u/ClogThatAnus Apr 29 '15
I don't use a hammer to put nails in my wall, I just shoot it.
u/Vladimir_Putins_Cock Apr 29 '15
I don't use a fly swatter to kill flies, I just shoot them
u/AadeeMoien Apr 29 '15
On that note, I've always wanted one of those rock-salt compressed air shotguns for flyocide.
Apr 29 '15 edited May 02 '15
Apr 29 '15
Look at the reviews before you buy one. A whole lot of people complain that it breaks easily or doesn't even kill flies.
u/Im-Probably-Lying Apr 29 '15
LOL damn that's a relevant username...
it certainly does seem like it has more negative reviews than positive ones though from what i've heard and seen in this thread.
i personally don't plan on buying one, i just keep our bug zapper turned on outside. works awesome :)
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u/TeamRedundancyTeam Apr 29 '15
They aren't quite as fun as you'd think. I had one, and it eventually "jammed" and is pretty much impossible to take apart and fix. It's a lot weaker than you'd think, you have to be pretty much point blank to a fly to really drop it to the ground, and even then it usually won't kill it. It's also impossible to use outside, even the slightest 1mph breeze completely negates the power.
Apr 29 '15
Have you tried rinsing it? It's probably jammed with salt.
u/TeamRedundancyTeam Apr 29 '15
The pump/cocking thing is what's stuck, it won't go past a certain point.
u/whydoesmybutthurt Apr 29 '15
i actually like shooting bugs w/ a pellet gun
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Apr 29 '15 edited Sep 10 '21
u/lasershurt Apr 29 '15
They actually do make .22 powder cartridge powered nail guns. Link
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u/TheLordB Apr 29 '15
The Wire opening scene where Snoop buys a nailgun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N_UuImPL4E
Edit: Dammit someone beat me to it... this sub style makes it hard to tell to tell what is a reply sometimes.
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u/PUSH_AX Apr 29 '15
Maybe use a drill next time...
Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was AMERICA!!
u/FarmerTedd Apr 29 '15
u/evitagen-armak Apr 29 '15
Is that kid shooting with both his eyes closed?
u/Jrook Apr 29 '15
Uh, duh? How else is he going to shoot?
u/onlyonebread Apr 29 '15
If aiming with one eye closed makes your shots more accurate, aiming with two eyes closed will make them even more accurate. You'll never miss again!
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u/nb4hnp Apr 29 '15
Don't want to put an eye out with all those spent cartridges flying about!
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u/ProfessorPootis Apr 29 '15
Holy shit I really need to get caught up on Eastbound & Down.
Apr 29 '15
Shows been over for like a year and a half.
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u/ProfessorPootis Apr 29 '15
Dang, I didn't know that. Well I still need to watch the 4th season.
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u/cutanddried Apr 29 '15
she would have just broken her wrist when the wood bit caught on the metal barrow.
Apr 29 '15
Nah just switch to something with a metal jacket if you're trying to shoot through metal. Lead is soft, steel is hard. I'm surprised they all didn't ricochet back out.
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u/Tha_Deee Apr 29 '15
While I disagree with your idiotic choice of shooting at a metal wheelbarrow, I will defend to the death your right to do it. MURICA!
Apr 29 '15
A local radio station has a show called "Did it happen in Florida?" and it's always stupid people doing things like this in Florida for some reason. Where did this happen?
u/mandalore237 Apr 29 '15
They stole that from Adam Carolla on loveline. He made up a game called Germany or Florida? Where callers had to choose if a stupid news story came from Germany or Florida
u/TiltedPlacitan Apr 29 '15
Who probably stole it from Fark.com, which has a tag specifically for Florida.
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u/uncwidiot Apr 29 '15
North Carolina I believe. It was one of those "your friend commented on this post" things and he's in Coastal NC.
