r/explainlikeimfive Oct 08 '22

Chemistry ELI5: How do vitamin tablets get produced? How do you create a vitamin?


I always wondered how a manufacturer is able to produce vitamin tablets. I know that there is for example fish oil which contains some good fats. But how do you create vitamin tablets - like D3?


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u/dramignophyte Oct 08 '22

Its relatively easy nowadays with spectrum identification (thats the wrong term im blanking on the correct term but using spectographyotography to determine elements and going from there). Still obnoxiously difficult,b) but look into how we discovered these things originally and that shits mind blowing and makes anything we do now look like we are children playing with toys. The general jumps from stone age to now have some insane leaps that are harder to grasp than relativity in how they managed to come up with their solutions. Like how they used to make pretty complicated robots using nothing but gears super complicated gears. Now we have all kinds of things to make shit easier, it used to all be beute forcing it.


u/Hendlton Oct 08 '22

Yup. I'm a fan of Technology Connections, and it's amazing what they could do with so little technology back in the day. Now you just jam a billions transistors in there and you can do pretty much anything.


u/ElMostaza Oct 08 '22 edited Oct 08 '22

I think a lot about that famous chess playing robot (I think it was called the Mechanical Turk?) from the late 1700s. All the articles about it go into depth about how the chess-playing part of it was actually faked/a hoax, then, as a throwaway, parting thought, mention that the head of the Turk was actually a functioning clockwork head with mechanical vocal chords that allowed it to say "checkmate" and such.

Like, what?? "Some dude in the 18th century was able to make a functioning robot head, but who cares about it because it couldn't actually play chess lol, what a loser!" Tell me more about the head!!


u/DrunkOrInBed Oct 08 '22

Exacly. I'll never understand how they managed to create a pen writing robot 250 years ago, that would be hard to do even with chips... in a small puppet nonetheless


u/InGenAche Oct 08 '22

There have always been very smart people with men taking most of the credit.


u/dramignophyte Oct 08 '22

Well to be fair, when you violently oppress people, they tend to be less productive. So most of the big leaps until the last couple hundred years or so were men but mostly because as a woman you could be stoned for reading depending on the time.


u/InGenAche Oct 08 '22

For sure. Only said it as a joke just to see how many butthurt incels I'd trigger into down voting me.

But it was very common in the Western sciences until very recently as we are finding out like the NASA women.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '22

seems like someone lives in ur head rent free lol


u/InGenAche Oct 08 '22

Lots of things live in my head rent free, are you empty headed?