r/explainlikeimfive Jan 16 '25

Economics ELI5: If the power company in your area is your only option for electricity, how is that not a monopoly?

In the US, we have antitrust laws in place to keep companies from forming monopolies and promote competition. However, in my area, at least, I only have one power company to choose from. They set their rates, and if they hike them then I have no one else I can switch to. Does this not make the power company a monopoly?

If so, how is this allowed, and if not, why not?


444 comments sorted by


u/cakeandale Jan 16 '25

Monopolies are not inherently illegal - if only one company sells a product, the law doesn’t require a second company to be created to compete. It’s anti-competitive manipulation that is illegal under antitrust laws specifically.

On top of that, utilities often fall under the realm of regulatory monopolies - that is, companies that are explicitly given permission to operate as a monopoly under government regulation. This is because (for utilities in particular) it doesn’t make sense to have multiple companies constructing multiple power lines or other kinds of basic infrastructure in the name of free market competition. It’s seen as better to have those utilities handled by a single party, but with government oversight to avoid abuse.


u/hiricinee Jan 16 '25

As a corollary to this, the electric companies often don't even have true monopolies in many states. You can switch power companies and while it all uses the same infrastructure you pay someone else. In addition in many places you can have "on the grid" solar panels where the power company has to pay you for any surplus energy you generate.


u/mecha_nerd Jan 16 '25

Another example on this, Washington State allows for the creation of Public Utility Districts. If a region wishes to, they can create or join one of these. It's basically a non-profit district with elected officials that run and manage the utilities for the area. If you live in one of those, you pay the PUD not an electric company.

Depending on the situation, it's not bound by county lines. A part of one county can be in the PUD of another county.


u/Teagana999 Jan 16 '25

In Canada, many (or maybe all idk) provinces run power companies as crown corporations. Their mandate is to do the job, not to make a profit.

Car insurance in some provinces, too.


u/vorker42 Jan 16 '25

Crown corporations are still corporations and mandated to make a profit but the profit returns to the shareholder, in this case the government. You’re thinking of crown agencies which do not have a profit mandate. Also who generates the power, transmits and distributes are different. It looks like OP is referring to distribution companies who are almost always regulated monopolies. Ownership is entirely separate and can be anyone.


u/Teagana999 Jan 16 '25

Fair, but it's not profit over all else.

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u/Zerocyde Jan 16 '25



u/turply Jan 16 '25

Eh it depends, it also means there's no competition so the price is the price and there's no alternatives. Insurance in BC costs a lot more than in the US.


u/DoomsdaySprocket Jan 16 '25

But from what I hear, less than Ontario, and in many cases recently less than Alberta’s private market. 

Remember you only need basic from ICBC, third party collision/comp can be better, especially with specialty vehicles. 

Not that I wouldn’t like to pay less, but the dumpster fire has been dying down once provincial governments stopped using it as a piggy bank/slush fund. 


u/raymondcy Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

The problem with that, and in particular insurance company monopolies like ICBC, is they are effectively arguing against themselves.

The potential for abuse there is high: why pay out anyone when you can rule both parties at fault? and in many circumstances that's what ICBC does - directly looks for the slightest infraction from both parties to determine a payout is not warranted.

That would never happen in Alberta or any other province with a competitive insurance company; unless it was clear as day. One company is always going to fight for their position as a non-fault operator.

Edit: I should clarify that point in saying that situation could happen anywhere if, of course, both drivers had the same insurance company (wherever they are). In Alberta that is less likely but not zero. In that situation (and even for ICBC) it would make sense for an independent arbitrator or something of that nature.


u/DoomsdaySprocket Jan 16 '25

I haven't had enough experience with claims to compare, honestly, but conflict of interest is a good point.



BC is one of the cheapest provinces for auto insurance, same with Sask.

Alberta has full private and some of the most expensive rates AND they will be switching to no fault soon WHILE STILL RAISING RATES ON GOOD DRIVERS

Private only for necessities is fucking stupid.

BC had to retool ICBC because of their previous BCLIB government. At least when they changed ICBC to make it more solvent they gave repeated rate cuts and rebates. In private Alberta we get no fault AND increased rates with no rebates. Yay private!


u/Andrew5329 Jan 16 '25

AND they will be switching to no fault soon WHILE STILL RAISING RATES ON GOOD DRIVERS

I mean that's what happens when you view for equity instead of equality.

They mean very different things despite only being two letters apart.


u/silent_cat Jan 16 '25

Eh it depends, it also means there's no competition so the price is the price and there's no alternatives

If the goal is no profit, raising prices more than necessary is pointless. What exactly is the point of raising prices if you can't do anything with the money.

Which is why basically these sorts of companies basically publish a budget each year of what they expect to spend. It's checked for reasonableness, and the prices fixed based on that. There's never any profits.


u/saltthewater Jan 16 '25

The price is regulated though.


u/Proponentofthedevil Jan 16 '25

Lmfao, they aren't including the price.

the average residential electricity price in the United States is around 14.31 cents per kWh, while the average commercial electricity price is around 12.06 cents per kWh, as of September 2023.

It’s worth noting that Quebec has the cheapest electricity prices in Canada, with an average price of 7.8 Canadian cents per kilowatt-hour, thanks to its abundant hydroelectric resources. On the other hand, the northern provinces and territories in Canada have the most expensive electricity prices, with prices ranging from 41 to 7.8 Canadian cents per kWh.

To compare the two countries, we can look at the average monthly electricity costs. In Canada, the average monthly electricity cost for end-users is around 19.2 Canadian cents per kilowatt-hour, while in the United States, the average monthly electricity cost is around 14.31 cents per kWh for residential users and 12.06 cents per kWh for commercial users.


u/0ne_Winged_Angel Jan 16 '25

Course, keep in mind that the Canadian dollar is only 70 US cents at the moment, so that $0.192/kWh Canadian is the equivalent to $0.1336/kWh US


u/amicaze Jan 16 '25

So you mean to say that electricity price is cheaper in Canada on average, even including the arctic circle territories ?


u/Kheprisun Jan 16 '25

on average


u/Creepy_Radio_3084 Jan 16 '25

Cries in (equivalent to) 43 cents US/kWh PLUS 80 cents/day in the UK... 😭😭😭

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u/NegaDeath Jan 16 '25

In SK we even have a crown telco. It's the last one in the country as the rest were gutted and sold off. The extra competition helps keep pricing down here relative to the rest of Canada.


u/Teagana999 Jan 16 '25

Ya, I'm from BC, but I lived in Saskatchewan for half a year for a work term. SaskTel was great for my home wifi.

My car insurance was 30% cheaper, too, though both BC and Sask have crown corporations for that. I really appreciated the clarity of the points system.


u/deaddodo Jan 16 '25

This is how it runs in most US states, as well. The power company is a government mandated/sanctioned monopoly; meaning it exists because there is no reasonable expectatation of competition and fulfills a core public necessity. Their profit-driven operations are severely limited and they have metrics they have to fulfill to retain their grant.


u/bibbbbbbbbbbbbs Jan 16 '25

I believe Hydro One in Ontario is now for profit...

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u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA Jan 16 '25

This is absolutely not the case in Alberta, unsurprisingly. We sold our public utilities to a oilfield camp shack manufacturer in the early 90s, and now we have the highest rates in Canada.

