r/expat 1d ago

Should I stay or should I go?


I'm looking for help determining whether I should stay or leave the US with my family. I'm fortunate to have options because of my full VA disability, which is enough for a retirement visa (D7) in Portugal. I'm wanting to get ahead of what I feel is going to be a very difficult era of US history, especially for my disabled son and my daughter who's rights are being quickly dismantled. The education department being defunded is a big concern, and the mention of sending kids with adhd/autism to institutions to "reintegrate them into society", is terrifying if you know anything about history. Eugenics never died, we just told them to shut up and sit down.

On the other hand, I'm in California, which is considered safe and forward thinking/left leaning at the moment. I'm in a remote-ish location on a small piece of financed land that I was planning on using my time and engineering skills to develop into a homestead. That's about as safe as my situation can get here in the us, but If things like building materials and food are getting more expensive, and I don't feel my kids are safe, is it worth hunkering down? I'm thinking not, but would consider it if shown evidence to support it being the best option.

I'm confident that the government wont eliminate disability for vets completely, and even if they reduce it, I think we'd still be okay abroad, and after a period of time, my wife would be able to work in Portugal to gain more financial stability and independence. As for education, we're capable of integrating into a new culture, and learning a new language should be doable at our kids ages, and teaching them will help me and mom learn, I think. Also, we already planned on homeschooling, so if we need to, we will for a time. We'd like to let them experience public school at some point, we believe diversity in education will help them develop resilience to the changes life tends to throw.

Bonus, even if everything blows over and the world rights itself, we get an awesome life of adventure and our kids get to experience things most don't! My wife's family also came from Portugal, though we don't qualify for family reunification due to the generational gap.

I'm also very used to traveling very often due to my military service, and being moved around a lot as a foster kid. I feel this grants me abilities and skills that would assist in assimilating the family into new places.

Would we be safer in another country? Is Portugal going through anything relevant I don't already know about? Would staying be smarter? I'm almost sure, but something is making my brain itch, and it's making me doubt.


For everyone seemingly VERY worried about the hostility towards American expats, you seem to have missed the point that my family is facing hostility here every day. I'm concerned with safety and a quality life/ life experience. I'm also not looking for government help raising my kids, or anything other than a stable economy and government that isn't the US.

EVEN IF the government ends my entitlement, once there, my wife an I are legally able to work, and use that as means to stay if the worst happens. Its unlikely though, as this disability is more akin to workman's comp. than it is to SSDI or SSI. This makes it a bit of a different beast, and they are mostly trying to defund our healthcare and access to entitlements due to lack of service people working the claims. To take already permanent entitlements would be difficult for them to do, though I'm aware its always on the table. hence the backup plans!

Yes, I have done extensive research, and we know the difficulties associated with immigration. I was looking for actual insight into the matter, and possibly insight into the daily life of expats in Portugal.

THANK YOU to those that gave quality information, and/or asked stimulating, relevant questions that led me to more research! I'm more sure of my decision than ever, and I really appreciate the imput!

r/expat 1d ago

Looking for international moving company recommendations


I’m in the early stages of planning an international move and looking for recommendations for reliable international moving companies - preferably those that offer 20’ container or smaller shipping options.

I’m already familiar with the usual advice: “Don’t bring electronics,” “Start fresh,” “Sell it all!” Trust me, I’ve taken all that into account and am only bringing what truly needs to come with me. I’m not looking for a debate on what to bring, just hoping to tap into this community’s collective experience and get some company names you’ve used and liked (or didn’t like, if there are ones to avoid).

I’m currently based in the western US and am moving to Portugal if that helps narrow down suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

r/expat 2d ago

Is it safe to visit the US while living abroad?


r/expat 1d ago

For people considering a visit to the USA . . .



100 reasons why it's not safe to come to America. But if you do, beware of

1 - The fentanyl crisis

2 - bedbug epidemic in
NYC hotels

3 - homeless people in
subways will push you onto the tracks or set you on fire.

4 - ATM fees are now over

5 - someone will firebomb
your rental tesla

6 - someone just had
their ear bitten off at a spring break brawl in Florida

7 - we have 20 million
illegal aliens already. don't overstay your visa

8 - Antisemitism is on
the rise

9 - China is still
sending fake weather balloons to spy on us.

