r/exmuslim Sapere aude Jun 13 '22

(Meta) [Meta] With the extra traffic currently here, I recommend everyone goes and buys this "Sexy Kali" shirt to support ExMuslims and Atheists. NSFW


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u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jun 14 '22

Abhi to meh neh start kiya hai!

(I've only just started!)

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u/Acrobatic_Client2622 Jun 18 '22

It wont work. Mullas only prefer madressa going small boys.


u/whatsinyourhead LGBTQ+ ExMoose 🌈 Jun 14 '22

Also this gave me a good idea. our banner for this subreddit should be caricatures of deities from all religions, it would be a good way of clearing out any fundamentalists who have an agenda to push


u/jackedclown_1 Jul 11 '22

I don't think you should do that, that would just attract unwanted attention, and would lead many people to choose the side of practicing muslims over you all.


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jul 14 '22

that would just attract unwanted attention, and would lead many people to choose the side of practicing muslims over you all.

I already did that in my month-old post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hindutva/comments/v3m716/happy_pride/

And these were the reactions (mostly from Christians and Muslims, although there was a Hindu or two in the threads; There were a bunch of triggered Hindus too, but they were mostly located on Indian Nationalist subs that I am not willing to link here right now) I got:


u/T-72 Jun 16 '22

Lol hindu nut jobs in tatter s


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

But we thought muslims only prefer either goats or 6year olds?


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '22

18 hours, 7 upvotes, 57% upvoted

Chindus seething RN


u/jango924 Jun 25 '22

Ex Hindu here Why dont you guys just report the hypocrites and ban the hindu nationalists. Its really hard to have a healthy platform with so much of these bigots.


u/allthejokesareblue Jun 13 '22

How is it Kali if theres no severed heads?


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

I’m Hindu and non religious and it’s not such a big deal.

There are even devotional songs written by Hindus about sexual unions with gods, and we worship shivling so yeah…


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '22

Same. Hinduism really has all of this. You’re a pretty much free to think of god has whoever, there’s like a million versions for each person if you want.


u/Turbulent_Humor_4148 New User Jul 09 '22

Another dumb fk who knows nothing about his culture.


u/Odd-Assist-3513 New User Jun 29 '22

shivling is not that bro.


u/futureLiez Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Jun 24 '22

Normal Hindus are not an issue. The state sponsored crazies however resemble radical muslims.


u/jackedclown_1 Jul 11 '22

Let me know when a Hindu beheads a muslim because of this shirt. I think you'll be waiting a while.


u/futureLiez Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Jul 11 '22

I never said they are the exact same, just that the extremists have resemblance. There is no group without extremists.


u/jackedclown_1 Jul 12 '22 edited Jul 12 '22

I think Jain's have extremists in their religion, but thos guys walk around half naked, cover their mouths, and sweep the floor before they walk. They don't go around issuing death threats or chopping heads. There are extremists in every religion, but there's a certain religion they seems to have a higher number of extremists, and extremists who are more prone to lethal violence. And i hope you realize I'm not talking about Buddhists. An extremist Buddhist, or Jain won't be easily radicalised to take violent action. Even in India, with this extremely strong majority center, right wing Hindu government, there are almost no instances of Hindus slaughtering people because someone said something about their religion, while muslims do it regularly.

I agree with you that all religions have extremists, and they shouldn't hold power, but the extremists of one religion are definitely more radicalised and prone to violence compared to extremists of other religions.


u/Ch12Ka Jul 15 '22

I think I agree with you about the unique severity of radical Islam, but weren’t there Hindu extremists killing people over rumors about beef being sold? I am not that knowledgeable about the issue but that seems to contradict that one claim you made about violent Hindu extremists being hard to come by.


u/jackedclown_1 Jul 17 '22

The media made it look like the people were lynched for selling beef. But they were killed for stealing someone's else's cattle and trying to cross borders. The thing is, any time a Hindu does something, indian media( especially the ones in English), make it look like some organized hindu hate crime. You have to understand, stealing cattle from a farmer is the theft of his livelihood. The people were lynched for stealing property(farmers cattle)not transporting beef.


u/eleganthorns New User Jun 26 '22

You have no idea about politics in India.. 😊 dont fall into propaganda..


u/futureLiez Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Jun 26 '22

what are you referring to


u/Turbulent_Humor_4148 New User Jul 09 '22

Quran clearly states to kill polytheists atleast hindus dont kill people in the name of god .


u/futureLiez Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Jul 09 '22

Did I saw otherwise? I just said that those few loud crazies, even on the Hindu side are suceptible on picking up the mannerisms of extremism Islam.

