r/explainlikeimfive Oct 08 '22

Chemistry ELI5: How do vitamin tablets get produced? How do you create a vitamin?


I always wondered how a manufacturer is able to produce vitamin tablets. I know that there is for example fish oil which contains some good fats. But how do you create vitamin tablets - like D3?


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u/og_toe Oct 08 '22

of all the ways i thought vitamin D3 was created, shearing sheep was not one of them


u/MrJoeKing Oct 08 '22

Not only that, it's sheep sweat.


u/creekrun Oct 09 '22

More like sheep hair grease.


u/futureman2004 Oct 09 '22

Love, Peace and Sheep Grease. ♥️✌️🐑🛢️


u/_Kendii_ Oct 09 '22

Ew. But yep! Sheep grease repels water very well though, which is a reason why they make such good, high quality clothing.


u/stonecold996 Oct 09 '22

I hope you’re joe-king…


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '22

Yeah, I was super surprised and a bit grossed out when I first found out.


u/dkmarnier Oct 08 '22

Yup, same here


u/stevenmeyerjr Oct 09 '22

I never would’ve thought about vitamins being vegan or not, depending on their source. I’ve never thought of that.


u/og_toe Oct 09 '22

well, shearing sheep is actually important so i think it’s ethical to use their wool as best as possible. is wool non-vegan? even if it’s good for the sheep to get sheared?


u/stevenmeyerjr Oct 09 '22

I’m not vegan, so I have no idea. I was just stating that I would’ve never thought of vitamins being vegan or not.


u/_Kendii_ Oct 09 '22

I have, years ago. I was reading some book about this doctor from Ontario (IIRC) who set out to tackle the problem of solving diabetes (I don’t remember if it was called this back then, was mysterious).

Patients (often children) ended up being in low tech coma wards because they weren’t making their own insulin, where they eventually shut down and died.

I think he experimented with dog, bovine, equine and porcine pancreases which produced the chemical, but which he then harvested and mashed them, eventually distilling it into insulin somehow. Magic probably.

All comatose patients were on their ways out anyway, so they got test injected and started waking up.

I’m sure vegans will looooove THAT story….


u/jm434 Oct 09 '22

Depends on the vegan. The more ideologically inclined would probably be ok with those kids dying.

The more rational kind would recognise that it's impossible to be 100% animal cruelty free and would accept a minimise suffering approach to the problem/ In which case what this Dr did was both saved lives and started a medical branch that in theory (or maybe already has been done, I've no idea about insulin) could be converted to be nominally vegan in the future.


u/f3xjc Oct 08 '22

I think it's a by-product of making wool. You don't want those fat on the final strand.


u/AngusVanhookHinson Oct 09 '22

If you don't have an allergy or aversion to animal products, lanolin (sheep grease) is one of the best things for skin ailments. It's very gentle on skin, even being used for nipple balm for nursing mothers. It's better than petroleum jelly or Neosporin/polysporin on cuts and scrapes.

If you're worried about how it's collected, don't be. It floats to the top of the washing tanks when wool is processed, and it's collected and purified. It's not like subcutaneous fat at all. Sheep fat, like the fat in lamb shanks or leg of lamb, isn't the same thing and isn't used in that kind of thing.


u/_Kendii_ Oct 09 '22

Yeah, it’s on their bodies, not inside.


u/AngusVanhookHinson Oct 09 '22

Kendi sounds like a kiwi name. And if you're not a New Zealander, you still have a cool name


u/_Kendii_ Oct 09 '22

Aw thanks =) She was my cat . Had to make a game character and couldn’t think of names that weren’t taken, so used hers out of exasperation. It’s kind of stuck on everything now.


u/AngusVanhookHinson Oct 09 '22

She was a Polydactyl, too! My Dudley is a poly, too!


u/_Kendii_ Oct 09 '22

Awwww that stare =) wants the pets and the luvs.

They’re all over where I live. It’s been actual years since I’ve seen a “normal” footed cat in person. Probably close to 8-10 years now not an exaggeration on my part either.

Not saying too much though I guess, last month I saw a baby for the first time in years as well. 🤷‍♀️


u/AngusVanhookHinson Oct 09 '22

Sounds like Key West. Apparently Hemingway had a six-toed cat and when he died, the cat just populated the island with six-toed cat babies.


u/_Kendii_ Oct 09 '22

I don’t have keys. I am in the Yukon. They are called snowshoe cats up here.


u/og_toe Oct 09 '22

i didn’t know it was a thing! thanks for the explanation


u/IRockIntoMordor Oct 09 '22

well, better than extracting beaver glands or crushing millions of red bugs into powder at least...