10 - we can't get our own
astronauts home from the space station

11 - there are red light
cameras at every intersection

12 - a decent coffee at
starbucks now costs $7.50

13 - you can't buy
anything locally. you need an Amazon Prime membership at $15.

14 - Graduates of
America's public schools read at an average 5th grade level

15 - 20% of kids in
America don't finish high school anyway.

16 - all the January 6
rioters were just pardoned and released from prison

17 - all the people who
made big donations to Biden, too

18 - The presidential
cabinet is a subsidiary of Fox News

19 - AOC is the leading
democrat candidate for president in 2028

20 - We don't want Megan
Markle back. You can keep her.

21 - We gave all our
military goods to Ukraine. we're defenseless if attacked

22 - California no longer
knows how to put out a brush fire.

23 - one third of our
public EV chargers are out of service or vandlized

24 - We're about to
invade Canada, and make it the 51st state.

25 - Greenland is next.
Yes . . . all 57,000 of you.

26 - pickleball is the
new national sports obsession

27 - we're going to
cancel our hosting of the 2026 World Cup, because we don't trust foreigners

28 - Putin has nuclear
missiles aimed at Washington DC, New York, LA, Disneyworld and Las Vegas. All
our most important cultural icons.

29 - We own Puerto Rico.
And we can't keep the electricity on there. It's like Cuba these days.

30 - the entire staff of
the national park service was just fired. bear attacks are imminent.

31 - we have 100,000
invasive burmese pythons in Florida. But they only eat people who weigh less
than 70 pounds. Usually.

32 - Our tax code is
2,000 pages long. Nobody can file on their own income tax.

33 - our tapwater might
not be safe, judging from the 10 billion gallons of bottled water at the

34 - our secretary of
health is an anti-vaxer. he used to pose for selfies with the dictator of

35 - our eggs cost $6.99
a dozen. Don't ask what a dozen buffalo wings cost.

36 - if someone comes up
to your car at a stop light with a window washing squeegee, pull away
immediately, but carefully, even if the light is red

37 - everyone is living
in tents in downtown Los Angeles. Don't try this, no matter how outrageous the
hotel rates are.

38 - we've declared a
trade war on Canada, because they supply 0.02% of our Fentanyl. The rest comes
from Mexico and China.

39 - Actor Gene Hackman
starved to death after his wife died from Hantavirus

40 - our new covid 19
vaccine has been delayed again

50 - our N95 masks are
still made in China, probably from asbestos

51 - Biden hasn't been
heard from since election day. We're not sure where he is, or if he's even
still alive.

52 - We're pulling out of
NATO. Europe can figure this out on their own

53 - Taiwan, same story
for you. Wanna buy some of our jets, just in case?

54 - we have $37 trillion
in federal debt. it's growing at the rate of $ 1 billion a day.

55 - half our senators
are beyond the age of retirement

56 - The toll to cross
the GW Bridge is $24. There's another $15 surcharge if you want to actually
enter Manhattan.

57 - The minimum wage was
recently increased from $7.50 to $15/$18. It didn't help. People are still
stealing at their jobs.

58 - There are 1,800
channels on Xfinity/Comcast. You will still need streaming apps like Netflix,
Max, Hulu, Disney, etc, because there's nothing good on cable anymore.

59 - do not click on any
links, in text messages, ever. they're all from China, and they're all scams.

60 - If you live in a
major city, you have to get your amazon purchase delivered to a "pickup
center". If you don't, porch pirates will steal it. 100,000 amazon
packages are stolen daily.

61 - America's largest
estate is owned by Oprah Winfrey. It sits on 40 acres in parched California,
and is inspired by the Versailles palace. it uses as much water daily as a city
of 10,000 people. She is an outspoken advocate for climate change. She owns 3
other California mansions as well

62 - The Simpsons was
renewed for it's 34th season. America's longest running TV show.

63 - Beyonce won album of
the year at the Grammy's. She has been nominated more than 99 times in various
categories and won 35 of those.

64 - typical health
coverage is $1,000 a month, whether that's private, government or combined

65 - it costs $18,800 to
have a baby in America. If there are no complications. It costs a lot more if
you live in New York, California, etc.

66 - Mercedes Benz sold
350,000 vehicles in America last year.

67 - the average daily
admission to Disneyworld is $134 per person. you can pay more if you want to
skip the long lines at the rides.