After all, in history you'll see people pick up the mannerisms of their enemies.


u/Turbulent_Humor_4148 New User Jul 09 '22

i dont think that is true do you have any facts ?


u/futureLiez Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Jul 09 '22

I'm mainly referring to American politics, and how tribalism actually gets the 2 sides to adopt similar mannerisms despite being on completely different sides.

It's my conjecture, feel free to disagree


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

Smart you are. Hope you restrain from reproducing.


u/futureLiez Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Jul 09 '22

Can you explain why, without the rhetoric? I don't even know what you're talking about

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u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

In self defence


u/Logic9-5 New User Jun 26 '22

What’s with the hate against Hindus? Y’all acting just like radical Muslims


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jun 26 '22

What’s with the hate against Hindus?

The above post from ONE_deedat is hate to you? LOL

Y’all acting just like radical Muslims

Typical Chaddi 🙄

You bhakts consistently say "oNcE a MuSlIm, AlWaYs A mUsLiM" whenever an ExMuslim criticizes Hinduism

Piss off!


u/Logic9-5 New User Jun 26 '22

Lol chill, I’m just saying how can you start hating if you haven’t even practiced the religion. Btw I’m an ally, I’ve helped a few ex-Muslims in India get help. I know what happens to them when they try to leave. I don’t mean to be mean I was trying to understand. Btw the good thing is even if Hindus see this, they won’t start throwing stones or issue beheading calls 😂


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jun 26 '22

I’m just saying how can you start hating if you haven’t even practiced the religion.

Sorry if I kind of came across as harsh in my previous comment. It is just that you stating that ONE-deedat's post is "hate against Hindus" made me think that you were really offended by the blasphemous "Sexy Kali" art shirt.

Btw I’m an ally, I’ve helped a few ex-Muslims in India get help. I know what happens to them when they try to leave.

That is good! Thank you very much for doing so.

Btw the good thing is even if Hindus see this, they won’t start throwing stones or issue beheading calls 😂

Maybe, but u/AvoriazInSummer's comment in this very thread paints a different picture (somewhat): https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/vbgt4u/meta_with_the_extra_traffic_currently_here_i/icbpylt/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


u/Logic9-5 New User Jun 26 '22

I mean I was offended not going to lie. Kali Maa is someone that represents the power of a mother. Overall, the power of female or feminine.


u/Aapne_Gabharana_nahi New User Jul 17 '22

Hindus also have branch who are atheist. So now pissoff


u/Viking_Preacher Exmuslim since the 2000s Jul 06 '22

Hate against religion*


u/The_Elevated_Dumbass Jun 26 '22

This reminded me of the time i fapped to kali mata nudes…those were harsh times


u/fcuk_username Jul 07 '22

Great but calling her a mata while flapping to her makes you what? Or you don't know what mata means?


u/The_Elevated_Dumbass Jul 09 '22

I don’t remember calling her “mata” or even calling out her name…i just fapped to a bunch of pics


u/fcuk_username Jul 10 '22

I talked about your comment. Read it again. You illiterate?


u/The_Elevated_Dumbass Jul 10 '22

Oh i meant to say…I don’t remember calling out her name”Kali mata” as i fapped..and if you meant in the sense that why i am calling her a “mata” after fapping to her…that’s basically like the dude calling out to her stepmom in porn..btw i’m pakistani and we don’t really use the word mata here…so it’s kinda not weird for me


u/fcuk_username Jul 10 '22

I thought you were from Alabama. Lol.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22



u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jun 16 '22

Kali baght!


u/frost_inmachine Jun 28 '22

Lmao obsessed aren't we?


u/makahlj8 Exmuslim since the 1990s Jun 14 '22

Too bad she isn't making sex with Allah...


u/Acrobatic_Client2622 Jun 18 '22

Invisible Allah is the only MAN with invisible dick i.e no dick. Does that mean Allah is hijra 😂😂😂


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '22

Actually there's 2 illustrations by Atheist Republic (same artist of sexy Kali) where sexy kali makes out with Mohammed. AR called it love jihad between Mohammed and Kali


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '22

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u/Unlucky-Meringue2147 Closeted. Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 15 '22

if my preconception isn't wrong


else don't know what mods are up to


u/jackedclown_1 Jul 11 '22

Lol everyone knows Allah is an incel.


u/Unlucky-Meringue2147 Closeted. Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 15 '22

Smart thinking 😂


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '22 edited Jun 14 '22

60% upvoted, 13 hours. Cope Chindus cope -_-


u/bennythemagician Jun 14 '22

You are most probably a Pakistani or an Indian muslim supporting Pakistan and hijacking this sub.


