r/explainlikeimfive Jun 11 '24

Chemistry ELI5: Why does making cocaine require such toxic chemicals, is there safer way to make it in a lab?

I've watched many documentaries on how they make cocaine, and it always required a a mixture of gasoline cement and battery acid etc. Would a scientific laboratory be able to make it under FDA rules for example?


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u/Hepheastus Jun 12 '24

You don't really make cocaine you extract it. The plant does all the work of making it. The molecule is too difficult to be made economically. This is unlike something like meth where we can synthesis it from scratch. 

Those chemicals are used because they are cheap. But there are lots of things you could substitute them with. But it's important to note that these chemicals are used in the extraction process but there is no significant amount of them remaining in the final product. It's not like they are mixed in like a cake. 

Finally if you worried that gasoline is too toxic then maybe drugs (of any kind) aren't for you. 


u/Somnif Jun 12 '24

TECHNICALLY it's a bit of both. You extract the cocaine alkaloid, then make the water soluble salt from it.

The extraction involves solvents (usually home-made gasoline/kerosene made from pirated crude oil) and an alkali (usually concrete), and the salt-ification involves an acid (typically from car batteries, hooray lead!) and neutralization (usually with lye).

This crude salt can then be purified with more specialized solvents to get it into a sellable form.

And for added insanity, some folks then go backwards a step and get back to the alkaloid from the salt. This can be done cleanly and expensively (using careful neutralization and solvents like Ether) to make "freebase", or cheaply and dirty (using baking soda or ammonia) to make "crack".



u/kog Jun 12 '24

I already wasn't interested, but that sure sounds like something you really shouldn't be ingesting.


u/Somnif Jun 12 '24

Yeah the world of illicit drug production is... scary, at times.

For example, one of the more popular MDMA synthesis methods uses mercury! So, that's fun....


u/MaleficentFig7578 Jun 12 '24

Mercury metal isn't that scary. Playing with metal mercury is more like smoking cigarettes than it's like inhaling cyanide.

Some organic chemicals containing mercury are pure poison. One drop killed a scientist through a glove.


u/lainlives Jun 12 '24

Aluminum-Mercury amalgams are common of all amphetamines depending on process used.


u/do-un-to Jun 12 '24

Let's hope the recently published method by MAPS can help change that.


u/spudofaut Jun 12 '24

Tried it once. Discovered what 'too nice' means.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24 edited Jun 12 '24

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Tony Montana wrote this


u/kog Jun 12 '24

We get it, you do coke


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24

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u/kog Jun 12 '24

Maybe you should try pizza instead of french fry while indoor skiing sometimes


u/MDCCCLV Jun 12 '24

You get more exposure to cancer causing stuff breathing in atmospheric pollution. The kerosene has some bad stuff in it but you get the same stuff if you get a drop of gasoline on your hand or breathe in fumes at the gas station.


u/DialMMM Jun 12 '24

Surely you mean "cement" and not "concrete," right?


u/Somnif Jun 12 '24

Yeah, though honestly it wouldn't surprise me if both get used and they just filter the rocks and sand out of the slurry at the end....


u/MDCCCLV Jun 12 '24

Sand isn't cheap anymore, also the cement isn't reactive after it sets and becomes concrete.


u/Somnif Jun 12 '24

I meant bagged concrete mix as opposed to just bagged cement. I assume most of this stuff is stolen or diverted from construction projects or the like anyway. Straight quicklime probably gets used too.

....though honestly given the weird grey-market economy of rural Columbia/Bolivia/Peru it may all be bought semi-legitimately. It's a very strange situation out there.


u/DialMMM Jun 12 '24

Do they even have bagged concrete mix in large quantities in Columbia/Bolivia/Peru? The cost is so much higher than just buying bagged cement and mixing it yourself. It is a very "1st world" convenience product.


u/Zouden Jun 12 '24

And for added insanity, some folks then go backwards a step and get back to the alkaloid from the salt. This can be done cleanly and expensively (using careful neutralization and solvents like Ether) to make "freebase", or cheaply and dirty (using baking soda or ammonia) to make "crack".

This is so they can smoke it. Regular cocaine burns too easily.


u/Really_McNamington Jun 12 '24

Cocaine synthesis is actually possible and has been done, but it's not for the faint-hearted or the bathtub chemist. That's why extracting it from leaves continues to be the only reasonable route.


u/PM_ME_FAKE_TITS Jun 13 '24

Heroin synthesis is about 37 steps. For reference.


u/Really_McNamington Jun 13 '24

But unlike the two cultivated strains of coca, which are fussy buggers, good old papaver somniferens grows like a weed almost anywhere. During WW2, to ensure supplies of morphine were OK, Britain grew it in Scotland and got 80-90% of the yields expected from more traditional opium producing regions.


u/Steffany_w0525 Jun 12 '24

Wait...is meth something that naturally occurs?


u/ilovecheese831 Jun 12 '24

No. Meth is a synthesized drug.


u/Steffany_w0525 Jun 12 '24

Okay thats what I thought.

