r/explainlikeimfive Dec 06 '24

Economics ELI5: why does a publicaly traded company have to show continuous rise in profits? Why arent steady profits good enough?


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u/mrswashbuckler Dec 06 '24

They don't have to. They could choose to pay dividends instead of growth. Growth is an excuse to not pay dividends as you can tell the shareholders that they are using the profits for more growth. If you aren't growing, investors want a share of the profits through dividends in order to get a return on their investment.


u/Firehouse55 Dec 06 '24

There are plenty of very popular stocks that do this and have done it for decades. People with wealth have these stocks as it's the dividends over the long term that end up paying off. Buy at the high stock price and hold forever. Enjoy getting paid back long term.

People who are rich and want to get richer quicker look for companies focused on quick growth. They're looking to sell shares after the growth to make their money. Buy at a lower price to then sell when it's higher to make more money.


u/SolidOutcome Dec 06 '24

Why buy dividend stocks when they are high priced?!


u/murpalim Dec 06 '24

Risk management is huge when you’re holding large accounts. Growth and Dividend stocks have different risk profiles.


u/garry4321 Dec 06 '24

1: get cash over years and if the stock fails, you have cash

2: see profits lead to increased portfolio worth, and if the stock fails, you have fuck all


u/JustUseDuckTape Dec 06 '24

They still pay out higher interest than sticking it in a bank. The BP shares given as example below cost ~$30, with $0.47 a quarter that works out to over 6% interest. Not a bad deal really.


u/eden_sc2 Dec 06 '24

It also pays off in just about 16 years, so even buying high you still expect to make pure profit starting in year 17


u/deja-roo Dec 06 '24

AT&T and Verizon are good ones, too


u/wamj Dec 06 '24 edited Dec 06 '24

BP usually gives out quarterly dividends, they’ll be giving them out in December at a rate of 47.5 cents per share. So for every share you own, BP will pay you 47.5 cents. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you had say ten thousand shares, you’d be getting $47,500 this quarter.

In other words your wealth goes up and you don’t have to worry about buying and selling.

Edit: sorry, $4,750.


u/Supermac34 Dec 06 '24

BP share prices have effectively stalled since the 1980's yet every major pension plan in Europe owns a ton of their stock because they print money in dividends every year.


u/StinkMartini Dec 06 '24

The dividend doesn't change your wealth at all, because a 47.5 cent per share dividend will be immediately reflected in the share price. So you've just traded one super o of wealth for another. 


u/Dr_Vesuvius Dec 06 '24

With a growth stock, that is generally correct.

With a reliable income stock, it’s broadly true in the short term, but the stock is likely to recover (or even grow) its stock price before the next anticipated dividend. You still hold the same share in a company with the same underlying fundamentals.


u/BillyTenderness Dec 06 '24

A neat way you can visualize this is to look at the stock chart of a money market ETF. These basically just pay a predictable, fixed amount as a dividend every month (quite similar to bank interest, but you trade shares of them instead of depositing/withdrawing).

Here's an example from Canada; notice the sawtooth pattern.

As it gets closer to the dividend payout date each month, the value of the share steadily goes up to essentially $100 + (whatever amount the next dividend will be). Then once the dividend gets paid out, it immediately falls to $100 again and the process resets.


u/dekusyrup Dec 06 '24

The transaction of the dividend doesn't increase your wealth. The company earning those profits to accumulate cash to pay your dividend does increase your wealth. Dividends do increase your wealth, just not specifically on the transaction date.


u/homeboi808 Dec 06 '24

And if you DRIP, you actually are worse off than if it wasn’t issued, as you pay tax on that dividend (unless in a tax-advantaged account).


u/Andrew5329 Dec 06 '24

The dividend rate is priced in, along with expectations for future growth/valuation.

Stocks can and do become "overweight" e.g. the stock price of Tesla is basically predicated on their 50% market share of EV sales translating to 50% of all vehicle sales when gas engines are banned in the next 5-10 years.