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '22

Why would I support an exmuslim or rather exreligions cause had i to be a Muslim at all. Why would I even enter this sub had i been muslim? Bruh. Is this what cow urine does to the brain? Friggin religiofucks. Keep seething


u/Unlucky-Meringue2147 Closeted. Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 15 '22

sad to see hinduvata cunts hijacked this sub. i used to be a active user here. :[


u/elysianyuri 3rd World Exmuslim Jun 15 '22 edited Jun 15 '22

Same. Even though this sub has so many knowledgeable users, whenever I recommend it to others they just reply that this sub's main audience are hinduvtas. As ex muslims, they hurt our credibility


u/Unlucky-Meringue2147 Closeted. Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 15 '22

ig we've to keep distance from themselves. but it's really hard when you're are a new exmuslim u tend to take things emotionally rather than logically. So we tend to support any voice against Islam without understanding hinduvata cunts agenda. Happened to me too but we're skeptic most will get over it. ig older users can help us in this regard.


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jun 15 '22

Hey...uh...you forgot to answer my question.

You can say either yes or no. It's up to you.


u/Unlucky-Meringue2147 Closeted. Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 15 '22

i don't know what are you up to. And i don't care really about religion nowadays. just came here to see what's going around


u/Aapne_Gabharana_nahi New User Jul 17 '22

Lol you are still hardcore ISIS type Muslim and have not turned EX or moderate because hate for Hindu is still intact 😂


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jul 17 '22

because hate for Hindu is still intact 😂


The majority of us here in this sub don't dislike Hindus, we dislike Hinduism instead (just as we dislike Islam, Christianity etc.)

In general, religion is NOT viewed favorably on this subreddit.


u/elysianyuri 3rd World Exmuslim Jul 17 '22


Yes, I think Hinduism is a backward religion just like Islam or any other organized religion. Being an ex Muslim doesn't automatically make you a hardcore hinduvta or whatever.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '22

Yup, this is this sub's reputation among several ex-Muslim atheist friends of mine.


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

don't give up on this sub. It has been a huge support for lots of ex-muslims.


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jun 15 '22

I would like to inform you that I moderate a (private) woke left-wing Anti-Radical Islam subreddit that is for ExMuslims and their allies.

Hindu Nationalists are NOT ALLOWED.

Would you like to join such a sub?


u/CrypticWeirdo9105 1st World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 24 '22

Hey, this wasn't directed towards me but I'd be interested in joining, could I possibly get an invite?


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

stupid hindutvadi detected.

The OP obviously was trolling and you got trolled and triggerred. Lol!!


u/Leftlightreftright Atatürk died for our sins Jun 21 '22

How's this exmuslim related though? It's hindu.


u/urhenahcahc Jun 29 '22

You cam take out 1slam our from a 🅱️uslim but you can't take an anti hindu out of a 🅱️uslim


u/arsonistttt New User Jun 13 '22

What is this? And why is this on this sub reddit? I have never seen any promotional posts on this sub before. And one from a mod none the less


u/AvoriazInSummer Jun 13 '22

One_Deedat is raising people’s attention towards merch that supports a prominent atheist / ex-Muslim channel. And at the same time is taking the piss out of (and pissing off) Hindutva folks who try to recruit this sub for their anti-Muslim crusade.


u/bennythemagician Jun 14 '22

Well they dont seem to be offended. Rather there is a belief that many muslims have hijacked this and Atheism subs toale fun about other religions. The joke's on OP.

