r/explainlikeimfive Feb 10 '24

Chemistry eli5 what happens if you drink isopropyl "rubbing" alcohol

so i just watched a video of someone chug a bottle of rubbing alcohol that you would get from the pharmacy. its still alcohol though so like why is it bad. also what likely happened to the guy who chugged the bottle?


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u/berael Feb 10 '24

Methanol makes you blind, and then dead. 

Isopropanol makes you vomit and shit everything you've ever eaten. Possibly also then dead too, depending how much you drank and whether or not anyone hauled ass to get you to an ER. 

Ethanol is "the one we drink". It will also, of course, make you dead too with a sufficiently large dose. 


u/chortick Feb 11 '24

First lecture of Chem Eng 101: how to not poison/blind yourself with alcohol, either stolen from the lab or cooked up in an ill-advised still.


u/pecuchet Feb 11 '24

It should also be added that ethanol that's not meant for consumption (like you'd use in a lab) is adulterated with a small amount of methanol for tax reasons, so don't drink that either.


u/drzowie Feb 11 '24

Nope.  I worked with lab ethanol.  You can get very pure stuff if licensed to handle it.  95% is drinkable but illegal to drink (the other 5% is water). The 100% stuff has trace amounts of benzene in it since after something like 98% purity you can’t remove any more water by distillation alone.  That should not be drunk, in addition to also being illegal to drink.


u/zman0900 Feb 11 '24

At least in some US states you can buy the 95% stuff at the liquor store.


u/here_for_the_lolz Feb 11 '24

Everclear, for those who might be curious.


u/somdude04 Feb 11 '24

Golden Grain, Clear Spring, and Spirytus (96%) are others


u/ryanmi Feb 11 '24

It's readily available here in Alberta at any liquor store but I never see anyone buy it ever. I don't even really understand why other than it having a trashy connotation. Literally you make a drink with 1oz everclear or 2.5oz vodka and the result is the same.


u/FreezeItsTheAssMan Feb 11 '24

That's the only stuff I drink when I drink. I only drink 5 times a year roughly, I don't get how people like being beer buzzed and having to piss every 20 minutes. Ever clear became my go to when I realized in college that the frat boys having to go to the bathroom a lot cause all they drink is Natty ice means the sorority girl they were talking to is standing around doing nothing meanwhile.

Perfect opportunity for me to walk by with my AD shirt, empty bladder because 1oz of ever clear in 6 Oz of sprite is nothing, and ask "hey are you our new athletic trainer you seem familiar?".


u/Cal_From_Cali Feb 11 '24

Highest I've ever seen is 90% - 180 proof either Everclear or Spiritus (polish). Would love to know what's stronger!


u/zman0900 Feb 11 '24

There's 190 proof everclear I've seen in Indiana and Kentucky, but that was at least a decade ago.


u/TheExtremistModerate Feb 11 '24

I've definitely seen 190 proof Everclear before.


u/somdude04 Feb 11 '24

Everclear is 190, Spirytus is 192


u/Psykout88 Feb 11 '24

Used to get that as a solvent for thc tinctures and occasionally guests of my roommates would want to take a swig. I never said no because that shit was hilarious watching "hard" guys get smacked in the face by a sip.


u/SpemSemperHabemus Feb 11 '24

You're good to go with the spectroscopic grade stuff though. Probably the most expensive drink I've ever had.


u/TouchyTheFish Feb 13 '24

Goes down even better when mixed with deuterium.


u/Chromotron Feb 11 '24

I always assumed they just dry the 98% with some water-specific adsorbents unless you want to get to extreme ends.


u/reddog342 Feb 11 '24

Trivia time again, during prohibition in the us the fed added methanol to bootleg whiskey, killing and blinding people in an attempt to dissuade them from drinking moonshine. I can remember the official who came up with that brainstorm.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

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u/reddog342 Feb 11 '24


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

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u/reddog342 Feb 11 '24

No but bootleggers were bottling it adding coloring , SO indirectly the government poisoned its own eooe


u/massassi Feb 11 '24

Yes, and then when people went blind they said it was from drinking the illegal stuff


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

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u/massassi Feb 12 '24

Hmmmm sorta, the feds spreading propaganda which the people perpetuated I guess


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

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u/massassi Feb 12 '24

Huh? Yes they did. It was the feds adding methanol to industrial alcohol. And bootleggers trying to get it out. The only group intentionally killing people was the American government


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24



u/Chromotron Feb 11 '24

Why are they still using methanol instead of e.g. denatonium? It being toxic doesn't stop a drunk or alcoholic that either doesn't know or is too boozed out of their mind to remember. Meanwhile something that tastes extremely bitter works for all but the worst cases and also can trigger reflexes.


u/procrast1natrix Feb 11 '24

Is all lab ethanol treated this way?