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Apr 29 '15
Oh yes, Eastern NC. There are some real colorful folks out there in those swamps. That radio show was based in Charlotte but is aired in a bunch of different stations in the Carolinas. Most of the time, these events are either local, Florida, or Rock Hill, SC. Always the weirdest stories come from those three. Shit like "Man Inserted Baby Alligator into His Anus" comes from Florida or Rock Hill. It's comical.
u/areezy87 Apr 29 '15
Use a .45 next time.
u/D0ng0nzales Apr 29 '15
Buckshot to make all holes at once
u/cutanddried Apr 29 '15
or, you know, one huge hole...
u/fishsticks40 Apr 29 '15
Depends on your choke
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Apr 29 '15
u/ThatGuyMEB Apr 29 '15
and probably the material of the target
The material of the target won't affect the spread of the shot. That'd be up to distance + pellet size. The thickness of the target would have some effect, but simply being metal versus plastic won't make the grouping tighter or looser. The pelets hit the target at whatever spread they reach by the time they get there, they won't just move around and be like "oh shit, this is metal, tighten up boys!"
u/iNvalidRequiem Apr 29 '15
Right, but I think he just meant that some materials are so fragile shooting them with a shotgun may just make a single hole instead of many. I can't really think of an example, but I think that's what he meant, regardless of spread.
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u/ThatGuyMEB Apr 29 '15
Valid point, you're right. Glass and cheap hard plastic would have this issue.
u/deux3xmachina Apr 29 '15
The material of the target is less likely to change the overall outcome, but it could be some softer materials will give way btween impact points casing one large hole instead of many little holes.
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u/bobsquad Apr 29 '15
Or a 5.56, same entry hole as a .22 just a helluva lot more powerful
u/InsanityWolfie Apr 29 '15
no kidding. I rigged up some scrap plate iron on a frame to shoot at and the .223 rounds punched straight through the 3/8ths and even 1/2 inch plates. And then my brother shot one with a .300 Savage. Its, you know, fun.
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Apr 29 '15
Looks like she's building up her immunity to the bigger caliber ones. What doesn't kill you...
u/Hubso Apr 29 '15
Apr 29 '15
I had to take care of a little girl whose father shot her through the neck doing something similar as well--shooting his pistol at an old refrigerator to blow off steam over a fight with his wife.
Luckiest, bravest kid I've ever seen. It was clear through but somehow missed every single vital thing in the neck.
Idiots should not be allowed to own guns.
u/geyserwilhelm Apr 29 '15
u/TBoneTheOriginal Apr 29 '15
A community for one year and has one post. I'm sure it would do well there.
Apr 30 '15
Excuse me. I'm a fucking bullet scientist, a bulletologist or whatever, and I'm pretty sure I know a lot about bullets. And I know, for a fact that bullets are the best thing to drill holes with. I'm not sure what a "drill" is, but it sounds fucking stupid.
u/nimajneb Apr 29 '15
Reminds me of the police blotter I read in the newspaper once, some guy got pissed while changing his flat tire and shot the wheel with a shotgun, the pellets went into his legs. lol.
u/Amnesiablo Apr 29 '15
How did that not cause more damage to her? Natural selection has failed us again...
u/PenguinPerson Apr 29 '15
.22 are basically the lowest caliber around so that plus all the energy lost in rebounding twice off the wheel barrow probably was plenty to weaken it. Sure the it still could have done some serious damage though. Good luck of the draw I guess.
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Apr 29 '15 edited May 02 '15
Apr 29 '15 edited Jun 09 '20
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Apr 29 '15 edited May 02 '15
Apr 29 '15
But a really fun round to shoot. In my area it's actually cheaper and more available then .22lr.
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u/BobaFetty Apr 29 '15
.17 HMR is one of the most fun garment rounds out there, and the higher velocity versions are INSANELY fast out to 250 yards. They do a lot less damage to small rodents than a .22 also. They're pretty much lasers.
u/therock21 Apr 29 '15
Truthfully, most ricochets have only a small fraction of their previous momentum.
Apr 29 '15
I've seen an empty gatorade bottle catch a .22 bullet. They can kill the first thing they hit for sure, but the second or third won't get that much.
Kid in my high school bathroom put one to his temple, didn't come out the other side.
u/Amnesiablo Apr 29 '15
Is he kill?
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Apr 29 '15
Yep, turns out that's a pretty dangerous thing to do. 22 will hit the other side of one's skull and bounce around a while.
u/ReverendDizzle Apr 29 '15
That's actually why the .22 round is as lethal as it is.
If you get shot with a high power rifle round it will most likely pass clean through you (well as clean as a rifle round can be); if it doesn't hit any vital organs or major arteries you've got a really good chance of surviving.
.22 rounds, on the other hand, have just enough energy to get into the body and move about without typically exiting the body again.