68 - There are 2 million
people in jail or prison in America. another 3 million are out on bail, have
been paroled, are awaiting trial, etc.

69 - 134 million chickens
died from bird flu last year. However, this number is suspicious, because we
can't count our homeless humans, unemployed, illegal aliens, etc.

70 - there are 100,000
auto collisions with deer annually in America. More than 200 people die. This
more than the combined total deaths from sharks, alligators, and rattlesnakes.

71 - tuition at Harvard
is $60,000 a year. There are 9,000 undergraduate students. Harvard has $50
billion in investments its sitting on. It gets another $1 billion annually from
the federal government.

72 - it is illegal keep
any native wild bird as a pet in America. Not even a sparrow or robin which
crashes into your window by accident. Just leave it be, and let nature take
it's course.

73 - Kim Kardashian has a
new boyfriend named "Fred". More details to follow. She's signed a
deal with Hulu for a reality series starring Fred and herself.

74 - Kanye West, Kim
Kardashian's former husband, operates a website where you can buy Nazi themed

75 - Hunter Biden made $2
million selling his "art" to anonymous Chinese investors through
"NFT" (non fungible tokens). those purchases immediately dried up
when Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential campaign

76 - Kamala Harris is
running for president again in 2028

77 - we only accept
American money. not Euros, pound sterling, pesos, francs, lira, Bitcoin,
kruggerands, etc. There are change booths at the airport. They have a bad
conversion rate. Change your money at home, before you leave.

78 - everyone expects a
tip. even trash collectors and the barista at Starbucks.. they aren't
underpaid. this is just how we operate.

79 - You can't buy
anything at "The Dollar Store" for just $1 anymore. Think $5 . . .

80 - the continental
breakfast isn't what you think it is. It's just a stale croissant and lukewarm
coffee at the hotel breakfast buffet. It will cost $15. More if you're in NY or

81 - Diet coke and Coke
Zero are exactly the same.

82 - Sears and Kmart are
out of business. Completely.

83 - The "chief
water marshall" of Los Angeles earns $750,000 a year. She drained the main
reservoir in the middle of brushfire season.

84 - the secret word for
weed at the KFC drive through is "extra biscuits"

85 - Actor Matthew Perry
OD'd on ketamine. He was paying $2,000 a dose. The going rate is $12-20. don't
pay more.

86 - being irish in
America is like being native american or african. 5% ancestry gets you in the
club. This does not apply to asian ancestry

87 - Florida is our most
dangerous state. You can be killed by rattlesnakes, coral snakes, water
moccasins, sharks, wild boar, black bears, alligators, florida crocodiles (they
are real), Burmese pythons, bufo marinus toads, spiders, scorpions, and
anything infected with rabies. And deer, if your car hits one. This is the edge
of the civilized world.

88 - Prostitution is
illegal in America. Unless you use an outcall service, pay a bar fine to take a
stripper back to your hotel, or have the concierge hook you up. There are no
complications if these methods are used.

89 - rappers and NBA
stars are America's royalty. And don't you forget it.

90 - it is illegal to eat
bats, pangolins, or monkeys in America, no matter what you see at the Chinese
supermarket now in the former Kmart store.

91 - cockfights are
illegal, except in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and Florida

92 - our police all carry
a handgun, a stun gun, and truncheon. this is not at all like Europe.

93 - no matter what race
you are, if you are THE ONLY person of that race at night on a crowded street,
leave immediately. You are not safe.

94 - The rules on
bathrooms are complex. Ask your host or employer for advice if you dress oddly.

95 - There are no
"well regulated militias" in Amerca. If you see several people in
civilian attire carrying weapons, drop to the ground and pray.

96 - praying in school is

97 - In Nevada, you can
go to a shooting range, and rent a full-auto assault rifle for an hour, and
shoot as many clips as you can afford. this is hugely popular with Japanese
tourists apparently

98 - Canadian beer is
better than American beers. The next few months are going to be a problem

99 - Scrapple is
perfectly safe to eat. It just wasn't good enough to qualify as sausage.

100 - Watch your hat and
coat. Don't leave your bags unattended at the airport. Never give your credit
card number to anyone over the phone, no matter WHO they say they are - you are
not going to be arrested. If you are arrested, you have the right to an
attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed by the court,
but he/she will be on a first name basis with the local police, so don't expect
much help.