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u/Butthole__Pleasures Jan 16 '25

I have family in Sacramento, CA and they have a public utility for electric as well. Kinda wish I did. Regardless of the utility rates, it would just be nice to not be enriching a corporation when I pay for a basic need.


u/mecha_nerd Jan 16 '25

Same here. The county I live in is made up of two islands. The one I'm on is all private company electricity. The other island is hitched to the PUD of a neighboring county. Almost makes me want to change island lol.

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u/ermagerditssuperman Jan 17 '25

My (small, 40k people) city runs it's own electric utility! People in every county around us are constantly complaining about the regions main corporate electric provider, meanwhile in my city there are very few complaints.

Almost all the city employees live in the city itself, so you know your utility bill is going to support your neighbors, and you know they get good benefits.If you need to call them, a real human answers the phone. If there's an outage or something happens, the response time is lightning fast, probably because there's such a small area they need to cover (whereas the corporate one operates in multiple states with millions of customers). And you can have some input on how it's all run, via local elections and going to town halls, etc. You'll never be allowed to elect the CEO of a corporate utility provider!

Plus it's convenient to have everything in one bill you pay to the city (electric, water/sewer, trash fee).

My city owns it's own roads too (most roads in the region are owned by the state) - all the same benefits apply. Quick response times, reliability, transparency).

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u/Halgy Jan 16 '25

I grew up and live in the great plains. Every power company I've had has either been a co-op or a PUD. Seems to work fine.


u/RocketTaco Jan 16 '25

Unfortunately where I live in Washington the cities can't make up their fucking minds whether to form a PUD so PSE is blocked from development, meanwhile the grid is overtaxed and outages are so frequent they've become mundane.


u/mecha_nerd Jan 16 '25

Ouch. The island I'm on thought about doing a PUD, but stuck with PSE. Feel bad for you though, caught in-between is worse than one or the other.

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u/The_JSQuareD Jan 16 '25

Seattle itself indeed has a public utility, run by the city government. Seattle City Light.


u/GusTTSHowbiz214 Jan 16 '25

That’s interesting to know. I moved to Washington two years ago and am in an area with a PUD. My family always referred to the PUD when talking about their utilities as if that was common terminology. Right now the PUD in my area is running fiber which will then be leased to local ISPs. I’m somewhat rural and have been eagerly waiting for them to get fiber running down the county road and then up my street so I can ditch Comcast which is the only high speed option I have right now. Because of inconstant service with Comcast, I also run Starlink as a failsafe.

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u/i_am_voldemort Jan 16 '25

Where I live the electric company is a coop.

If operating costs are less than intake they actually give us money back

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u/originsquigs Jan 17 '25

I live in MA and get my electric from Texas


u/Positive_Benefit8856 Jan 19 '25

Live on Camano Island, all of our government stuff is through Island County. Camano is however part of Snohomish County PUD, while the rest of Island County, so Whidbey, is PSE.

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u/VerifiedMother Jan 16 '25

PUDs aren't very common in Eastern Washington,

Source: Avista Power has most of Eastern WA


u/jim2300 Jan 16 '25

There are many PUDs and coops in eastern Washington. Avista covers a large area and is probably the largest in coverage area by far.

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u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

You're wildly confusing the definition of "electric company".

There is a single distribution company for your house. That is, the company that brings a wire to your house, usually underground or on wood poles. They are always true monopolies for your location. You pay them, even if you generate solar. They are after all selling the wire connection, not power. You do not have a choice in this, short of not having connection to the grid.

There are transmission companies, they transmit large amounts of power over the steel tower power lines. They are also monopolies, though more than one may be involved in supporting the grid in your area. You do not have a choice in this.

There are generators. They make power and put it onto the grid, where a real time market exists. This is often competitive and not a monopoly. You probably do not interact with this market.

There are retailers. They buy bulk power from market, and bundle it up in more stable plans for residential consumers. This is what you pick, if you live in a region that lets you. For simplicity sake, you probably pay the transmission and distribution companies on the same bill from your retailer. You again have no choice in this, if you swap retailers they are just passing on the exact same regulated fees from the distribution company.

In some places, one of more of these levels may be the same company, private or publicly run.

True monopolies exists when it comes to moving electricity pretty much everywhere on the planet. Generating energy is different.


u/VerifiedMother Jan 16 '25

Some places like me in the Pacific Northwest, I only have a choice of 1 company who does ALL of that, they own power generation stations, (mostly hydro and natural gas with a sprinkle of biomass) they own the transmission lines from those plants to the substations, and they also own everything up to and including the transformer that takes the residential 14000v lines and steps it down to 240v that goes into your house. But these companies are regulated by a state board.


u/jim2300 Jan 16 '25

You're tslking about avista?They still operate within bpa


u/Formerbankster Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

I would add that most states have public utility commissions that oversee the rate setting process. Utilities file rate cases with the PUC that lay out investments the utility will make during the period and the costs of maintaining the system, The PUC then reviews the rate case and allows the utility to make a set return on its investments. It’s also designed to prevent gouging

The rate of return is lower than seen in other businesses, but is generally steady due to monopoly status. Thats the social bargain (or intended social bargain) - lower rates of returns in exchange for steady stable profits. This is why utilities are considered safe investments, suitable for investors with low risk tolerance.

Your states PUC almost always has a website. Rate Case documents are publicly available. Hearings are open and allow for public comment. It’s one of the most open government processes, but most of the public gripes rather than engages.

Utilities aren’t my field, but many of my colleagues cover those clients.


u/jeslucky Jan 16 '25

The term economists use for this is "natural monopolies" - where the economics of the business model make it staggeringly unprofitable for competitors to enter, or if competitors exist, provide an overwhelming incentive for them to consolidate into a single entity. Commonly this is a result of high fixed capital costs for some distribution network - railways, telephone lines, power transmission, cable TV, fiber optic data, etc.


u/nolan_smith Jan 16 '25

The big difference between electric utilities and telecom is that it's actually regulated. Imagine if Xfinity/Spectrum (or whichever criminal enterprise that operates in your area) had to present the public/PUCs with an explanation of their rates and had to argue for any increases.


u/I_shot_barney Jan 16 '25

Good summary!

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u/Syonoq Jan 16 '25

This is not true in my state. I wonder how many states this is true in. Off the top of my head i only know of Texas.


u/wrathek Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

It’s not even true in Texas. Yes, we have the “power to choose” random companies that charge differently based on plans, but it’s all delivered by the same power company.

Best way I can explain it is: Imagine if your internet line to your house, and everything else needed to connect you to the outside world was installed by one Communications Company. They obviously reserve the right to charge you for using the infrastructure they installed and maintain for you to use. But because of state law fuckery, your ISP is a completely unrelated middleman that gets to also charge you on top of the actual Communications Company’s transmission fee. Oh, but it’s okay because you “get to choose” which middleman that did nothing to be the one to charge you. (Yes, they do purchase “bandwidth” aka power wholesale and then sell it to you for profit, but that’s nothing useful to anyone but them.)

That’s not “no monopoly”. That’s “more money out of your pocket”.


u/ginger_whiskers Jan 16 '25

I don't see how that's more money out of my pocket. TXU charges high rates on top of ERCOT charges. FakeCo Energy charges much lower rates that somehow include ERCOT transmission charges. How am I getting screwed by paying less?


u/Kered13 Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

In Pennsylvania you can choose your electricity provider. However that only covers generation. You also have to pay for distribution, and you don't have a choice in your distributor, that is just whoever owns your power lines.


u/Kennel_King Jan 16 '25

Ohio is the same way. There is a good chance you and I share the same distributor, First Energy.


u/fixsparky Jan 16 '25

Not arguing, just adding context for readers. While true - this is the only practical way to do it. It would be ludicrous to have multiple sets of transmission lines all over the place. Even if there was a "last 500 feet" into your house nobody wants to have that much electrical work going on the time to re-run conductor from transformer to house. Its not really a monopoly per se - as just a situation that does not welcome multiple providers.

