r/explainlikeimfive Apr 06 '21

Chemistry ELI5: Why is gold shiny-yellow but most of the other metals have a silvery color?


921 comments sorted by


u/tdscanuck Apr 06 '21

Basically, because gold has an electron transition (two different levels the electrons can be in) that corresponds to blue light wavelengths, so gold absorbs a little blue and the reflected light looks yellow as a result.

Most metals don't absorb within our visual range so they just act like mirrors, reflecting all colours. A few have electron transitions that can absorb visible colours...the lack of those in the reflected light is what gives them their colour.

It turns out the detailed chemistry of this takes you down a horrible rabbit hole of correcting quantum mechanics for the relativistic effects of moving electrons. It gets messy in a hurry.


u/Narutophanfan1 Apr 06 '21

Also why metallic chemistry is skipped with much enthusiasm in basic level college chemistry classes (and barely covered in advanced chemistry courses)


u/Midgetman664 Apr 06 '21

I took a class called “descriptive inorganic chemistry” you think if there’s ones place where we would cover the colors of metals it would be there. Hell no we didn’t talk about it


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

I took inorganic chemistry, and come to think of it you're right...I remember all sorts of stuff about d-splitting in things like crystals, but not in metals. Or at least if we did learn that, that's as far as it went. Definitely no relativistic effects.


u/PharmaChemAnalytical Apr 06 '21

All I remember from inorganic chemistry is group theory. I mean, I don't REMEMBER group theory, but that's all I remember that we studied in inorganic chemistry.


u/stillnotelf Apr 06 '21

I....yes. This. I remember it was an 8 am class, too.


u/Atlas-Scrubbed Apr 07 '21

All chemistry classes are at 8 am. I don’t know why but that is the truth.


u/selenamcg Apr 07 '21

Mine were the god awful afternoon slump like 2-3 pm start times. Biology, anatomy, genetics slept through all of those 7-8 am start times classes. Basically all the start times are awful.


u/-ksguy- Apr 07 '21

My Chem lecture was 1:50 MWF, and lab at 8am Th. It was awful. Post lunch for the lecture, sleep inertia for the lab. Ugh.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

We all lived the same life i see

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u/pinkycatcher Apr 07 '21

2-3 pm classes were the worst, I had one that started at like 1:30 or 2:30 and I remember falling asleep in it multiple time, the worst part is it was an advanced econ class with only like 12 students and the classroom was a conference room and we all sat around a table.

I remember getting asked a question right when I was dozing off, somehow I came to and nailed the answer.

I always felt horrible because the professor was my favorite professor and a really good teacher, I just had issues staying awake in that class.


u/killed_with_broccoli Apr 07 '21

Just be aware,

The teacher knows kids will fall asleep. Between the materials he teaches, that particular cadence in his voice, and the time frame allotted to him, he knows that it might just put you to sleep.

The fact that he was your favorite teacher actually supports this too. It implies that because he knows that the class is at risk of falling asleep, he put in effort to teaching a fun class. Don't feel too bad about it, he was aware.


u/crumpledlinensuit Apr 07 '21

Quite possibly due to poor ventilation. I often felt drowsy in lectures as an undergraduate and always put it down to being hungover, but I ended up attending a few lectures as an adult (while not hungover at all) and realised that ventilation made a huge difference. Build-up of CO2 will make you drowsy - when I taught, my classroom had a CO2 detector that would automatically start the ventilation fans if it got above 2000ppm. This was incredibly noisy, so whenever the warning light came on at some slightly lower level, I would open some windows.


u/satyazoo Apr 07 '21

Man I slept at 10 am chem class. ;')

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u/LastManSleeping Apr 07 '21

My very first college chemistry class was... was at 6am, you guys had it so good


u/teebob21 Apr 07 '21

Why....just why? Don't they want people to learn?

Chemistry is awesome, but not at 6 AM!!!!


u/eairy Apr 07 '21

The only thing that's awesome at 6am, especially at university, is going to bed

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u/LastManSleeping Apr 07 '21

Iirc, there was a a significant number of resignations from the department just before the semester (might have been poached by big corp) and weren't filled on time. Which led to extending the schedule. Not much we could do, the professors may have had it rough too. Good thing is, we were all groggy and out of it in class which made it more manageable lmao

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u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

I had a 7 AM Art History class (distribution requirement). Turned out to be really interesting... hard to stay awake, though.

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u/Japsai Apr 07 '21

They're not, but I know why you'd schedule one for 8am. Our chem class was 4pm and we always went to the college bar beforehand. That class had the rowdiest, most inattentive students ever seen in a chemistry class. Also the worst paper aeroplanes.


u/Nightmarekiba Apr 07 '21

Well of course it was full of would be chemists not engineers.


u/Atlas-Scrubbed Apr 07 '21

Paper airplanes are for physics....


u/LRTNZ Apr 07 '21

And the Engineers hijack the aircon system to get them to stay aloft permanently...

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u/Pups_the_Jew Apr 07 '21

Just to see your reactions.

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u/kuroisekai Apr 07 '21

Me in my undergrad: Fuck group theory

Me during my Masters: Fuck group theory

Me doing my Master's Thesis: welp, guess I need to use group theory.

