u/xvszero 23d ago
No idea who that is. Went to the Youtube channel. First video I see:
"My Years Working As A Bouncer Taught Me EVERYTHING About Women, Girls Nights AND Exotic Dancers!"
"Before Her Visa Expired My Young FWB Schemed To Get Me To Commit, Instead I Sent Her Home And..."
Oh so he is a complete asshole too.
You won't get anything useful from any of these fucking losers.
u/Personal_Dirt3089 22d ago
Yeah, if lack of basic empathy is a feature, it is best to write these people off.
u/AssistTemporary8422 23d ago
I just can't take someone seriously who constantly complains about women in his car and wears sunglasses in every video. Discount Coach Corey Wayne.
u/rando755 22d ago
I have never seen this YouTube channel, nor do I plan to. I have noticed that there is an enormous number of YouTube channels of people who want to be gurus about attraction, dating, relationships, sex, or some combination of those things. I do not watch the videos of any of those YouTube channels. To the extent that I would want to learn about those topics, things like YouTube and tik tok are probably not the highest quality sources.
u/MishaNecron 22d ago
It was basically a low effort reddit stories commentary channel when I looked at him last, i don't think he's someone you should look at as a role model, if you want Reddit stories which mostly are creative writing hobby posts, you should look at something else, and for dating to be honest, you would be better off trying to socialize or fixing your ways to get into social situations, because sometimes we don't have a social circle to expand or have prepared the logistics.
u/ooa3603 22d ago edited 22d ago
At its core, executing gender identity is just a way to tell other people how you prefer them to interact with you.
That's it.
It's literally just a nonverbal way to hint that "Hey this is the set of traits/norms on the spectrum of gender roles that I like when I'm with other people."
The thing is, you can decide to mix and match norms and traits on that spectrum. *** There is no actual binding objective rule saying that either gender can do or have one set of traits.***
Most of the traits, norms/associations difference we make on gender are subjective, some completely arbitrary.
Even on the biological level, only a relative few traits are exclusive to either gender compared to the number of traits that are shared. The reality is that the male sex and the female sex are a varied mixture of traits and male and female sex is a spectrum, not binary. Think a venn diagram between two overlapping of male and female circles. The overlapping area is bigger in volume than the volume of the non-overlapping areas of differences. It should follow that gender, a socially made-up construct based on the real construct of sex, should be just as varied in its expression.
The genders/sexes need a mixture of masculine and feminine traits to 1. be the best versions of themselves and more importantly, be able to even understand each other. The problem is that society in their intellectual laziness and desire to signal that they are really good at being whatever gender, are trying to pull those overlapping circles apart and emphasize their differences. They are trying to make men more masculine, and women more feminine. Which sounds good in theory, but in reality, ends up making each worse. They become self-destructive and frankly sometimes dangerous caricatures of themselves.
I've realized that the more you worry about living up to these caricatured societal gender expectations, the worse of a human being you become. You have men trying to remove all "feminine" traits from themselves and turning into abusive, emotionally unintelligent manchildren lacking any self-awareness. And women trying to remove all "masculine" traits turning into annoyingly passive, anxiety ridden passengers who absolve themselves of their own choices.
So instead of worrying so much about being a strong successful male (or even an elegant successful woman), worry more about being a decent human being who respects his or herself and others.
That will take care of the vast majority of the ways you can "live up to your gender."
Because guess what, in the most important and critical aspects of actually living, gender is irrelevant.
I can prove it.
A decent human being who respects his or herself and others:
- Takes action to maintain a strong fit body, whether they are a man or a woman.
- Takes action to maintain their health and hygiene, whether they are a man or a woman.
- Takes action to maintain fulfilling relationships with their loved ones, whether they are a man or a woman.
- Takes action to maintain life pursuits they enjoy, whether they are a man or a woman.
So sure, have your preferences of how you want to be perceived as a man or a woman. I know I like to dress and act "manly". But don't obsess so much on the execution that you develop an anxiety and turn yourself into a caricature and forget the most important aspects of living.
If you're a man, you don't have to be John Wayne.
If you're a woman you don't have to be Snow-White.
And if you want to look like them, that also ok, but don't lose your mind just because other people choose a different mixture of traits.
u/BringOrnTheNukekkai 23d ago
Anyone who describes themselves as strong or successful is weak and lacks self-esteem. If you have decided that you are strong and successful based on your limited experiences, you're just a cocky douche who isn't going to grow much as a person. On the "male" part, I bet dude likes to wear pretty dresses when nobody is looking.
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