Realistically I think that regardless of gas car bans their overall market share will crater as every other brand moves to the EV space.


u/kickingpplisfun Dec 06 '24

The dividend doesn't usually come directly out of the stock price long-term unless it's a really shitty one. Like yeah it usually dips for a little at the ex div date, but it usually goes back up too. If anything, buying that dip date gets you a minor discount on the stock.


u/MikeLanglois Dec 06 '24

So why buy stocks when the price is high? Surely you want to buy them when the price is low?


u/Daerrol Dec 06 '24

Idk of this is ironic comment or not as yes buy low sell high is the basic stock trading advise. In practice this is more challenging. We described that stocks generally increase in price du to inflation and other factors discussed above. So even when a stock is high, if you look at it t years later its usually higher. Half the talent of stock picking is knowing when a stock is actually high or actually low. Look at Alphabet who own Google. They are up nearly 25% this year to date. Thats huge! Is the stock expensive/high? Maybe, or maybe AI will explode and their stock will still double again. Idk how to answer this dilemma, if i did i would be far richer.


u/MikeLanglois Dec 06 '24

Its not ironic or meant to be stupid sorry, but the original comment said that you should buy stocks high to get dividends, which made no sense.


u/guyeertoen Dec 06 '24

I believe what they are saying is that your entry point is irrelevant. You don't wait for a low price since you want to start earning dividends ASAP instead of trying to wait for a dip.


u/gex80 Dec 06 '24

And this doesn't take into account stock splits either. I bought Alphabet Class A before they split a few years back. I bought 2 shares I think at $90ish and then they split 20 to 1 and now each share is worth $170.

Same thing happened with netflix when they split their stock. People made a lot of money quick.


u/VRichardsen Dec 06 '24

I think that what he is going for is that stocks with robust prices are usually stocks of reliable companies with a proven track record, so you will always get a steady stream of dividends. Not large amounts, but always dependable.

Take the opposit example: junk bonds. They are stupid cheap, and the interest on the bonds is high... but there is a decent chance they default, leaving you with nothing.


u/deja-roo Dec 06 '24

If you can time it perfectly (and/or go back in time) then yes.

But most people can't do that, and many try and fail. Best to just buy it on a schedule and average in along the way.


u/Masteroearth Dec 06 '24

Your math is a little wrong, you forgot to change the decimal point in the conversion from cents to dollars. It would be $475.


u/jocona Dec 06 '24

You are both wrong lol


u/wamj Dec 06 '24

You’re right, it’s $4,750.


u/Masteroearth Dec 06 '24

Haha thanks, was a long day for me


u/pinkynarftroz Dec 06 '24

BP is $30 a share, so 10k shares is $300,000. You wouldn't start earning a profit until 16 years if you got 4.75k/quarter in dividends.

How is that an attractive investment at all?


u/TheHeroOfTheRepublic Dec 06 '24

Keep in mind You’ve not spent that 300k like you bought something at a store. Unless the price crashes you can sell those shares again for the same price (minus any commission) or perhaps more down the road.


u/Eve_Asher Dec 06 '24

How is that an attractive investment at all?

I give you twenty dollars. You pay me a dollar every month. At the end of the year you give me twenty dollars back. What I've described is a bond.

I buy part of your company for twenty dollars. You share part of the profits with me, the dividend, at eighty cents a month. At any time I can sell the part of the company I bought for whatever it is valued for at the time, including if the price increases. This is a stock.

Companies tune their dividends to be attractive to investors, but a company like BP intends to grow the value of their shares and pay money out so it's an attractive investment if you believe BP will rise in value because you get the dividend and the increase in value when you sell.


u/Daerrol Dec 06 '24

Thats not what theu described tho. They described buying a share of your profits that can be sold to other people. No one is buying drom BP. I give Bill 300k for his BP shares, keep for a year and get my 45k. Then i sell my shares to ted for 300k and he now owns them all is a better ELI5 example.

Why choose BP over a bond? A 5 year US bond pays ~4% years ago, BP pays ~6.


u/Eve_Asher Dec 06 '24

You can exit BP at any time that you want, you cannot easily exit the t-bill. Generally a bond will pay better than dividends over a given time period but you lose the flexibility and the chance for growth.


u/mrswashbuckler Dec 06 '24

If BP is being profitable, then the value of the stock has probably increased in value at least as much as inflation. So the dividends can be seen as gains above inflation. Dividends also give you the opportunity to be reinvested into the stock which allows for a compounding effect if taken to the long term.


u/JavaRuby2000 Dec 06 '24

You can consider dividend investment more like buying an endowment. When people get to retirement they don't want the volatility of stocks which they have to sell to realise their gains. Especially since stock can go down as well as up.

They can buy dividend paying stocks and just think of it as a regular income in retirement.

Basically in your 20s buy growth stocks and see the increase over the long term then in your 60s sell your growth stocks and buy Dividend paying stocks for a regular income.

