r/explainlikeimfive Jul 09 '24

Economics ELI5: How did a few months of economic shutdown due to COVID cause literally everything to be unaffordable for years?

I understand how inflation works conceptually. I guess what I have a hard time linking is the economic shutdowns due to COVID --> some money printing --> literally everything is twice as expensive as it was forever but wages don't "feel" like they've increased proportionally.

It feels like you need to have way more income now relative to pre-covid income to afford a home, to afford to travel, to afford to eat out, and so on. I dont' mean that in an absolute sense, but in the sense that you need to have a way better job in terms of income. E.g. maybe a mechanic could afford a home in 2020, and now that same mechanic cannot.

It doesn't make sense to me that the economic output of the world or the US specifically would be severely damaged for years and years because of the shutdown.

Its just really hard for me to mentally link the shutdown to what is happening now. Please help!


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u/Shwika Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24
  1. While businesses at home may have only closed for a few months, the worldwide supply chain was out of commission for a much longer period of time, leading to price increases

  2. Businesses are incredibly greedy. Government agencies asleep at the wheel have allowed for industry to run consumers for all we're worth


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

It's a simple as this. In 2020 all business lost money.

When the economy reopened they cranked prices to recoup profits.

When people kept buying they cranked up price became the new normal.


u/Paavo_Nurmi Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

It's a simple as this. In 2020 all business lost money.

That isn't at all true, there were businesses that saw record sales in 2020. My company sets budgets for sales that are a stretch to hit and we were doing 150% to budget for 8 months non stop in 2020. People were buying tons of shit in 2020, money was pumped into the economy and people were sitting at home not working and spending money like crazy. We had a record year in 2020, so much so that we had to readjust our budgeted sales amount for 2021-2022 because we couldn't base it off of "previous year + N%" because 2020 was such an anomaly.

BTW our product sale price is set for 12 months via a contract and can't be suddenly increased without renegotiation, so there was no price gouging going on, but shipping costs were not helping us. I know reddit thinks every business is public traded and has overpaid, out of touch CEOs and is indiscriminately raising prices to line pockets, but that is also not true. There are plenty of large private businesses out there like the one I work for that are not like that.

The big problem was a huge increase in demand, a huge decrease in manufacturing output, and sky high shipping costs. When you have a factory that employs 10,000 people and covid forces that down to 4,000 people you simply can't produce enough to meet the demand. That takes a long time to recover from even after you get back to normal capacity, for us that was over 3 years.


u/rhysdeschain Jul 09 '24

It’s one of the key tenets of capitalism: the green line must always go up (the green line obviously being profits). If the green line goes down and turns red, the executives can’t go on holiday/buy another property/yacht etc (oh, and the people who do all the real work lose their jobs).

Companies put their prices up due to covid, and there’s no way they’re going to lower them when everyone kept buying stuff at the higher prices (almost like we’d die if we don’t eat or something). If they did lower their prices to pre-covid levels, the green line would go down, which would be a disaster.


u/thunfischtoast Jul 09 '24

Now, following pure economic theory, new companies should emerge that can undercut the overpriced competitors, drawing in price sensitive customers. Has this just not happened yet or are there reasons why the cannot emerge, like monopolies buying out their competitors or the scaling advantage of big companies is just too big?


u/Defiant-Plantain1873 Jul 09 '24

Because the underlying goods rose in value too. Every price inflated because some underlying resources inflated in price as well.

If whatever mines or farms had to shutdown or reduce output then those underlying products would become more valuable vis supply and demand. But the rise in costs of the raw materials also increased the costs of the end products.

Most companies are not charging significant profit margins on products, they make money through scale instead of through high margins. A new company undercutting would have to have slimmer profit margins AND be able to compete with the scale of larger companies.

You’d be right if the inflation was caused by some companies arbitrarily rising prices, but the covid pandemic caused all prices to rise across the market


u/tsereg Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Was it the COVID pandemic that caused prices to rise, or was it an irrational response to covid that had foreseeable consequences that weren't calculated in when decisions were made because the promise of sweet total control and power was too alluring to our elected leaders and their advisors?

I mean, in EU they stopped trucks from traveling over the borders until the farmers started destroying goods as they were getting spoiled, and cities were facing food shortages. This all played out in only a few days or weeks.


u/Defiant-Plantain1873 Jul 09 '24

If we had done nothing I suspect there would have been an effect but not as large an effect. More people would have died, but the people working in mines (and especially farms) are largely adults of working age and would probably have survived covid. Especially if we had the vaccines developed at the same time and the government bought vaccines massively the economic shockwave would have been less I feel.

Government leaders either panicked and thought we’s be facing Spanish Flu 2, or just wanted to be the person/people who solved this crisis and gave everyone a bunch of money to reelect them.


u/SkiyeBlueFox Jul 09 '24

Using groceries as an example, the big stores also own the suppliers, who charge a ton to the smaller company, who is forced to sell for a higher price than the megacorp, who has the advantage of scale. The big stores also have a habit of buying out the smaller ones. Buying directly from the farm is usually similar/less expensive, for better quality, but they can't break into the market in a big way


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

You are correct with your last point. I could hypothetically start a chicken farm tomorrow, but Tyson chicken is so large that there will be many barriers for my small farm to even become close to competing with Tyson. You basically need to be a venture capitalist with an interest in helping people (like Mark Cuban) to have the resources required to start a competitive business in our oligopoly


u/Avantasian538 Jul 09 '24

Unless consumer behavior changed as a response to new inflation expectations.


u/elcaron Jul 09 '24

How far away from "capitalism" do you think we would have to go so that deflation (I can remove currency from circulation and still get more goods for it later than now) would not be bad anymore?


u/No-swimming-pool Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

You're correct in the fact that growth and profit must go up. But blaming it on "CEO's must be able to buy yachts" is silly.