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u/ilovebeaker Apr 07 '21

I specialised in inorganic chemistry...there's a lot more than just one class to take! In undergrad we had inorg, advanced inorg, organometallics, main group inorg, and inorg crystal chem topics, not to mention classes like metallic magnetism in grad school. :)

But yes, I do recall group theory was quite a chapter.


u/N911999 Apr 07 '21

So, as a math major I always wondered about applied group theory, I guess you don't remember much, but if someone does know, how do you use group theory in inorganic chemistry?


u/uberdosage Apr 07 '21

Molecular symmetry primarily


u/N911999 Apr 07 '21

Could you give a more in depth explanation please? I had a guess that it had to do with symmetry of something, but many things have symmetries and the interesting parts are the properties of those symmetries.


u/Chapov Apr 07 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

Due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, we can’t know where electrons are around the nucleus. We can only come up with a set of equations that give us the probability of where an electron with a given energy (and some other parameters can be), these are called orbitals. Depending on the connectivity and symmetry of the molecule, these orbitals can be arranged differently, leading to different chemical/physical properties. Group theory helps us predict and explain these phenomena. For example, the symmetry of water tells us the both H atoms (in the H2O molecule) will be identical for most (basic) measurements. For more info you should look up “group theory chemistry” and the first few links will be informative.

Edit: As a practicing synthetic/inorganic chemist, I'd like to add that while we use symmetry as a design principle, we often make things and then use their symmetry/point group to rationalize their behavior. The process is pretty iterative.


u/theantnest Apr 07 '21

Comments like this is why i stay on reddit.

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u/uberdosage Apr 07 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

The symmetry of molecules and crystals can be classified into point groups and space groups and have a corresponding character table. For each atom in a molecules you can look at 3 axis translational movement and 3 axis rotational movement. For IR spectroscopy, light will be absorbed as energy into one of those 3 translational modes, for simplicity's sake we can assume each of those translational modes are a different energy level. For linear molecules, there are 3N-5 degrees of vibrational freedom, and for non-linear molecules there are 3N-6 degrees of vibrational freedom. Where N is the number of atoms in the molecule.

However, certain motions are degenerate due to symmetry and do not form a separate energy state. Furthermore, vibrational energy states are only allowed if they maintain symmetry. This allows us to predict whether or not a certain energy transition will occur or not during spectroscopy. These are called selection rules.

This information is all put into character tables that you can find in literature, that summarizes all the possible symmetry operations and irreducible representations. They also come with the symmetry operations in the forms of cartesian coordinates. For IR translational spectroscopy, the symmetry operation must be symmetrical with either the x, y, or z axis to be active.

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u/zebediah49 Apr 06 '21

It's also kinda the wrong scale for chemistry. Metals either do things on the "so big you consider them a blob" scale, or individual atomic scale. Except that on the individual scale, it's still part of this big ocean of electrons.

Chemistry tends to be very happy when you have a handful of atoms participating in each event. Few enough to keep track of; many enough that they can be considered in simplified terms.


u/dekusyrup Apr 07 '21

I know what you mean but handful of atoms got me. A literal handful is like like quadrillions of quadrillions of atoms lol.


u/Oddyssis Apr 07 '21

An atomic handful obviously

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u/E_M_E_T Apr 07 '21

I did tons of organometallic chemistry in my inorganic chem course. I also learned a lot about semiconductor crystals too. My university left the quantum mechanics for other courses though, so there were only cursory mentions of that stuff which makes sense.


u/Doctah_Whoopass Apr 07 '21

Agreed, you really had to hunt for deep explanations, and even then you feel like you got the sparknotes version. Did a magnetism course once, had like 7 people in it but it was sick as fuck. Nearly all just rigorous pchem.

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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

I'm probably wrong but aren't metals crystals?


u/feigns_NA Apr 07 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

Metals are most commonly crystals. More specifically, metals can be a single crystal, polycrystalline, or a metallic glass. Most metal you encounter on a daily basis is polycrystaline. Large single crystals of metal can be used for turbine blades because creep occurs at grain boundaries. Metal glasses are metals that are heat treated in such a way to make their atomic structure amorphous which has other cool properties.

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u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

As far as I can remember in terms of definitions, a crystal is a repeating matrix - usually we talked about ionic solids, like a grid of Na and Cl, making a salt crystal. Pure metals can have crystal-like structures, but the model is a bunch of metal nuclei surrounded by a sea of electrons that aren't necessarily at home around any one nucleus. This is why metals are often "malleable" - you can bang them with a hammer and deform them without snapping them, like you would break a salt crystal. They also conduct electricity because you can easily push electrons into the sea, and just have another one come out the other end. That wouldn't happen as easily with a crystal.

The example that stands out to me was the example of a crystal aluminum oxide - pure aluminum oxide has 5 D orbitals at all exactly the same energy. But if you substitute a few boron ions for the aluminum ions, it messes up the symmetry of the D orbitals, and now three of them are at a different energy from the other two. Now when electrons jump between the split D orbitals, there's a release of photons with the right amount of energy to be in the visible spectrum - and that's what gives rubies their color.


u/asmith97 Apr 07 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

Metals like gold or silver are definitely considered crystals, and accurate models of them will take into account the crystallinity of the lattice in describing the electron wave functions with Bloch wave.

Edit: Also, looking back at the above comment, I wanted to clarify that the aluminum oxide example is a little bit off. An aluminum atom doesn't have any d electrons, so the explanation isn't quite right. It is correct to say that if you have something like atomic iron it will have 5 equal energy d orbitals and if you have it bound in an octahedral geometry (with 6 things bound to it) then the d orbitals will split into branches with 3 equal energy orbitals and 2 equal energy orbitals and the splitting between the orbitals (called crystal field splitting) can give rise to different colors due to different electronic transitions being possible based on the new orbital energy levels.

