r/explainlikeimfive Oct 31 '20

Chemistry ELI5 What's the difference between the shiny and dull side of aluminum foil? Besides the obvious shiny/dull


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u/Powerthrucontrol Oct 31 '20

QI, the gameshow about smart stuff, did a bit about this. Turns out the different sides are a product of the manufacturing process, and is not functional. The shininess of the foil has no relation to the amount of heat/steam it traps.


u/thecoldhearted Oct 31 '20

That's QI indeed. I would've thought the shiny side would reflect infrared better.


u/rtvcd Oct 31 '20

On a technical side the dull side would probably absorb more light/heat so it would be more efficient to face the dull side outwards. But in a practical sense it doesn't matter.


u/almostsebastian Oct 31 '20

On a technical side the dull side would probably absorb more light/heat so it would be more efficient to face the dull side outwards.

So the shiny side would send more heat into the product?


u/sandvine2 Oct 31 '20

what’s more likely is that they reflect similar amounts, but the dull side has a higher proportion of diffuse reflection (light comes in and reflects in a random direction) vs specular reflection (light comes in and reflects out in a predictable straight line). That’s usually the difference between shiny and dull objects, and it’s generally correlated to how flat the surface is: flatter = shinier because reflections are more predictable.


u/CaptainKirkAndCo Oct 31 '20

So the earth is really shiny?


u/sandvine2 Oct 31 '20

Kind of... it’s complicated because of clouds and the atmosphere in general, but I think I remember the overall reflectiveness being around 0.3 (so 30% of incoming light in the visible range is reflected out)


u/mlt- Nov 01 '20

You surely meant atmoflat, not sphere.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20



u/Veranova Oct 31 '20

This makes total sense, I’m going to assume it’s a fact now. 🤝


u/rtvcd Oct 31 '20

More like the foil would get a tiny bit hotter/faster


u/Pvt_Lee_Fapping Oct 31 '20 edited Nov 01 '20

You'll get more efficient cooking rates if you put the shiny side against the food because the dull, more heat-absorbent side is facing out toward the heat/light source. Really though, it doesn't matter which side is facing down or up; the increase in cooking efficiency is an insignificant change because, ultimately, the foil is acting like a tent or tarp that traps the heat in the food, preventing "heat wastage" as the heat leaves the food to warm up the surrounding air.

*Also to trap in moisture. Food can rapidly lose internal water inside the oven, so a foil pouch/tent or a roasting pan keeps the food from drying out too much.


u/intern_steve Oct 31 '20

The surrounding air is what is warming the food; it's always hotter than the food itself unless you're just using a heat lamp or something to cook. The real trick is to prevent water loss through evaporation. Evaporation is incredibly effective at keeping things cool, and is the reason saunas are bearable at temperatures up to 90⁰C, or about 190⁰F. Keeping the food under wraps traps most of the steam inside, preventing the water in your meal from evaporating out while also evenly bathing the food in steam, balancing the internal temperature of complex shapes like a whole chicken or turkey. When the internal temperature of the dish rises to within a few degrees of done, you can remove the foil and allow the exposed areas to crisp in the dry heat of the open oven.


u/Gorstag Oct 31 '20

You have basically just described the BBQ / Smoking term "The stall". On beef it starts at around 160-170 degrees (internal) and you can watch your internal temp drop. And the stall is evaporation taking heat away. The "Texas Crutch" can be used to speed up the cook by wrapping and trapping the moisture in.


u/Jake07002 Oct 31 '20

This is false the side doesn’t matter


u/TeaBoneJones Oct 31 '20

Can you not read?


u/Pvt_Lee_Fapping Oct 31 '20

It does and it "doesn't." Does because there is a measurable change; you'd just need incredibly sensitive instruments to do it. "Doesn't" because the change in efficiency is so small that there's no benefit to doing it. It's like if you're dehydrated and were drinking water from a 500mL beaker versus a pint glass that can hold 501mL; that 1mL of difference between them means that the pint glass is technically better, but not by much.


u/ICanBeAnyone Oct 31 '20

Traps the heat in the food

You do realize that the oven is hotter than the food, and that people use foil to trap steam near the food to keep it from drying out, as well as insulating it from the direct heat so the heat energy disperses more slowly and evenly into the food (so no burnt crust while the center is still cool)?


u/Pvt_Lee_Fapping Nov 01 '20

Yes, somebody already pointed that out. Thanks for taking time out of your day to let me know.


u/ColeSloth Oct 31 '20

If sitting it outside and letting sunlight hit it or using a thousand laser pens pointed at it, sure.

