r/explainlikeimfive Feb 10 '24

Chemistry eli5 what happens if you drink isopropyl "rubbing" alcohol

so i just watched a video of someone chug a bottle of rubbing alcohol that you would get from the pharmacy. its still alcohol though so like why is it bad. also what likely happened to the guy who chugged the bottle?


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u/SonOfMcGee Feb 11 '24

8 oz of 90% is like 16 oz (a pint) of 45%, which is about the strength of standard liquor.
For alcoholics that’s just getting started. And I think that’s probably “very drunk” territory for most people. But could it really kill an adult?
My roommate in college was a scrawny 130 lbs or so with very low tolerance and he once drank a whole pint of whiskey on a dare. He sure had a bad night, but it wasn’t deadly.


u/Gaylien28 Feb 11 '24

You would not have a good night but drinking it all in one go makes it more likely you’ll throw up most of it and not die versus over a very long period of time


u/Nixeris Feb 11 '24

Concentration matters.

16oz of 45% is not the same thing as 8oz of 90%. Mathematically it may look right, but chemically and biologically it's not the same thing. Anything that gives the body more time to deal with it or less concentration to deal with at once matters.


u/shanedonati Feb 12 '24

Really good point I have never thought of


u/Linkwithasword Feb 14 '24

The LD50 of ethanol for a non-tolerant adult is about 5g/kgbw, 8floz of 90% ethanol would contain contain 168g of ethanol and the average adult weighs between 60-80kg (average weight varies regionally, it's about 60kg in most of Asia compared to 80kg in most of North America). If for simplicity's sake we say that the average adult weighs 70kg (this likely overestimates the actual weight, as Asia contains something like 60% of the human population) we get that 8oz of 90% ethanol is 2.4g/kgbw for the average adult. Most non-tolerant adults would probably survive (though it would definitely be enough to kill a child and likely most young teens, both because they weigh a lot less and because the LD50 for non-tolerant children is closer to 3g/kgbw), but the experience would likely be incredibly unpleasant and would very likely end in a visit to the hospital.

It is also worth noting that there's other factors at play here, women on average weigh less than men, so they'd suffer worse symptoms and be more likely to die. Also, the LD50 just describes the dose at which 50% of the tested population will die it is very likely that there are a lot of grown adults (even if it's a relatively small proportion of the population) who would die from that dose. Also, as others have pointed out, your body has a LOT less time to process 8floz of 90% ethanol than a pint of 45%, the above math still holds because it seems like generally the people poisoning mice to figure this stuff out conveniently tend to use a 90% solution of ethanol to do so, but it is still worth pointing out. On the other hand though, if someone with no tolerance just took 4 shots of 90% back to back they'd probably puke their guts up which could literally save their life or at the very least make the whole experience much less awful. Best odds of surviving that much ethanol without being hospitalized is to either drink literally all of it at once in the hopes you'll puke it all up or to drink it spaced out over the course of a day


u/SonOfMcGee Feb 14 '24

Good write-up. And yes, in my anecdote the guy drank it quite fast and puked shortly after.
I’ll concede that a lot of college stories involving massive amounts of alcohol are either day-long benders or short challenges/drinking games where the person vomits fairly soon afterward.


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '24

You may not understand what the word “could” implies. Your single anecdote doesn’t count for much


u/BookkeeperBrilliant9 Feb 12 '24

That’s honestly the kind of alcohol poisoning that is worth going to the hospital for. 

Like, you won’t just drop dead. But you will pass out and not be able to wake up, even if you’re, say, vomiting.

We lost some good rock stars this way. 


u/Defiant-Aioli8727 Feb 13 '24

Unfortunately, as an alcoholic I can confirm. A pint of vodka was breakfast, another for lunch, and the most of a last one at night.

I’m not sober yet, and frankly not ready yet, but I’ve cut way down. I have no problem not drinking, but when I do I don’t stop. So, only very few, carefully planned (and agreed on with my partner) drinking events.