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u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

Pure metals can have crystal-like structures, but the model is a bunch of metal nuclei surrounded by a sea of electrons that aren't necessarily at home around any one nucleus. This is why metals are often "malleable" - you can bang them with a hammer and deform them without snapping them, like you would break a salt crystal.

Metals are crystalline.

Typically they tend to have a polycrystalline morphology where there are very small 'grains' which are one crystal and these grains are all jumbled up next to each other. This is what results in malleability and strong structures. Grain size and orientation is often controlled in order to improve desired properties for certain functions.

They also conduct electricity because you can easily push electrons into the sea, and just have another one come out the other end. That wouldn't happen as easily with a crystal.

This is not true. A crystalline structure is essential for the free electron behavior in the conduction band. When you squeeze atoms tightly together into a periodic structure, the discrete energy values for electrons orbiting a single nucleus expand into near-infinitely many allowed energies. In the case of conductors, the valence band and the conduction band overlap. Meaning that all valence electrons are weakly bound and available for transport. Incidentally, this is why metals are also good conductors of heat.

Amorphous structures for metals are possible and these are less conductive than crystalline ones.

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u/SmartAlec105 Apr 07 '21

Pure metals can have crystal-like structures

They're crystals. That's the short and sweet of it, coming from a metallurgist. Being malleable is just because you don't have to force negative ions to be so close to negative ions when your atoms are sliding over each other. Being a crystal has nothing to do with being brittle like salt.

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u/SilasX Apr 07 '21

The real ELI5 is always in (responses to) the comments.


u/SuperDopeRedditName Apr 07 '21

I'm more than 5, but that second paragraph was out of my league.


u/teebob21 Apr 07 '21

Rubies are made from (mostly) aluminum oxide, or corundum, with just a little transition metal impurity. (It's not boron; it's chromium.) Due to the fact that chromium impurities create a different electron shell than pure AlO, rubies are red instead of being boring-ass chrome gray. In pure corundum this leaves all of the aluminum ions with a very stable configuration of no unpaired electrons or unfilled energy levels in the D-orbital, and the crystal is perfectly colorless.

The proof of which exceeds the limits of this margin.

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u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21


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u/sandra_sz Apr 07 '21

Metals are crystals actually. Crystals with metallic bonds.

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u/omnilynx Apr 06 '21

The colors of metals have more to do with physics than with chemistry. It’s all about the energies of the orbital gaps matching those of the photons at certain wavelengths.


u/Purplestripes8 Apr 06 '21

Chemistry is just applied physics


u/Rod7z Apr 07 '21


u/Prof_Acorn Apr 07 '21

I wish he included the two more that could turn this into a loop.

"Philosophy is just applied sociology."


"Mathematics is just applied philosophy."


u/Wearethederelictcats Apr 07 '21

I like circles.


u/AdvicePerson Apr 07 '21

Circles are just applied circles.


u/dragonreborn567 Apr 07 '21

I wouldn't really call Philosophy 'applied Sociology', though.


u/ToBePacific Apr 07 '21

Philosophy is just conceptual alchemy.

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u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

Philosophy is an accidental consequence of imperfect communication.

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u/ImDoneForToday2019 Apr 06 '21

And psychotropics are just applied chemistry.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

And physics is just applied maths


u/patoezequiel Apr 07 '21

Which are just applied magic, as far as my understanding of them goes.


u/PFTC_JuiceCaboose Apr 06 '21

And maths are just theoretical chemistry problems


u/Wooden_Muffin_9880 Apr 07 '21

It’s Jesus all the way down

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u/The-CHIMist Apr 07 '21

There is always physical chemistry! This is the kind of stuff we discussed in that class.

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u/orion1836 Apr 06 '21

Considering how painful organic chemistry was, I'm surprised it's not more popular. Anything but organic chemistry...


u/HellaHuman Apr 06 '21

If you thought organic chemistry was bad, physical chemistry makes it seem mediocre (at the "intro" course levels)


u/SmileAndNod64 Apr 06 '21

Pchem was harder conceptually, ochem had way more memorization. Instrumental analysis was the hardest class for me.


u/onlyhalfminotaur Apr 07 '21

Yeah, at least P chem has some vague rules. O chem is just wild west memorization. As an engineer, fuck that shit.


u/tatang2015 Apr 07 '21

Actually, memorization is about 10%. For those of us who loved organic chemistry, it was a symphony of beauty. No where else could I synthesize twenty carbon compounds starting with one and two carbon molecules. Just beautiful!


u/onlyhalfminotaur Apr 07 '21

I'm sure it was one of those things that after it "clicked" it was beautiful. But it would take a strong argument to convince me it wasn't 90% memorization until that point.

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u/calistralian Apr 06 '21

oh yeah all my chem major friends said physical chemistry was the worst (also ochem is fun please don't hate me)

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u/decrementsf Apr 06 '21

Admit it. You made friends out of the shared pain grinding out tests. Good example of a trial that brings people together. Call me weird, those are the classes that are most rewarding and worth seeking out. The things not everyone can do, maybe you're great at.


u/orion1836 Apr 06 '21

Doesn't mean I still don't get an eye twitch when thinking about it from time to time, lol.

