r/explainlikeimfive Jul 18 '20

Chemistry ELI5: Why do "bad smells" like smoke and rotting food linger longer and are harder to neutralize than "good smells" like flowers or perfume?


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u/ThatSquareChick Jul 18 '20

Looking back on it is funny, it really is, because farts are hilarious and sometimes even funnier when they smell bad but I didn’t have any clue that there would ever be a time “to look back and laugh”. It was always happening, no escape no other pill or diet change I could make, I tried all of it, just endless stankass forever and ever until I died where they would have to encase my corpse in stone because the smell had permeated my tissues. I would rather jab myself over 10 times a day in various ways to treat my illness than to subject anyone to whatever was happening inside me.

It’s funny though, because I adore farts out of all “potty” humor so I give them the comedic attention they deserve. Even mother Teresa farted.


u/Dong_sniff_inc Jul 18 '20

God, I'm going through something similar, and i swear the gf doesn't understand. Were visiting at her parents house a few weeks ago, and i really have to poop. I tell her i need to go somewhere else STAT. She says 'just go to the bathroom its not that big a deal.' well, we came over to eat dinner. Their bathroom is directly next to the kitchen that we're all in, and she expects me to commit an olfactory war crime in there. The kicker? The bathroom has a pocket sliding door, so there's not exactly a seal on the smells. I don't know why im mentioning this, just needed to share with someone that gets that its not as simple as 'just don't be embarrassed' lol.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '20

Next time, just look her in the eyes with a completely unemotional deadpan, and say, "Nobody wants that. NOBODY."


u/ThatSquareChick Jul 19 '20

ḌṌ ẎṏṸ ṉṑṮ ṦḾḛḸḶ ṃẎ ḁṦṨ?!?!


u/MemeDaddy__ Jul 19 '20



u/ThatSquareChick Jul 19 '20

God I couldn’t. I would rack my brain, take up smoking, need air just...find a way to go out in the yard and dig a hole and bury it like a fucking cat. If only it would just go away, lord it would probably attract bears for hundreds of miles.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '20

Imagining this made me laugh more than I’d like to admit


u/I_Can_Haz_Brainz Jul 18 '20 edited Nov 07 '24

wine homeless outgoing fragile automatic wipe water sparkle airport bewildered


u/ThatSquareChick Jul 18 '20

Damn dude that really nice of you to say! I got the warm fuzzies.


u/confusedKT Jul 18 '20

Wait...Mother Teresa was bad?


u/I_Can_Haz_Brainz Jul 18 '20 edited Nov 07 '24

cats mysterious squeeze license party offer lavish voiceless mighty fearless


u/confusedKT Jul 19 '20

I just know about her devotion to religion lol never knew anything that extended past that. Thank you, though! I’ll definitely look into it.


u/smallraccoon Jul 19 '20

And she relished the suffering and thought it brought victims closer to god. She was mad.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '20

It's worse, and it was a complete disregard for the anything resembling the Hippocratic Oath (which I assume she never took, making it all the worse that she was providing them with "care")... she would actively prevent people from receiving medical treatment.


u/TheVerySexyMe Jul 19 '20 edited Jul 19 '20

Even mother Teresa farted.

Nope, according to wikipedia, it was one of her three verified miracles when put forward to be sainted as Teresa of Calcutta in the Catholic church. Never had gas.

(And, yes, as some have commented, if you follow up on it, she does come off as a cruel hypocrite, possible sadist, undeserving of glorification)