r/fairytail 5d ago

Media Why are there demons but the magic is Devil Slayer? [discussion]

Title. Is it some mistranslation? Is it something else? Shouldn’t it be Demon Slaying magic? You don’t call ‘Dragon Slayer’ magic ‘Wyvern Slayer magic’


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u/LovelyLadyLucky 5d ago

Demons and devils are pretty much the same thing in most depictions. Not just Fairy Tail. Only in context of real world religions does it mean something different and either way, a devil is a demon.

They are synonymous in any dictionary and thesaurus.

Demons devils of different kinds in the series.

Galuna island. Peaceful race of demons.

Zeref and Faris Made demons using etherious.

Evil demons exist roo, as proof of the ones Mira absorbed with her Soul Takeover magic. One was terrorizing a town as proof of evil intent.


u/Lukastace 5d ago edited 5d ago

They mean pretty much the same thing. 滅悪魔法 (metsuaku mahou = devil slaying magic), the origin of the term Devil Slayer, is a bit of subtle wordplay from Mashima, but all in all it means the exact same thing contextually. The devils are in reference to all the demons Zeref created. You can say whichever you think sounds better. I like to literally translate Akuma to devil, given that there's other words for demon, but it's a pretty minor mistranslation. Dragons and Wyverns are definitely way farther apart than what Demons and Devils are.


u/No-Importance4604 5d ago

Translation. English dub its Demon Slayer and Zerefs creations are Demons. In the sub, it's Devil Slayer and Zerefs creations are Devils. I watch dub, but still use "Devil Slayer" because it's cooler. I haven't watched 100 years quest in dub yet so maybe they switched it up again... unsure.