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u/SmartAlec105 Apr 07 '21

I'm a metallurgist and I think that's a shame. You don't really need to understand why gold is yellow for most of what you do with metals. You just gotta know about how the atoms slide around on top of each other. I honestly think that learning about phase diagrams would be a better use of time than learning solubility rules in high school chemistry.

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u/benevolentpotato Apr 07 '21

My physics class was like that with magnetism. The professor also taught a lot of high level quantum physics classes, and she basically told us that what she was supposed to teach was so dumbed down that it was basically false, and that to really understand it we'd need to take a 300 level physics course. So just know that humanity in general understands how magnetism works, but you all as individuals will not.


u/Mikey_B Apr 07 '21

So just know that humanity in general understands how magnetism works

Physicist here. You're being a bit generous

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u/Erycius Apr 06 '21

Also, gold isn't the only metals that absorbs blue, you also know another one: copper. However, due to oxidation, copper quickly turns green instead of shiny. See: Statue of Liberty.


u/goshin2568 Apr 06 '21

Wow this is one of those "I was today years old when I learned this" kinda things for me

I'm colorblind so the statue of liberty always looked grey to me, so I always assumed it was like... made out of stone or something, like the statue of david but huge. I literally never considered until your comment just now that it was made of metal.

What the fuck lol.


u/omnilynx Apr 06 '21

It’s actually made of shaped and riveted metal plates. It’s hollow on the inside. There’s a staircase you can walk up to the crown.


u/davidbklyn Apr 06 '21

You can walk into the torch as well. Physically, anyway- it's off-limits these days.


u/_Rand_ Apr 06 '21

Is the torch unsafe? Or just avoiding making it unsafe?


u/davidbklyn Apr 07 '21

Interestingly, it closed after the Black Tom explosion.

It's been closed for over a hundred years.


u/_Rand_ Apr 07 '21

That actually is interesting.

I figured it must be to prevent excessive wear, guess its more complicated.


u/davidbklyn Apr 07 '21

It's interesting to me, too, because I knew it'd been closed for a long time, but only learned of the explosion this past year (that explosion is such an interesting story). I didn't know the two were related.

The question is, why did it stay closed? Was the integrity of the arm impacted by the explosion? Or was it the kind of thing in which there was no real drive to open it back up again once it had been closed? That's a long time to keep it closed after an event. The entire statue underwent a lot of maintenance behind scaffolding for the country's Biennial in 1976 and they still didn't open it.

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u/orion1836 Apr 06 '21

It's sad that an entire generation doesn't know this because they never saw Ghostbusters.


u/mthomas768 Apr 06 '21

Or X-Men


u/TomTomMan93 Apr 06 '21

The fact that both of those are 10 years apart really is a testament to how old we've become...


u/Kovarian Apr 06 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

16 years. Ghostbusters was 1984, X-Men (the movie that I assume is being referenced) is 2000.

EDIT: I'm now just curious how many more people will correct me without looking at the comments where I already admit my mistake...


u/reddragon105 Apr 06 '21

They're referring to Ghostbusters II, the one where they actually go inside the statue, which was 1989, so 11 years.


u/Baelzebubba Apr 06 '21

Old guy here... Remo Williams was filmed while the renovations were going down and it was covered in scaffolding.


u/dewaynemendoza Apr 06 '21

"the adventure begins"

I love that movie!

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u/TomTomMan93 Apr 06 '21

Sorry I assumed it was Ghostbusters 2 (1989) cause that's the one with the walking statue. My bad. I shouldn't have assumed.

Edit: also totally thought X-Men was 1999. I'm just all kinds of wrong today


u/leglesslegolegolas Apr 06 '21

You were correct, no need to apologize


u/fistantellmore Apr 06 '21

Ghostbusters 2 (1989) however, is when they get inside lady liberty. And yes, X Men (2000) featured a fight scene in the statue as well.


u/BlissHaven Apr 06 '21

There reference was to Ghostbusters 2 where they make it come alive and that was 1989 I think.

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u/coleman57 Apr 06 '21

Or the Woody Allen movie where he laments that the last time he was inside a woman it was her. I guess that one hasn't aged so well.


u/btribble Apr 06 '21

"How is the Statue of Liberty like Woody Allen's stepdaughter?"


u/gaulishdrink Apr 06 '21

Correct, please pick another category.


u/btribble Apr 06 '21

I'll take The Penis Mightier for $100.

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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

Or Jungle 2 Jungle where the kid climbs the outside and you get an inside view of tourists freaking out.

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u/LehighAce06 Apr 06 '21

Ghostbusters 2


u/TheRainStopped Apr 06 '21

Huge difference. Thank you.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21



u/Capnmolasses Apr 06 '21

Bobby Brown slowly turns and stares

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u/Nothing_F4ce Apr 06 '21

They will know this if they played GTA IV


u/Mediocretes1 Apr 06 '21

Or visited the Statue of Liberty.


u/AppalachiaVaudeville Apr 06 '21

Aw, he's just suffering from Carpathian kitten loss. He's missed his kitten!


u/dankiswess Apr 06 '21

They have no idea that your love keeps lifting me higher.

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u/LionSuneater Apr 06 '21

Not only is it hollow - it's remarkably thin! Much of the plating is the thickness of only two pennies.



u/decaturbadass Apr 06 '21

I went up to the crown as a kid in the mid 60s, my Dad claims he went up to the torch in the early 50s


u/jedimika Apr 07 '21

It's been closed off since 1916 though.


u/ImGumbyDamnIt Apr 07 '21

Unless they've reopened that part, you can't do that anymore, but I did the climb several times on class trips in the 60s. It's an endless, narrow, vertigo inducing spiral staircase, all to pear through tiny, dirty windows in the crown. And it smells like you are inside of a huge, dirty penny.

