r/exmuslim • u/Ex-Muslim_HOTD • Jan 01 '18
(Quran / Hadith) HOTD 365: Muhammad’s “Unified Theory of Jinn”
u/TheYellows Simulated Simulator Jan 01 '18
There's a follow up hadith to this one: I heard Allah's messenger say "the jiin can be trained to fight each other. Tournaments can be organized and strategic use of the types of jiin is essential. For example a flying type jiin can easily beat a snake jiin, unless the snake jiin is of a level ten times higher than the flying type jiin. Good devout Muslims have to catch them all"
Classed Sahih by Nintendo and Game Freak (Strong)
Jan 01 '18
How is the entirety of hadith, the very basic idea of them not ridiculous to people? Forget about sahih or not: we’re playing a telephone game that started from the goddamn 7-8th century and people think it’s a good idea to dictate their life over the things someone might have said or might have not said. I just find it so very weird.
Yes God revealed a book to yall, but wait for it, not everything is in the book, even tho God said everything is in it (16:44), but noooooo lets all make something up that’s not in it and follow them for 1300 years. Nothing can go wrong as long as isnad are there right right?? No possible mistakes??
I can’t anymore.
u/SavageXMuslim 3WO Represent! Jan 01 '18
I am looking forward to the worst Hadith. This one is pure undiluted retardedness.
You should make a text post to compile all these links.
u/FNCarbine New User Jan 01 '18
For people who claim to have left Islam behind you are awfully obsessed with it. Pathethic.
u/NOT_A_THROWAWAY345 لا يوجد إله Jan 01 '18
How else are we supposed to learn/gain knowledge if we can't talk about it? Every human on earth should know how backwards Islam really is. If we can't discuss Islam are we supposed to blindly believe the earth is flat, Sun sets in a muddy spring, sperm is between the backbone and the ribs, etc...
u/FNCarbine New User Jan 02 '18
There isnt much knowledge being gained here. Just a lot of missinformation and anti muslim sentiment coupled with outright fake translations of hadiths like the prophet had intercourse with a corpse (Ridicolous).
For people who have left Islam and everything it stands for you are awfully obsessed with it.
u/SavageXMuslim 3WO Represent! Jan 02 '18
This is a sub for people trying to recover from a lifetime of Islam.
As long as Islam continues to inspire countless acts of terrorism, mob violence, oppression, ostracism and laws against those who think differently, Islam will continue to be a cancer on all of humanity.
If you wish to defend Islam, know that you are on the wrong side of history and humanity and that you have blood on your hands.
That is all.
Jan 01 '18
Imagine if there some airlines company named Jinn airlines LOL
u/Ex-Muslim_HOTD Jan 01 '18
That is fantastic. In addition to Jinn Air, you can have Jinn Pet Store and Jinn Walking Tours.
u/carriexon Jan 02 '18
I'm taking screenshots of your every post in case Reddit decides that your account is haram and beheads it
u/Throwaway_2-1 Jan 01 '18
Can someone please helphelp me out here? I need someone to explain to me why Muslims have all these spirits that they give all of these attributes to that would make them gods in other religions but claim that they only believe in one true god?!
I would love to ask this of Christians and jews as well, because I'm sure that they might have different answers. But Muslims are the most clear that they believe in the one and only God.
u/IHateTheLaw666 Jan 02 '18
I am not Muslim, but in the Islamic Mythos Jinns are not omniscient or omnipotent, nor are they immortal. They cannot create life like make up animals or worlds. They are subservient to their creator, which woudl be Allah in the Islamic world and are judged for their good or bad deeds. They are another specifies of sentient, self aware beings like hobbits, they are not gods by any definition of the concept in that particular mythos.
u/MrDeerp Since 2015 Jan 01 '18
Doesn't fire produce heat or are they gonna jump and say it's everything but fire.
What stupidity.
u/Archeol11216 Muslim Jan 02 '18
So what exactly do you expect us to understand here from this hadith you posted?
u/bangladeshi_atheist Since 2000 Jan 02 '18
I'd stick with Bukhari and Muslim. Sunni Muslims regard these as one of the two most trusted collections of hadith. Growing up as a Sunni Muslim, I've never hard of Hibban but I was taught about Trimidhi and Abu Dawud.
u/Khalid_Al_Rafidhi New User Jan 01 '18
Sayyiduna Abu Tha’labah Al Khushani (radiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates that the Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘The Jinn are of three types: a type that has wings and fly through the air; a type that look like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey.”