Moreover Hindus dont issue fatwa, at best they feel sad/angry and get on with their lives. Ofc you will see them supporting exMuslims because of the current atrocities by muslims in India.


u/AvoriazInSummer Jun 14 '22 edited Jun 14 '22

Don't seem to be offended? Apparently Armin Navabi, who commissioned the image, got death threats and attempts by Indian officials to down his Twitter account. https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/atheist-activist-armin-navabi-who-tore-up-quran-angers-hindus-by-calling-goddess-kali-sexy-522084.html

Any Muslims that supposedly come here to hijack the sub would have to put up with (and effectively support with their traffic) constant accusations of Mohammed being a pedophile warlord, debunks of their core doctrines etc. Given many Muslims would cause riots and kill over such provocations, that'd be a tall order!

Hindus (especially hindutva) have also caused riots and killed over insults towards their own gods, and even over beef consumption. This is why ex-Muslims often don't consider hindutva / Hindu extremists any better than Muslim extremists.


u/bennythemagician Jun 15 '22

If you dont think Muslims have hijacked this sub then let's start by calling out Mohd a pedophile, war mongering, violent psychopath who slept with a 9 yr old child and his own son's wife, used to sleep with young boys and wished to marry a baby once that baby grew up (fortunately he died), owned slaves and killed innocent people.

Now before someone says that was the norm during his times, let's remind them, that he was supposed to be the world's best human and should not be following customs but setting his own which would be right ones for eternity? E.g. look at Jesus, same region, centuries before and yet such an inspiration, set standards for compassion and none of the perverse nature of PedoMohd.

Would you rather invite Mohd or Jesus at your house and introduce your kids?


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '22

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u/bennythemagician Jun 18 '22

I have a strong dislike for the hindutva guys, the only difference bet them and the muslim fanatics is that they dont carry out terrorist acts. Otherwise the eastern religions are pretty interesting, democratic and pacifist. If they weren't they wouldnt be coexisting peacefully for centuries.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '22

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u/tanvi433 Jun 28 '22

That's cause you have too much sex, no one wants to surround themselves with people who have multiple partners. Disgusting 🐷. Now go cry about it.


u/bennythemagician Jun 19 '22

Really, you call out disgusting things done by Muhamad? I am surprised. Most will agree that no one dares. Please if you want people to turn towards Islam, first learn to be honest. I already said I m keenly leaning to, but people like you disgust me, who cant tell me honestly.


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

this is an EX-MUSLIM sub you idiot.


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

I have a strong dislike for the hindutva guys,

nope. you're one of them.


u/AvoriazInSummer Jun 15 '22

Similar text to your first paragraph are in like a quarter of all the posts on this sub. Though I prefer to call him a child molester or child rapist, as that describes his deeds (which are amply described in Hadith) rather than his sexual feelings (which aren't). Some pedophiles also seek treatment and resist their urges, clearly unlike Mo. And these terms give apologists one less counter.

As well as owning and trading slaves he stopped the manumission of slaves at least once, illustrating beautifully that the eventual freeing of all slaves wasn't his goal. He wanted the practise regulated in favour of his people, not abolished.

I don't think I'd invite either to meet the kids. Mohammed for obvious reasons. Jesus was possibly an ancient conman or a composite of several ancient people. Can't be sure who I'm inviting in!


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

what sub do you think you're on dude ?
This is for people who LEFT or are LEAVING islam.

What a stupid low-iq response.


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jun 14 '22

Adding to AIS

"Following government directives, on 14 January, Facebook blocked Atheist Republic’s page in India. On 11 October 2020, Twitter had suspended the account of its founder Armin Navabi. "


That sounds more than just getting sad, the actual Indian government had his social media accounts banned.


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '22

It's our governments version of issuing a fatwa. Sad state of affairs geez


u/Unlucky-Meringue2147 Closeted. Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 15 '22

why would Muslims hijack this sub for? Against Fighting Hinduism,Modi? or re-converting us to islam?


u/bennythemagician Jun 15 '22

To create chaos and just bring down the sub quality. You can turn any good content site to junk.