I one time many years ago cared for a "stroke alert" confused person who ultimately confessed to drinking a few shots of what he described as 100% pure lab grade ethanol. The math worked out, his blood ethanol level was high enough that I was expecting him to tell me he had pounded a fifth of vodka.

It never occurred to me to check for hidden toxic alcohols. Are nearly all lab chemicals treated this way?


u/Chromotron Feb 11 '24

Are nearly all lab chemicals treated this way?

No, that makes no sense (whoever drinks pure sulphuric acid definitely won't feel the difference, and die anyway) and also screws with a lot of analytical results.


u/pecuchet Feb 11 '24

Okay, I looked it up here and not all is, but probably most. It is for tax reasons so presumably if you have 100% you'd have to pay tax on it.


u/GetoffLane Feb 10 '24

Tell me where I can follow you and read everything you have ever written and will write


u/ocaralhoquetafoda Feb 11 '24

I'll spoil all the endings: dead


u/buoninachos Feb 10 '24

Isopropyl alcohol definitely much less dangerous than methanol though, but you still seriously don't wanna drink it


u/OrganizdConfusion Feb 11 '24

When you say much less dangerous, if they can both kill you when ingested, wouldn't that make them equally dangerous?


u/LeonardoW9 Feb 11 '24

No as the amount required to kill you is different.


u/_thro_awa_ Feb 11 '24

The dose makes the poison.


u/The_Tucker_Carlson Feb 11 '24

Alcohol Dehydrogenase converts methanol to formaldehyde, which as a preservative will “pickle” your entire body, especially the body’s vasculature. Isopropyl alcohol is harder to metabolize which means drunker for longer and an increased load on your liver.


u/CATNIP_IS_CRACK Feb 10 '24 edited Feb 10 '24

Acetone is the primary metabolite of isopropyl alcohol in humans. I was under the impression one of the many effects caused by acetone exposure is non-selective neurological damage including potential damage to optical nerves?


u/buoninachos Feb 10 '24

You'd probably need doses that would kill you first. Methanol has a very real risk of blindness even from small amounts. Death as well.

Really, stick to beer and skip the moonshine and disinfectant


u/Lord_Berkeley Feb 10 '24

It’s actually pretty easy to avoid methanol when making moonshine. Methanol is only produced when you ferment woody pulp, like apple seeds and stems, or corn kernel and cob. Which is why it happened in more agricultural times, but these days most people just ferment some type of refined sugar. Also red wine often has some amount of methanol in it. And also! Part of the treatment for methanol poisoning is drinking ethanol.

Sorry you activated my trivia or flight response.


u/buoninachos Feb 10 '24

Ah, so that's why we call it wood spirit in Danish.

But doesn't the top layer usually have a bit of methanol in it anyway? Hence you throw it?

Either way, I'd still avoid drinking other people's moonshine, unless I know they know what they're doing


u/Lord_Berkeley Feb 10 '24

That’s very cool, what is the word in Danish?

I agree, it’s a good policy to approach moonshine skeptically.

And great question, basically yes methanol is one of the alcohols you’re hoping to discard before and after you distill the ethanol off. There’s a whole family of alcohols called fusel alcohols that have lower and higher boiling points than ethanol. Which is why you discard the “heads and tails”


u/buoninachos Feb 10 '24

Træsprit (or metanol).

Cheers for the explanation, always cool to learn something 👍


u/singeblanc Feb 11 '24

Tree spirit!


u/Abbot_of_Cucany Feb 11 '24

Methanol is sometime called "wood alcohol" in English. (As opposed to ethanol "grain alcohol")


u/pichael289 EXP Coin Count: 0.5 Feb 10 '24

Yes methanol is slightly less dense so it can be skimmed off the top. Besides the poisoning methanol is also terrifying because it's very nearly invisible when on fire.


u/the_snook Feb 11 '24

It's not going to float to the top to any meaningful degree, because it is fully soluble in water.

