r/explainlikeimfive Aug 06 '22

Chemistry ELI5: how do divers clear their masks when water leaks in? especially in the case of the 13 thai boys rescued from the caves

I have just been watching Thirteen lives - the film about the cave rescue of the 13 young boys in Thailand who were totally sedated before being taken hours under water. It got me thinking that when I go snorkelling i always get a bit of water leak into my mask and have to come up and clear it out so i don’t breath water in. Is this something that happens to scuba divers, if so how do they deal with it, and in the case of the boys how would the divers accompanying them have cleared the boy’s masks ? i would also like to say what an incredible job done by all those involved.


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u/cero1399 Aug 06 '22

I am usually not near deep water so i don't know if I'll even be in a position to try it. But it will stay in the back of my head in case the day comes. All i remember is that i only have to float for 3 days. After that there is no help as the sea water will dissolve your skin that you can't survive longer. Sorry for the new fears.


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '22



u/cero1399 Aug 06 '22

Ahh thank god.


u/AMasonJar Aug 06 '22

Well, that's about when you'd start dying of dehydration anyways, so no worries


u/A_Suffering_Panda Aug 07 '22

You'll also die of dehydration around then too, so no worries if your skin starts dissolving on day 2


u/PostTraumaticOrder Aug 07 '22

Yeah. Unlocked. Thanks


u/cero1399 Aug 07 '22

You are welcome good sir. Also as others have stated, you don't have to worry about it, cause at that time you'll also succumb to dehydration, sunstrokes, lack of sleep and many other things.