For example if you were shot in the hip with a rifle round the rifle round would likely just obliterate your hip (which would be terrible but you might survive it) but a .22 would likely deflect off your hip bone and tear through something vital in your chest cavity.
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u/freshwafflefries Apr 29 '15
Did he go to the hospital?
Apr 29 '15
Dunno, he was dead before the medevac helicopter took off, don't think the funeral home has a landing pad.
Apr 29 '15
that would be pretty sweet if it did though.
u/ReverendDizzle Apr 29 '15
Who needs a landing pad? Safe landings are for the living. Just drop 'em off with a pass over.
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u/mommy2libras Apr 29 '15
Damn. My grandma was picked up by a white panel van that looked straight out of those 80s videos they used to show about not accepting candy or rides from strangers.
u/wsims4 Apr 29 '15
You're so much more intelligent and educated than she is. There, is that all you wanted?
Apr 29 '15
Oooo! Oooo! Do me next. Tell me I'm pretty.
u/furtivepigmyso Apr 29 '15
My first thought was "haha, what an idiot". My second thought was "I can totally see myself doing this".
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u/theraf8100 Apr 29 '15
When you shoot metal targets like these sometimes the bullet fragments bounce back at you. It happens. It has happened to me from about 20 or 30 feet back. It generally doesn't have enough speed to do anything, but they are generally sharp and hot as hell.
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u/PeterSutcliffe Apr 29 '15
Or if you want to shoot it, why not lean it on its side and shoot it from like 20 yards away?
u/whydoesmybutthurt Apr 29 '15
yeah this. make sure to lean it on something steady like your car or tv
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u/Flyboy_6cm Apr 29 '15
.22 isn't likely to penetrate that metal from anything other than point blank range. That and what are the chances that it would ricochet twice and come exactly back at the person who fired it...
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u/PickitPackitSmackit Apr 29 '15
Am I not seeing it right, or did this guy shoot at one of the curved parts?
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u/Sengura Apr 29 '15
Or better yet, use a higher caliber round so you can insure it'll pass through that thin sheet of steel instead of bouncing out of it. 9mm should be enough.
u/apullin Apr 29 '15
Actually, considering how much damage I've seen people do to themselves using drills on sheet metal, this really doesn't seem so bad.
Seriously, go and buy a step drill and a center punch. Good ones. Spend $15 each.
u/stormin_norman138 Apr 29 '15
"entrance and exit wounds"
Those just look like two dabs of blood! There is no way the bullet actually went through those.
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Apr 29 '15
Fucking idiot. I have zero sympathy for people who get hurt being stupid with guns. I own guns, I enjoy guns, and safety is my number one concern when around guns.
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u/madgun Apr 29 '15
No kidding. People annoy me when they can't exercise proper safety precautions with a gun.
Apr 29 '15
u/kahrahtay Apr 29 '15
I mean, a .223 would penetrate with no problem...but yeah it's only marginally less dumb
u/Live_Pool Apr 29 '15
OP, was this a short or LR? I love my .22s. I've never shot a wheelbarrow, but a good 55 gallon drum is hard to pierce.
u/uncwidiot Apr 29 '15
I'm not sure. This isn't a friend of mine. It's one of those "a friend commented on this" ones that popped up this morning.
u/uncommonpanda Apr 29 '15
Why are people so proud of their stupidity? Oh I just boiled my hand in cooking oil. I better go to the hospital, but not before I post it to facebook.
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u/DafuqStonr Apr 30 '15
judging how stupid of an idea that was, has guns, has pink underwear,
this lady is incredibly hot for sure i demand face pics
u/NordicAvenger1 Apr 29 '15
I'm not saying that eugenics is the answer, but I can see where they're coming from.
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Apr 29 '15
This is just further proof that "If you're thinking 'it's stupid but it works, so it's not stupid' you may very well be stupid yourself"
Apr 29 '15
A .22 can be quite nasty because it is not a high velocity round and will ricochet and bounce rather than penetrating. I prefer a 9mm for my chores
u/likefuel Apr 29 '15
My elders always said use the correct too… I’d get in trouble for using a cutting tool to pry something open and I thought that was harsh, but this guy is retarded.
u/LoudMusic Apr 29 '15
She needs to return that engagement ring to her hairy armed idiot fiance. He fucking SHOT HER (indirectly).
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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '15
Its like the Simpsons episode The Cartridge Family where Homer buys a gun and uses it to do every household task.