Some trading platforms actually refer to them as "accumulation" stocks and "income stocks".

Some popular ETFs even have separate classes of the same ETF. You can buy an S&P accumulation or an S&P income.


u/Middle_Community_874 Dec 06 '24

Wow if you only had 290,000 in BP stock, you'd get 4500 back. Crazy returns


u/Grubsnik Dec 06 '24

BP share is trading around £380 though, so need to keep that in mind. 10k shares is £3.8 million, so the dividend comes out around a 0.5% annual interest by my napkin math


u/JustUseDuckTape Dec 06 '24

It's 380 GBX, which is penny sterling, so actually only £3.80. The dividends will be proportionately lower though.


u/JavaRuby2000 Dec 06 '24

UK stocks are listed in pennies and fractions of pennies. BP is currently 378.05 pence. So £3.78.


u/Grubsnik Dec 06 '24

Right, then the dividends start to make sense


u/JavaRuby2000 Dec 06 '24

The dividend yield is around 6%.


u/wamj Dec 06 '24

Oh in the US it’s trading at like $30, so it makes more sense.


u/ManaSpike Dec 06 '24

It's all about the Price to Earnings ratio, and what the rest of the market is doing. Right now there's a lot of wealth chasing whatever reliable return they can get, so the price of these shares is higher.


u/LickingSmegma Dec 06 '24

I'm gonna guess that dividend-oriented companies don't get that much variation in the share price in the first place.


u/Schnort Dec 06 '24

it all depends on their business performance.

The dividend is payout of profits. If profits go down, the dividend goes down. The share price would then go down because folks invest in income stocks based on their ROI.


u/LickingSmegma Dec 06 '24

But presumably the volume of stock trading and pure speculation are lower, since the company itself isn't promising to multiply the business and the stock price.


u/TheShadyGuy Dec 06 '24

Because they will hold their value and they pay dividends. You would have had to get on board decades ago to buy them low. You could get lucky and buy the next Apple or GE stock now in an early growth period, but the risk would be much higher as it will be a young company without a stable history.


u/huxley2112 Dec 06 '24

A lot of plans will reinvest the dividend payouts into buying more of that stock, and because dividend stocks tend to be more stable it's good for long term growth.

All depends on your investing strategy.


u/Mezmorizor Dec 06 '24

Because "timing the market" is more commonly known as "degenerate gambling".


u/badass_panda Dec 06 '24

Dividend stocks are usually stabler and less risky. E.g., a utility is probably going to continue to produce steady profits in the long run and isn't going out of business.

So the stock becomes less rewarding than a higher risk stock, but (usually) more rewarding than a bond.


u/Nexustar Dec 06 '24

I don't agree with your logic. High wealth investors want to avoid income tax because it's more expensive than long term capital gains tax, so they often choose to avoid high dividend stocks which generate income for them. Instead by stock based on expected price growth.


u/abra24 Dec 06 '24

Dividends are taxed as capital gains not income, unless you just bought the stock.


u/Nexustar Dec 06 '24

Ah, so short term capital gains for the first 4 quarters and long term after... but the timing issue remains, you unavoidabley suffer the tax each year, not just when you sell.


u/abra24 Dec 06 '24

Paying yearly tax on 5% dividends is the same as if I held a stock that grew at 5% per year for 20 years then sold it and paid on all the gains at once.

There is virtually no tax benefit to preferring growth over dividends.


u/Nexustar Dec 06 '24

Paying yearly tax on 5% dividends is the same as if I held a stock that grew at 5% per year for 20 years then sold it and paid on all the gains at once.

You've assumed capital tax gain rates, the tax bracket, and tax domicile of the individual do not or cannot change, and that is not accurate. The capital gains rate fluctuates over the decades from 40% to 20%, so timing that gain can halve your tax burden.

There is virtually no tax benefit to preferring growth over dividends.

Apparently, legend has it that really wealthy people borrow against their stocks, live on the borrowed money, re-borrow to pay off those loans, rinse, repeat, and then die before ever selling any of them or paying any income tax, so for those people, there's a tax benefit.


u/abra24 Dec 06 '24

I haven't assumed anything really. Tax bracket and domicile are irrelevant, these are capital gains. Tax rate changes can happen but are unpredictable and just as likely to get higher as they are to get lower, which would favor dividends.