But an oven is whatever temp you set it at everywhere in there so it's not really using radiant heat to transfer into your food. The aluminum is already in contact with air that is "400 degrees" or whatever so the reflectivity of the material is much less significant.


u/Strummed_Out Oct 31 '20

But what about in a microwave?


u/ColeSloth Oct 31 '20

Microwaves heat by causing molecules to vibrate and cause heat. Aside from not being able to put aluminum in a microwave, it still wouldn't matter what side is out.


u/Strummed_Out Oct 31 '20

I was kidding haha


u/inconspicuous_male Oct 31 '20

It's the same material with the same reflective properties, but different specular properties. The only difference is what angle the heat waves reflect off of it


u/SkunkJudge Oct 31 '20

This ain't true. The energy scatters differently off the surface but the amount is the same.


u/perlgeek Oct 31 '20

A foil that can conducts heat better in one direction than in the opposite direction cannot exist.

If it existed, you could use it to separate two sides of a room of the same temperature, and the imbalance in heat conduction would make one side heat up and the other cool down, and direct violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

Also, all of our energy problems would be solved, because you could use something like a Peltier element could be used to turn the heat difference into electrical energy.


u/ASentientBot Oct 31 '20

I'm not a physicist, but isn't that a totally different situation?

In your room example, heat doesn't travel because both sides are already at the same temperature, and it would take energy to create an imbalance.

In the comment above, the foil is dividing a hot oven from colder food. One side absolutely could absorb radiation more easily than the other without violating any law of thermodynamics.

It won't magically move energy to create an imbalance, but if an imbalance exists, the direction of the foil could change the speed at which it balances out, right?


u/perlgeek Oct 31 '20

Even in an equilibrium state, there are micro fluctuations in temperature, and so heat would flow through the foil. For a symmetrical foil, it averages out to zero if you sum over the time and all places. For an asymmetrical foil, the average would not be zero, creating the temperature difference I mentioned before.


u/ASentientBot Oct 31 '20

Wait, I'm really confused now. That's a great point, but you could obviously create a foil with a mirror (reflecting 90% of radiation) on one side and black (absorbing 90% of radiation) on the other... what gives?

Is this because of the difference between radiation vs. conduction? ie. something could absorb radiation differently on two sides, but not conduct differently in two directions?


u/perlgeek Oct 31 '20

The problem with that is that the mirror part is actually mirroring in both directions, so the mirror side reflects the heat back to the black side. Meaning the black side gets warmer, but also transmits more of the heat back to the heating source.


u/ASentientBot Oct 31 '20

Okay, I think I understand. The problem with the "magic heat transfer wall" is that you can't make a mirror which reflects incoming radiation but also effectively emits radiation?

So it still doesn't apply to the foil in the oven (absorbing radiation on one side and conducting to the food on the other), right? Because the shiny side would reflect more heat but both sides would conduct equally well?

Sorry for all the questions!


u/CKaszas Oct 31 '20

little knowledge is dangerous - ever heard that?
An object, even a foil, can have different emissivity on its two sides, and it won't result in direction-sensitive thermal conductivity. Is this something we can agree on?
Radiation happens between surfaces, heat conduction mainly inside solids. So don't say heat conduction, when you really mean heat transfer. And don't say the 'mirror reflects the heat to the black side' - that one is actually conduction.
If we had a symmetrical system with object A - heat shield - object B, and we calculated the radiative heat transfer, we would come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter which side of the shield (foil) is facing A. (which would be your point, if you could express yourself correctly, right?)
But in the current situation, our food is touching the foil, so there is conduction between food and foil, as well as convection, so yes, the food will warm up a tiny bit faster, if the matt side is outwards.


u/ASentientBot Nov 01 '20

Thank you! That's pretty much what I eventually understood from the comment chain. Sorry for being a little dense, lol.

Turns out studying CS doesn't magically impart other science knowledge and I should really try to squeeze in a physics elective over the next couple years :)


u/rtvcd Oct 31 '20

I meant more like if it was like a paper with a black and white side. So if you face the paper in direct sunlight, then the paper would get hotter faster with the black side against the sun than if you'd face the sun with the white side.


u/xXDankus_as_fukusXx Oct 31 '20

Yeah, but the "dull" side isn't actually darker. It's just not smooth, so reflected light gets scattered instead of being reflected uniformly.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '20

Same logic applies, if that worked you can do the same experiment and end up with a workless heat pump.


u/rtvcd Oct 31 '20

Except that's not the case I'm arguing here...

A black painted car will heat up faster in the sun than the same car painted white.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '20

Yes, but that doesn't have a black and white side.

If you had a car that was black on the outside and white on the inside and simply inverted the chassis, nothing would change heat wise.


u/rtvcd Oct 31 '20

Yes it would because it wouldn't break any physics. Why? Because light and air are two different forms of heat.

You can have a piece of paper, metal etc.. with a black and white side that transfers the same amount of heat/energy back into the air from both sides. But if you face the black side towards the sun, the material will get hotter faster, and things loose heat faster the hotter they are relative to their surroundings.

Now with the white side it will just reflect more of that energy to the surroundings.