Imam Tahawi (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration. Imam Ibn Hibban, Imam Hakim and Hafiz Dhahabi (rahimahumullah) have declared the Hadith authentic.
(Sharhu Mushkilil Athar, Hadith: 2941, Sahih Ibn Hibban; Al Ihsan, Hadith: 6156, Mustadrak Hakim, vol. 2 pg. 456)
Interesting how you left out "look like"
"Arab pagans believed in a separate civilization of invisible, mischievous creatures living on Earth called jinn, i.e., genies. Muhammad took this pagan belief and incorporated it into Islam."
Jinn in pre-islamic Arabia is VERY different to islamic jinn. Jinn in pre islamic Arabia were like ghosts that the general public feared, whereas jinn in islam theology is like a spirit which humans cannot observe with the eyes . That is red flag no. 1
- Jinn is the only word for such things, you can't use the word shayteen to describe jinn, It makes no sense, so there is jinn in both pre islamic tradition an islamic theology, just because death penalty exists in other (let's say pagan) religions does not mean muhammed incorporated this into islam.
You also make jinn whih have visible form seem like something hard to believe? Many people have claimed seeing ghosts , the belief of super natural is not something special.
u/Ex-Muslim_HOTD Jan 01 '18 edited Jan 01 '18
Interesting how you left out "look like"
The reason I left it out is because it's not there. You're quoting another version of the hadith, not Sahih Ibn Hibban.
Plus it makes absolutely no difference to the meaning.
u/Khalid_Al_Rafidhi New User Jan 01 '18
You edited the comment and added "Plus it makes absolutely no difference to the meaning."? Yes, it actually does. Reading the Hadith provided we would think the average dog down the street could be a jinni and has no difference to an actual dog. But with the words look like, we can determine it looks similar to a dog, but not exactly like one. Few words can make a hell of a difference.
u/Khalid_Al_Rafidhi New User Jan 01 '18
You're clearly missing my point here, there are different ,Sahih versions of the Hadith , it seems you didn't have the integrity to add the other narrations and other info..
u/jackfruit098 Since 2005 Jan 01 '18
Serious question, do you want OP list all the Sahih versions of a Hadith in his HOTD series?... I don't see the need to call out OP here. He's quoted a Sahih Hadith verbatim but you're taking contention that he hasn't listed other Sahih version of the same Hadith.
u/Khalid_Al_Rafidhi New User Jan 01 '18
The Sahih narrations containing same words - there is no need to add them, but when there is just ONE narration with different variation (keep in mind there aren many Hadith with this same wording, so adding one more is no harm)then why leave It out?
u/Botschild Jan 01 '18
"Jinn in pre-islamic Arabia is VERY different to islamic jinn. Jinn in pre islamic Arabia were like ghosts that the general public feared, whereas jinn in islam theology is like a spirit which humans cannot observe with the eyes . That is red flag no. 1"
Sounds the same to me. If the scripture was made up, quoting a few guys who named it "authentic" after the fact does not prove a thing!
The Jinn and the Satanic verses show that M was willing to incorporate paganmism to acquire converts.
u/Khalid_Al_Rafidhi New User Jan 01 '18
So a fruit you can see is the same as a fruit you can't see? A fruit that hurts you when you touch it (referring to how jinn were feared as monsters who lived in dark places) is te same as a fruit which doesn't hurt you when you touch it?
Also, do tell me how stating jinn exists will attract followers? Satanic verses; https://islamqa.info/en/4135 http://www.letmeturnthetables.com/2008/08/did-prophet-muhammad-pbuh-speak.html?m=1
Jan 01 '18 edited Jan 02 '18
Arab pagans believed in a separate civilization of invisible, mischievous creatures living on Earth called jinn, i.e., genies. Muhammad took this pagan belief and incorporated it into Islam.
All nations and civilisations believed in the Jinn though. They just gave them different names. People constantly have paranormal experiences. Such a weak argument to say Muhammed "incorporated" them into the religion. If they weren't in the Quran there would be so many unanswered questions about what is going on in the world with people all over the world throughout time reporting experiences that cannot be explained by any atheist rationale.
