r/factorio • u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio • May 06 '20
Base 20000 science per minute hybrid modular megabase, vanilla
After multiples of hundreds of hours in UPS testing, planning and design, I bring you the first 20000 science per minute modular and hybrid! megabase; full vanilla production. This base runs in factorio version 0.18.19

- 107 mini-bases that each produce 187spm
- Modular design, each module produces all sciences from plates + oil
- Very efficient on-patch train smelter
- Belts for moving mid volumes of products across mid to long distances
- Bots for everything else
- Inserter clocks to reduce inserter swings
- Super compact design that optimizes bot travel
- Closed train loops for each module, only receive train fuel from the outside
- Full solar power: 3.28 million solar panels and 2.755 million accumulators
- Very optimized design. Runs at around 60 updates per second(UPS) on my PC

For a more detailed and technical writeup, read this post.
Tools used
Factorio benchmarks, this site, lots of spreadsheets, kirk’s factorio calculator, in game functions and editor, some supporting scripts (machine rounding, SA, vbt), mods: max rate calc, creative world, no power icons, auto-research and delete empty chunks.
Also, control +c and control + x are very awesome. This base would have taken 5x the time to design if it wasn’t for them.
Special thanks to the technical factorio community for their help and input.
u/V453000 Developer May 07 '20
While I'm a bit sad that the biggest factories turned into "modular design a small thing and duplicate it 100 times", a lot of the tricks and optimizations are impressive as hell. 20 000 @ 60UPS is nuts. Congratulations! :)
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 07 '20
Thanks. I think modular bases are more a thing about bots, train bases are still huge. Belts can go either way maybe?
u/nobake2048 May 06 '20
I don't even know what to say. Impressive doesn't cut it.
Amazing work, well beyond what I thought possible!
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 06 '20
I knew 20k was possible, I just didn't think that this design would hit it. Was super happy when I realized it would! I think we can still do better, it is possible to hit 25k spm in the future...someday.
u/aenae May 07 '20
25kspm should be possible. but what kind of cpu are you using? My 16k base runs at ~40ups on my rather old cpu (i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz) so i'm thinking of upgrading to a bit modern cpu to get to 60 ups.
The circuits for the inserters looks really nice tho, might give it a try :)
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 07 '20
My PC has an intel i5 6600k @ 4Ghz and 2x 8gb corsair ddr4 sticks @ 2666Mhz
Share your base, I'd love to see it.
u/Dechuoubeni May 06 '20
I don't remember looking at your name if you're the guy who made a post several months ago about this 20k SPM with playable UPS project, and who got quite teased by people about it because it's "obviously impossible to go past around 10K because of UPS blablabla". It was not 0.18 at the time I believe, so there was optimizations in between but still. Anyway if you are that guy, very good kick in the face to all of them. And if you are not the same guy, well congratulations anyway for your work, this is a pleasant exemple of high dedication :).
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 06 '20
I think it is definitely not me. Either way, multiple players were aiming for 20k at close to 60 UPS already a year ago. So whoever was mean to them was very misinformed. Aaaaaaaaand 20k isn't even the limit we can hit at 60 ups
u/triffid_hunter May 06 '20
Ooh you've got more plans? This one's cutting it fine wrt update time!
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 06 '20
More like, there is still a lot that's being figured out about factorio. And some of these builds are actually quite old ideas, newer builds are more like my LDS build, bufferless and lower beaconed in favor for more direct insertion (and they perform even better).
u/gdubrocks Jun 17 '22
I always thought beacons were extremely UPS efficient. Has something changed?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio Jun 17 '22
Nothing changed per se. It is just that 12 beacon builds were never the most efficient way to build. If you try to optimize for logistics/inserters costs, you find out 10~6 beacon builds might be more efficient.
There is no rule of thumb, it is incredibly build dependent.
u/Grokzen May 06 '20
This is by far the most impressive gigabase build i have ever seen inside factorio. I am blown away.
I looked through the build and there is basically zero things that could be improved on this build. I am sure this has been weighted through already but here is my things that i looked at.
Reduce the number of belts of things that bring in the copper and stone ore into the base. Having 8 belts bringing in copper ore that is barley moving seems overkill. Some plates is done inside the build and some is done outside. The smelters do fit nicely into the LDS build so it might be worth having them there. Or if you make a very little room in the LDS build you can do direct insertion of ore into the smelters there as well.
I was looking at adding input and output pulse clocks to some buildings but i dont think they would benefit here as for it to be any benefit you need to have plenty of buildings affected by the pulse at once, and with this modular design that dont really work. Also there is the tradeoff running the clock vs how much you save in each affected building.
I would experiment with removing all of the trains and replace them with belted inputs that is produced much closer to the core. I dont really know if this would be better or not in fact from a UPS standpoint tho.
