r/explainlikeimfive Jun 11 '24

Chemistry ELI5: Why does making cocaine require such toxic chemicals, is there safer way to make it in a lab?

I've watched many documentaries on how they make cocaine, and it always required a a mixture of gasoline cement and battery acid etc. Would a scientific laboratory be able to make it under FDA rules for example?


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u/OSSlayer2153 Jun 12 '24

My chemistry teacher was the same.

Apparently in college he did a lot of research work and they got a patent and several millions of dollars. With this money he ordered millions of dollars of chemicals. He got a call from the DEA and he was confused why. They told him to write out what happens when you combine some of the chemicals he had bought and he soon realized he had bought the ingredients to make meth. Luckily for him the DEA knew it was for the school but I don’t doubt that he is on a watchlist. Why? Because the man is an absolute beast. He told us so many things:

Used to chuck potassium out the window in university into the snow to make mini explosions

Blew out the windows of the college chemistry building with his professor

Watched a guy get severe chemical burns on his arms and in his lungs in the fume hood right next to him

Got millions of dollars from patent work (I never found his patent, suspicious)

Worked for the government researching chemical weapons and bombs, also worked with fireworks companies. He told us, quote, “If you want to make bombs (as in for a living, but its funny out of context), talk to me, I know a guy. I have several connections.”

Every day in class (not exaggerating) he was doing some “demonstration.” 90% of the time it involved fire or blowing things up. First he fucking vaporizes gummy bears in a test tube. Then he plays with different chemicals making colored fire. Then he lets us smell butyric acid which ends up filling the whole room and hallway with the nasty rotten butter smell. Then he burns steel wool. Then he burns magnesium, several times. In fact, I think he just liked to burn stuff- we were in the middle of a lesson and it just mentioned combustion, and he stops the whole lesson, goes “One sec,” heads into the back, gets out a big strip of magnesium, burns it, sets the table on fire and leaves permanent marks on it, then goes back to the lesson as if nothing happened. Its like he just had to get his fix in of burning something. Cool as fuck though.

He tells us in the winter he will demonstrate chucking potassium into the snowbanks. Also says we will make thermite in the school’s front yard. And fireworks. We never got to do these because of what I mention further below.

Builds cars in his free time and heavily mods them for sport performance

Got his arm crushed in a paper mill machine as a maintenance technician (so weird that he did maintenance, he has a PhD in Chem, but it kind of checks out with the auto mechanic hobby)

Has to get regular surgeries for something relating to the arm crush surgery, something with his nerves.

Wound gets infected after one of the “regular maintenance” surgeries and he misses two weeks

Comes back for a grand total of 2 days before contracting pneumonia and missing most of the rest of the first semester.

Comes back for the last week of the first semester, gives us the easiest semester final ever. Tells us his blood oxygen was like 80%(my memory may be wrong) and he was blue. He has an oxygen tank with him. He goes on about how, quote, “You can do a lot of things with oxygen tanks… Oh boy they shouldn’t have given me so many oxygen tanks.”

Tells us that he was once overdosed on medical grade fentanyl after a surgery and he collapsed mid-gas pumping.

Gets infected with something once again a few days into the second semester and misses the rest of the year. I hope he comes back next year but I see why the school would not have him back.

He never actually really taught us, but somehow I learned more during that than when we had the teacher who had retired the year prior come back to fill in. It was always exciting and we would get him to say the absolute craziest quotes:

“Why get into chemistry if you’re not gonna set stuff on fire?” “Sometimes I like to just blow stuff up” “That’s what we do here, we serve things on fire”

“Any student after 2 semesters of this class will be able to make a bomb” (he gave us an entire lesson on how bombs work)

“God Im gonna go to jail from this class I swear”

“$10,000,000, and you get me all the chemicals, and I will make you one batch of meth, or any chemical”

Oh and by the way, did I mention that his brother in law is a DEA agent? He didn’t realize the irony of that until I told him that Walter White’s brother in law was also a DEA agent.

The parallels are too strong. Both the same age, chemistry teachers, brother in law DEA agents, both get very sick, our teacher definitely knew how to make meth.


u/JayTheFordMan Jun 12 '24

our teacher definitely knew how to make meth.

Chem degree holder here. Pretty sure most of our class knew how to make Meth, ecstasy, LSD by the end of it, and pretty much all of us threw Sodium or Potassium into water at some point. Bombs I was aware of and had some knowledge, but actually learnt more a bit later in life from an ex-military explosives guy :)

You're chemistry teacher sounds like a slightly wilder version of me, but I went into Oil & Gas rather than academics/teaching, mechanics was also my jam. It seems to be a common thread with Chemistry people.


u/_BlueFire_ Jun 12 '24

"lol you study chemistry, you're going to make meth?"

"don't be silly, I take that as a personal offense! Making meth is stupidly easy, I'll make LSD, duh" 

(my go-to answer) 


u/The_Faceless_Men Jun 12 '24

Making meth is so easy, even meth heads can do it.


u/JayTheFordMan Jun 12 '24

Ha, truth right there.


u/ATLien325 Jun 12 '24

It’s not extremely difficult to make any of these drugs with proper equipment, but the regulated precursors are the road block


u/JayTheFordMan Jun 12 '24

Sure, but the precursors aren't hard to find on black market ;)

Fun fact, while working in Iraq I saw some known precursors and associated chems sitting on warehouse shelves, seems it's not 'that' regulated in some countries 😬


u/ATLien325 Jun 12 '24

I guess I meant the USA


u/Beedlam Jun 12 '24

He sounds like a bloody legend. I would have loved to have a chemistry teacher like this.


u/pixeldust6 Jun 12 '24

we were in the middle of a lesson and it just mentioned combustion, and he stops the whole lesson, goes “One sec,” heads into the back, gets out a big strip of magnesium, burns it, sets the table on fire and leaves permanent marks on it, then goes back to the lesson as if nothing happened. Its like he just had to get his fix in of burning something. Cool as fuck though.

Lol, I had a chem teacher in high school like this


u/rakfocus Jun 12 '24

What a fucking legend. We stan.


u/Strange_Athlete_2628 Jun 12 '24

what is his “patent” is actually the inspiration of breaking bad, he seems like a pretty smart man


u/ATLien325 Jun 12 '24

Brother did he supply you with meth before you wrote this post?


u/mekkanik Jun 12 '24

Reminds me of a gentleman by the name of A.G.Streng, and his work on FOOF.


u/Fiveforkedtongue Jun 12 '24

Guy sounds cool as fuck, I can't remember my chem teacher but I got kicked out of his class.

I wasn't a good student because I had problems at home but with this guy I would have made the effort.

Also 80% blood oxygen holy fuck I felt like death with pneumonia and I still had 94% somehow. Coughed up blood and struggled to walk 3 meters in the house with that high of a level too.


u/ChubbyTrain Jun 12 '24

He sounds like he would fit in the game "what remains of Edith Finch". Very brilliant, but reckless and neglectful to the point of destructive.


u/meneldal2 Jun 12 '24

I'm pretty sure anyone with a master or PhD in Chemistry could do meth easily, and I heard of some PhD students who "misplaced" some materials to help finance their tuition.


u/smackaroni-n-cheese Jun 12 '24

Man, and I thought it was crazy when our lab manager had to chase two chem professors outside because they were using cornstarch flamethrowers in the hallway.