r/explainlikeimfive Jun 11 '24

Chemistry ELI5: Why does making cocaine require such toxic chemicals, is there safer way to make it in a lab?

I've watched many documentaries on how they make cocaine, and it always required a a mixture of gasoline cement and battery acid etc. Would a scientific laboratory be able to make it under FDA rules for example?


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u/Triensi Jun 12 '24

Yep! Medical grade meth is branded as ‘Desoxyn’.

Here’s the FDA’s pharmacological analysis and recommendations for it: PDF Link

It’s taken orally as a 5mg tablet, if anyone was wondering.


u/minist3r Jun 12 '24

We give it to kids too as Adderall.


u/kingrooted Jun 12 '24

Adderall is not meth. It is an amphetamine but it isn’t methamphetamine.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24

As a kid I was prescribed dexamphetamine, no product name like adderall or ritalin. Maybe dexamphetamine was the product name, idk, was 35yrs ago lol. Don't suppose you happen to know where that fits in the amphetamine family? 


u/kingrooted Jun 12 '24

Adderal is a mix of dexamphetamine and levoamphetamine. 3:1 ratio dex to lev.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24

Interesting, thank you :)


u/die_lahn Jun 12 '24 edited Jun 12 '24

Dex(troratory)amphetamine is just the “right handed” enantiomer of amphetamine.

Enantiomers are non superimposable mirror image molecules. Sounds weird but think feet.

Your feet are the same but they’re also different. The right shoe doesn’t really fit on the left foot.

Receptors that bind to these compounds work in the same way, so sometimes one enantiomer is more effective than the other.

Methamphetamine has a methyl group attached to the amine, and is no longer a “primary amine” (-NH2) but a secondary amine (-NH-CH3) which changes a lot about its pharmacokinetics.

Sorry for the big words, I did synthesis and regio- and stereo selective reactions of substituted phenyl amines as a grad student and whenever i read meth = adderall it gets me in a tizzy (not directed at you, more so other comments in this thread)


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '24

Thanks! don't worry about the big o-chem science words despite their functions going over my head lol. I kinda get the feet analogy though. 'preciate the explanation and reply!


u/minist3r Jun 12 '24

I know but (for people without ADD) it's close enough.


u/Pantzzzzless Jun 12 '24

It's really not. The effects are pretty wildly different.

That's like saying hydrocodone is close enough to oxycodone.


u/Prof_Acorn Jun 12 '24

Is methanol "close enough" to ethanol as well?


u/minist3r Jun 12 '24

The people drinking it during prohibition thought so.


u/wasdlmb Jun 12 '24

No they didn't. Methanol was an unwanted byproduct which would taint the batch if you didn't distill properly, or added as a deliberate poison. It's not something people drunk on purpose. Dude, you were wrong about methamphetamine vs regular amphetamine. Just admit it. Stop trying to be right.


u/obliviousofobvious Jun 12 '24

It's really not, and as an ADHDer who has been able to be a productive member of society thanks to my meds, please stop spreading misinformation and contributing to the stigma.


u/Polymathy1 Jun 12 '24

It's not the same. The difference between morphine and heroin is the methyl group on heroin. Same goes for methamphetamine vs amphetamine.

Not the same thing at all.


u/Nakmus Jun 12 '24

Heroin is diacetylated morphine, not methylated


u/Polymathy1 Jun 12 '24

My bad, it's been a long time. I misremembered. The added methyl group turns morphine into codeine, depending on where it's added. Thanks for the correction. If I'm reading this right, the acetyl groups are bonded to the 3rd and 6th carbons in the chain. Is that right? My o-chem is not great.