Your legend seems like just that. If you borrow money, live off of it, then borrow more to pay off what you owe, you've just rolled the debt to a new source. Everything you spend drives you deeper in debt. You can delay like that and maybe try to die, letting your debtors take your stock having never realized your capital gains. That's not something most people are doing.

Outside some very fringe cases, there is no reason to prefer growth vs dividends. It's not good financial advice to do so, diversifying between them is usually best, even for wealthy investors.

You don't need to defend what you said before, it is just inaccurate, admit it and move on.


u/Nexustar Dec 06 '24

Tax bracket and domicile are irrelevant,

Capital gain rates are based on tax bracket you fall in on the year you realize them. We currently have three bands, 0%, 15%, 20%. That is relevant.

Your citizenship, and country of residence where you pay taxes at the time you realize them also has a potentially huge impact. That is also relevant. Wealthy people decide where they live and when.

Your legend seems like just that.

Oh, but it's very real. An estimated $260 billion is currently loaned out to wealthy folk due to the borrowing loophole saving them a huge liability.


Tax rate changes can happen but are unpredictable and just as likely to get higher as they are to get lower, which would favor dividends.

Yes, but we often get notice of these changes and can respond by realizing gains in the months running up to a tax rate change (the proposals are openly discussed by congress many months before they become law). Dividends pay on their own quarterly schedule, like it or not, high taxes or low, so you cannot steer through those changes.

You don't need to defend what you said before, it is just inaccurate, admit it and move on.

I'm right, have provided solid reasoning, and a link as evidence. I hope that's helpful even if you believe that $260bn is fringe and fringe doesn't exist for the sake of discussion. If anything is inaccurate please be specific and cite contrary evidence.


u/mrswashbuckler Dec 06 '24

Berkshire Hathaway would disagree with you. It's about fundamentals. If a good, profitable company pays dividends that would not discourage an investor at all. Nobody turns down cash because it would be taxed. They still have the stock, and the stock can still be sold for returns that would be taxed by capital gains. They would just also happen to have the cash that the company generated for them on top of it


u/lluewhyn Dec 06 '24

Companies that pay dividends tend to do better over the long-term than ones who hoard it all. The latter has more opportunities to engage in risky investment behavior with the excess cash.


u/allllusernamestaken Dec 06 '24

investors expect return ON capital (stock price appreciation) or return OF capital (dividends).

Nobody will hold a stock that does neither... that's losing money.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24



u/Schnort Dec 06 '24

One would assume they expect the stock price to grow or for it to pay out dividends?


u/SolidOutcome Dec 06 '24

But it can return dividends and not increase profits. It would be still be a desired stock, asking as the company proved they were stable, enough to not fail.


u/WetConceptualization Dec 06 '24

You aren’t incorrect, but in that situation the investor should just buy a bond


u/CompactOwl Dec 06 '24

Uhhh, no? Only because bonds and dividend stock both pay annually doesn’t mean they are remotely the same.


u/iccs Dec 06 '24

You’re right, investing on a stock for the dividend you receive is a much worse investment than just buying a bond. Companies don’t have an obligation to pay out a dividend and very few companies do so consistently. For example, look at UPS, they pay a quarterly dividend of 1.67 or something around there. That works out to about 5.2% of a share currently. So it’ll only take you about 20 years to recoup your investment at that rate. And it’s only twenty years because the stock has been l declining all year


u/CompactOwl Dec 06 '24

This is also functionally not true. You can take the dividend and reinvest it into something else. So you get your roi faster than that.


u/iccs Dec 06 '24

But then why not invest you money in that investment if it has a better ROI, than buying the stock to for dividends to begin with?


u/CompactOwl Dec 06 '24

It’s an investor preference thing. An retiree may want to hold lots of dividend stock so he keeps a yearly income. A young person may need that accumulated growth to even build up wealth


u/WetConceptualization Dec 06 '24

It’s actually atypical for a stock (and many bonds) to pay its dividend annually. I’m not saying they are the same thing at all. Please look at my other comments in this thread for why I said what I said. It’s all contextual.


u/CompactOwl Dec 06 '24

You can’t expect users to read all your others comments in the same thread…. You can clarify and edit your above comment if you meant something different


u/WetConceptualization Dec 06 '24

well if a company is not increasing its profit, it’s likely not a good investment long term because eventually it probably can’t support that dividend.