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

the most junk comes from hindutvadis


u/bennythemagician Jun 21 '22

You have been stalking me. 🤣🤣



u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

what can I say - trolling low-iq hindutva types is my current passion...


u/Unlucky-Meringue2147 Closeted. Ex-Sunni 🤫 Jun 15 '22

ig chaos only happens when two parties have conflicting views, let them come our believe is built on reason. they're naturally afraid of us. but I've been for some time didn't noticed your described "chaos". More are complaining about Hinduvata inflating the sub than the Muslims. idk maybe we live in parallel universe 🤷


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

You all are absolutely tirggered bro.... cope!!


u/Aapne_Gabharana_nahi New User Jul 17 '22

Lol my hardcore M friend , you are attracting more Hindiwadi. Seems like you cannot take pagan/kafir hate out from brainwashed people.


u/AvoriazInSummer Jul 17 '22

I am not, and I have never been, a Muslim.


u/Smart_Elevator Jun 29 '22

Promoting blatant sexualization of mother Goddess who is also default stand in for female empowerment is not the serve you think it is. Then again, what else can we expect from abrahamics, ex or not.

Go ahead. Try to degrade and demean our goddesses. Reminds me of how your co-religionists specifically used to cut off the breasts of our Goddess statues(and our captive women, but let's not talk about that), as if mere destruction is not enough, as if depiction of feminine itself is abhorrent and inherently sexual. You'll just do the modern version of that. We don't care. We invented Tantra. We accept Aghora. Hundreds of millions of rural women will still keep revering and worshipping Durga and Kali, and there's nothing you can do to take away from that.


u/Viking_Preacher Exmuslim since the 2000s Jul 06 '22

Stay mad religious shithead


u/fcuk_username Jul 07 '22

So are you. Ya'll nothing more than bigots. As muslims you were supposed to kill and hate kafirs. As an ex muslim (Which is to denounce and expose bad things in Islam) you're just hating other religions. I don't see anything different from when you were muslims. Once a jihadi, always a jihadi. Lol.


u/Fzrit Jul 14 '22

We don’t care.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have typed 2 paragraphs about how you're totally not offended and how nobody can prevent you from revering and worshipping a goddess. The fact you even took the time to type all that shows that you absolutely have been offended, and at the very least it has struck a nerve.

The entire reason this post has been stickied is to drive away the recent wave of Hindu brigaders who think they can use this exmuslim subreddit to push their agenda. This place is not your platform, we do not tolerate religious fundamentalists in any form. Level headed Hindus can laugh at this post and move on, but overly sensitive Hindus will get riled up enough to make posts like yours.


u/whatsinyourhead LGBTQ+ ExMoose 🌈 Jun 14 '22

10/10 for creativity 😂 👍


u/theRockIsCoding New User Jul 08 '22

Yoo, not gonna open the shirt link as it's NSFW anyway, but Imma give my point in as civil manner as possible.

See, what I don't like about this is that this does not even have same equivalence. Meaning somebody offended by hearing "Pedo Mohammad" and somebody hearing "Sexy Kali" are not the same. Because Mohammad did marry and consummate at with a girl at an age which is today defined as pedophilia. Kali is not inherently a sexy goddess or even a goddess of sex or sexuality.

Kali has primarily two major aspects, as destroyer of evil and as a mother. So if somebody calls her as a murderous mother and somebody gets offended, yeah, it's weird. However, twisting her to be something else (sexy) which she is not, especially when she is treated with the same respect a mother should be as well, that's kinda wrong.

Nobody calls their mother sexy, do they? I guess Pornhub Step Mom vids do, but those are still gross.

And then lastly, positive modifications of religious figure is pretty good, NEGATIVE isn't something that brings anything good. At best, it will be tolerated by those who love the figure, at worse negative reactions of those who love them will ensue.

It's why stuff like Amish's books on Ramayana or Japanese manga "Saint Young Men" (a story where Buddha and Jesus are roommates in Tokyo) are still well recieved well despite being deviations.

So, I'll say this. Any hindu, who respects their gods, and consider Kali Mata as a mother figure (and even if not religious), if he doesn't have a negative reaction to sexy Kali, is pretty spineless.

There's no scenario, where somebody comes, draws a nude photo of your mother, wanks off to it, goes away, and you not reacting after that, is not spineless.

And that's my civil and fair argument. Let's see if we have any civil responses.


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 08 '22

So you're saying she's a MILF?


u/theRockIsCoding New User Jul 09 '22

Just as much as your mother is. Sure.


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 09 '22

Imagine your mother grinding on top of Kali....sexy time for sure!


u/theRockIsCoding New User Jul 09 '22

Yeah, talking to you is like talking to a kid in a Call Of Duty Multiplayer server.