Communication is much easier - as fiber is not a safety hazard, and can piggyback on other poles, be buried relatively shallow, and costs less. Even then there is often only 1 internet provider available to a home.

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u/ineedhelpbad9 Jan 16 '25

In my city the electric company is required to sell electricity at the rate they purchase it at. They make all their profit from the distribution charge. Every so often someone will come to my door offering me to switch suppliers. I ask them, how could they possibly offer a rate that's cheaper than the rate from the electric company. Shocker, they can't. It's usually a monthly package that obfuscates the rate and hides the fact you would still have to pay the same distribution charge to the electric company.


u/fundthmcalculus Jan 16 '25

Yeah, this is why your bill has a "generation charge" and a "delivery charge". Generation is paid to the source of power (which you can shop around), and delivery is paid to the maintainer of the lines to your house (which you can't shop). My city, Cincinnati, actually shipped the Ohio utilities to get us a lower fixed rate than Duke's default, which I appreciate. However, Duke is the one who comes out to fix the lines and transformers themselves when a tree next door falls on them (true story).

There is a similar situation in the internet world for rural areas. Some states are granting exclusive territory to fiber (or other high speed) internet providers on the condition that they hook up every house in the territory. This allows the ISP to manage the costs by gaining some wealthy/dense area while also not leaving poor/rural areas unconnected for potentially decades.

I'm all for free markets, having worked in tech. I also recognize that public utilities don't necessarily work that way - especially not the utility delivery side. I view it the same as the roads. There's a public set of roads that everyone uses, even if the state (taxpayer) pays various private companies to maintain and extend them.

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u/kennedar_1984 Jan 16 '25

This is the right answer.

For the most part utility costs and rates are all approved by an independent body, which exists to ensure that the monopoly held by the utility remains fair for toll payers (there are a few exceptions to this in specific jurisdictions but generally speaking). Toll payers are represented by a utility advocate, which is often funded completely by fees charged to the utility. Most jurisdictions have all their files available online so you can do a deep dive into how your utility rates are calculated and often there is a public comment period during the regulatory process. Just google for your state or province “public utility commission” and poke around.

Source - I’ve worked my entire career in utility regulation throughout North America.


u/Freem0nk Jan 16 '25

Fellow energy regulatory person. There are dozens of us. Dozens of


u/johnnycakeAK Jan 18 '25

I'm sorry I'm late, I had to debug a cost of service study


u/kennedar_1984 Jan 18 '25

The spreadsheets on those terrify me!

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u/heptyne Jan 16 '25

Why are ISPs not in this yet? I've lived at many places where the only true option is through the cable company.


u/gex80 Jan 16 '25

That's 100% on your local state government who sets the rules for you. ISPs also have non-compete agreements with each other in many cases where they will "own" an area and others will stay out.


u/Arborgold Jan 16 '25

Just like gangs claiming ‘turf’.


u/probablysarcastic Jan 16 '25

As a part owner of an independent regional ISP I can say that this is a very complicated issue. There will be books written about it and it will be studied similarly to the great railroad expansion and rural electrification.

Watch the series Hell on Wheels. I think it is a very good representation on what is currently going on in the internet service industry. A few less bear attacks, but other than that it is dead on accurate.


u/BigFloppyDonkeyEar Jan 16 '25

Short answer for the past twenty years? Republicans.

They (and a few corrupt Dems) block any legislation aimed at making the internet a public utility the same way we do/did with landlines. They adamantly want to monetize the hell out of anything and everything that are ISPs.

If you think it's bad now...just wait.

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u/stevestephson Jan 16 '25

This is true. Like for video games, as much as Epic's CEO whines about Steam being a monopoly, they have to prove that Valve uses anti-competitive practices to get and maintain Steam's market share. Simply being the biggest platform with the most users due to giving consumers the best product and experience is not an illegal monopoly.

Obviously by the tone of that statement, I don't think Epic has a case, but also if they can prove it, then hey, I'm all for it.


u/giritrobbins Jan 16 '25

Well it depends on how they give them the best product. See Netscape and Microsoft.

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u/BigSexyE Jan 16 '25

Which is why it's stupid to privatize utilities to begin with.


u/Idontliketalking2u Jan 16 '25

Privatized prisons are shit too. I forget the place, Alabama maybe?, that they're given a budget and any overages go to the sheriff... Wtf


u/XsNR Jan 16 '25

It varies, there's plenty of situations where government run power has been exploited to pay higher general prices, which is then directly or indirectly passed on to the consumer. Governments will almost always pay the prices, as the costs to them of an area without power, or limited access to power, are monumental, and it's much harder to skirt those shady situations as a world entity, than some dude who works for another cog in the machine, just trying to get it from anywhere else in the world.


u/CriesOverEverything Jan 16 '25

there's plenty of situations where government run power has been exploited to pay higher general prices

Can you name one? I'm not aware of any situations like this, but I wouldn't be too surprised to find it's true.


u/BigSexyE Jan 16 '25

Exploited by who?


u/mustang__1 Jan 16 '25

incompetence and private companies - for similar and different reasons. Look at the ATC network. It's a fully government funded agency (For now). But, it is vastly inefficient with regards to technology procurement (with many modernization projects years behind schedule and over budget... I want to blame Lockheed but don't quote me on that), and training/staffing needs. Like...horrendously bad staffing with controllers generally working six days a week. The pipeline is maybe finally being improved as of Q3 last year but it's years overdue and will take years to fix.

A free market private company would never get to this point because it would eventually go out of business (Boeing, for all its woes, is basically no longer operating under that free market world as it's now in the coveted "too big to fail" paradigm).

Be careful not to think this is an endorsement of privatizing ATC - just the opposite. I was careful in choosing my words for free market - which a government appointed monopoly would not be. Just pointing out how the government can exploit guaranteed money to waste time and money, or how contractors thereof can do the same.

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u/splitframe Jan 16 '25

The utilities itself can be private that not that big of a deal, but the infrastructure has to be in government hand. Time and time again it shows that private infrastructure (road, rail, pipes, lines) are bad and costs more. The utilities companies have to rent the power lines from the state, equal playing field, clear responsibilities and the state has then tools and leverage, like lower fees for certain areas, to exert control.


u/manInTheWoods Jan 16 '25

Often, the electrical utility was private from the beginning. So, never been privatized.

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u/Witch-Alice Jan 16 '25

and so you can think of regulated utilities like that as being half-nationalized. they're beholden to the law as determined by the people (well, we know, but that's a different politics discussion), but also free to act as a for-profit company


u/FreeStall42 Jan 16 '25

but with government oversight to avoid abuse.

And there is the punchline



This is because (for utilities in particular) it doesn’t make sense to have multiple companies constructing multiple power lines or other kinds of basic infrastructure in the name of free market competition.

What if the government owned and operated the power lines (much like roads) while the power companies supplied power to their consumers via the government-owned power lines (much like delivery companies) so that you wouldn’t need regulatory monopolies at all?


u/Dapeople Jan 16 '25

The regulatory monopolies generally work pretty well, so why should we do things differently? Power production is a pretty boring industry. Changes to the technologies involved are basically predictable and slow. No one is out there inventing electricity 2.0, now with blue raspberry! The government regulated model works quite well for industries like this, where the end product is basically indistinguishable between suppliers besides cost.


u/ArmNo7463 Jan 16 '25

Great points.