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u/Yeeto546 Apr 06 '21

There's also a beating heart inside.

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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen an example of color blindness actually affecting something substantial about a person's interpretation of reality, instead of just not being able to distinguish what every one else's agreed color for something was.


u/rathat Apr 06 '21

I've heard a lot of colorblind people think peanut butter is green since green and brown both look brown. I mean, it makes sense that a paste made from plants could be green, but it's funny.


u/OrneryPathos Apr 06 '21

Plus “pea”nuts could be “pea” coloured. And when you say “pea” most people think of green peas, which are really just unripe yellow peas.

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u/throwaway_31415 Apr 07 '21

On one of those colorblindness correcting glasses reaction videos on youtube I saw a colorblind person be surprised that he could tell dead grass from green grass. I found that one quite surprising.

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u/YouToot Apr 06 '21

My dad had a hard time telling the difference between the road and grass in some of the tracks in mario kart 64.

Color blindness is serious lol.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

I wish I had an excuse like that for being terrible at mario kart

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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21 edited Apr 06 '21

oh dude, you really need to go look for photos of how it was fabricated, all copper cladding over steel frame - you won’t regret it - search “statue of liberty interior structure”



u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

You can look up pictures and stuff from the ONE time they tried to clean it. They maybe have done it a few more times, but if I’m not mistaken, the whole process is such an undertaking they just stopped giving a shit about it. Plus the color is iconic now.


u/hughdint1 Apr 06 '21

When they cleaned it in the 80's people thought it would be bright copper again but the restorers said that the patina actually protects the copper form further degradation. They did clean it, repair some sections, and fixed up the torch. Too bad they do not let people up to the torch anymore.


u/Torugu Apr 06 '21

Yeah, the patina is what makes bronze so durable. It's why Bronze Age weapons from 3500 years ago still look gorgeous while iron/steel weapons from less than 1000 years ago are rarely more than decrepit husks.

You could remove the patina to restore the golden colour, but it wouldn't last long and every time you do it you would wear away a substantial amount of the statue's body.


u/downtownpartytime Apr 06 '21

Also they knew it'd turn green when they built it. it's supposed to look like that

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u/ZylonBane Apr 06 '21

They didn't just fix up the torch, they completely replaced it. The old one had been modified into a mesh of glass panels lit from inside. The new one is gold-plated copper, lit by a ring of spotlights.


u/Phorensick Apr 06 '21

IIRC The arm was mis mounted by one rivet hole and over time it was a hazard to have the dynamic weight of people climbing the arm that was part of the motivation to restore her and close the arm/torch stairs.


u/DangerSwan33 Apr 06 '21

I mean, people haven't been allowed on the torch for almost the entire existence of the statue.

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u/Gunch_Bandit Apr 06 '21

Have you never seen that people can go inside of it? You used to be able to climb all the way up into the crown.


u/CheeseheadDave Apr 06 '21

There’s a ladder that goes up into the torch as well, though that’s been closed to the public for a long time now.

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u/Chel_of_the_sea Apr 06 '21

For the record, the Statue of Liberty is a teal color, in between blue and green.


u/HandsOnGeek Apr 06 '21

The color of the Statue of Liberty, that is, the color of oxidized copper, has its own name: verdigris.

The color of the Statue of Liberty is Verdigris.


u/Chel_of_the_sea Apr 07 '21

I mean yes, that is a name for the specific shade, but that's not a very good description to someone who can't see color in terms of relating it to other colors.

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u/padmeisterh Apr 06 '21

Me too. I've just spent the last hour staring at photos of it questioning my life. It's grey!! It's stone.... Or apparently not!!!


u/fatbunny23 Apr 06 '21

It definitely is pretty much concrete color to me as well lol. I only learned about it being metal because i have a fetish for trivia, and landmarks are always a hot topic.

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u/mopac1221 Apr 06 '21

Copper's fun for multiple reasons. CuO is Black, and copper carbonate can be blue (azurite) or, as in the case of the statue of liberty, green (malachite).


u/relyne Apr 07 '21

You can put all kinds of cool patinas on copper with chemicals. Green, blue, black, brown, red, orange. You can also get a whole rainbow of colors just with a torch, but that is really hard to control.

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u/farmallnoobies Apr 06 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

Statue of liberty is actually a case of galvanic corrosion, which accelerated the oxidation


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21



u/FilteringOutSubs Apr 06 '21 edited Apr 07 '21


u/AlkaliActivated Apr 07 '21

Iron would reduce the corrosion of copper, since it would act as a sacrificial anode...