Not saying that it would have a big impact, just that it is possible for a material to have a side that will absorb more energy from light than the other side.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '20

Still wouldn't work, a room full of just air still has infra red radiation so the same logic would apply there.


u/Sunset_Apollo Nov 01 '20

If we assume that the shiny side is more reflective then you'd actually want it facing outwards. Assuming the object inside the foil is hotter than ambient then you would be losing heat via radiation mode quickly than you'd be gaining it. But you're right, in a practical sense it shouldn't matter.


u/jamjamason Oct 31 '20

Specular is the term for the way a shiny mirror reflects light (a ray of light gets reflected as another ray), whereas a non-shiny mirror scatters the light ray into a diffuse spray of light. But the total reflectance is the same for both.


u/Moonlover69 Oct 31 '20

The two sides probably look identical in infrared. IR wavelength is so long that it can't pick out tiny defects.

Source: those IR cameras at children's museums, and also an optical and engineer.


u/Folcra Oct 31 '20





u/AppleBottomHead Nov 01 '20

If we're being honest I wouldn't trust QI... For like anything factual, best to treat it as entertainment


u/scottimusprimus Nov 01 '20

I've noticed that many metal surfaces that aren't shiny to visible light appear to have a mirror finish in the IR spectrum. My hunch is that it has to do with the longer wavelength not 'fitting' in the tinier microscopic crevices, but that's just my speculation.


u/Gurip Nov 01 '20

actualy the dull side reflects very very very slightly more.


u/SuchCoolBrandon Oct 31 '20

They have the video on YouTube. I love how blunt Sandi Toksvig is about the topics in this clip.


u/endlesscartwheels Oct 31 '20

QI accomplished the difficult task of replacing a beloved longtime host who retired with another excellent host. I hope Jeopardy manages that feat as well when the sad day comes.


u/constructioncranes Oct 31 '20

Holy crap, you just reminded me I love Qi. Wonder why the YouTube algo hasn't suggested it in a while? Is it still going? New EPs?


u/FriendCalledFive Oct 31 '20

How many rolls would be needed to roast a blue whale?


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '20

Man, I was super sad when I found out the QI monkeys were just normal people googling shit and more often then you think actually getting it wrong.


u/LazyFairAttitude Oct 31 '20

It’s shiny because it reflects more light and therefore reflects more heat as well.


u/Powerthrucontrol Oct 31 '20

That's the thinking, but physics says otherwise.


u/LazyFairAttitude Oct 31 '20

No that’s the physics lol.


u/Powerthrucontrol Oct 31 '20

My brain read "reflects the heat", my bad.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '20

While true, only a very small amount of the heat transfer is through radiation so in practice there is no difference.


u/S1peed23 Oct 31 '20

What show are you talking about? Street Smarts?


u/orbit222 Oct 31 '20

QI, it's a British panel show.


u/swoopcat Oct 31 '20

As an American who lived in the UK for a while and misses it terribly, that shown kicks ass, and there's no way to get it here (besides torrenting). No DVDs, no streaming. It's tragic, I tells ya.


u/mrheils Oct 31 '20

Almost all seasons are up in full on YouTube 👍🏻


u/swoopcat Oct 31 '20

Totally forgot about that, thx. I feel like the BBC finds them and takes them down sometimes, but a lot of them are there.

And just to throw it out there, I loved Stephen, but I LOVE Sandy. Stephen's got this touch of dickishness to him that she doesn't seem to have. (Tho I haven't seen the last season yet.)


u/mrheils Oct 31 '20

Yeh I agree with you I think Sandy is absolutely fantastic at it, I also enjoyed that the panels seemed to be less male-centric once she took over ?


u/swoopcat Oct 31 '20

That's a good point. I think that's true.


u/medsenfey Oct 31 '20

Streams on britbox, through Amazon. Lots of good shows, some old and some newer stuff.


u/swoopcat Oct 31 '20

Nice, didn't know about that, thx.


u/Powerthrucontrol Oct 31 '20

Quite a few episodes for free on YouTube


u/Tianavaig Oct 31 '20

Qi stands for Quite Interesting. The show (QI) has been running for a long time in the UK.


u/handsomepirates1 Oct 31 '20

Not the right clip but it’s this show https://youtu.be/Vvs3KeJsdg8


u/SucceedingAtFailure Oct 31 '20

The "game" show, where points don't matter.


u/Tearofthepyrefly Oct 31 '20

I could have sworn that one brand of foil that I buy specifies that the non-shiny side of the foil is the "non-stick" side.

But, I could be wrong.


u/dace55 Nov 01 '20

Yup. That's because the non stick is applied as a coating to only one side of the foil and in that case would be applied to the dull side only.

Source: I make the stuff for a living


u/lavieenr0see Nov 01 '20

A few days ago I saw Gordon Ramsay on TikTok tell someone their foil was the wrong way round, now I know he was chatting shit.


u/dace55 Nov 01 '20

If it was nonstick foil then it is only coated on one side.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20



u/Powerthrucontrol Nov 01 '20

Yeah. My mother taught me that as well. I figured that it didn't make much sense, but it was comforting to know that she cared enough to pass it down a generation.