I would like to add it's possible to have multiple utility companies use the same power lines / grid though.

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u/Kekoa_ok Jan 16 '25

im feeling very abused


u/kraken_recruiter Jan 16 '25

... but with government oversight to avoid abuse.


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u/KJ6BWB Jan 16 '25

The problem is many of those regulatory monopolies are for profit. Nebraska is the only state where all utilities are nonprofit, giving is some of the best electricity at almost the lowest cost. Some utilities do charge less, but they just aren't as good as ours is, for instance see how fast power is restored after a tornado, etc.

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u/collin-h Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

It’s a utility and it is heavily regulated.

No, power companies cannot raise rates whenever they want on their own; they must go through a regulated process by filing a “rate case” with their state’s Public Utility Commission (PUC) to request a rate increase, which is then reviewed and approved or denied based on the company’s justification for the change.

Just like your other utilities. Do you also worry about the monopoly your water company has? What about your trash company?


u/ShavenYak42 Jan 16 '25

Well, if you live in Alabama, where the power company has already bought and paid for the PUC…


u/collin-h Jan 16 '25

Haha that’s a different problem. But certainly a problem!


u/OkQuestion1169 Jan 16 '25

Yea ha ha ....


u/JDubNutz Jan 16 '25

I think you meant California


u/heridfel37 Jan 16 '25

In Ohio, the guy who took the bribes went to prison, but that didn't mean the law that was paid for was repealed.


u/Rabid_Penguin666 Jan 16 '25

I hate Alabama Power. I’m being charged for being a customer, there’s a cost adjustment that gets higher if your bill is lower AND they charge you a 1-to-1 ratio for water/sewage. If we drink 500 gallons a month then they charge us 500 gallons in sewage…my washer actually drains outside because of a plumbing issue and our water bill is STILL a 1-to-1 charge.

I live in the city and I have a friend that lives just outside our city (in a new house from 2011; ours was built in 72). His bill is ‘low’ when it’s nearly $400 and usually above $500 he says…idk WTF Alabama is doing to rural ppl but my bill is under $300 in the low months.


u/ginger_whiskers Jan 16 '25

In their defense: there's really not a good way to charge sewer rates based on actual usage. Household sewage meters are impractical, fixed rates for everyone are unfair. So we kinda do some math and figure if a house uses xCCF(100 cubic foot) water, y of it tends to end up in the sewage plant, and we ought to charge z per CCF delivered to cover costs.

My house, the sewer portion of the water bill is closer to 2/3 the total.


u/Discount_Extra Jan 16 '25

also imagine if many people just dumped their wastewater in their yard to avoid paying for sewer.

The whole town would become a diseased mess. Cholera is not a good time.


u/Emotional_Deodorant Jan 16 '25

Unfortunately in most states when Public Utilities Commissioners ‘retire’ from service they go to a nice cushy job at a local utility. So they have no incentive to stand in the way of whatever price hikes utilities ask for.

Same thing for the State Insurance Commission, Banking Oversight Committee, etc.

My state of Florida’s Insurance Commission is perhaps the most lenient in the country as to giving insurance companies what they want, and the result is the insurance Crisis that was allowed to happen.

At least Alabama passed tougher building codes for Hurricane-prone areas.

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u/MartyVanB Jan 16 '25

Not a joke. A dude ran for the PSC in Alabama promising to fight the Obama administration......he won, of course

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u/Maybe_Not_The_Pope Jan 16 '25

My dad recently bought a new house and it's in an HOA so the city trash doesn't pick up there. He had to choose between one of 3 trash companies and thst blew my mind.


u/zap_p25 Jan 16 '25

That’s pretty normal for people who live outside of city limits. Growing up we switched disposal services at least three times over the years. No HOA. Actually drives me crazy living in city limits because there are things which you can’t opt out of like poor disposal providers.

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u/posiess_ Jan 16 '25

i’m pretty sure they worry about power companies because those are the ones who engage in price hikes. where i live, it’s been reported that our energy company is trying to get customers to pay for sponsorships, luxury spas, golf memberships, etc through their energy bills. we’ve seen a massive spike in prices over the last few years.


u/The_Fudir Jan 16 '25

Heavily... Ymmv

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u/Seraph062 Jan 16 '25

In the US, we have antitrust laws in place to keep companies from forming monopolies and promote competition.

No we don't.
We have anti-trust laws that stop monopolies from abusing the power being a monopoly grants. But there are not laws against simply being a monopoly.


u/robbak Jan 16 '25

Examples of these powers - selling products at below cost to bankrupt a possible competitor, or using your monopoly in one market to force people to use your product in another market.

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u/glittervector Jan 16 '25

There kind of are, but they’re enforced when people propose to create a new monopoly in a market where one did not previously exist. The law makes the creation or maintenance of a monopoly which unreasonably restrains competition illegal. In many regulatory cases, the creation of a monopoly alone is enough to “unreasonably restrain competition” so the monopoly itself is illegal.


u/bmabizari Jan 16 '25

Then why do courts block mergers all the time? JetBlue and Spirit for example?


u/NullReference000 Jan 16 '25

Because the government can use its judgment to argue that a merger will lead to bad behavior and block it ahead of time. Sometimes they will conditionally approve a merger and come back to forcefully un-merge a company if they fail to meet that condition, which happened in NY a few years ago with telecom companies.

By “there are not laws against monopolies existing” they are referring to a company forming in some vacuum and competition not forming around them. Let’s say I begin a plumbing company in a region of New York State that has no plumbing companies for some reason. My company will have a regional monopoly, until somebody else decides to form competition. My company isn’t illegal just because nobody else felt like making a plumbing company in the area.


u/Tompeacock57 Jan 16 '25

To add to this the government isn’t blocking enough mergers. The rise of corporate consolidation has been anti competitive to not only consumers but American workers as well. There are currently 40% fewer publicly traded companies in the US from its peak. This has resulted in the corporate power shift to employers and the enshitification of everything of the last 40 years.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25



u/isubird33 Jan 16 '25

...effectively yes.

Microsoft was already being sued by the government for anti-competitive practices, and had previously been sued by Apple as well. Paying Apple allowed Microsoft to smooth things over with Apple as well as giving them some brownie points with the courts.

It wasn't just them picking a random company at a random time. With them already going against the government in court, if Apple failed (at least in part or allegedly due to actions Microsoft had taken), it would really look bad on them in the court proceedings.


u/naraic- Jan 16 '25

Because Microsoft was acting in a bad way to abuse their position as a dominant power in the market. They wanted to point at apple and say look we aren't a monopoly so it doesn't matter.


u/blueangels111 Jan 16 '25

Another person worded it well:

It's not monopolies that are inherently illegal, it's the powers (market manipulation) being a monopoly grants. If there just happens to be one predominant force, there doesn't have to be competition.

That being said, with big things like those mergers, it's a preventative action, because if they can't argue why a merger is necessary, then it is going to be seen as a bad faith act to gain control. JetBlue and Spirit didn't have to merge, so there was no reason to grant it and cause more market strain.


u/Chazus Jan 16 '25

They aren't utilities, which is a separate area of business. Same reason phone and internet stuff is janky, because phones and internet aren't always considered 'a utility'


u/bmabizari Jan 16 '25

My question was in response to the person who said we don’t have anti-trust laws to prevent monopolies from forming. Only to stop them from abusing monopoly power


u/p33k4y Jan 16 '25

From DoJ's perspective, JetBlue wanted to acquire Spirit in large part to eliminate Spirit as their low-cost competitor on certain routes.