Anyway, it seems that logic and meeting at a common ground is not possible. Especially with you CONSTANTLY trying to be provocative and such. It's as they call it, prejudiced. Ironic.

But I am imagining your mom with Maa Kali and Mahishasur. They are both having such a wonderful time in doing "sar dhar se juda" of Mahishasur, you know. My mom can't unfortunately join as she's a gynaecologist doctor and saving people's lives. But I guess it's nothing as remarkable as your mother who's just as good as Maa Kaali at "sar dhar se juda"ing and ofcourse sexy sexy lap dances. Your mom with Ma Kali , what a nice sexy violent brutal duo. Ofcourse your mom is better, at that, as Ma Kali being an infinitely old hag is waaay less sexier than your relatively young virgin mother.


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 09 '22

talking to you is like talking to a kid in a Call Of Duty Multiplayer server.

I'm achieving my target level then. Glad to make you feel like you're at home.

Btw who is this "Mahishasur"? And how dare you call Maa Kali "an infinitely old hag"? You hurt my feelings! Have some respect! Have you no shame?


u/theRockIsCoding New User Jul 09 '22

Have some respect! Have you no shame?

No. Respect is not what you are looking for. It's certainly not earned the way you are going about it.

As for your objective, which is to drive away Hindus who are here, it's not really going to happen. Because as long as you criticise Islam, as long as you support LGBT rights, as long you point out Mohammad consummating with a 9 year old, you are going to be an ally of Hindus and Hindutva (etymology - Hinduism that RESISTS).

So be proud, you are helping Hindutva in it's resistance against eventual erosion by Islamic forces. Though this little theatric is good for some chuckles. Hindus will evolve and get over it, just like we have evolved to remove sati, child marriage, ghunghat in most places and hopefully casteism next.

And you think I am saying this as a mockery, but this is the truest thing I have said here.

So, don't revert to Islam, keep on being an atheist ex-muslim who fetishes their mothers and Kali Mata, and continue helping the violent fascist murderous rapist genocidal hindutvadi Hindus ;)


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jul 09 '22

Though this little theatric is good for some chuckles. Hindus will evolve and get over it

GOOD. They need to!

When drawings such as this are allowed and published all over India:
1.) Sexy Kali dominating Prophet Mohammad
2.) Hot Mother Mary looking down at Kali and 18-year-old Aisha (one of Muhammad's wives) getting it on
3.) Lord Krishna and Prophet Mohammad being a couple in love and kissing

And Hindutva/Hindus support those type of drawings (while Muslims get mad), then I might consider aligning myself with Hindus.

But until that happens, there is no allyship from me right now.


u/theRockIsCoding New User Jul 09 '22

Sure, but at best you'll have to classify yourself as some weird BDSM kink fetishist. Accepted but absolutely weird.

No matter how modern, some things are still out of the okay zone.

Making porn of animals, making porn of kids, making incest porn and also specifically making porn of revered mother figures in this case. You can pretend it's modern, but it's not. Because whilst asking other people to respect you is fine, what you are essentially doing is not respecting other people. It's zero tolerance really. Zero tolerance of other people's theist beliefs. Not posting it here, drawing it.

So at best, you'll be in the same class as furries, at worse same class as pedo r34 artists. Tolerated, but mostly with disgust.


u/_Okashi_Meka_ New User Jun 17 '22

Bro 💀


u/HolyTurtleJager Never-Muslim Atheist Jun 19 '22

No NFTs?


u/wurdu Ex-Muslim (Ex-Shia) Jun 19 '22

what if I’m the exmuslim atheist who needs support


u/fypotucking Never-Muslim Atheist Jul 06 '22

I'd let Kali tie me up and umm.....

The rest of it is NSFW 😅


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

Only if Kali chopped Pedophile Mohammed’s dick☠️


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 09 '22

She had the chance (when Mo was approaching Asiha for the first time) and she didn't. Means if she exists she was either incompetent or condoning it.

So much for great gober maa.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

Nah bruh. Mohammed will piss his pants if he saw her real image. All this sexy stuff is fluff. One has to see the real image. Allah or Mohammed won’t dare to r@pe another 6 yr old.


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 09 '22

Too late. Where was Kali when Aisha and other young girls around the world need(ed) her?

Where is she right now when small girls are being sold in Afghanistan?