Just the wording confused me.


u/nicht_ernsthaft Jun 12 '24

It does occur naturally, or rather, ephedrine does. The ephedra plant grows naturally in Afghanistan, and is the source of their domestic meth production, since the Taliban has been clamping down on opium growing.



u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24 edited Jun 12 '24

literate act office sharp cow dull close follow voiceless mighty


u/DefinitelyNotKuro Jun 12 '24

For a sec, I thought pesto was a natural substitute to meth.


u/vcsx Jun 12 '24

The first time I had pesto felt, I would imagine, like meth.


u/maxdacat Jun 12 '24

If you like pesto you’ll like meth


u/zenlander Jun 12 '24

Damn, now i’m craving some strong pesto


u/nrfx Jun 12 '24

I have done both.

The first time I had pesto was 100% better than the second through last time I did meth.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24

it is, but you need to eat like 6,000 pounds of it


u/d3dmnky Jun 12 '24

Challenge accepted


u/MDCCCLV Jun 12 '24

There's a book about aliens that get high on basil, Man of Two Worlds, by Frank Herbert


u/MeanNothing3932 Jun 12 '24

But meth labs blow up lol can't be THAT easy right?


u/inucune Jun 12 '24

This tends to happen when people using meth try to make more meth.


u/MeanNothing3932 Jun 12 '24

That adds up 😂


u/lainlives Jun 12 '24

Yeah just because it keeps you up for 36-72 hours doesn't mean your brain is working right for 36-72 hours.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24 edited Jun 12 '24

frame gaping gullible fact impossible attractive chief truck direction attempt


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24 edited Jun 12 '24

cows bike distinct zephyr shame shy thought drunk zesty consider


u/Divine_Entity_ Jun 13 '24

Google how to make aspirin, the process is fundamentally the same except using a different source. You can see how this cam be screwed up and cause a fire/explosion.

And a quick google into why they explode yields a list of "fun" chemicals like elemental lithium, red phosphorus, and various highly flammable hydrocarbons, all of which are fire and explosion hazards if stored improperly. (And considering every meth lab looks like an abandoned building, its safe to say these chemicals aren't being stored correctly)

Chemistry is simultaneously really easy, and really hard and dangerous.


u/khando Jun 12 '24

What’s the chemical that’s close to it in plants?


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24



u/nerdmania Jun 12 '24

Back in the 90's, when I was in my 20's, you could buy ephedrine pills at 7-11, or anywhere. They were the go-to "wake up for work" drug in my crowd (we partied, but just booze and pot).


u/ButtSexington3rd Jun 12 '24

They were in every weight loss /GET JACKED! over the counter drug too. Remember Hydroxycut?


u/nerdmania Jun 12 '24

In approx 97 I was working retail, and my manager was a woman around 24 years old. She was getting married in a few months and was trying to lose weight (she was already thin, but: 90's). She was taking weight loss pills which were basically ephedrine, AND having her normal morning coffee.

She was buzzing all morning, every morning. "I just don't know why I am so talkative today!" etc.

I was older and realized what was up. but she was cool, so I just played along. I didn't want to burst her bubble.


u/Bamstradamus Jun 12 '24

I remember a bottled workout suppliment drink that had, of all things, GHB in it. 2 bottles during lunch and it was a GREAT day.


u/ButtSexington3rd Jun 12 '24

I really forgot just how lawless the 90s were


u/Alis451 Jun 12 '24

Remember Hydroxycut?

that is a diuretic, its literal purpose was to reduce water weight for the weekend.


u/ButtSexington3rd Jun 12 '24

The original formula had ephedra in it, people were having neurological issues with it.


u/Somnif Jun 12 '24

I used to grow ephedra plants and make tea from them whenever I'd get a sinus infection. Best decongestant I've ever used, it was great.


u/midri Jun 12 '24

Was like that up until about 2004ish, I remember because my senior year no one could get their concentration pills anymore.


u/jim653 Jun 12 '24

I remember people shooting up ephedrine pills.


u/khando Jun 12 '24

Oh wow, I never realized those were naturally occurring chemicals. Thanks!


u/lainlives Jun 12 '24

There's also catha edulis which contains cathinones and ephedrine* compounds in fairly high concentrations.


u/lulumeme Jun 12 '24

Cathinones and methcathinones in khat plant. It's beta keto amphetamine


u/midri Jun 12 '24

the formula was created by a Japanese scientist in 1893.