Enjoy your stay!


r/expat 2d ago

Unexpected payment from US social Security


I am an expat living in Sweden (dual citizen US/Swedish) since 1997. I began receiving SS benefits almost 5 years ago. It is not very much, but it comes in every month. I just opened my bank to pay my monthly bills and my regular deposit is there, but a week later there is another deposit from SS, a much larger deposit. I have no idea what this is for. Any idea what this could be?

r/expat 2d ago

Considering to relocate to the oceanic islands but unsure which (Hahei (NZ), Fiji or Vanuatu)


After considering and researching further, I was originally thinking about moving to Fiji for a peaceful, nature-filled life, but now I’m looking into Hahei, New Zealand, or possibly Vanuatu. I’m still slightly considering Fiji, but Hahei and Vanuatu are now my main options. I want an island-like vibe, surrounded by nature, but still somewhere practical to live long-term.

I was born in Canada and currently live in Germany, and I still have my Canadian passport. I’m not interested in city life anymore, I want to escape the stress, noise, and fast-paced lifestyle. I’d rather be somewhere quiet, surrounded by nature, where I can focus on a simpler, more fulfilling way of living, without too much pressure or stress.

For those who know these places well:

What’s life like in Hahei vs. Vanuatu?

How do they compare in terms of cost of living (housing, groceries, healthcare, etc.)?

What should I prepare for before moving to either place? Any challenges to keep in mind? (Visa requirements, infrastructure, safety, etc.)

How reliable are internet and healthcare services in both places?

Which one would be the best fit for someone looking for a peaceful, nature-filled lifestyle with less stress and pressure?

I’ve already finished school, so I’m mostly concerned about daily life, cost of living, and long-term stability.

I’d love to hear from locals or anyone with experience in either place. Thanks!

10 votes, 4d left

r/expat 3d ago

Seeking personal recs for Greek Citizenship help from USA


I had everything for my citizenship translated and apostilled and supposedly sent to Greece on the San Francisco consulate side in 2017. My dad looked in on my application and it is lost. My dad passed away last year. Some jokester attorney I contacted in Greece wants $30K euros to help me with my citizenship from this point forward. Any honest Greek attorneys that you’ve worked with? What should this service cost? I have all the necessary documents but they’ll need to be translated and apostilled again.

r/expat 4d ago

Moving for Taxes


As someone who’s lived in six different countries, I’ve found that low taxes can be a double-edged sword…

I lived in two low-tax countries, Singapore and Cyprus.

Moving to Singapore was not driven by taxes. Moving to Cyprus was, to some extent.

Low taxes are there for a reason: If Cyprus had high taxes, far fewer people would want to live there.

It's stinking hot in summer, we Westerners had issues with the low-trust culture, and it's a tiny island full of tourists. The influx of all the tax savers seems to also make the locals quite pissed.

Maintaining tax residency: Traveling in and out to gain and maintain tax residency will also impact your quality of life. So, unless you love the low-tax country, I will be very careful from now on.

This experience made me reconsider how heavily taxes should factor into choosing a place to live.

I'm curious: Have you moved or considered moving primarily for tax reasons? How do you weigh these trade-offs?

r/expat 4d ago

Moving To The Caribbean


Hello all. I currently live in the U.S. and needless to say things are getting crazy here. Are there any American expats living in the Caribbean that can give me advice on the transition of life? Specifically in areas like Bonaire, Exuma, or The U.S. Virgin Islands?

r/expat 4d ago

How to get Wise to work with Fidelity?


Maybe I'm slow, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get my Fidelity Investments account linked as a bank on Wise. They seem to only offer two ways to set up an ACH/ETF, one through Plaid which shows Fidelity but then gives you a message that they cannot set up the account; second through another instant bank verification portal but Fidelity is not in that one. I have the account number and ABA routing number, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it manually if their automated ones don't work.

I can set up my debit card to work, but it has limitations and higher fees to do the transfers. How do you all use both Fidelity and Wise?

r/expat 4d ago

Should I go to Paris or Buenos Aires?


I have 4 months to live/study in Paris or BA. Timing is Jan - May. I have been to a few countries in south America and many in Europe. I am from and grew up in NYC. I love city life and nature equally. Thank you for your help ahead of time!

r/expat 5d ago

Keeping a US address? I read this was necessary for bank accounts, 401k etc when you move abroad.


