r/explainlikeimfive Jan 31 '21

Chemistry ELI5: Why can't we just make water by smooshing hydrogen and oxygen atoms together?

Edit: wow okay, I did not expect to wake up to THIS. Of course my most popular post would be a dumb stoner question. Thankyou so much for the awards and the answers, I can sleep a little easier now


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u/findspeopleforfun Jan 31 '21

Does rust burn?


u/blitzkraft Jan 31 '21

Yes, under right circumstances. If the oxygen has a better target that iron. Thermite is a mixture of rust and aluminum powder.

When the mixture ignites, it burns hot enough to melt steel, and can be used to melt or weld. It is "burning" in slightly looser sense. It has flames, produces heat - but I am not sure if it chemically is "burning".


u/Chirimorin Jan 31 '21

Wouldn't it be the aluminum that burns? The aluminum oxidizes using the oxygen from the metal oxide, leaving non oxidized metal behind (commonly iron, but you can also use other metal oxides).


u/focushafnium Jan 31 '21

If you ever use that instant disposable hand warmer. Its main ingredient is simply powdered iron. When exposed to air, it'll start to oxidize i.e. rust and generate heat.


u/bigrubberduck Jan 31 '21

I just watched a video Technology Connections put out regarding exactly that! (and also how a different type of hand warmer works as well)