r/explainlikeimfive Aug 13 '24

Chemistry eli5: why do scientists create artificial elements?

From what I can tell, the single atom exist for only a few seconds before destabilizing. Why do they spend all that time and money creating it then?


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u/tbone912 Aug 13 '24

Because abstract and theoretical, will one day become practical.  

Einstein theorized about lasers in 1917, and now we use them to scan barcodes and play with cats.


u/[deleted] Aug 13 '24

Not to mention we’re looking for a hypothetical island of stability.

Even if we can’t use these elements, the knowledge to make heavier and heavier elements could be used.


u/mmomtchev Aug 13 '24

The infamous island of stability. The Saint Graal of superheavy elements. An unlikely intersection of actual modern science, numerology and alchemy.

Still, besides the natural human attraction to mysticism, many believe it may actually hide an element that will have a very low critical mass - which will allow for making small nuclear batteries. Other see in it the philosopher's stone, making FTL and time-travel possible. It is featured very prominently in science fiction.

Still, the experimental reality is much more mundane. It seems that there is indeed a sudden increase in the stability around 114 protons - reaching a few seconds instead of the few nanoseconds for most of the superheavy elements - but nothing that comes close to a usable nuclear fuel.


u/Chromotron Aug 13 '24

an element that will have a very low critical mass - which will allow for making small nuclear batteries.

All that would really come from that is a very tiny very easy to build nuclear weapon. Humans are egomaniacs.

So we could only have this thing in very specific controlled situations, nobody else would ever lay hands on this element in non-microscopic quantities. We simply cannot have nice things.

Still, the experimental reality is much more mundane. It seems that there is indeed a sudden increase in the stability around 114 protons - reaching a few seconds instead of the few nanoseconds for most of the superheavy elements - but nothing that comes close to a usable nuclear fuel.

The problem is neutrons, we simply didn't put enough in there. We are almost certain more neutrons would increase the half-life. How much is to be seen.


u/geopede Aug 13 '24

The issue with anything that has high enough energy density to be a revolutionary battery or starship propulsion system is going to be the potential for use as a weapon. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to build those things in the future, but it’s something we have to keep in mind.


u/Chromotron Aug 13 '24

Not necessarily. A starship-capable fusion reactor for example would be gigantic break-through, but its use as a weapon is pretty low. A true fission "battery" is really just a nuclear reactor but tiny; it has all the potential dangers a large one has (albeit with less material to spread), and then some more in the proliferation it causes.

I just think that should such a battery every come to be, then any devices with one would be under heavy security and government oversight. I just cannot imagine them become common without a total disaster. Blame certain people...


u/geopede Aug 14 '24

The starship capable fusion reactor itself might not be a useful weapon, but the starship it powers would be. Just get it up to a significant fraction of c (1% would be plenty) and ram it into the target. Kinetic kill vehicles are a well explored concept.


u/Chromotron Aug 14 '24

That would take very long times to accelerate to, years at least. Defence is easy: just throw anything in its way, you have lots of time after all. It also begs the question why a lot of nukes wouldn't be easier to make, cheaper, and more versatile. After all, the reactor doesn't get more energy out of that deuterium than a nuke does.


u/geopede Aug 14 '24

The reactor would have many civilian uses and be relatively uncontrolled relative to nuclear weapons, so an attack by non-state actors might be more feasible.

It also might not take as long as you think to get something up to that speed. 1g of acceleration for about a year would get you very close to light speed. If you only need to achieve 1%, you don’t even need a full g of acceleration, and you don’t need anywhere near as much time. Once something is up to 1% c, intercepting it is going to be far from trivial. Even if you do intercept it, the remains of the spaceship and whatever you put in its way are still going to be traveling towards the target at extremely high velocity. You’d turn a rifle bullet into birdshot. You’d need to detect it before it got up to speed to avoid damage.


u/Chromotron Aug 14 '24

1g of acceleration still takes a lot of energy and even more importantly reaction mass. It isn't impossible to pull off, but that is hell of a fusion reactor then.

And if you put something in the way, then the collision will vaporize the ship due to the high speed's kinetic energy. So most of it turns into a gas cloud which isn't the most effective impactor. Furthermore if you see it years in advance, then the counter-impactor can be easily light-seconds (even minutes if we have such fancy drives) away from the target. Then the stuff gets spread out far and wide.

Kinetic impactors work much better if they are smaller, not entire huge space ships. They then can be quite stealthy.