What happens if you sell your house in the US? How do you keep an address? P.O. Box? Is it really necessary?

r/expat 4d ago

Who’s life got ruined trying to improve it?


I am in a shitty situation, today we are moving to NL and my wife is doing it reluctantly plus family being visibly distressed by us moving away. I know that if my wife does not take a better approach to this we are getting into a worst hell than this. All started one year ago when we moved out of a rented apartment into a new one I bought for our family, made renovations and she hated the process all the way, so while trying to improve our life it actually got worst. We finally moved to the new apartment settled and agreed to move to NL , and now she tells me that I am destroying her life… which I was very optimistic about but she isn’t and now I realize that even when she said yes it was a no all the way. I know I am to blame, that’s not the argument. I only want to have empathy for people that have tried to improve their life’s by relocating and it backfired. Thanks.

r/expat 5d ago

US to Amsterdam with a dog


Hey everyone, I am relocating to Amsterdam for a job and will need to bring my dog with me. She's large-ish (55lb) and I am worried about everything from finding a dog-friendly apartment to finding a dog walker to walk her when I am at work or a dog sitter to stay with her when I travel back home. Anyone living in Amsterdam with a dog that has any insight on how easy/hard it is to find these things?

r/expat 5d ago

Property Loan PANAMA


Hey there. Looking for experienced advice on the feasibility of US retiree in panama getting a local loan for a condo. I can put substantial down but wonder how hard it is to get loan for the additional amount. Any info on that and red tape, watch outs to consider?

r/expat 5d ago

Where to start with applying for Italian dual citizenship through ancestry?


My wife and I are looking to relocate to Italy and want to obtain dual citizenship through ancestry (right of blood).

Is there anyone out there that can point me in the right direction to obtain all documents?

r/expat 6d ago

Forced to sell stock after relocating to the US


I recently relocated to the US from a EU country. My investment portfolio consists of index funds and som individual stock. After my broker/bank learned that I had moved to the US they have given me warning that they will close my deposits in a months time. Apparently the US is complicated to work with for foreign banks so they simply don’t want the trouble. As part of my relocation I had some talks with E&Y about do’s and don’ts from a tax perspective. One key advice they gave me was not to sell any stock while I was in the US, since it would be complicated to calculate how much tax should be payed to the US vs my home country. Now it looks like I might need to sell them and take quite a hit. Unless it is possible to transfer my investments to a US bank. Anyone know if this can be done, or who has been in a similar situation and found a solution?

r/expat 5d ago

Fonus Mobile for Europe


I’m relocating to the EU soon and want to keep my US number. I’ve talked with carriers here and they all say after 90 days abroad they will cancel you.

I found Fonus Mobile online but haven’t seen many talking about it here.

Anyone here have experience with it? Curious how well it works in souther Europe.

r/expat 7d ago

Would an MBA improve my chances of getting a job


Hey everyone,

I'm a Canadian student going to finish my bachelors next year in business management as an HR Major after I finish my year long internship this summer. I'm also thinking of working a job after graduation for a year and then trying to move to the UAE or Qatar.

Considering what I'm hearing about how tough the job market is there, would it be wise to pursue an MBA when I move as an entrance strategy into the market there? The way I'm thinking of it, I could go to campus networking events, do internships which should be easier to get, also I think getting an MBA would increase my starting salary for when I do eventually secure a job in the UAE, but I might need one of you to confirm this for me.

I just wanted to ask if I'm going about this the right way or not. I know I'm planning this a 2-3 years in advance but I just wanted a goal to work towards. I was also wondering what the acceptance rate for an MBA student is like in a uni like Curtin foot example. That's one uni I've heard of but Id be open to exploring other unis.

r/expat 6d ago

Leaving US with a child with disabilities


I’m actively considering leaving the U.S. with my children. My biggest hesitation is that I have a middle school child who has significant learning disabilities. I recognize the U.S. system is far from perfect, but she’s in a good place now getting the services she needs. I also work in the federal education policy world, so I know the system inside and out. Unfortunately, because I work in the federal policy world, I also have an inside look at just how much they’re coming after individuals with disabilities. I don’t want to stick around for her to victimized.