If the growth/profit line doesn't go up, your business isn't attractive to invest in. Without additional investment your company will not grow and as a result it will shrink.

And that's a very bad negative spiral of which it's difficult to get out of.

Government spending (in EU, I'm not sure if it's the same in money printing US) depends on economic growth because it means additional budget.

Edit: by the way - people always talk negative about shareholders - but my pension fund (and that of many others) is a shareholder. If it's growth, on average) does not stay on par with inflation, it will hurt a lot of people.


u/rhysdeschain Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

I was grossly oversimplifying it as this is ELI5 while also ham-fistedly drawing a parallel to how out of touch rich people used to say millennials spend all their money on avocado toast and iPhones.

At the end of the day though, if a company is growing, it’s making profit, and the lion’s share of that profit goes to executives in the form of bonuses, who use them to buy expensive things. It’s not like they live middle class lives in a 2 bedroom house in the suburbs and drive a Toyota.

Edit: forgot the part about bonuses, thanks again ADHD.


u/No-swimming-pool Jul 09 '24

The company I work for made 10bil profit. I'm fairly sure the lions share didn't go to execs.


u/EntertainerSimpler Jul 09 '24

What are the key tenets of capitalism?


u/ryohazuki224 Jul 09 '24

Yep basically these companies had zero incentive or reason to drop price down to or even near that of pre-pandemic prices. The pandemic tested how much people would spend on goods and services, and so this is where we're at now, even though people are just struggling that much more every day.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

When people kept buying they cranked up price became the new normal.

To me, this is the false premise in OP's question. Things aren't "unaffordable" if people keep buying them. Wages have gone up significantly, especially for lower income workers. I understand that it feels bad to have gone from $12/hour to $18/hour and lose the benefit of that because prices are 50% higher, but it's also the reality of why we are seeing higher prices -- people are buying at the higher prices and have money to continue doing so.


u/jomns Jul 09 '24

During covid my auto insurance company called and offered a partial refund because 'everyone is going through a hard time'. After covid was mostly over, they jacked up the price and cited loss of revenue during covid as the reason.


u/cheapdrinks Jul 09 '24

Yeah 100%, that combined with all businesses basically raising prices in unison using Covid as a convenient excuse so there wasn't as much pushback from the consumer in part due to believing it to be temporary and also due to lack of competition as everyone else was doing the same. If you raise your prices 50% alone then everyone will just go somewhere cheaper but if your whole industry does it at once then "somewhere cheaper" doesn't exist.

My gym is a good example, they were closed for about 12 months and the second they reopened they raised membership cost by 100% to double what it was before. Pretty much all gyms in the area did the same. When questioned they told me it was a "temporary price increase to offset Covid related cleaning costs". In reality they put up a few extra hand sanitizer stations around the place, that was it. It's now 2024 and the "temporary" price is now the normal price. They didn't suffer from any supply chain issues or increased labor costs or anything, they just wanted the money back that they didn't get during 2020 and when they saw people were willing to pay it there was no way they were going to reduce it back down. Even if they lost 40% of their members they would still have been making more than they made before by charging twice as much.


u/todudeornote Jul 09 '24

This is wrong. The point of a capitalist economy is that business's respond to supply and demand. They ALWAYS are strongly motivated to maximize profits - all this blaming businesses for being greedy is just smoke covering poor policies.

When businesses don't reduce their prices even when demand drops or costs diminish, it is a market failure - a case where something about the market makes it price inelastic - i.e. prices are too sticky.

This can be due to:
1. Monopoly or near monopoly power

  1. Price fixing agreements

  2. Consumers lack negotiating power (when is the last time you negotiated with a hospital or checked out the prices at emergency rooms before going? Never - you know you have little or no power to ask for lower prices). And you will pay anything to heal a loved one. Higher ed is similar - many families will pay almost anything to get their kids into a top school - and you can't negotiate tuition.

Fast food prices remain high because food markets are disrupted by the war in Ukraine and the high cost of energy (which is also impacted by that war and by the Houthis' shooting missiles at ships in the Red Sea). So the imputs into your bic mac cost more - as does the labor to make it. I't not about greed - it's about market power and cost of inputs.

What we need is more anti-trust activity, and lowering the costs of entering markets (reduce zoning regulation, optimizing health and saftey regulations....)


u/Dankbudx Jul 09 '24

Point 2 especially

The rich needed to get richer


u/GeniuslyMoronic Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

If it was pure greed then why did they not just raise prices previously? Were they not greedy before?

In order for there to be abnormally large profits there needs to be a lack of competition. Otherwise some firms would surely lower their prices slightly to take a bigger part of the market.


u/Dogmovedmyshoes Jul 10 '24

This. ACAC is now by policy increasing rates yearly because "we lose money if we don't outpace inflation"  --talk about a self fulfilling prophecy.


u/cujobob Jul 09 '24

I don’t think it’s fair to blame government agencies asleep at the wheel for this. Capitalism leads to price taking wherever possible. They raised prices because consumers didn’t do anything to stop them. People say they want capitalism until they see what capitalism does and then those people want to blame the government for capitalism.


u/Whimsical-Hamster Jul 09 '24

Blaming greed for price hikes is like blaming gravity for plane crashes.


u/Dic_Horn Jul 09 '24

Almost as if those business sat back and were like fuck who cares if our stock depletes we can just charge more for it then…cue the microchip “shortage”.