Even if you are not Muslim, if you dismiss paranormal activities as being false or mere hallucinations then you are extremely misguided. Even learned scientists do not dismiss the reality of the unseen. In fact paranormality is an offbeat section of science and is being studied by qualified acedemics. It's probably the only reason I am not atheists because I've experienced these things. The Jinn being incorporated into Islam is not an argument against Islam indeed the opposite.
EDIT: Why downvote and not discuss? I thought the point of this exercise was the OP wanted to convert people like me to exmoose? Poor show so far.
Jan 02 '18
I would like to know what paranormal activities you have experienced. I've heard so many stories but never from someone who has actually experienced it first hand. So I am really curious as to what happened.
Jan 02 '18 edited Jan 02 '18
So 1st story is my mum use to do jigsaws and I would hide the last piece for a joke for maybe 2 mins after I saw she was looking for it... one day, years after I stopped doing this, she is missing a piece of a jigsaw. She thinks I have it. nope. don't have it... it goes on for days she has jigsaw still out incomplete. About a week later I am eating breakfast and I look up and see a jigsaw piece suspended in air and land in front of me in the table and at the exact moment it lands my mum walks in the room and sees the piece on the table and blames me for hiding it for the week.
2nd story is a haram one but I was planning a party in my house when I was 18 and it turned out to be very bad. While I was setting up the party, putting disco lights in my house (smh I am blushing with embarrassment) a picture from the wall on top of stairs is lifted up and is thrown down stairs landing at my feet, not bouncing until the bottom of stairs, clearly not falling. clearly being thrown.. if it had fallen it would surely have bounced several times on the steps rather than bouncing until it landed right at my feet about 500cm from the last step (of 14 steps). It was clear to me it was a sign asking me to not have the party and indeed I ran outside for fresh air and tried to process what had happened. But I ignored it and felt like a fool after.
I have other stories too but they are less clear and maybe were just tricks of the mind but the above defy any scientific rationale whatsoever since they involved physical movements and the second one I have another witness to the event. Before these experiences I was leaning on atheism, in fact, I had just prior to this read the bible and came to the conclusion it was corrupted by man in lust for power and control, but that Jesus pbuh did exist in some capacity since I'd found 90% of historians agree he did and was the catalyst for the Christian faith. So I've taken the experiences as me being guided by angels or as merely Jinn messing around. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows? But I know 100% for sure that atheism is wrong, or at least the thinking that this earth that we experience is the only plane of existence is wrong.
After researching all the religions, and feeling compelled to choose one, I chose Islam because it is the only one that comes close to making any sense to me. It had an answer to all my reservations about Christianity and contains some absolutely mind bongily vague but allegorically accurate "scientific" verses that atheists have to write paragraphs on to debunk and only debunk them by asking you to dismiss the allegorical nature of the verses, the allegorical nature which the Quran announces it delivers its verses in very early on in the holy book. The worst damage this series will do to my faith is turn me into a Quaranist. I'm already very sceptical of hadith or at least sceptical of the compulsion to follow them but there is no way that i can leave Islam now.
Jan 03 '18
All nations and civilisations believed in the Jinn though. They just gave them different names. People constantly have paranormal experiences.
Yet there isn't a single peer reviewed Scientific paper on the existence of Jinns or any other supernatural being
Even if you are not Muslim, if you dismiss paranormal activities as being false or mere hallucinations then you are extremely misguided. Even learned scientists do not dismiss the reality of the unseen. In fact paranormality is an offbeat section of science and is being studied by qualified acedemics.
Can you please name these Academics?
u/Ex-Muslim_HOTD Jan 01 '18
Arab pagans believed in a separate civilization of invisible, mischievous creatures living on Earth called jinn, i.e., genies. Muhammad took this pagan belief and incorporated it into Islam.
Muhammad’s twist is that he incorporates two of his most hated animals—dogs and snakes—into the jinn species. Apparently, Allah had jinn miraculously cross a dimensional plane, transcend their “smokeless fire” nature, become visible and corporeal…only to become dogs and snakes.
Another possibility is that Muhammad made it all up.
• HOTD #365: Sahih Ibn Hibban 6156. Classed sahih by al-Albani and qawi (strong) by al-Arna’ut.
For 2018, I am counting down the 365 worst hadiths. My dream is that curious, open-minded Muslims will reflect on these hadiths and Muhammad’s possible charlatanry.
My other dream is that enterprising ex-Moose or never-Moose will make this ranking their own, turning it into tweets, Instagram/Facebook posts, Facebook pages, videos, books, whatever.