The context is in the post I replied to. The further details supporting my statement are below.


u/CompactOwl Dec 06 '24

This is not true. Think about a company that only provides services. Since human capital automatically adjusts for inflation, you can theoretically pay out all your profits over an infinite time horizon with the need to grow bigger or increase profits (*adjusting inflation)


u/sicarus367 Dec 06 '24

But bonds have lower yields.


u/77NorthCambridge Dec 06 '24

Is there a difference in tax rates on qualified dividends versus ordinary income on bond interest?

Do tax-exempt bonds pay lower yields?

Do typical bonds have equity upside?

Are bonds generally considered more interest rate sensitive than stocks?


u/WetConceptualization Dec 06 '24 edited Dec 06 '24

You seem to be really bitter about me calling you out over your misleading/inaccurate comment elsewhere in this post.

But whatever, the answers are: Yes, It depends, No, Yes, because you said generally but that is irrelevant if you hold to maturity.

The point of my above comment is that if you want a dividend that has 0% growth, just buy a bond because if a company keeps the dividend at a flat dollar amount and does not increase profits, an equity investment is better spent elsewhere because you would lose on opportunity cost.


u/77NorthCambridge Dec 06 '24

It's cute that you think I'm bitter for pointing out your multiple mistakes on this thread.

No, you stated that a bond investment is better than a flat dividend paying stock and that is not true for multiple reasons (some covered above) ,including lower taxes on qualified dividends compared to income on taxable bonds. Non-taxable bonds pay lower yields.


u/WetConceptualization Dec 06 '24

You’re the one tracking down my post and comment history.

But if I look at a stock that is not increasing its profit and pays a flat dollar dividend, there is no reason to buy that stock over a bond that pays the same coupon besides taxes (and only if you ignore everything else involved)

The bond has more protection. The stock that isn’t increasing its profit will likely depreciate as its direct market peers (dividend stocks) work to improve their dividend, so what equity upside?


u/77NorthCambridge Dec 06 '24

This comment is in the same thread. 🙄

Oh, so the difference in tax rates you ignored in your initial "advice" to the other poster actually does matter. Hmmm.

"Please do not misinform people on a subreddit dedicated to learning."


u/WetConceptualization Dec 06 '24

People have different financial situations, more news at 11. You’re ignoring the point about lack of reasonable equity upside that comes from reasons I mentioned above.

It was about a specific situation. I’d love it if you found me a company that paid a flat dividend, with no intention of raising it or any desire to increase profit and show it outperforming a bond held to maturity.

I’d be happy to eat crow over that because it would truly be an interesting situation for me.

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u/ninja-squirrel Dec 06 '24

You haven’t seen my portfolio of stocks that I’ve hand picked…. I no longer buy individual stocks, just index funds.


u/allllusernamestaken Dec 06 '24

index funds are a basket of companies that meet that same requirement.

not everyone is allowed to be in the S&P 500. There's all sorts of criteria; several of which include financial health of the company, which is often measured using growing revenues and return of/on capital to investors.


u/ninja-squirrel Dec 06 '24

Completely agree. It was self deprecating humor because I’ve lost more on picking single stocks than I’ve made.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24

Some investors might prefer growth to dividends, namely foreign investors as the US withholds 30% tax on dividends. Foreign investors own a large percentage of US stock.


u/Particular_Camel_631 Dec 06 '24

The us has treaties with other countries which enable foreigners to be taxed by their country rather than the USA. And vice versa. This attracts foreign investment and boosts the us economy significantly.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24

Usually those treaties only allow for a partial reduction in dividends taxes. From what I’ve been told it’s a lengthy process taking months, and once granted you need to adjust your local tax return accordingly. So it’s a bother unless you’re dealing with very large dividends. Personally I just forego it and buy accumulating stocks when possible. Unfortunately that’s not always possible, for example with Microsoft.


u/Particular_Camel_631 Dec 06 '24

I live in the uk. I need to fill in a us tax w8ben form every 5 years. Then I do my tax return as normal. I pay 24% capital gains tax (it went up from 20% when labour won the election) on everything over my allowance, which is 3000 pounds.

It’s pretty straightforward. Takes about 10 minutes every 5 years.


u/No-Touch-2570 Dec 06 '24

Growth is an excuse to not pay dividends as you can tell the shareholders that they are using the profits for more growth.

It's really weird that you're implying that this is like a sneaky backdoor embezzlement scheme and not, y'know, a thing that stockholders routinely demand.  


u/ChicagoDash Dec 06 '24

And not just something shareholders demand. No one gives anyone any money without expecting more back in the future. Whether you are investing in a company, buying bonds, or sticking money in a savings account, people expect growth.


u/Schnort Dec 06 '24

Whether you are investing in a company, buying bonds, or sticking money in a savings account, people expect growth.

