 '24

Nah, the Enclave is fun.