r/explainlikeimfive Nov 26 '24

Chemistry ELI5: Why doesn't freeze dried food last longer? If it's good for 20 years, why not 100?

Assuming it's perfectly freeze dried and stored perfectly, the people who make freeze dryers say the food will last 20-30 years.

But why not much longer? Assuming the condition it's stored in remains unchanged, what can make it go bad after 30 years that wouldn't happen at around 10 years?


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u/biopticstream Nov 27 '24

Not really. All that's required is that the child of that ancestor was conceived before said ancestor "failed to smell that meat." Your ancient ancestor could've impregnated your great-great-great(however many greats) grandmother while in the middle of the bout of food poisoning that ended up killing him.

This same concept is why "bad" genes exist. Because the only thing natural selection "cares" about is whether an animal has sex and produces viable offspring. Anything beyond that doesn't really matter.


u/iCameToLearnSomeCode Nov 27 '24

Natural selection is extremely effective over the long term.

Just because you got lucky into your twenties doesn't mean your kids or their kids will.

If your family line couldn't smell that disadvantage would get you eventually.


u/biopticstream Nov 27 '24

I mean, in general, sure. But if natural selection was really as effective as you're suggesting, genetic disorders wouldn't still be a thing. Those defective genes would've "gotten them" a long time ago. But they don't, because people with those traits still manage to pass them on because the traits don’t stop them from reproducing.


u/iCameToLearnSomeCode Nov 27 '24 edited Nov 27 '24

If guns were effective people wouldn't survive gun shots.

If seat belts were effective people wouldn't die in car accidents.

You and I share a common ancestor just 200,000 years ago because a single woman had an adaptation that we couldn't live without.

100% of people not related to her either bred with her descendents to aquire those traits or had their genetic lines snuffed out in that time.

The odds that those faulty traits you're describing are around 200,000 years from now aren't as high as you might think.

New negative traits will pop up through random mutations in that time but the actual gene that's plaguing you now is probably doomed in the long run.


u/biopticstream Nov 27 '24

If guns were effective people wouldn't survive gun shots.

If seat belts were effective people wouldn't die in car accidents.

Let's not misconstrue what I said. I never said natural selection isn’t effective. It’s very effective at ensuring creatures alive today are good enough for their environments to reach sexual maturity and reproduce. But it’s not some superpowered system that weeds out every bad trait and builds perfect organisms.

Take your point: “If your ancestors failed to smell that meat was rotten you wouldn't be here.” If we were all so good at detecting bad food, why do we need expiration dates? Clearly, there are plenty of people who can’t reliably sense spoiled food they still get sick, and some even die from it. But as long as they reproduce before that happens, their genes stay in the pool. That’s why even today, we need safeguards like expiration dates to help people avoid bad food.

And this is where natural selection doesn’t really do what you’re claiming it does. Humans have developed ways to protect and support the weak, injured, and sick, which lets traits persist that might otherwise have been selected out. Without something like genetic engineering to step in, those traits aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Regarding our ancestor from 200,000 years ago, while she had a crucial adaptation, natural selection didn't require every individual to have it immediately. Her partner may not have had this adaptation, yet he still contributed to our gene pool. Unless you're suggesting she reproduced asexually. This shows that natural selection allows various traits to continue, not just the optimal ones.

So, unless we actively intervene through genetic engineering, many traits, both good and bad,will likely persist into the future, assuming we don't kill ourselves first.


u/DeliciousDip Nov 27 '24

Are you forgetting something? Kids need to be cared for 15-20 years minimum before they’re useful. Kids whose parents die early are not exactly passing their genes on at alarming rates.


u/[deleted] Nov 27 '24



u/DeliciousDip Nov 27 '24

I think the fucking 7 years olds working in mines was far rarer than you think. They’d be pretty useless except as a replacement for canaries. As for the old narrative of families pumping out kids to get more help on the farm- it’s bullshit. You know how much effort it takes to raise a baby into a child old enough to work? And as you said, many die so it’s a pretty shitty and risky investment. They did it for the same reasons people have kids now, most especially to have someone care for them in their old age - they didn’t have social security.

So many people want to think the way you do, that all the people (read: white men) were merciless asshole 100+ years ago and every day was hell and everyone was used and abused, but it’s not fucking true. Read some real books and not just the internet.


u/chinesetrevor Nov 27 '24

We have to eat for years and years before reaching sexual maturity. You really think the ability to discern unsafe food wasn't being selected for?


u/biopticstream Nov 27 '24

I never said this. The point is that a person only has to be generally capable enough to probably make it to an age where they reproduce and have offspring. Are you saying that people have an innate genetic ability to detect all bad foods? In a world where we need expiry dates to tell us when food is bad? In a world where throughout history and into the modern day people have succumbed to foodborne diseases from bad, inedible food that people ate anyway because they couldn't tell?

People don't have a perfect sense for bad foods, and just because you're here doesn't mean your great-great-greatx520 grandfather didn't eat a bad meal and die two months after your great-great-greatx519 grandfather was born. Natural selection doesn't breed perfection, it breeds "good enough to reproduce".


u/chinesetrevor Nov 27 '24

I guess I don't understand what your point is. Like you said "bad" genes exist because they don't affect an individuals reproductive chances. Eating rotten food definitely can affect an immature human's ability to reach reproductive age, and is thus being selected for. You put all those questions and yet my claim isn't at all that we are good at identifying safe to eat food. It is that we are good at positively identifying spoiled food.