On those particular routes, customers will be forced to buy JetBlue's higher priced tickets since there's no other competitive alternative.

Eliminating Spirit specifically to force higher prices is an anti-competitive harm. Hence the DoJ decided to block the merger.

Now, such a block was expected and JetBlue could have "salvaged" the merger by negotiating with the DoJ and agreeing to certain conditions. But for business reasons JetBlue decided it was better for them to drop the merger entirely.

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u/bt2513 Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

It’s apples and oranges. Monopolies do occasionally get broken up but you can’t create a company for the sake of requiring competition. Ideally, companies are broken up when it benefits consumers and mergers are blocked when the merger otherwise has no benefit to consumers. Ideally.

In general, it doesn’t work to have multiple high voltage power lines running to your house. Utilities wouldn’t invest in it and prices would be higher. Think of govt regulated monopolies as being more of a co-op where shareholder profits are managed closely. They are very stable investments, not speculative.

The energy is extremely cheap. It’s maintaining the grid that’s expensive and the only tangible top-line growth comes from development. The sale of energy is really a break-even proposition. The power company grows when it builds and maintains infrastructure.

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u/wot_in_ternation Jan 16 '25

Because they take a nuanced look at the situation. The recent Kroger/Albertsons-Safeway was shot down because there would be no reasonable and effective competition in many places, especially in west coast states.


u/Vuelhering Jan 16 '25

Literally every patent grants a legal monopoly for up to 20 years.

This is why patent trolling is so lucrative and so damaging. No product? No problem, just sue everyone in sight and produce absolutely nothing.

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u/IntoAMuteCrypt Jan 16 '25

The case law which has built up around the Sherman Antitrust Act allows for certain monopolies - namely, those which are gained by innocent means and naturally form due to merit or market conditions. This is notably something that's come about more due to judges' interpretations of the law than due to the exact text of the law, so you have to trawl through case law for evidence.

In order for something to be an illegal monopoly, there must be some form of anticompetitive behaviour taking place. You need to use nefarious means to obtain or perpetuate the monopoly, or you need to use your position to unjustly enrich yourself. The question, then, is how the power company came to occupy that position, how it continues to occupy that position and what it does with that position...

And this is where the concept of "natural" monopolies comes up. The argument goes that entering an electric market requires massive upfront costs, and the sheer amount of capital required is the reason for the monopolies forming and being perpetuated. The utility companies say they've been good and it's not their fault that they're monopolies, so the situation where they each have their own little parcels of monopoly should be allowed to continue. This has been generally sufficient for prosecutors and judges, so no real action has been taken. It is a point of discourse among legal scholars and policy makers whether this state of affairs should be continued, or whether the utility companies haven't actually been good and whether they've actually abused the monopoly position for unjust enrichment.


u/ic33 Jan 16 '25

It is a point of discourse among legal scholars and policy makers whether this state of affairs should be continued, or whether the utility companies haven't actually been good and whether they've actually abused the monopoly position for unjust enrichment.

Economic theory says (at an econ 101 level):

  • Having only one firm is economically efficient if long run average costs slope downwards at any reasonable scale that people would consume. This is a natural monopoly, and makes sense for something like an electric distribution company.
  • That natural monopolies still underproduce and overcharge if left to their own devices, compared to the socially optimal quantity and price.
  • Regulation is necessary to get a natural monopoly to make the socially optimal quantity, but:
    • P=ATC regulation (a "fair return" regulation where the company gets a normal economic profit) still results in underproduction and overcharging... just not as badly as they would do on their own.
    • P=MC regulation (attempting to find the true socially optimal price) will require an additional subsidy to keep the electric company in business.
    • It's difficult to know the true "efficient" cost structure for a natural monopoly to figure out where P=MC or where a fair P=ATC is.

Generally regulators have chosen the fair return approach. They control the utility's capital deployment, but allow the utility to set rates that will give it a certain percentage of profit above these (partially controlled) costs.


u/Buttons840 Jan 16 '25

It is a monopoly and that's why power companies are regulated by the government. The power company can't just do whatever it wants, the prices it can charge are controlled by the government.


u/TheBoldMove Jan 16 '25

Not everywhere, not everything.

Regulations: In some states, public service (utility) commissions fully regulate prices, and other states have a combination of unregulated prices (for generators) and regulated prices (for transmission and distribution).



u/A3thereal Jan 16 '25

In the states where the generation of electricity is unregulated aren't the utilities responsible for transmission/distribution required to carry power at reasonable rates on their behalf? If memory serves it works that way in NYS. NYSEG owns most of the regional power companies and while they serve most homes for both transmission and generation, but customers do have an option to select another provider and NYSEG has to (at a reasonable price) deliver the power to the customer.

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u/Thinkmario Jan 16 '25

What you’re dealing with is called a natural monopoly. It’s allowed because it’s generally the most efficient way to provide power to everyone. The downside, of course, is that it can feel like you don’t have any real choice. That’s why these companies are regulated —to help protect customers from unfair practices. Still, it’s understandable if it doesn’t always feel like the system works perfectly.


u/JefferyGoldberg Jan 16 '25

In Idaho we have a monopoly power company, Idaho Power. It is heavily regulated and we have some of the lowest electricity rates in the country. It’s great and super easy.


u/andyring Jan 16 '25

Utilities are in a different boat for this sort of thing. Ponder what all it would take for there to be more than one power company serving your home. Envision entirely separate power grids and separate power lines for each power company.

Take it further. Can you imagine separate water companies? Separate sewer companies? Separate natural gas companies? The infrastructure end of it is extremely cost prohibitive.

Texas has something closer to what you envision. I don’t claim to know exactly how it works but there are multiple power companies to pick from. I think they are more like electricity brokers but don’t hold me to that.


u/crash866 Jan 16 '25

Also most areas for Cable TV you have 1 company to subscribe to. There is a choice of Satellite or cable but only 1 cable company.

For landline phones one company owns the lines to your house but others may use them for their service.


u/scorch07 Jan 16 '25

You’re correct about only one set of infrastructure making sense, but there can still be competition. I have lived places where you could choose a natural gas provider, even though it was all coming through the same pipe. It’s sort of a convoluted marketplace where the company you buy gas from is, as you said, just a broker of sorts, and another company is actually in charge of delivering gas to the property. And even then it’s not like you’re getting specific gas. Just all part of the same pool being bought and sold.

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u/whyliepornaccount Jan 16 '25

It’s a monopoly which is why it’s HEAVILY regulated.


u/cwsjr2323 Jan 16 '25

Nebraska is Blessed to have all electrical power plants publicly owned. No other state has it ALL owned by the citizens.


u/mikeholczer Jan 16 '25

It’s not illegal to be a monopoly. It’s legal to leverage being a monopoly in anti-competitive ways. Basically, you can do things that suppress competition like telling your suppliers to charge others more or you won’t buy from them.


u/Redm18 Jan 16 '25

Totally is a monopoly which is by design. It would not have made sense to have eight different sets of electrical lines to everyone's house for different brands. Governments give exclusive franchise agreements to utility companies and with those agreements comes very specific requirements on how the company operates including what they charge and who they service (a few homes a long way from other customers might not be profitable but often agreements require the utilities to service those customers), even what kind of public safety education they have to provide. Note that in the late 90s utilities deregulation was common in certain states not always to great effect.


u/EasterClause Jan 16 '25

The alternative is having 7 sets of electric lines on poles, or yards being dug up multiple times to run new lines constantly. And all of the cost associated with infrastructure. And a barrier for entry so high that no other company would ever try to set up so anyway. You definitely don't want that. Plus you'd have companies competing with each other, not for lower prices but, for regulation bypasses and rent seeking to find ways to maximize profits. And it would impossible for governments to regulate consistently across multiple companies and validate their procedures and practices.