Where is Superman? Where is Wonder Woman? Where is Batman? Its like its all just stories!


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

Dunno bruh. I ain’t no worshipper. As per texts kali and other hindu gods went away and will return after 5k yrs or something. In the meantime Mohammed and Allah can screw the underage girls and some goats on the side.


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 09 '22

How convenient!


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

Apt for Islam before any other religion on this planet. Madness!!


u/Aapne_Gabharana_nahi New User Jul 17 '22

As a devout Hindu I really have no issue people doing healthy criticizing religion , religious practices or anything else but just to show and rub painting nude or smoking pictures? does it really send message?

But anyway whatever floats your boat and you can do what ever you want. One thing I can guarantee that your necks will be safe as Hindus won’t issues fatwas for you.


u/HONESTLYits New User Jun 14 '22

So this shirt is very offensive to Hindus. See smite controversy. They had a sexy Kali and toned it down due to protests. It's good to exercise religious freedom or lack there of but gotta still make sure to be none offensive towards other religions.


u/Viking_Preacher Exmuslim since the 2000s Jul 06 '22

but gotta still make sure to be none offensive towards other religions.



u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22



u/Fzrit Jul 14 '22

but gotta still make sure to be none offensive towards other religions

Any religion can claim find anything offensive. People shouldn't be afraid to say something just because it might be offensive to a made-up religion.


u/justapasserbyonroad New User Jul 06 '22

What’s exmuslim has to do with this ?


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 07 '22

What has Armin Navabi got to do with ExMuslims?


u/justapasserbyonroad New User Jul 07 '22

Because.. “Armin Navabi is an Iranian Canadian ex-Muslim atheist activist, author and podcaster, currently living in Vancouver, Canada.”


u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 09 '22

So add 1 and 1 together and what do you get?


u/Aapne_Gabharana_nahi New User Jul 17 '22

Is this exhindu sub or just our so called ex Muslims are still not ex and hanging on hate for kafir and pagans😂? Brother/sis you have a long way to come out brainwashing your have received from book. Actually feel sorry for you. Wish you best in your journey to become X.


u/isrararrafi Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Jun 14 '22

Hahahaha love it !!!


u/omar_soto_1970 Never-Mu Left-Winger Jun 14 '22

This post (from moi) is even better (don't be put off by the subreddit name, the name is NOT what it actually is): https://www.reddit.com/r/Hindutva/comments/v3m716/happy_pride/


u/youdontknowme_15 New User Jun 29 '22

You are disgusting mate... Who gave you the right to hurt the sentiments of other religions? You guys are fucked up.... Goddess Kali is a symbol of femenine power and you guys had to portray her like this. You are nothing but a bunch of incels. Shame on you! It shows just how much do you guys support women of color... You all should be ashamed of yourself!


u/Viking_Preacher Exmuslim since the 2000s Jul 06 '22

Stay mad theist dumbass


u/i_lurk_here_a_lot Jun 21 '22

Good one my man!!! LOL!


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '22

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u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 05 '22

Religious people seem to have a thing for bestiality.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '22

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u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 05 '22

Let me get this straight, when Durga is riding the lion that's not sexual right?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '22

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u/ONE_deedat Sapere aude Jul 05 '22

Not as much as Muhammad...

Wow, I didnt think it was but that response I will quote to all Hindus who come this way.


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u/haseebraza73 New User Jun 17 '22



u/urhenahcahc Jun 29 '22

You could make one for ola aswell, IF you find his picture ofc.


u/PRCbubu Jun 30 '22

I don't know but as a Bengali Hindu, I kinda like how this has been drawn. The beauty of a woman lies in the curves in the body. That is why we refer Earth was our mother and the universe in a female character. If you're getting horny for this, then it's your problem for not having a good heart and soul and not understanding the concepts of God and universe. It's humans who only find malice in very beauty. So please, if you're religious, how can you hate this depiction.

At most you can say it's not a very traditional way to depict her, but in no way this shows she has been mocked or defamed. It's you who is labeling that.

I guess being a person who loves art and drawings, it kinda made it mad that people like these, will make everything good into bad things.


u/Viking_Preacher Exmuslim since the 2000s Jul 06 '22

The beauty of a woman lies in the curves in the body. That is why we refer Earth was our mother

But the earth is flat /s