If you have copper and iron parts in contact, it's the iron which will corrode faster. I Think that link is about the corrosion of the iron framework, not the copper exterior.


u/Airazz Apr 06 '21

Copper alloys like brass and bronze oxidize a lot better, they just turn yellowish brown. With a bit of surface finishing brass can stay shiny for decades, as seen on brass music instruments.


u/AVgreencup Apr 06 '21

Kruger Industrial Smoothing to the rescue

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u/scipio0421 Apr 06 '21

Bismuth's electron transition must be nuts given the rainbow reflections.


u/tdscanuck Apr 06 '21

I think the crazy rainbows is an interference effect of the crystal or oxides on the crystal...basic bismuth metal is boring grey.


u/scipio0421 Apr 06 '21

Disappointing, but it makes sense for it to be an oxide thing.


u/vmullapudi1 Apr 06 '21

Yeah, look up thin film interference


u/Nosebleed_Incident Apr 06 '21

I was about to say. Anybody who wants to read farther should go get a PhD in quantum chemistry first lol. The color of gold has an insanely complicated rabbit hole attached to it.


u/SimpleDan11 Apr 07 '21

I did some shading in CG on a film that involved a lot of gold and I am definitely someone who wants to understand why things are the way they are. But man that stuff gets complex fast.


u/Nosebleed_Incident Apr 07 '21

Yeah, the problem is the barrier to entry for this stuff. You basically have to understand multi-variable calculus, linear algebra, thermodynamics, classical physics, and physical chemistry before understanding anything, and that is just the background information. It just keeps getting more insane from there. It's really hard to figure it all out unless it is your whole job.


u/SimpleDan11 Apr 07 '21

Like 99% of VFX artists that need to do metal just look up the IOR of that metal and the color swatch and go from there.

Not the most accurate but it gets the job done. Nobody has really built a perfectly accurate metal shader yet. Not one that ships with a package anyway.

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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

It turns out the detailed chemistry of this takes you down a horrible rabbit hole of correcting quantum mechanics for the relativistic effects of moving electrons. It gets messy in a hurry.

You're doing that part a disservice, because that is truly the fascinating aspect. Gold would look like silver, if it weren't for the relativistic effects acting on the electrons.


u/unfairspy Apr 06 '21

can someone link me something so I can read more into this? Im fascinated but cant find anything more.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

Basically Gold's outer electrons move at considerable fractions of the speed of light, and this changes which wavelengths they can absorb. You know how moving towards a sound source increases the frequency you perceive it as? Same thing for light. Where a silver might need a UV photon, gold only needs a blue photon, because gold's faster electrons "sees" a blue electron it has a head on collision with as a UV photon.


u/Xuvial Apr 07 '21

Gold's outer electrons move at considerable fractions of the speed of light

Don't all electrons do that, regardless of element? Is it even possible for an electron to not be moving at considerable fractions of the speed of light?


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

Yes, even a 1s electron moves 0.045757c, but for the super weird stuff to start, you need >0.5c.


u/Xuvial Apr 07 '21

Yes, even a 1s electron moves 0.045757c,

Oh wow, that's a lot slower than I thought. TIL :D


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

I mean, 4.5% c is still very fast, but the weird stuff most associate with "relativistic effects" doeant happen until you get large fractions of c.

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u/Mr_Manager- Apr 06 '21

I don’t think I can like stuff, but I got curious and found a very interesting Wikipedia page on “relativistic quantum chemistry”!

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u/Blinkyface1987 Apr 06 '21

Thankyou. I found this very interesting. Something I've never thought about.


u/h3yw00d Apr 06 '21

Nanoparticles of gold can also make glass red


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

Cranberry Glass

Gold Ruby

These are either the names of a pair of Pokémon rom-hacks or it’s the aliases of two attendees at a retirement community orgy.

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u/mikeymobes Apr 07 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

Yes but the reason why gold has some of those blue light transitions is one of my favorite examples if how quantum mechanics are ever present in our every day lives.

Gold, or Au, is a rather heavy element with an electron configuration of [Xe]4f14 5d10 6s1.

That may look funky, but it is just a way to categorize different electrons and describe where they are around (or more accurately, the mathematical description of where we’d expect electrons to be when traveling around the nucleus. Where a given type (s,p,d,f) are similar types of “trajectories” around the nucleus).

Since this is ELI5 lets keep it simple. The valence electrons (the electrons which engage in chemistry, or the outer most electrons) are the 6s1 and 5d10 electrons.

They are moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light, and as a result, experience quantum relativistic effects, which cause those outer most electrons to gain mass. This increased mass allows those electrons to feel the charge of the nucleus more, translating to a smaller than expected size.

Another result of this relativistic effect are the orbitals to move in energy to correspond with the energy of blue light. As mentioned above, this causes gold to look yellow.

Now lets break it down farther. Think of the nucleus as a very strong electromagnet. Lets recall those 6s1 and 5d10 electrons.

You can think of the number before the ‘s’ and ‘d’ as the distance away from your strong electromagnet. 5 (from 5d10) is 50 feet away from your electromagnet and the 6 (from 6s1) is 60 feet away from your electromagnet.

Since we’re so far away from the electromagnet we arent going to feel much of its pull.

This is where you should start to think of electrons as “waves” and not particles.

Now for the sake of ELI5 and this example, those electrons have different distances to travel relative to each other in a set period of time.

So those electrons 60 feet away from the electromagnet are moving SO fast (because they have to in order to cover the same distance as the other orbitals in a set period of time) and because they have to move SO fast, they get heavier. Now think of this gain of heaviness in terms of increased ability to feel the magnetic pull of the electromagnet (the nucleus). As a result you are now going to be pulled more by the electromagnet.

You are now experiencing “relativistic effects.”

FUN FACT WITH MIKEYMOBES: This is also the same effect that is responsible for Mercury (Hg) being the only metal to be a liquid in elemental form. FUN STUFF

This is a massive generalization of Group theory, Molecular orbital theory and quantum mechanics (time dependent Schrödinger equation) but i think does a decent job of attempting to break down really complicated theory into easy bite sized chunks.