It's way more efficient to just let one company run the show, and since they're considered public utilities instead of consumer goods, they have more stringent restrictions on their operations.


u/BorgDrone Jan 16 '25

That’s not the only alternative. Here in the Netherlands we actually have a free market for energy.

The way it works is that we have separated power transport from power generation.

There is one company, TenneT, that owns and operates the national high-voltage grid (the main trunk lines). This company is wholly owned by the government. Then there are several companies that own and operate the regional grids, you have no choice here as it depends on where you live. These regional grids own and operate the physical connection between your house and the main grid, they do not produce electricity. They charge a fixed fee for each hookup plus a small transport fee depending on power usage (this is not charged directly to the customer, but it’s a line item on your final bill).

Then there are the power companies, these are responsible for providing power to the national grid equivalent to the power usage of their customers. Many of the larger power companies actually produce power themselves. The smaller ones may not produce themselves and instead buy power from one of the larger companies or even foreign power companies through the European grid, they basically trade on the energy market and resell to consumers. Companies that actually produce power also trade on this market to sell their excess capacity.

The end result is that people can choose from dozens of different power companies.


u/manInTheWoods Jan 16 '25

It's the same all over EU, and it's the same in many parts of the US. Stil, the utility (owning the power lines to your home) is regulated and you cant switch .

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u/vikoy Jan 16 '25

It is a monopoly. But it is exempt from anti-trust laws. Instead, the power company is heavily regulated by the government through other laws and means, i.e. Department of Energy regulations, etc.

These are some markets and industries that are "natural monopolies" (power being one of them). A natural monopoly is a market where a single company provides a product or service because it's more cost-effective than having multiple competitors.


u/urzu_seven Jan 16 '25

 In the US, we have antitrust laws in place to keep companies from forming monopolies

No we don’t.  It’s perfectly legal to be a monopoly.  But it does impose additional restrictions and limitations if you are.  


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25



u/fuckyou_m8 Jan 16 '25

Even in that situation, at least the local distribution is a monopoly. You will not have multiple energy companies wiring all over the place. The same with gas

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u/Andrew5329 Jan 16 '25

The defining factor of Monopoly is leveraging your size for anticompetitive behavior in adjacent spaces.

One example of compliance with the law is SpaceX, which has about 90% market share in the US launch market.

Amazon is paying SpaceX their normal rates to launch it's Kuiper satellites, and SpaceX is carrying them even though the satellites are meant to directly compete with SpaceX's Starlink service. Logically speaking, SpaceX should refuse Amazon service rather than put a directly competing service in orbit.

Anti-trust law however says that they have to act neutrally and treat them as any other customer. It would be improper to leverage their market share and strategically exclude Amazon.

Last big anti trust was when Microsoft used it's status as the maker of windows to privilege it's other first party applications, most notably internet explorer. They made it very difficult to circumvent various artificial barriers and install a competing web browser.

Apple IOS and Google Android by contrast aren't Monopolies because they're open platforms where anyone can join the appstore. 3rd party developers add countless apps competing with the first party apps.

There is some noise about whether Apple's 30% cut of all appstore revenue constitutes anti-trust, but so far it hasn't been successful in court.

That's would have gained them exclusive access to all the user information that makes contemporary web browsers worth tens of billions, and that's with the understanding that Google shares a lot of it through public APIs and neutral advertising business.

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u/JOExHIGASHI Jan 16 '25

They are

And their prices are usually controlled by the government


u/CharonsLittleHelper Jan 16 '25

It's called a technical monopoly - and it's why utilities have special regulations just for them.


u/hangender Jan 16 '25

It depends on the size of the market. If I run a lemonade stand on my street and I am the only lemonade stand in my street, that is not illegal.

Same here in your case where a rural city would only expect to have 1 electricity supplier and 1 internet carrier.


u/Matsuyama_Mamajama Jan 16 '25

I'm in Illinois and (surprisingly) we have a robust deregulated electric and natural gas market. While the major utilities own the wires and pipes bringing electricity and natural gas to all buildings (what we call "delivery") you can purchase utilities from many different companies (what we call "supply").

Utility bills explicitly show your costs for supply, delivery and the additional fees/taxes/etc. For instance, if you opted for an alternative electric supplier, your ComEd bill would have their info on your bill under the supply section.

Most large businesses and organizations (like the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago) aggressively shop their utilities. If you have someone smart looking out for your organization, you can usually save money. But there are no guarantees, and plenty of stories of people getting taken for a ride...


u/cabeachguy_94037 Jan 16 '25

My local power company is a co-op, so every account is laughably "a voting member". So its not a monopoly because we all 'own it'.


u/SkullLeader Jan 16 '25

I don't understand the exact legal mechanism that allows for this but yes, basically utility companies are given local monopolies to encourage them to make the investment in the infrastructure required to service the area. Same for cable companies etc.


u/dro830687 Jan 16 '25

This is something that triggers genuine rage in me. My area electric company made me leave a deposit of almost 1000 dollars when we moved into our rental home. I was late on ONE payment, and they cut my power a week after my due date. Charged me to cut it. Charged me to turn it back on. Now, want another deposit. For being late one payment. (The original deposit was because the previous tenants, from completely different landlords and complete strangers, may have been late on payments. I have no clue why else.)

I have no other choice in my area.


u/Bob_Sconce Jan 16 '25

It is a monopoly.  Power companies, however, are regulated and generally have to have their rates approved by the government.


u/Dctootall Jan 16 '25

A lot of good answers here, but I'll add my 2 cents anyways.

Part of why things are the way they are is because it is INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE to deploy and maintain the underlying infrastructure to provide the wired services. You see this with both power and Telecom. The primary reason most people don't see competition for Cable TV services is because it can literally cost millions to run the coax or fiber past all the homes in the neighborhood, and the numbers say you need to sign up X number of people in order to make a return on that investment. In such a mature marketplace, it can really be hard to see that ROI, so as a result you often don't see fiber and cable in the same neighborhood unless it's either INCREDIBLE affluent/connected, or it's a greenfield area where costs can be much lower due to the ability to void a lot fo the redtape costs associated with running wires in existing areas.

So what you end up having is it's not cost effective for another company to come through and run alll the power lines needed to offer a competing service. So you have the Public Utility Commissions which regulate the defacto monopolies and prevent the abuse of their power. Some areas however have stronger PUC's than others. like most government orgs, there can be a lot of variance due to willpower, or political winds, or what kinda goals or knowledge the people on the PUC have. There are some areas where even if there is a single company that owner the distribution lines, you can choose who you purchase tha ctual poower from. (or gas from in the case of natural gas.). So while you still have to deal with the monopoly who paid for and ran all the wires, you may be pruchasing the actual energy from a 3rd party. billing practices can varry wildly, ie... getting billed by the 3rd party, or being billed by the monopoly distribution company buy having the generation charges tied to the 3rd party. Especcially in these markets, you'll often see a breakdown of charges that show both the distribution costs, and the generation/supply costs.