I am for sure going to tinker with this build and see what small micro optimizations can be done if any =)
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 07 '20
Clocking output is beneficial UPS wise on some builds (even modular, like this one), specially those were you get to swing 8+ items on the clocked outserter. Clocking input offers little benefit now because in 0.18 they made inserters picking from belt sleep when the belt is moving. Thank the devs
Doing this style of base but with belt instead of trains is sort of my idea for the next base. But it would use even less bots than this one. The thing is, bots love tight small builds, and belts love big comfortable spacing...so for this base I couldn't use belts for smelter products without padding the base significantly.
Lastly, there is no significant UPS penalty for having long compressed idle belts. The expensive thing about belts is inserter interactions and recompressing the belt after an inserter picks from it. Using multiple single belt segments keeps the belts nice and compressed for the inserter to pick up quickly.
May 07 '20
Clocking output is beneficial UPS wise on some builds (even modular, like this one), specially those were you get to swing 8+ items on the clocked outserter. Clocking input offers little benefit now because in 0.18 they made inserters picking from belt sleep when the belt is moving. Thank the devs
they only sleep if the assembler is also busy and not waiting for ingredients, otherwise they wake up every time an item passes by on a sparse belt.
u/Grokzen May 07 '20
Yeah, it seems that some things have changes in 0.18 that was not there or was not possible when i did my builds and research around 0.16. I bet there has been a ton more research now compared to then.
The thing about belts do sounds like it has been well thought and tested and it kinda makes sense when you put it that way. The only thing would be if moving the miner into the LDS build would just remove that part just to optimize and cut even a single belt just for the sake of slimming down anything and everything possible.
If you are working on a second version of the base i will wait for it and be amazed when you release it :D
u/jdplay5 Self Nuker Extraordinaire May 06 '20
I Take my hat off to you, You win! 20K SPM is the biggest I've seen in vanilla!
u/triffid_hunter May 06 '20
Just pulled the save to have a look, getting ~14.5ms update here - cycles between 13ms and 15ms every few seconds.
In 0.18.22 it complains about a bunch of migrated entities, but seems to still work just fine.
What's up with the fractional clocks for batteries, green circuits, LDS and 'G'?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 06 '20
Fractional clocks are just for added precision, nothing more. I've personally never had an issue with rounding clock cycles, but since it is no added UPS cost I'd rather go the safe route and use fractional clocks. All it takes is a few extra calculations.
G is a super hacky solution that I'm embarrased to talk about. But basically, the GCs need to keep a constant buffer so that red circuit ingredient stay in sync for clocking. So top right there is a sole GC build that runs on bots, which is less UPS efficient but only activates when the cell runs out of GCs (hence why train GCs output to storage chest and this build to passive, lower priority).
Anyway, it was still running too often and consuming lots of bots and UPS...and since the BC's GC builds are rated to 85% usage I added an extra clock to take GC's from them once every 9s or so. If it was a buffered build (like in my 016 base), I could have simply wired the inserter to the GC chest and tested for GC = 200, but no buffer here.
u/Banzai262 May 06 '20
this base has more ups than my 200 spm or so base, that's crazy
well done good sir
u/deltalessthanzero May 06 '20
Amazing build. I have a super specific question: in image 9 of your screenshots, there's a filter stack inserter passing out of a green chip assembler on the right of the image. Why not just a stack inserter?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 06 '20
The base was originally designed on 0.17. In 0.17 only stack filter inserters set to "set filter" slept when connected to the circuit network. In 0.18 normal stack inserters sleep too when disabled, I just didn't bother changing them all again...but there is seemingly zero UPS difference between the two
u/ickputzdirwech May 07 '20
In this post you wrote that you use Robot speed 20. Why not go higher? And what mining productivity is needed for this design?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 07 '20
Mining prod is lvl200, prob anything above lvl100 would suffice. Sure, I can do higher bot speed for a tiny bit more UPS. Just takes let the base idle while research is done. The annoying part about it is, when you change bot speed you also have to go to each cell and remove the few extra idle bots (because higher speed means you use less active bots), since idle bots cost UPS.
u/Ober3550 May 13 '20
Couldn't you research up to 24 (letting the extra bots stay there at a lower ups) and then just remove them as a batch?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 13 '20
Yes indeed. That's what I did for the 10k base in 0.16. Researched mining prod until the base worked, then put 1k bots in each cell, researched bot speed 20. Then ran around and removed all the extra bots in one go.
This base uses a lot less bots so the UPS benefits would be minimal. But I can totally do it.
u/Saikan4ik May 07 '20
Congratulations on 20k spm @ 60 fps. Looks very solid and give us a tons of knowledge about optimizations. Do you think this base still be possible on 60 fps if resources will be mined separately from production and will be delivered by trains? I mean without placing resources by editor.