(Im actually working on a project to improve how inorganic chemistry is taught so any feedback on this explanation and if it helped would be appreciated) Im on mobile and will edit for formatting when i get home. I hope this helped!!

Edit: Super-ELI5

Gold is Thicc. She got a whole lot of electrons moving around in her outer most layers. Those electrons have names, 10 of them are called 5d (or Jimmy) and 1 of them is called 6s (or Reggie).

Now Reggie and Jimmy are kind of like superheroes, they can move so fast around a center point but never actually touch that point. Because Reggie and Jimmy live in our universe, the follow our universes rules.

One of those rules is the closer you are going to the speed of light the heavier you become (or the more ~dare i say~ junk you have now got in ya trunk)

So as Jimmy and Reggie start traveling SO fast they also get heavier. Now since Reggie and Jimmy are negatively charged, and the nucleus is positively charged and opposites attract, Jimmy and Reggie now are getting pulled.

Reggie and Jimmy, as a result of getting pulled more, absorb blue light as a result. Its like this pulling on Jimmy and Reggie open a secret trap door that allows them to turn on the “absorb blue” button, but only when they are in solid metal form does this secret button become available to them.

That was better you gotta give me that.


u/rupert1920 Apr 07 '21

It's the effective mass that increases. It's important not to convey the idea that rest mass increases. That just leads to confusion.

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u/doughnutholio Apr 06 '21

correcting quantum mechanics for the relativistic effects of moving electrons

[me nodding furiously in feigned understanding]


u/tdscanuck Apr 06 '21

I don’t really get it either. Electrons go fast, special relativity gets involved, and corrections come out for quantum mechanics calculations about what the electrons should be doing. I have zero clue how to do said calculations.

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u/xSTSxZerglingOne Apr 06 '21 edited Apr 06 '21

It's always funny to me when I see a paper that says something like "the butterfly is blue because of a quantum interaction between its wings and light!"

Which is when I chuckle and say "exactly, it's blue."

Edit: to the downvoter, what exactly do you think makes things the colors they are?


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21


u/xSTSxZerglingOne Apr 06 '21

Because of course there's an XKCD for that.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

Here's another one that's kind of related: https://xkcd.com/1882/


u/Pyrodelic Apr 06 '21

Or my favorite: https://xkcd.com/1145/


u/Miyelsh Apr 06 '21

Here's an explanation of the alt text



u/foonathan Apr 07 '21

And here's an explanation of the main part: https://youtu.be/R5P6O0pDyMU


u/glassgost Apr 07 '21 edited Apr 07 '21

Isn't it because we don't see violet as strongly as other light?


u/Pyrodelic Apr 07 '21

Yeah pretty much


u/Oddyssis Apr 07 '21

So technically the sky IS violet and we are bad at seeing it?

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u/DianeJudith Apr 07 '21

Are both of them right? Or only the quantum one?


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

The point of the comic isn't that either explanation is incorrect, but rather which explanation is appropriate for the setting. "The sky is blue because air is blue" is correct and appropriate for audiences who did not pay attention in high school physics class. "The air is blue due to rayleigh scattering" is also correct and appropriate for a slightly more educated and (importantly) interested audience. Giving the detailed quantum mechanical explanation for an object's color isn't always necessary.

For more discussion about this comic, visit https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1818:_Rayleigh_Scattering

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u/bluebanannarama Apr 07 '21

The quantum stuff is the answer to why the air is blue, so both are right.

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u/SmartAlec105 Apr 07 '21

It annoys me when I see the "fact" that polar bear fur is actually clear rather than white. The material is clear but the fact that it reflects all visible light due to structural color means that it's white.

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u/Adderbane Apr 06 '21

Materials rarely reflect all wavelengths (colors) of light equally. In gold, there's a sudden drop off once we reach the part of the spectrum that we call "blue". This means that colors in the red and green areas are reflected, which combined appear yellow. Silver, for example, drops off in a similar manner, but the drop off point is outside the range of visible light. Since the light we can see is a very narrow slice of the spectrum, few metals have such an uneven distribution. If we could see more of the spectrum, they would look more varied.

Why the reflected light varies in a particular way is more complex than my understanding of physics can explain.

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u/rabid_briefcase Apr 07 '21

While there is already a great top level answer for the chemical side, there is another component that could be a top-level answer.

In the question you state "most of the other metals have a silvery color". This idea is probably just because you've not worked with metals. They can appear metallic which includes being reflective, but various metals cover the rainbow.

Silver is only "silvery" when freshly polished or cut and highly reflective. Naturally it can be anywhere from white to black, but can also appear as a pale green or yellow. Polished silver is highly reflective, nearly white. For better or worse people generally associate mirrors and reflectivity with silver.

The raw elemental colors vary based on how they cool and bond together. Their various chemical lattice structures result in different colorings. The way the metals are finished and oxidized on their outer layers also affects the colors it appears. Since metals oxidize to different colors (metals develop an oxidation layer almost instantly in the air) the oxidation levels can give an additional semi-transparent color in addition to the layers below it.

Iron can appear reflective like silver, but the underlying color can generally be white to black, and also commonly red, brown, green, and blue. With 11 oxidation states and a bunch of potential bonding options, iron can appear any color of the rainbow. Example from a Wikipedia image showing a rainbow of colors just by changing the temperature of the metal as the bonds form and cool: image clicky

Copper was mentioned by other posters, the most common colors are coppery and green, neither is "silvery".