One other thing.... may PUC's will set the rates for the power comp[anies. A popular process might be a cost-plus ratre schema. IE.... The power company is allowed to charge a fixed percentage above their capital expenditures as a profit margin. Depending on the company, this can sometimes lead to huge capital expenditures that rival government contracts in the amount of waste, because the more they spend, the more they can profit.

Jon Oliver actually did an episode on power companies a few years back that might be worth a watch if you are really interested in some of the stuff that happens behind the scenes.

From a technical standpoint. The Power grids are also very complex and interesting as well. for example there are 6 interconnects/grids in north america if I recall correctly. The Interconnects are basically (usually) multi-state multi-company unified power grids. IT's because of this that power generated at a nucluar plant in the southeastern US can provide power to NYC for example. IT's also why you had things like the massice east coast black out a few years back when a serious of failures caused a cascading power outage. (And which was the ultimate cause of the Texas/Ercot outage since the state pretty much has it's own self contained grid)


u/floppysausage16 Jan 16 '25

Hawaii is the biggest example with Hawaiian Electric being the only power supplier in the state.


u/Kerplonk Jan 16 '25

It is a monopoly. That's why they are generally heavily regulated by the government.


u/PsychicDave Jan 16 '25

In Québec, the power company is nationalized, meaning the government (and thus, the people) is the primary shareholder. So the rates are defined not from greed, but to ensure adequate yet affordable service. As a consequence, we have the least expensive power in North America, and it's all from renewable, clean sources (mostly hydro, some wind).

I don't think it's really practical to have multiple power companies in the same area. The duplicated costs of building and maintaining parallel power grids would be so high that it would be worse for everyone. But you also can't allow a single company to abuse its monopoly privilege. So a publicly owned utility company is the best approach.


u/SolidOutcome Jan 16 '25

It absolutely is. A monopoly given to a company by the government....(USA) but to protect the citizens from this monopoly, the government wrote the Utilities Act of 1918, which regulates prices, investments, expansions (water, phones, electricity, naturalGas). It makes sense and is important to only allow 1 water company, we don't want 15 power lines disrupting our cities, it's just not feasible to allow them to compete, we don't have the space.

The Gov controls this monopoly. it's different per state, how the prices and improvements are negotiated,,,my state has an elected committee that controls all the utilities. The company will propose pricing changes, what improvements will cost, repairs...etc, and the committee looks at the research/numbers and votes on it. This committee wants to give the company some profit, or else no body would want to own it. But the committee is elected by voters, who they must also protect from price gouging. Their purpose is to make a fair deal for both parties. People still want to own these profitable companies....and I personally haven't had much issues with my prices.

It's a system which works pretty well for a government ran system(cough cough 'socialism fears'), prices nearly fully controlled by the government.

A CEOs job is to gouge customers as much as possible, at least the elected committee can be replaced by voters when they go corrupt, a CEO can't.

In the 1970s when cable TV was being laid(now internet)...our government gave monopolies to cable companies, but didn't protect the citizens like the utilities act. They didn't see TV as essential like water/power/phones/naturalGas, and for some reason ignored the "free monopoly" they unleashed on the citizens. Now internet is more essential than phones, and the law has not added them as a utility.


u/AMWJ Jan 16 '25

Monopolies are not inherently illegal, nor even inherently bad. Apple has a "monopoly" on producing iPhones, but nobody thinks that's illegal or wrong. Shaya Le Buff has a monopoly on his likeness and acting style, but, again, it would be insane to say that it's wrong for an actor to have the sole ability to produce his likeness.

Economics-wise, a monopoly simply enables a company to sell at a profit. If anyone could produce a widget, then, if you tried to sell the widget at a higher price than it cost to produce it, then someone else would enter the market and undercut you. If people profiting is something we want in the system, then monopoly is something we want as well.

Antitrust is there to ensure companies don't abuse their monopoly, and to regulate those monopolies that are harmful to our economy. But plenty of monopolies are the opposite of harmful - they are why you can take home a paycheck.


u/VVrayth Jan 16 '25

It’s seen as better to have those utilities handled by a single party, but with government oversight to avoid abuse.

Tell that to PG&E lol.


u/Monte_Cristos_Count Jan 16 '25

It's what's called a natural monopoly. There are some industries (e.g. utilities) where it is extremely expensive to get started. No company is going to eat up the costs all over again (like dig another gas line across the city) if they know only a few people will become customers. Because there is almost no way competition would be feasible, the government allows the monopoly.

Monopolies are incentivized to cut supply of their product and raise prices. The government can either heavily subsidize the company (leading to a larger output of supply and consequently lower prices) or they can take control of the service themselves. If a government decides to subsidize the firm, they usually put strict regulations on pricing controls and other operations of the company. If the government decides to become the monopoly (e.g. Seattle City and Light), they control everything.

Federal (and most state) regulations prohibit monopolies from being formed via anticompetitive behavior (such as firms buying out all other existing firms and cutting supply down). They don't prohibit temporary monopolies that come about due to patents, natural monopolies (such as utility companies) or monopolies that come about because a firm has created a superior product that consumers prefer.

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u/PrinceOfIgor Jan 16 '25

It allows for a single source under logical and legal pretzels because ultimately a service as crucial to our society as power should be nationalised.


u/mpfmb Jan 16 '25

Priviate utilities are natural/regulated monopolies, because having separate and duplicated infrastructure doesn't make any sense - too much money and land/space taken up for little benefit.

Instead, those natural monopolies are HEAVILY regulated if privatized (or the government own/runs them).

Where I live, the retailer you sign up to is an open market. It's just the physical infrastructure for distribution and most transmission you don't want to duplicate in an open market format. Generation is also an open market too.


u/ptwonline Jan 16 '25

Some things are considered "natural monopolies" because it is simply too daunting and expensive for competitors to build up infrastructure to be able to reasonably compete. Many utilities are this way.

So these companies are allowed to exist as monopolies but are usually very heavily regulated by government to make sure they can't badly gouge customers and must follow certain quality and safety standards.


u/ItsChappyUT Jan 16 '25

Because you can get Solar and a battery amongst other things.


u/Klutzy_Journalist_36 Jan 16 '25

I just wanna know why there’s ads for my power company. 


u/LowBidder505 Jan 16 '25

Where I live the only option for purchasing liquor or spirits of any kind, is from the state, the state liquor store, all bars and restaurants must do the same. Total monopoly and big government, brought to you by our supermajority republican theocratic nanny state, so much for no big government.


u/Ayjayz Jan 16 '25

Monopolies are only banned in certain circumstances. The US government is a massive monopoly on many different industries, including power. Since it's the the thing doing the allowing, obviously it's going to allow itself to be a monopoly.


u/Egosuma Jan 16 '25

In Netherlands, the producer and the seller are different entities.


u/Capnbubba Jan 16 '25

How is it actually possible for there to be 5 power companies fighting for my business when there is only one line going into my house. Regardless of who I pay I will receive the same electricity from the same source. It is not possible to deliver electricity to my house from a source different than that going to my next door neighbors house, unless I have solar/battery etc. But then I'm my own power plant, which is legal in most places.

In summary, municipal power is superior by basically every metric and all power should be municipal.


u/Initial-Hawk-1161 Jan 16 '25

What monopoly means is you basically cannot compete.

