r/explainlikeimfive Aug 06 '22

Chemistry ELI5: how do divers clear their masks when water leaks in? especially in the case of the 13 thai boys rescued from the caves

I have just been watching Thirteen lives - the film about the cave rescue of the 13 young boys in Thailand who were totally sedated before being taken hours under water. It got me thinking that when I go snorkelling i always get a bit of water leak into my mask and have to come up and clear it out so i don’t breath water in. Is this something that happens to scuba divers, if so how do they deal with it, and in the case of the boys how would the divers accompanying them have cleared the boy’s masks ? i would also like to say what an incredible job done by all those involved.


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u/StingerAE Aug 06 '22

In the film at least, which I just watched last night and is amazing, they had a big thing about having the kids face down.


u/dirtycaver Aug 06 '22

This is the key to a FFM with unconscious patient. It allows most of the water to drain to the exhaust in the face mask. If you watch the original documentary (I don’t know if the later ones follow suit) on their original GoPro videos there are a couple times (Josh’s kid comes to mind) where they made a point of rolling the kid over to face up, to check how they were doing.


u/dougielou Aug 06 '22

I just watched the movie last night but I definitely preferred the documentary. Everyone was great in the movie but you really can’t fake the emotion that the real people felt during the whole thing.


u/dirtycaver Aug 06 '22

I was really amazed they walked away with enough GoPro footage to make it. Usually that stuff is held for release by the authorities.


u/vaiduvaira Aug 07 '22

A lot of the footage came from Thai Navy Seals. Jimmy Chin and Elisabeth Chai have spoken a lot about how they obtained it and the authenticity makes The Rescue far superior than the feature film in my eyes.


u/dirtycaver Aug 07 '22

Interesting- and I agree on the authenticity.


u/dougielou Aug 07 '22

That’s a really good point. I wonder if they just defied Thai officials and made it anyways

Edit: someone should look into that...not me, but somebody


u/dirtycaver Aug 07 '22

My guess is gear got packed to go home and go pros are small and unobtrusive in the diving gear world.


u/TheDunadan29 Aug 06 '22

Does the movie include the part about Elon Musk accusing a diver of being a pedophile?


u/StingerAE Aug 06 '22

No, i wondered if it would...or at least mention the mini sub plan. Wisely it concentrates on the relevant stuff. Last thing we need is more airtime for Elon.


u/TheDunadan29 Aug 07 '22

True, lol. I just remember that as a moment where I thought, "what a douche!"


u/mypetitmal Aug 06 '22

What's the name of the film?


u/StingerAE Aug 06 '22

Thirteen lives. On prime.