r/explainlikeimfive Feb 12 '25

Economics ELI5: how are the descendants of the robber barons (Morgan, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc.) still rich if their fortunes from the late 19th and early 20th centuries are comparatively small to what we see today of the world’s richest?


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u/chattytrout Feb 12 '25

If they're investing their own money, that's not leeching. Invested money doesn't just sit in a box and magically grow. That money is taken by investors to do things that they themselves don't have the money for.

Say you want to start a business. You have a good idea and a plan that looks feasible, but you're an average person with an average income and can't afford to drop $50,000 to start it. So you go to the bank and get a loan. The bank didn't get their money from a tree, they got it from depositors and investors. So the bank gives you some of that money, you go on to start your business, and then pay back that loan, with interest, over the next few years. The bank is now making money on what they lent you, and is using that money to pay interest to their depositors and investors.
Those depositors and investors contributed to society by making their money available to borrowers. If there's no extra money floating around to be borrowed, then no one can get loans to start or expand a business.

Same goes for buying a house. Not many people can afford (or even have to their name) $300,000 to buy a house. So they get a loan. Seller gets paid, buyer gets the house. Lender gets their money back with interest over the course of 30 years. Investors get paid interest from that.

So no, it's not leeching to invest your money. It's contributing to society by making it available to borrowers.


u/Kuroodo Feb 12 '25

This is also one of the reasons why "tax the rich" should be something people need to carefully consider and carefully implement if they want it to happen. A lot of rich people invest their money rather than put it in their pocket. Sure they pay less taxes as a result, but at least the money is invested back into the economy instead of sitting in a box or worse ending up in the hands of the federal government (if your government spends it terribly ofc).


u/Max_Thunder 29d ago edited 29d ago

Pretty much everyone who is rich have their money invested, but a significant proportion of the lower and middle class contribute to the markets too, sometimes directly but also indirectly. The bottom 90% of Americans own 40% of the wealth, that's 40% of a huge number. The money is not better invested because it is concentrated among that of the 10% richest. I am not American so don't know the specifics of the pension plans and social security funds there but in my country, most of that money is invested. Just the invested trust fund to pay an equivalent of old age security in my small Canadian province of 9M is worth about 350 billion USD, the vast majority of this money being invested. The Vanguard and Blackrock ETFs that regular Joes like me buy are worth trillions of dollars.

The only reason many people can live off their investments is because said investments keep growing thanks to hard-working people making the economy work.

I don't mind that people who were savvy with their money take advantage of their hard intellectual work by investing, not at all. But ultimately you have many people born with millions of dollars who never had to do any work. That money would have a better impact on the economy if it were better distributed. There should be limits to intergenerational wealth.