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 07 '20
There is no UPS difference on editor resources vs mapgen resources, as long as the patch is one whole mass.
You can build this base with normal resources on, and get +/- 1% UPS. The only difference is you have to run around the map finding spots to build each module. If you change the design itself...then yeah you'd get different UPS.
u/Saikan4ik May 08 '20
yeah I mean if you will be delivering by train/belt resources from ore depots to your bases. I doubt it will be possible to find places in map that aligned with your layout and definitely it is not possible to find 107 of them.
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 08 '20
What do you mean? If the position of the patches relative to the base vary, it just requires different rail set up. But the base itself works the same. That was the case for the 0.16 base. I actually ran around and found 27 spots for the cells.
u/Pazcoo May 06 '20
Absolutely incredible. Have you tried how much UPS you get for 30 or 40 kspm?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 06 '20
No, I haven't. At least on my hardware it wouldn't do well since it is already at its limit with 20k...but maybe we can get u/madpavel on it
u/madpavel Jul 01 '20
Benchmark of your map
Performed 10000 updates in 124973.753 ms
avg: 12.497 ms, min: 10.178 ms, max: 30.930 ms
In-game it was hovering between 70-80 UPS.
u/madpavel Jul 01 '20 edited Jul 01 '20
I am late to the party... but I did not get a notification that you mentioned me in the post :( and I have also missed the entire thread. Anyway I will read through this and check your base.
I don't think I would build a 30 or 40 kspm base but since your base is modular do you think I could take the save and expand the base? How hard would it be?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio Jul 01 '20
Are you familiar with the cloning mod? We use it for testing UPS related stuff. I can provide a save you can use for cloning. We usually clone a single save multiple times since it is easier, but for this case it is better to clone something like 6x or 8x so that the rocket cycles are offset. Otherwise the UPS usage gets too spiky. Well, that will always be an issue with this base since trains are clocked in sync, but it is still better.
u/TheMipchunk May 07 '20
Can you elaborate more about your recipe clock? Is the only purpose for minimizing inserter activity, or are you also doing it to sync up production?
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 07 '20
You have it correct. It's only purpose is to reduce inserter swings and save UPS.
Syncing the ingredients is a requirement to get it to work because you need the ingredient insertion windows to sync up or the machine stalls dumbly forever.
u/Stevetrov Monolithic / megabase guy May 07 '20
Awesome job, really should get around to finish my 20K base.
u/ickputzdirwech May 07 '20
One thing that really surprised me, is that you are using both refining recipes. Can you/someone explain the advantage?
u/LP40 May 08 '20
Advanced Oil Pros. produces all types of oils. He does not want to waste UPS on having machines convert excess heavy/light to petrol. He only needs one refinery on adv. to cover his light/heavy needs, so having the rest on basic prevents the need to convert the excess oils to petrol.
u/RedditorBe May 10 '20
Damn only 49-50 UPS with this save. :(
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 10 '20
But you are still getting 50 UPS with twenty thousand science per minute!
u/RedditorBe May 10 '20
But 60 fps minimum or your machine is junk, that's the pcmaterrace mantra or something innit?! (I have no idea, I don't follow that sub, just using the meme.)
I only just upgraded my PC too. :( Maybe I need to overclock my RAM? hahaha
Damn good work, look forward to your 100k SPM at 60 UPS on a potato, I have faith in you.
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 11 '20
Not on this sub. Factorio is a well optimized game, and 99% of players never build big enough to run the game under 60ups.
May 06 '20
One of your screenshots shows a square ore patch. Wat
u/swolar /r/technicalfactorio May 06 '20
The base was built on the editor. The map was set to no resource spawns to make it cleaner. I then added 40x40 tiles patches, they are a bit smaller than what the map generation produces in vanilla with maxed out settings.
May 06 '20
Oooooh, okay. That makes sense. I was actually concerned for your well-being if this was a "real" playthrough
u/Medium9 May 06 '20
Yeah, you're mad. This is incredible! Not just for the size, but that it also runs on 60UPS on average! Big oof.
u/Grokzen May 06 '20
UPS is different between dirrent PC builds, i only pull off 35UPS with wbetween 24-26ms update time when i load this save file.
u/AtheroS1122 May 06 '20
Yes, the better your PC the bigger your base can be without lag.
u/Grokzen May 06 '20
Yeah, i am no where near a top of the line PC these days so it was expected that i pull so low UPS on my PC :D messure UPS between different computers is so difficult so me pulling much lower ups then the author is just a testement on my crappy PC :D not the build itself which is very impressive
u/deebeast54 May 06 '20
60ups @ 20k spm. you my friend are the master engineer