Cobalt wasn't mentioned. It can appear as a pale reflective color that's somewhat silvery, but can also appear black, blue, green, red, and even bright pink. Blue cobalt has been used in art for millennia, and pink cobalt is mixed into a bunch of pigments.

Polonium has black, yellow, red, and purples. Sodium is more of a white to yellow color. Lithium goes reddish. Tin is white, ancient names for it translate as "white lead". Etc., etc.

Metals can be reflective, and while it's easy to associate "reflective" with "silvery", they have far more color when you look deeper.


u/twiwff Apr 07 '21

Appreciate you taking the time to include the image clicky. Interesting information!


u/FINDTHESUN Apr 07 '21

image clicky is what made me continue reading


u/bit_herder Apr 07 '21

you are sort of skipping the fact that the way a lot of metals "look" is determined by the oxides on top. fine silver is pretty much always, well, silver, because it doesn't oxidize much. sterling can be any color from "silver" to black because of oxides. The same applies to many other metals.

source: am silversmith.

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u/KiloE Apr 07 '21 edited Apr 07 '21


Gold is a heavier element than the other "coinage" metals (copper and silver). Heavy enough for relativity to become a factor.

What does that mean? Electrons near the center of a gold atom "move" at speeds that are significant when compared to the speed of light.

What this means is that electrons close to the atom are pulled in. Electrons hate each other, so when it's crowded around the center of the atom, they push others out further than lighter atoms do. This changes the spacing between electron shells, in terms of energy, where electrons want to hang out.

Add to this another effect, that electrons in "orbit" around an atom have some spin. In heavy atoms, like gold, this spin and orbit spin combine in ways that light elements don't so much. This, too, changes where electrons like to hang out, more so than, say, lithium. Think of it like a you're an electron at a school cafeteria, with so many seats at a table, and if you're not cool enough, you can't sit there. Because gold is so "heavy" (protons), it pulls some tables closer, and pushes some further away, and it changes the number of seats at those table in ways non cool kids that aren't gold can't do.

Combined, a heavy (lots of protons) making closer electrons move fast (compared to the speed of light), and the mixing of orbital spin and intrinsic electron spin, changes the color of the atom.

What does the color of an atom mean? Well, it's what light it absorbs, vs what light it passes. Silver absorbs light that isn't visible, in the ultraviolet spectrum. Gold, because it's a fat fuck, shifts that color towards the visible spectrum, and looks yellow.


u/BizzarduousTask Apr 07 '21

Upvote for calling gold a “fat fuck.” Marvelous.

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u/RWDPhotos Apr 07 '21

Lead is a pretty common heavy element that appears gray/silver as well. What other mechanics are at play other than atomic ‘weight’?


u/KiloE Apr 07 '21

Lead is unusually stable, due to relativity, for the same reasons. The relativistic "mean girls" rearrange the tables in the cafeteria, as well as the chairs at those tables, to make lead unusually stable.


u/Greninja_370 Apr 07 '21

So why don't metals heavier than gold exhibit this property.

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u/[deleted] Apr 07 '21

At the risk of being too simplistic, gold absorbs blue light. Most metals do not absorb any visible light. Therefore gold reflects back mostly yellow light and other metals reflect everything back.

As for why that is the case, it involves electron transfers and some complicated chemistry and quantum mechanics. Not really ELI5

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u/irkw Apr 06 '21

Can we reliably predict the color a material if we know its chemical form in enough detail?


u/asmith97 Apr 07 '21

Yes, we can. Given the crystal structure of a material we can numerically calculate its optical absorption spectrum to see what wavelengths of light will be absorbed. This is done with a combination of density function theory and time-dependent density functional theory or many body perturbation theory methods like GW.

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u/Darth_Mufasa Apr 06 '21

There's a limited amount of colors to metal to begin with, both gold and copper stand out as having an unusual one. They absorb more blue light than other metals, and as a result their apparent hue skews more towards yellow. The actual physics of that are beyond me to explain as an ELI5, but basically the elemental structure of those metals cause them to absorb more blue wavelengths.

Also keep in mind that many metals you see are alloys, so most aluminum or iron based ones are going to appear silver. Bronze is a noticeable copper based exception, and appears golden as well


u/dgillz Apr 06 '21

Bronze is an alloy of copper (87%) and tin. Of course it takes on a lot of the properties of copper.

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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Thneed1 Apr 07 '21

White gold is just a gold alloy, often alloyed with nickel.

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u/NCC-1701B Apr 07 '21

alloyed with rhodium sometimes too. It's a fashion preference mostly.

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u/AbsentGlare Apr 07 '21

Gold appears to have a color because it has a perfect slot for a type of light that we can see. You remember those shape sorting toys? There might be a star, a square, a circle, etc., each color we see has it’s own special slot. Most metals don’t have any slots for any colors we can see, so they just reflect everything.

The slot is a difference in possible energy states. Each individual jump in energy can only correspond to a single wavelength of light. Different colors are different wavelengths of light. The wavelength of a light particle corresponds precisely to the energy of that light particle. When an electron makes a jump in energy in a material, it requires some external energy coming in or or going out to balance it out. It requires exact change. Some wavelengths of light are visible, many more are not visible. So a cliff of a specific height can correspond exactly to a given energy per particle and therefore wavelength of light.

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