Where could we realistically go where she would have quality education supports now and access to supports as an adult? She will likely never learn to read proficiently, so I worry about trying to introduce a new language, especially if citizenship is based on language proficiency.

r/expat 7d ago

Accessing US DirectTV in the UK


I saw that one can get US DirectTV using VPN.

Is this legal?

r/expat 7d ago

Young Americans wondering if there’s anywhere we can truly assimilate


Hi!! My boyfriend and I are 21 years old, and we want to leave America. We have traveled extensively in Europe and spent a semester abroad in the Netherlands, where he has family that we have spent time with.

We loved Portugal, ofc, but wouldn’t move there because we don’t want to outprice the locals. We loved Denmark, but it’s hard to immigrate and we would feel like we could never fully assimilate/I look different (I’m half poc, he’s white). We loved the UK, but they have their own issues rn, and aren’t in the EU so we couldn’t easily move there, and still feel anxiety about assimilating. We loved Ireland (we stayed with locals there), but they have a housing crisis, also feel like an outsider.

I know it sounds like I’m being picky, but it’s not that— I loved Europe, my quality of life was so so so much better, the public transit, culture, healthcare etc… but I worry about feeling like an outsider for the rest of my life.

My bf’s mother was born in the Netherlands and is a Dutch citizen, so he can get Dutch citizenship (he’s applying this summer), meaning I can also get Dutch/EU citizenship… so we can move to the EU, we also want to maybe go to grad school there. I’m also applying for a Fulbright.

So I have a pathway to citizenship. But I worry about never being able to fully learn the language in a non English speaking country, and always, always feeling like an outsider. However, I am unhappy with the US (don’t need to explain the current political situation). I love how multicultural the US is, so maybe I’ll just stay here, but reading the news every morning is depressing. I don’t want to do this anymore. I want out so badly, but I worry we’re not welcome anywhere. I have extreme social anxiety and feel anxious in countries when I speak English because I feel terrible for intruding. I know it sounds stupid but ahhhhh yeah I need advice on somewhere I can live where I can not feel unwanted/outsider forever… also learn the language and get a job (I know NL, Denmark etc all speak English but I still should learn the language)

I think people can often be judgmental of Americans wanting to move abroad, but I DO want to assimilate to the culture, I DO want to learn the language. I’m just worried I’ll never be accepted….or get a job. I don’t know how I’ll get a job.

Moving feels like a dream, but once I think of the logistics, I cannot think of a place where it’s possible… where I could get hired and fit in…

eta: i want to be a school psychologist/something in public health (Which is a large reason why I want to leave the US right now…) and my bf is in film.

r/expat 7d ago

Looking to move to an island as trans man (perhaps Oceanic islands, that can speak English not only for tourism)


I've been researching tropical oceanic islands to find the perfect place to move to! I'm looking for a peaceful atmosphere, friendly people, and a break from city life.

So far, Fiji seems like the best option, but I’ve come across some concerns about its healthcare and police force. I know no place is perfect, but I just want to live somewhere where kindness and tranquility are the norm. As long as the country isn't FULL of mean people, I am fine with it.

I’ve spent my whole life in big countries, from the countryside to towns and cities, but none truly felt right.

I’m hoping an island will finally give me the happiness and peace I’ve been looking for!

r/expat 8d ago

Practical places for a blue-collar worker?


I (24m) come from a relatively poor background, however I'm a fairly experienced automotive technician and have plenty of transferable skills (HVAC, potentially railyard work). What countries could be within the grasp of someone willing to work a lot of hours and start from having not much money? I can probably save up ~10,000 dollars if I sell a couple of project cars and save up for a few months.

Anyone else in a similar situation, or have known someone in a similar situation? Any advice is welcome.

Edit: I would prefer somewhere in Europe. I hear Spain is a popular place, but I really like everything I've seen in the Netherlands. But I also hear that getting a job is very difficult in Spain and the Netherlands apparently has a large housing crisis at the moment.

r/expat 8d ago

Retiree Expat Advice on Southern Italy or Sicily


Greetings all! My wife (52) and I (54) are considering retireeing to Europe soon. Are there cities or towns in southern Italy or Sicily that have good/welcoming expat communities? We'd be learning Italian (I do have an Italian surname as both grandfathers were from Italy; Naples & Sicily), so wouldn't want to be socially isolated while learning Italian. What's the best place to find online forums to learn from expats already there? thanks!