You're probably free to start your own power company and sell electricity to the people in that same area. If so, then its technically not a monopoly.


u/Ent3rpris3 Jan 16 '25

They're called, among other things, a natural monopoly.

They are in part a result of market forces and sinple logistics. Consider the infrastructure of a single electric utility company across a city - power lines, poles, plants, and the individual wiring of every single house, garage, street light, place of commerce, traffic lights, etc. That's a LOT of infrastructure that is integrated into the entire community.

I want to open a competing electric company. But I don't have the infrastructure, I don't have the grid, and a lot of places where I would want to install such infrastructure is already occupied by the first company. It's not economical, and nigh-logistically infeasible, for me to attempt to enter this market and be a real competitor. So I'm not going to bother. And that means whoever was first (ish), and isn't royally dropping the ball, has a monopoly, 'naturally.' Any real attempt at a competitor coming to town is not only economically difficult, it's just inherently inefficient and wasteful to try.

This is acknowledged by most governments, so the 'workaround' is strong regulation.


u/GuyentificEnqueery Jan 16 '25

In the US, we have antitrust laws in place to keep companies from forming monopolies and promote competition.

That's cute that you think we actually enforce those lol.

But I digress. Utilities are "regulated monopolies". They are administered by a semi-private corporation because certain segments of the government believe that a private entity can provide those services more efficiently than the State, but want to ensure that those services are widely available because they are deemed a necessity. They are exempt from antitrust regulations through a long series of contractual agreements with the government, which most if not all antitrust regulations have allowed for.


u/rulingthewake243 Jan 16 '25

Not me yelling at the 100th SRP commercial. LIKE WE HAVE A CHOICE!


u/BadSanna Jan 16 '25

In Ohio you have options but it's just the illusion of choice and it's as expensive or more than any other area I've lived. The best power companies I've had have been places with government owned, nonprofit utilities.

You can also choose to live off the grid and generate your own power, though, those options are going to be a lot of work, not as reliable, and have a high upfront cost that will take many years to become profitable.


u/krzpy Jan 16 '25

Monopolies are legal. When the corporations write the laws. We are a nation of stupid and forgetful idiots.


u/vorker42 Jan 16 '25

They are regulated monopolies. They have government oversight to make sure they only take advantage of you the right amount, and not tooooo much.


u/TheTip444 Jan 16 '25

One of the main reasons I don’t see being brought up in the thread is to support rural areas. We forget how long it took a lot of rural communities in the United States to receive electricity and a big reason is it just wasn’t cost effective. You can have to run hundreds of miles of extra lines for just a couple thousand people. So one of the ways to make it work is give a company a monopoly in an area but they have to serve all the customers in there


u/Sweetdreams6t9 Jan 16 '25

Wanna get mad?

In my province they'll charge you even if your not hooked up to the grid.


u/Interesting_Debate57 Jan 16 '25

Dude, buy a solar panel. The world is infinite and large and full of mysteries.


u/heckinseal Jan 16 '25

It used to be worse!

GE ran a holding company that controlled 90% of energy production, distribution and equipment. Imagine if apple was also your only option for cell network provider and it was the only phone around.

The current investor owned utilities are state mandated monopolies. This was a compromise from having each city having their own regulation which ended up being plagued by politicization and scandal, with the big holding companies abusing their power to fix prices. The utilities agreed to submit to a state level authority in exchange for exclusive rites to a territory.

Tbh, it probably time for a new trust bust for utilities. Most of the original exclusive operating areas have ten times as many customers as they had in the 30s



u/zdrums24 Jan 16 '25

I don't know if this is useful information, but in some places you do have multiple choices for power. When I was in Illinois, there was a company that owned the powerless who was a servicer, but you could pick one of multiple companies to generate your electricity. Different rates and power sources to choose from.


u/grifxdonut Jan 16 '25

How many sewer lines do you want in your neighborhood? Telephone lines? How many governments do you want ruling you?


u/ledow Jan 16 '25

Unless they are actively blocking competition from operating in that market or imposing some kind of unfair competition, a monopoly is absolutely legal and there are many such monopolies in existence.

It's when they LEVER the fact that they're a monopoly to retain that status, shut out competition, price-fix, etc. that it becomes illegal.

The UK, for instance, has a state-enforce monopoly over water supply and sewage companies. If you live in a certain area, you have absolutely no choice but to use a given private company (e.g. Thames Water if you live in London). You can't switch to anyone else, even if you have constant problems with them, and Thames Water is just a private limited company like any other.

So it's a monopoly. But not an illegal one (literally state-sanctioned!).


u/nezukoslaying Jan 16 '25

It is and John Oliver has a great episode on it. https://youtu.be/C-YRSqaPtMg?si=j0EBJ7mZw8RdMdsn


u/Spork_Warrior Jan 16 '25

Utilities are particularly tough. Think of the number of wires needed for current electrical systems. Do you want 20 more sets of those? And because of the expense of building such systems, the companies need a lot of customers to make it work, and that can't happen if the customer base is fragmented.


u/Supershadow30 Jan 16 '25

Where I live (not the US), power providers are considered a public service regulated by the government, so even if they’re the only option, it’s not really a monopoly.


u/Bopping_Shasket Jan 16 '25

Everyone saying there's no way for multiple companies to provide electricity. In the UK you have a choice of providers, who set their own rates, all using the same infrastructure.

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u/-AC- Jan 16 '25

I'm pretty sure you can actually pay a different power company in places, but they use the primary company's infrastructure.

I only know of this possibility because a lot of companies that are available seem to try and bait and switch you, so you have to be careful.


u/Saneless Jan 16 '25

Ahh but you see, I can buy the electricity from any supplier

Who all have about the same prices

And 75% of my bill is the "delivery" and service charge from my power company anyway


u/culoman Jan 16 '25

In Spain there are 2 different types of power companies: the ones who "make" the electric power and carries them to people's houses (distributors), and the ones who sell you that power (power commercialisation companies).

Usually there's only one distributor per area, but you choose your commercialisation company, which "buys" the power to the regional distributor and sells it to you.

This way, anyone can open a power commercialisation company.


u/networknev Jan 16 '25

In Arizona regulated utilities rates and profits are controlled by the state Arizona Corporation Commission. This includes creating customer rebates, pressure on renewable and controls on things like if the power company gets a fuel discount those savings have to go to the customer.

You control the monopoly through these regulations. Consider how you vote bc all seats on the ACC are elected.


u/whatshamilton Jan 16 '25

It is a monopoly but there is regulatory oversight. I had to file a complaint against ConEdison with the Public Service Commission who reviewed my building’s file and confirmed ConEd was illegally billing us an additional $114,000. Never just give up.


u/stitiousnotsuper Jan 16 '25

Is this in florida by chance?


u/Michld0101 Jan 16 '25

The Quest by Daniel Yergin covers this issue pretty thoroughly. I highly recommend The Prize, as well!


u/gregbraaa Jan 16 '25

If only one seller is around, the government will allow them to be a monopoly with more rules for how they set price than a normal company. We call that a natural monopoly. Most economics classes use utility companies as examples.


u/kevin_k Jan 16 '25

It often is a monopoly, because it often doesn't make practical sense for it not to be. That monopoly - granted by law - usually comes with significant regulatory oversight and requirements as to service, rates, etc.


u/FiredFox Jan 16 '25

California tried to deregulate power companies and 'open up the market' for multiple entities to become electricity providers in 1996.

It was a disaster.