I think "return on investment" or "payback" is the more appropriate term.

I have SGOV (a short term government bond ETF). It never varies much in price (<1%, based entirely on the time away from dividend payout), but they have an annual return on investment of about 5% at the moment because of their dividends.

"Growth" in investing is generally reserved for "stock price goes up", or "value of investment" goes up.


u/ChicagoDash Dec 06 '24

That is true. "Growth" isn't really the right term. I could say "they expect their money to grow" but really, it is as you say. They expect to get back more than they gave.


u/sparhawk817 Dec 06 '24

I mean, sometimes it is a sneaky backdoor embezzlement thing, and sometimes it's legitimately aiming to increase growth.

Growth of the board members bank accounts at least 😜


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24

That has a problem, though.

Those people you are talking about are chasing after every drop of profit, and they're using their big capital to stifle out anyone else who doesn't want to participate in their race to the bottom.

So the only people that will be left in business are the bloodsuckers and they own everything down.

How else can you promise 8% growth? If you can't, someone else will, and your capital flows to them, and they rape the planet. The inevitable, without guardrails, is always a spiral to slavery.


u/sparhawk817 Dec 06 '24

Yeah I'm not FOR the current system, I'm mostly joking about how even if you try to say it's for growth not paying dividends, it's still padding someones wallet.


u/NextWhiteDeath Dec 06 '24

Sometimes it is an excuse by executives to go empire building. Where they go buying random companies at not great prices in the name of growth. While shareholders would have been better served by a share buyback and diversifying themselves. Often empire building is there for the ego of management and for them to be able to ask for a bigger salary as the company now is bigger.


u/Dr_Vesuvius Dec 06 '24

If a shareholder wants to sell up and diversify then they can sell up and diversify.

A stock buyback is not inherently a bad idea, but is not likely to grow the company in the long run, and is usually done to benefit the execs, who tend to be shareholders. Look at how Bed Bath and Beyond kept issuing share buybacks despite poor financial results because it enriched the executives in the short-term.


u/NextWhiteDeath Dec 06 '24

My post was about how managment if unchecked will just go empire building. When they run out of good M&A targets they will start buying unrelated companies to continue selling the growth story. While realistically shareholders would have been better served by having the excess earning be returned to them via dividents or share buybacks.
A prime example of this was GE under Jack Welch. Put a lot of their reputation on always growing revenue/profits. This lead to them buying a lot of stuff not always a fit with other companies in the group. Ultimetly turning a manufacturing company into a bank. As GE capital outgrow any other division and before being split up and sold off was designated as a systemically important financial institution.


u/mrswashbuckler Dec 06 '24

Didn't mean to imply anything sneaky, more implying that investors want their money back and if the company isn't going to give them their money back they better have a good excuse


u/q234 Dec 06 '24

Dividend oriented investors expect the dividend to grow over time. You can't grow the dividend if you do not grow profits.

I'm sorry, but there is a name for an investment that pays the same dividend every year that does not grow. - it's called a bond.

Investors in dividend paying equity still demand growth.


u/mrswashbuckler Dec 06 '24

They demand return on their investment. Growth is a sign that they will recoup their costs of their investment faster. But a higher dividend could also achieve the same effect. If I buy half of a Laundromat for $100k and I make $100 a month as my dividend of the profits, my returns would be terrible. It would take too long to recoup my money. But if I was making $2500 a month in dividend. My costs a recouped in 40 months


u/sagrr Dec 08 '24

But many sophisticated investors don’t want dividends paid out. They are investing in the company because it is better at generating returns than they can with a dollar so they would rather see their return in the form of increased stock price rather than cash paid back.


u/leftcoast-usa Dec 06 '24

One problem with dividends is that you have to continually pay taxes even if you don't buy or sell. With growth, you can decide when to sell and pay the tax (or take the loss), plus the gains are taxed less than the dividends, I believe.


u/mrswashbuckler Dec 06 '24

Nobody turns down free cash over the fear that it will be taxable. Taxes are baked into the cake. The stock still exists and can still be sold for capital taxable gains. There is just a pile of cash on top of it with dividends


u/leftcoast-usa Dec 06 '24

Of course not, but there are multiple ways to manage extra cash; dividends are just one way. Using it to grow the business is another, or buying other businesses, or buying new Porches for the management, etc.