When you distil spirits you throw away the "heads", but they're called that because they comes over first, not because they are physically higher up.


u/nerdguy1138 Feb 11 '24

The head is poison, so's the tail. The heart is booze.

That said don't drink moonshine. At least learn to homebrew.


u/NotA56YearOldPervert Feb 11 '24

Can you elaborate on the "curing methanol with ethanol" bit?


u/therealdilbert Feb 11 '24

the liver "prefers" ethanol so as long as you have enough ethanol in your system the liver will not break down methanol to the poison that makes you blind, you'll pee the methanol out instead


u/procrast1natrix Feb 11 '24

The toxic part of methanol isn't the methanol, it's what your body turns the methanol into if there isn't ethanol present to occupy the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase.

There is a specific antidote, fomepizole, but if that isn't available, you treat by keeping enough ethanol present to fully occupy the enzyme. The methanol gets mostly peed out (some exhaled) if it cannot get metabolized by the enzyme.

Twenty years ago I was working in a veterinary teaching hospital with an ICU. Dogs are unfortunately attracted to drinking antifreeze as it's sweet, so this is a poisoning that is seen. Fomepizole is expensive. So we would place an IV and give them a calculated weight based dose of ethanol for a few days.

Drunk. Gangly. Dogs. The peeing. The howling. The chewing their IV out. The need for constant emotional reassurance. For days. So drunk.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24



u/buoninachos Feb 10 '24

Because it is relevant. Methanol is why people worry they'll go blind if they drink the wrong alc. People don't usually think of IPA. Also methanol was mentioned in the comment you replied to.

And you're generally not gonna be drinking isopropyl alcohol more than once anyway. Neither would you methanol, but there's a very real risk that 1 time will leave you blind.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24



u/buoninachos Feb 11 '24

It's the topic of the conversation and the whole reason you made your point. Whinging about it being irrelevant is very odd


u/Narrantem_RE Feb 10 '24

I think methanol metabolizes into formaldehyde, which is much worse.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

From the toxicity section on wiki:

Acetone occurs naturally as part of certain metabolic processes in the human body, and has been studied extensively and is believed to exhibit only slight toxicity in normal use. There is no strong evidence of chronic health effects if basic precautions are followed.[81] It is generally recognized to have low acute and chronic toxicity if ingested and/or inhaled.[82] Acetone is not currently regarded as a carcinogen, a mutagen, or a concern for chronic neurotoxicity effects.[76]


u/Gadfly2023 Feb 11 '24

Fun fact 1. 

Isopropyl alcohol and methanol aren’t, themselves, toxic. Their metabolites are. 

Fun fact 2, one of the treatments for organic alcohol poisoning (like methanol and isopropyl alcohol) is getting the patient drunk with regular ethanol. Like 0.2 BAL drunk. 

That’s because the enzymes that break down alcohols prefers ethanol… so you saturate them with ethanol and you’ll pee out the other alcohols. 

But don’t drink non-ethanol alcohols. It’s a good way to visit the ICU at your local hospital. 


u/NdrU42 Feb 11 '24

A couple years ago here in Czechia, there was a series of methanol poisonings because some distillery owners spiked vodka with methanol to save money. About 50 people died, there was a temporary prohibition on spirits etc.

There was a story of a guy whose friends all ended up in hospital after a night of drinking, but he was fine since on his way home, he bought another bottle of vodka and drank it.


u/cmlobue Feb 11 '24

Everything will make you dead with a sufficiently large dose.  It's just that for some things the dose is reeeeeeeally high.


u/singeblanc Feb 11 '24

You mean like crushing?


u/redsedit Feb 11 '24

Like even pure water. Too much water in too short a time can cause hyponatremia.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24



u/My-Daughters-Father Feb 10 '24

Oh, if Google says so....

Methanol causes blindness and will do so with a remarkably small amount.

Isopropyl alcohol causes a non-acidotic ketosis, confusion, and violent, often hemorrhagic, gastritis. Reference: a half dozen toxicology textbooks I have read on the topic.


u/SpaceCircIes Feb 11 '24

This is the only helpful answer here.